Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 482: The Dog That Bereaved

Chapter 482: The Dog That Bereaved
The next day.

United States, Los Angeles Airport.

"What's the matter, are you tired from flying?" Wang Xiaoyuan and the others finally arrived in Los Angeles after an 11-hour flight.

When he was about to get off the plane, he found that Su Wei was blocking the door to get off the plane.

His whole body was in a large character shape, and he kept this posture for a long time before starting to walk down.

"No, it's just that the last time I came here, the feeling is completely different from this time." Su Wei came here last time to travel.

And this time, to put it bluntly, he came here to escape.

The last time I came here, I wanted to go back whenever I wanted.

If he really came here for revenge this time, he would not know that he would not be able to return to China until the Year of the Monkey.

"Are you going to tell your parents what happened this time?" Su Wei didn't tell Su Xiaoming the reason for coming here this time.

Wang Xiaoyuan saw Su Xiaoming and Zhang Guihua under the plane, and she planned to communicate with Su Wei in advance.

After all, if this matter is not settled, they will definitely be suspicious.

"Don't tell them, if you tell them, it will only make them worry in vain." Su Wei didn't intend to tell his parents the reason for going abroad.

After all, his wealth was not inherited.

His parents are just ordinary people.

If he told them about this, they would most likely persuade him that peace is the most important thing.

But Su Wei just didn't want peace to be the most important thing, and he didn't want to listen to their nagging, so he chose not to say anything.

"Yuanyuan, are you tired from flying? It's only been a few days and I'm flying to Los Angeles again." Zhang Guihua was sleeping last night when she received a call from Su Wei, saying that they would fly to Los Angeles this morning.

She and Su Xiaoming got up at six o'clock this morning.

Then, before the plane arrived, it was already waiting here at the airport.

After all, Wang Xiaoyuan is pregnant with her eldest grandson in her stomach.

"Ah Wei is going to do some business in the United States this time, so he may stay longer, so this Dragon Boat Festival will happen to be celebrated here." According to Su Wei's way of celebrating in his hometown, tomorrow is the big Dragon Boat Festival.

Moreover, the time spent in the United States this time, in Wang Xiaoyuan's heart, can range from a few years to decades.

After all, the person offended this time is really too big.

Although Wang Xiaoyuan's family is rich, their family has no access to this kind of family.

I didn't expect that the man I was looking for would fight to the death with him.

"It will take a long time here, and your father will be so happy." Zhang Guihua heard his son and daughter-in-law say that they will stay in Los Angeles for a long time.

She couldn't help but hit Su Xiaoming's arm hard.

Because Su Xiaoming has been very reluctant to leave Los Angeles recently.

Two days ago, he was still telling her that when Su Wei and the others finished their engagement, he would come over immediately.

"What's wrong with Dad? Is it so fun here? I don't even want to leave." After hearing what his mother said, Su Wei felt very strange.

Because of his father's English, he has basically mastered the seven apertures and six apertures, and knows nothing about the rest.

Is it possible to make friends in Los Angeles by gesticulating with two hands?
After all, if you are playing alone, no matter where it is, it is not fun.

"You don't know, your dad is here, he goes to play golf every day, and he is so happy that he doesn't want to leave." When Su Wei just returned to China, Su Xiaoming was quite bored.

At that time, Zhang Guihua and Su Xiaoming went to the supermarket when they were bored.

But since a few days ago, it was difficult for her to find someone else when she went to Su Xiaoming.

Every time, the only way to know what others are doing is to contact Su Xiaoming's bodyguards.

And only then did she know that it was Su Xiaoming who met some friends in Beverly, and made appointments to play golf every day.

"I didn't expect that there are so many golfers here in Los Angeles. Let's go back quickly. I will play golf with my friends later." Su Xiaoming was in Los Angeles at the beginning, and he really wanted to go back.

When I was walking a few days ago, I met a Chinese who also came from China.

The two of them were about the same age and chatted very happily, so they often made appointments for morning jogs together.

After a few days of contact, I found that both of them like golf.

Then the other party took Su Xiaoming to the golf club he joined.

Su Xiaoming met many Chinese and ethnic Chinese of the same age there, and they made appointments to play golf together every day.

"Playing golf is good, Dad, if you are free someday, take me there too." At the beginning, Su Wei was worried that his parents thought Los Angeles was boring.

Unexpectedly, Su Xiaoming met many friends through golf so quickly.

In this case, he felt at ease.

This made him interested in the sport of golf.

What kind of sport can make a person of his father's age so addicted.

"You take a rest today, and I will take you to my club tomorrow"

. . .

Residents along the Huangpu River today go to work as usual.

When passing the passenger terminal, I found something was missing.

After thinking about it, I realized that the Baihe yacht that had been parked at the pier was gone.

Originally, this incident was nothing, after all, the yacht must be running around.

But after the news that Su Wei's plane landed in the United States came out, the news spread quickly on the domestic Internet.

