Chapter 483
New Zealand, Wellington.

"Brother, we have been at home for more than a week, can we go out today?" Xu Jinzhi and the others have been in Wellington for more than a week.

They have never left these houses since the first day they got off the plane.

Although the Xu family is here, they bought three large villas that are close together.

But every day in the courtyards of these three villas, everyone couldn't bear it.

"Today should be almost the same, but you still have to be careful when you go out." Xu Jinguang didn't let them go out before, of course for the sake of safety.

After all, it wasn't long before Su Weicai had an accident, so what if he retaliated against them.

After waiting for more than a week now, Xu Jinguang thinks it should be almost done.

"Brother, I think you are still too cautious. Didn't our people in Los Angeles also say that Su Wei is now playing golf every day, and he was scared and hid abroad. He must have no guts to retaliate against us." Although Su Wei It's in Los Angeles, they're in Wellington.

But there are so many Chinese in Los Angeles, so it's not that difficult to get Su Wei's whereabouts as long as you spend money.

And this time when Su Wei ran to Los Angeles, everyone said that he had escaped.

So in Xu Jinzhi's heart, he was not as afraid of him as before.

After all, Su Wei is already like them, also a bereaved dog, how could he take revenge on them.

"It's right to be careful, big brother, it's for our own good. After all, Su Wei is not a good person, as can be seen from the incident with the Yang family in Shanghai." Xu Jinhui strongly agrees with Xu Jinguang not letting everyone go out of.

After all, Su Wei had really dealt too hard with the Yang family in the demon city before.

Now it's just a few days not to go out, Xu Jinhui doesn't think there is any problem.

"The third brother is right, this Su Wei is not a good person, we still have to be careful.

Xiaomeng, seeing that you have been depressed these days, go shopping today." Xu Jinguang has aged a lot in just a few days.

The main reason is that the old horse took his money, but things didn't go well.

Now he can only be forced to hide in Wellington's house, not even daring to leave the house.

I think he was the chairman worth tens of billions two months ago.

It's just that in such a short time in the past, he has become a bereaved dog who hides around.

Compared with Su Wei, their Xu family is actually a little bit worse.

After all, Su Wei could play golf every day, but they didn't even dare to leave the house, so they could only ask the nanny to buy vegetables every day.

"Dad, didn't you say that you just planned to teach Su Wei a lesson? Why did you send someone to kill him?" Xu Meng began to tell her that "the man behind the scenes" was Su Wei's business, and when her family knew about it .

She was very angry at the time, so she wanted to take revenge on Su Wei.

But she really didn't expect that her family would want to kill Su Wei.

If she had known about such a situation at that time, she would rather not have known the news at all.

"Teach him a lesson? Our huge Xu Group was swallowed up by him. I can't swallow this breath without killing him." Xu Jinzhi was very angry when he heard his niece say this.

After all, their family used to be a company worth tens of billions, and they were the super rich that everyone envied.

But now the combined assets of his eldest brother and third brother are only a few hundred million.

More importantly, here he himself has no money at all.

After all, when the company was there before, he spent a lot of money because he felt that he had the backing, so he didn't save any money.

"Xiaomeng, I didn't say you. It was you who told us that Su Wei was the mastermind behind the scenes. Now you are so soft-hearted." Xu Jinguang was very disappointed with Xu Meng's performance.

I feel that my daughter has been dazzled by love.

Su Wei devoured all of their family's group.

Now she actually feels that Su Wei's life is more important than tens of billions.

If Xu Meng could switch to Xu Group, Xu Jinguang would replace her without hesitation.

"Don't be like this, Xiaomeng is a child who grew up in a greenhouse after all, it's normal that he can't accept this kind of thing." Xu Jinhui saw his eldest brother and fourth brother getting angry, so he hurried forward to stop him.

Xu Meng was born in the 90s, when their family had already started to make a fortune.

Children who grow up in such an environment are indeed flowers in the greenhouse.

"I didn't think about this matter. I promise I won't do it in the future. Then I'll take them to the mall now." Seeing her father and uncle, Xu Meng was very dissatisfied with herself.

Knowing what she said just now, they have already annoyed them.

After all, his family's group was swallowed up by Su Wei.

They have opinions on him, and she can understand.

It's just that she herself can't accept that her family members will commit crimes.

"Go, stay safe"

. . . . . .

Los Angeles, USA.

"How about it, the houses I showed you are all right?" Fiong took out his tablet and showed Chen Lu and Lan Ke the houses she recommended.

She received a call from her cousin Lan Ke two days ago, saying that she and her best friend came to Los Angeles.

And she mentioned at the time that her best friend will settle here in the future.

So when Fiong came to find them today, they started chatting about the house.

"Cousin, the house up here is really nice, but isn't it too small? Besides, it feels like digging a swimming pool in the backyard will leave little space." Many of Lan Ke's relatives work hard in Los Angeles.

