Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 484 Action Begins

Chapter 484 Action Begins

Golf is a sport that is considered a luxury in China.

After all, it costs at least a few hundred yuan to play once, and several times a month, the venue fee alone costs tens of thousands of yuan a year.

And if you want to be good at technique, you must end up frequently.

Since you are often off the field, it is impossible to rent poles every time.

Golf clubs are divided into woods, irons, and putters. You can bring up to 14 clubs into the venue.

The cheapest pole is only a few hundred yuan, so the hand feel is definitely not very good.

A slightly better pole will cost thousands to several thousand, and that set of clubs will cost tens of thousands of yuan.

People who don't have any money will definitely not be able to play this sport.

So the former Su Wei sneered at this sport.

But during this time he seemed bored and started playing golf with his dad.

It wasn't until he actually started playing himself that he realized that golf is indeed addictive.

"Beautiful, Su, your fourth swing is very good. As long as you keep the last swing in good condition, you will be able to hit a standard ball." Mike is a professional coach of the golf club. He started teaching Su a month ago. Wei as a guide.

Other coaches basically teach in the practice field.

But after Su Wei learned how to swing the ball for two days, he felt that he was almost done and started off the court, and he had to be accompanied by the coach the whole time.

Mike has earned at least tens of thousands of dollars from Su Wei for more than a month.

"It's still a bit difficult to advance in this position. Hey, I didn't make it." Since Su Wei started playing golf, he has come to play every day regardless of the weather.

Los Angeles is a desert area, and it rarely rains, so that is an exaggeration.

Looking at the hole in front of him, he found that the angle was not very good, and he was not very sure.

Sure enough, when swinging the fifth shot, the ball slid directly past the edge of the hole.

It was the sixth shot that really put the ball in the hole.

"Mr. Su, you have a call. It's from President Huang from Shanghai." When Su Wei played, there were not only coaches and caddies.

Zhang Ruoyu's words were followed every day.

President Huang's call actually came a long time ago.

But she saw that Su Wei hadn't scored yet, so she waited until the par-five hole was finished before handing over the phone.

"Old Huang? What can he do with me? Give me the phone.

Hey, what do you want me to do, Lao Huang? "Su Wei was quite surprised when he heard that President Huang was looking for him.

Because although his money is in the bank, President Huang still has relatively few contacts with him.

After all, he was almost fifty, while Su Wei was only in his twenties.

The difference between the two is more than 20 years old, and the generation gap between them is very deep.

"Boss Su, why can't I ask you for something? After all, our relationship is here." President Huang is looking for Su Wei this time, of course he is looking for something to do with him.

It's just that he didn't expect that when he got through the phone, Assistant Su Wei would hang him there for several minutes.

But Su Wei is the bank's largest customer, so he can't say anything.

And he had something to do with Su Wei today.

"President Huang said this, if you really have a good relationship with me, then just return the 1000 billion I deposited in the bank to me." When Su Wei sold the property this time, he told President Huang that he wanted to withdraw the fixed-term money in advance. come out.

But the result is of course without a doubt that he can't withdraw that money at all.

Although President Huang said very well, he can take it as soon as it expires.

But everyone is not a child anymore, and everyone knows that there must be conditions.

"Boss Su, what you said is that I can still be greedy for this money. As long as you return to China, I don't mind if you take the two sums of money immediately after the fixed time is up." It's hypocritical to say the least.

But when he said this now, he was really not joking.

Because as long as Su Wei is willing to return to China now, and then stay for two years honestly, he can take the money as he pleases.

Compared with this money, Zheng Ziyang's grandfather's health is more important.

Another meaning is that if Su Wei insists on not coming back, he won't even be able to take away a dime of the money.

"I'm not going back to China. It seems that the Zheng family is really afraid. I've been out for more than a month, and they still don't trust me." Su Wei has been playing golf every day for more than a month, and he is really more interested in this sport. addicted.

After all golf, also known as green opium.

But the most important reason is to paralyze the Zheng family.

Because as long as Zheng Ziyang doesn't go out, Su Wei actually has nothing to do with him.

After all, the place he lives in can be said to be the safest place in the country.

"Boss Su, you are Wen Qi's friend, so it's okay if I call you Xiao Su, I'm calling you at this point because I don't want to use my official identity to chat with you.