Because Su Wei was on the Internet before, it was quite high-profile.

And with his purchase of the largest yacht in Asia, his fame has been unparalleled for a while.

There are different opinions on the Internet about the fact that he was attacked this time.

Now the yacht left the Huangpu River, and the other person landed in the United States, so everyone speculated whether he had run away.

For the second generation he offended, it is even more legendary.

Those who knew the news thought that Su Wei was really forced to run away, so they kept this matter secret.

As a result, there are frequent gossips on the Internet, and most people have already regarded him as a bereaved dog who is in constant fear.

. . .


"Jianguo? Why are you here?" Not long after Fan Haichao returned home, the guard called and said that Zheng Jianguo had come.

He looked at the time, it was already past seven in the evening.

Knowing that if he is not allowed in, he will probably refuse to leave in the guard room.

When the time comes, it will be a joke for no reason.

I can only ask the secretary to invite him into the study.

"Haichao, you must help me with this matter this time." Zheng Jianguo came to find Fan Haichao because Fan Haichao was a classmate with him before.

The last time Zheng Ziyang wanted to chase Fan Wenqi, he was the one who told Fan Haichao.

Originally, he also wanted to give it a try, but who knew that Fan Haichao would be so easy.

"Sit down and talk, what's the matter? Isn't Ziyang's matter gone?" Fan Haichao has always looked down upon Zheng Jianguo.

After all, as Zheng Jianguo's classmate, he really knows him very well, knowing that he is a person with all five poisons.

But because of his father's relationship, he couldn't explain it clearly.

Who knew that Zheng Jianguo was so aggressive that he even told him last time that he hoped that Zheng Ziyang and Fan Wenqi would be together.

If it wasn't for Fan Haichao's plan to take advantage of Zheng Ziyang, he would have rejected him directly.

Now that he saw him coming to his door again, he just felt that Zheng Jianguo was really ignorant at all.

"Su Wei has now hid in Los Angeles. I called him today, but he beat me up. It seems that he doesn't intend to end this matter." Of course, Zheng Jianguo wanted to deal with Su Wei. .

After all, Su Wei is not an unknown person, if he does something, it may really hurt Zheng Ziyang.

But he had nothing to do with Su Wei.

After all, their old man can protect them, but it doesn't mean he can attack.

After much deliberation, Zheng Jianguo could only come to Fan Haichao.

"He may have just gone to Los Angeles for business. You call him. He has experienced the incident the day before yesterday, and his temper is normal." Fan Haichao really had nothing to say to Zheng Jianguo.

Su Wei at this time must have a bad temper.

In addition, based on his understanding of Zheng Jianguo, he knew that his attitude of speaking would definitely not work.

Su Wei may not have that kind of thought, but if he meets Zheng Jianguo, it might be true.

"It's really not my overthinking, Hai Chao, this Su Wei, he is really a ticking time bomb." Although Fan Haichao said, that Su Wei just lost his temper.

But Zheng Jianguo could feel that Su Wei's words were firm at that time.

Fan Haichao could act as if nothing happened, but he couldn't.

Because of this matter, it is related to the safety of his son.

"You say he is a time bomb, so what do you think you should do to rest assured?" Fan Haichao also lost his temper when he heard Zheng Jianguo's words.

After all, what he was afraid of was Zheng Jianguo's father's poor health.

I really thought he was a classmate with him, so he would help him.

"What to do, of course, we must get him back to the country, as long as we get him back to the country, everything will be fine." Zheng Jianguo didn't know whether he was pretending to be stupid, or he really didn't understand what Fan Haichao said.

Zheng Jianguo had already thought about how to deal with Su Wei in this way.

That is to bring Su Wei back to China.

Because as long as he returns to China, Su Wei will have scruples in doing things.

"Then what if he doesn't return to China? What are you going to do?" Fan Haichao thought that Zheng Jianguo really had a good idea.

He had already asked his brother-in-law to do the matter of letting Su Wei return to China.

Because he suddenly discovered that there was something wrong with the relationship between Fan Wenqi and Su Wei.

If she is asked to do this, she must be a slave.

"If he doesn't return to China, all his assets will be frozen. I don't believe he is willing to give up so many assets."

. . . . . .

"Ke Ke, thank you for coming to Los Angeles with me." This time Chen Lu came to Los Angeles, not alone, Lan Ke also came.

Chen Lu was still flustered at first, but having Lan Ke by her side made her feel much more at ease.

One is because she is not familiar with the place, and the other is that her English is very poor, and communication is a bit difficult.

"I don't have anything to do now, so I'll just come here with you. I'm worried about you being here alone." Of course, the main reason why Lan Ke came to Los Angeles this time was because he was worried about Chen Lu.

After all, Chen Lu is now a pregnant woman, so it is inconvenient to do anything.

The second reason is that she wants to come to America for a while.