Because she and Chen Lu were bored, she wanted to talk to her cousin, a Los Angeles expert, and ask her to introduce some places to play.

Who knew that after she came, she would start chatting about houses with them.

Chen Lu didn't know if she liked Lan Ke or not, but she was super interested in the house her cousin introduced.

It's just that she is not very satisfied with the land occupied by those houses. She feels that there will be no space for digging a swimming pool in the backyard.

"The houses in Irvine are like this, because the supporting facilities in the community are relatively good, so many people don't even install swimming pools in their homes. Lulu, you just came to the United States, so it's normal for you to understand, and now the new house in Irvine , but many people robbed it, if you don’t act quickly, it will be gone soon.” Fiong’s main purpose of coming here this time is to introduce the house.

Because these people can hardly find other jobs abroad.

The low-end is working in a Chinese restaurant, and the better one is working as an intermediary for selling houses and cars.

The real elites basically stay in Northern California or New York.

"But I still like a bigger place. At least there should be a swimming pool at home, and Irvine is too far away from Beverly and not near the sea, so I still don't like it." Chen Lu wanted to buy a house this time because she knew that she would The house I live in now is not a place where I can stay for a long time.

Anyway, she still holds tens of millions in her hand, so buying a house is not a problem.

For the Irvine introduced by Fiong, she doesn't like Chen Lu at all.

Because Su Wei lives in Bel Air, it takes more than an hour to go to Irvine.

Moreover, Chen Lu grew up in Qiantang, so she was used to the climate there.

In a desert city like Los Angeles, the air is too dry for her.

So if she buys a house, she wants to move to the seaside, so that the air will be more humid.

"If you want to be close to the sea and have a large area, then you can choose Xingang, but the price may be much more expensive." Although Fiong mainly sells in Irvine, she also has a lot of listings in several nearby cities.

Chen Lu wanted a city near the sea, and her first reaction was Xingang.

It just so happens that in her hands, there are several houses in Xingang that can see the sea.

It's just that the price may be much more expensive than Bill Bay.

"The price is not the problem, the main thing is where is Xingang? I have never heard of this city." Lan Ke didn't know that Chen Lu planned to pay for the house this time.

I thought that Su Wei let Chen Lu see the house this time.

Leaning on Su Wei's thigh, of course it is to see the top house.

"Irvine, you already know its location, and Newport Beach is next to it. The Irvine family lives in Newport." The city of Irvine does not belong to the US government.

In the earliest days, it was a ranch for the Irvine family to raise cattle.

Later, they divided a whole piece of land into pieces and sold them to different real estate developers, forming the current city of Irvine.

What Fiong meant by saying this was to tell Chen Lu that people as rich as the Irvine family live in Xingang, so one can imagine how rich Xingang is.

"Ding Ding Ding"

"Ke Ke, Ah Wei is already at the door, he told us to go out, he wants to take us somewhere" Chen Lu heard that the house in Xingang is so good, she took the tablet and started to look.

At this moment, her phone rang, and it was Su Wei calling.

It turned out that he had finished playing golf, and now he was going to take her to a place.

"Why don't you and Su Wei go, I think the houses recommended by my cousin are not bad, I plan to go and have a look." Lan Ke came here this time, originally thinking whether Su Wei would touch her.

Who knew that after she had been here for more than a week, Su Wei actually stopped touching her.

He completely treated her as Chen Lu's best friend, and had no intention of flirting with her at all.

Only then did Lan Ke realize that it was impossible for Su Wei to touch her again.

In this case, she will not disturb the world of Su Wei and Chen Lu.

"Well, when you come back at night, share those houses with me"

. . . . . .

"Awei, are you tired from playing today? You've been darkening a lot lately." Su Wei's skin was quite fair before.

After all, he seldom goes out during the day, and even if he does, he seldom basks in the sun.

But during this period of time, Su Wei really became much darker visible to the naked eye.

"No way, the summer here in Los Angeles is too hot, golfing is unavoidable, by the way, why don't Lan Ke go?" Su Wei has become very addicted to this sport since he went to play golf with his father once.

He used to wear T-shirts and shorts, but now he wears trousers and shirts.

And Su Wei didn't wear a hat before.

Now I know why I wear a hat when playing golf, because it is too hot.

If you don't wear a hat in the sun, you can't even hit the ball with your swing.

"Lan Ke's cousin came here today. She is here to do real estate. I am not interested in the house she recommended, but Lan Ke seems to be interested. Now I follow her to see the house." Chen Lu wanted to buy a house. In fact, it was revealed to Su Wei.

But Su Wei didn't know if he didn't understand, or he didn't want her to buy a house.

She didn't say anything about her hints.

Since Su Wei didn't want her to buy a house, of course she didn't want to say that she was interested in the sea view house in Xingang.

"Then the houses she recommended should be places like Irvine and Arcadia." Su Wei didn't know much about these real estate sales.

The houses they recommend are basically houses in the Chinese district.

It's not that the houses here are not good, but that the houses here are all the same.

And as long as there are enough Chinese in a place, the housing prices in that place will skyrocket.

"Almost, where are we going now?" Chen Lu could tell that Su Wei didn't seem to like these real estate sales in the United States.

In that case, she didn't want to continue chatting with him.

After all, Fiong is Lan Ke's cousin, not her cousin.

"Didn't I tell you before that I want to give you a surprise? Look at the house in front of you, do you like it or not?" Su Wei has been helping Chen Lu find a house recently except for playing golf.

After all, that house in Beverly was where his parents lived.

It is definitely impossible for Chen Lu to live there all the time.

When Su Wei was looking for a house this time, he was looking for a foreigner intermediary.

Because of those Chinese intermediaries, their resources are basically only in the Chinese district.

"Why? You won't tell me that the surprise is this house, right?" Chen Lu saw the majestic door in front of her, and already guessed the purpose of Su Wei's bringing her here.

She thought Su Wei didn't care about her feelings at all.

It turned out that without her knowing, she had secretly watched the house.

"You guessed right, let's go in and see how this house is, don't you like sea view, this house is a sea view house" Su Wei took Chen Lu to see this house, he planned to give this house to Chen Lu of.

He is not a fool, how could he not know Chen Lu's hint.

Originally, his idea was to find her a house in the Platinum Triangle.

But unexpectedly, Chen Lu felt that the air was still too dry there, so Su Wei finally set his goal on Malibu.

"Wow, the yard of this house is so big. This is a small manor. There is a rose garden on the left and a tennis court on the right." After the iron gate was opened by the servant, the car drove in.

Only then did Chen Lu realize how barren her imagination was.

Because the front yard of this house feels like a small park.

Even when she was in the car, she could see the fountain, the rose garden, and a huge empty lawn, as well as a full-size tennis court.

"Are you surprised? This is just the front yard. The real surprise is the backyard here. Come and take a look." Su Wei saw that Chen Lu liked it, and felt that his more than 3000 million US dollars was not in vain.

This house is so expensive because of its location, school district, and great views.

Americans, like Chinese people, also look at these three things when buying a house.

"The sea view is amazing, isn't it, Ah Wei, is there a beach in front? Why is there no one?" Chen Lu was taken directly to the backyard by Su Wei from the front hall.

The back yard is much smaller than the front yard.

But its area, after a rough look, will not be less than 8000 feet.

Except for a huge swimming pool, the backyard is full of flat lawns.

Of course, these things were impossible for Chen Lu to impress her.

What really moved her was the view of the Pacific Ocean that was completely unobstructed in front of her.

And there is a path in the back garden, which can directly lead to the beach below, but there are no people on this beach.

"The beach below here is exclusive to more than a dozen families here. How about it, do you like this place?" More than 3000 million US dollars, that is a lot of money.

This sea view room is worth so much money because it has a good view and can see the Pacific Ocean unobstructed.

And with more than ten neighbors, enjoy these two miles of sandy beach exclusively.

"I like it so much. This house is like my dream house. I want to go around." It was the first time Chen Lu saw such a perfect house.

Not only the landscape is good, but the interior design of the house is also very good.

After seeing this house, she realized how much rich Americans really enjoy.

"Ding Ding Ding"

"Then take a look at it yourself first, and I'll come to you after I answer the phone.

Xiao Zhang, how is things going?" Su Wei originally planned to accompany Chen Lu around, but Zhang Ruoyu called at this time.

He could only let Chen Lu go to see it by himself first, and he would go to her later.

Because Zhang Ruoyu's place here is related to his pocketbook.

"Boss Su, the properties in our hands cannot be sold at all. I heard that they are restricted from trading." Zhang Ruoyu has never been idle during this time.

When Su Wei was sweating profusely on the court, she had been trying to sell Su Wei's property.

There are many interested buyers, because Su Wei's properties are directly discounted by [-]% this time.

But as long as they are interested buyers, they will not be talking about business with them the next day.

Zhang Ruoyu only learned from her father that Su Wei's properties were restricted from trading.

"Restrict transactions? How much money can we use now?" Don't look at Su Wei, who has been playing golf and looking for a house during this time.

But that's because he has been tightening his funds.

After all, if he takes revenge, it is very likely that he will not be able to return to China for several years.

It's just that he didn't expect that Zheng Jianguo could really prevent his property from being sold.

"Now the sum of seven, seven, eight, eight, eight, and eight is about 20 billion U.S. dollars." Most of Su Wei's funds are now in ICBC.

The 20 billion US dollars was earned by him swallowing the Yang Group.

If it weren't for this vote, Su Wei would really have no money now.

"Only 20 billion US dollars? That's enough, the plan can start"

 I didn't plan to end this book unfinished, so I didn't understand what those who reported it were thinking.

  Really annoying.

(End of this chapter)

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