"There's nothing to worry about, isn't Ah Wei also here?" When Chen Lu spoke, she had already seen Su Wei.

I haven't seen him for more than a month, and he looks even more handsome.

Originally, she was a little flustered, but the moment she saw Su Wei, her heart stopped panicking.

"He's so busy, you still count on him." Lan Ke also saw Su Wei, and when her best friend said to rely on him in the future, she shook her head inwardly.

Because Su Wei usually wanders around, he didn't know to come to Qiantang to find Chen Lu.

If he hadn't brought Chen Lu to Los Angeles this time, she would definitely stop Chen Lu from coming this time.

"Why, what are you talking about me, I heard you gossip from a long distance away." When Su Wei saw Lan Ke coming over, he had an unfriendly expression on him.

Knowing that when she just came here, she definitely didn't say anything good about him.

Su Wei came here this time without Zhang Ruoyu, but with a few bodyguards.

"You're just a gossip, we're here this time, where are you going to arrange for us?" Lan Ke asked this question, in fact, he wanted to ask Su Wei if Chen Lu could enter the room.

After all, she was almost five months pregnant now, and this time she fled overseas with him.

Lan Ke felt that as a best friend, she should meet his parents anyway.

"How about living in Beverly Hills, the view of that house is superb, you will definitely like it when you get there." Su Wei arranged for Chen Lu to live in his parents' house this time.

Because he told his parents about it before he came today.

Although Zhang Guihua and Su Xiaoming looked unhappy, they didn't say much.

It's just that while Chen Lu lives in Beverly Hills, Su Wei's parents will move to live with Su Wei in a few days.

After all, if Wang Xiaoyuan knew that they lived under the same roof in the future, she would definitely be unhappy.

Su Wei also promised them that he would arrange her to go somewhere else as soon as possible.

"Actually, it doesn't matter where I live, as long as I can be with you, I am satisfied." Chen Lu really doesn't care where she lives.

Because she knew that Su Wei was here, she would definitely arrange everything for her.

When talking, she stretched out her hand like Su Wei wanted to hug.

"That's enough of you, I'm still here." Seeing this scene, Lan Ke pretended to be embarrassed.

In fact, in her heart, she was secretly happy for her best friend.

At first, she thought that Chen Lu's character of not fighting or grabbing was not good.

Now that she saw Su Wei's appearance, she realized that this was what Su Wei did.

"Let's go, the car is already waiting below." At this moment, Su Wei saw someone next to him, taking pictures with his mobile phone.

I know the airport is here, so I can't stay here for long.

"Ma'am, you can't take pictures here." Liu Qiang and his bodyguards don't speak English very well.

So now the people who chased away and took pictures in the past were Su Wei's people from the American security company.

His security company in the United States is now operating normally.

The only bad thing is that the gun license has not yet been obtained.

"Why can't we take pictures? There is no law in the United States that says we can't take pictures." Liu Yue didn't expect her to come to the airport to pick up people this time, and she saw Su Wei.

As the hottest person on the Internet right now, of course Liu Yue wanted to take a picture of him.

Who knew that she was about to take a picture, but she was stopped by the bodyguard.

"Ma'am, we're not impolite when you're like this." Su Wei's bodyguards in the United States were basically from special forces and FBI teams.

They didn't intend to be polite at all to these people disturbing their boss.

If the other party gets closer to take pictures, they plan to show them some color.

"You're so stingy, hey, Su Wei, we're from China, can we take a photo together?" Seeing how tough the bodyguards were, Liu Yue didn't dare to force her.

After all, if she could be unreasonable in China, it was because the other party beat her up at most.

But if you are unreasonable abroad, you may be shot to death.

Therefore, people like them who have gone abroad like to be reasonable outside, and they can listen to advice.

"Awei, she wants to take a photo with you, does she know you?" Chen Lu usually surfs the Internet, but she doesn't read this kind of gossip.

So she didn't know that Su Wei was super popular on the Internet.

Seeing that person wanted to take a photo with Su Wei, I thought they knew each other.

"How could I know them? Don't worry about such people, let's go, get in the car." Su Wei opened the rear door of the Rolls Royce, and let Chen Lu sit in.

He didn't have a good impression of these impolite candid photographers.

Moreover, they called his name in public, which directly reduced his favor towards them to a negative number.

"This Su Wei really doesn't give face, he doesn't even want to take a picture together" Liu Yue didn't expect this Su Wei to be so shameless.

Feeling that he lost face in front of his friends, after Su Wei left, he started to complain about him.

When Su Wei was here, she really didn't have the courage.

"Pretending to be like this in front of us, isn't it because someone kicked him out of the country and has the ability to deal with that second generation?" Liu Yue's friend is her good friend in San Francisco.

Although she is in the United States, like Liu Yue, she is also an expert in surfing the Internet.

Regarding what happened on the domestic Internet, she was even more explicit about it.

"That's right, it's just a lost dog"

(End of this chapter)

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