You have cashed out 150 billion this time, and then you want to sell all your domestic assets. Although you did play golf for a month, it is impossible for the Zheng family to trust you and will let go of their hatred." All funds were remitted to JPMorgan Chase.

Then, at a 5% discount, it plans to sell all its properties in the country.

It would be really strange if the Zheng family believed that he would let go of their hatred.

Because Su Wei's action was completely as if he was planning to fight with his back.

But the more Su Wei was like this, the more afraid he was of the Zheng family.

"Then President Huang, you know about my situation, so what are you trying to do when you call now? Could it be that you want me to let go of my hatred?" Su Wei saw that President Huang had made it clear, so he didn't intend to hide it.

After all, with his personality, he really couldn't pretend to be weak.

The public opinion on the Internet this time actually pissed Su Wei off to death.

He didn't expect that he was planning to go abroad for revenge, but he was described as a bereaved dog on the Internet.

"Xiao Su, you must know who my brother-in-law is. My brother-in-law said that as long as you come back, Zheng Ziyang will never trouble you again." President Huang will call Su Wei this time, and he also received his brother-in-law's entrustment.

And with his brother-in-law as a guarantee, Zheng Ziyang will definitely not dare to trouble Su Wei in the future.

So President Huang felt that as long as he told Su Wei about this matter, he would definitely agree.

After all, Su Wei himself was not injured in any way.

"I'm still worried about leaving my fate to others. I think I can handle my own affairs, so I won't bother you."

. . . . . .


"How, what does Su Wei say?" Fan Haichao asked his brother-in-law to come out this time, just to threaten Su Wei with the 1000 billion or so.

After all, such a large sum of money, plus his promise.

As long as Su Wei is smart, he should know how to choose.

"He still refused to come back, and he didn't hide the matter of revenge at all." President Huang said from the bottom of his heart, he still admires Su Wei very much.

Because Su Wei was able to get rid of the more than 1000 billion for revenge.

If it was him, he would never be able to do it.

Not to mention 1 billion, even 000 billion, it is impossible for him to make the same choice as Su Wei.

"Young people nowadays are so stubborn. If he really takes action, then do as we say. If he is really abroad, I have nothing to do with him." This time Fan Haichao asked Su Wei to Staying in China for two years is actually asking him to wait another two years to start.

Because as long as two years later, Su Wei will do it again, in fact, it will not affect him at all.

But if Su Wei must do it now, he won't spoil him.

After all, if he gets angry, even if Su Wei is abroad, his life will definitely be miserable.

"Brother-in-law, why don't we let Wen Qi persuade her, after all, she is more familiar with Su Wei?" These capable second generations in China are actually very uncomfortable with Zheng Ziyang.

And not only Zheng Ziyang, but even his father Zeng Jianguo couldn't get used to it.

If they hadn't been blocked by the old man, they would have been in prison for 800 years.

"The child has been a little unwell recently. I'll ask her to persuade Su Wei when she feels better." This time, Fan Haichao will find his brother-in-law because Fan Wenqi is a little unwell.

But this child is not feeling well, and he is only willing to go to his own hospital for examination.

I thought about going to her room to see her later, to see if she was in a better state of mind.

"Brother-in-law, you are looking for me if you need it"

. . . . . .

Los Angeles.

"Awei, you are back, hurry up and wash your hands and eat." Wang Xiaoyuan's period of time was really the most satisfying time she had ever spent with Su Wei.

Although they can't go back to China, Su Wei goes home almost every day.

And since he started playing golf, he wakes up early every morning.

If she lived like this for decades, she felt that such a life would not be bad.

"Is the little guy being naughty today? Let me listen and see if he misses Dad. Oh, he kicked me." After Su Wei came out of the garage, he put down his ball bag and went to Wang Xiaoyuan's side.

Now Wang Xiaoyuan has been pregnant for 6 months, and the little guy in her stomach is already making noise.

He put his ear on Wang Xiaoyuan's stomach, wanting to hear if the little guy was sleeping.

Unexpectedly, he was kicked by the little guy just after his ears were attached.

"It's right to kick you. Tiantian and your dad both know how to play. Their skills are not very good, and there are really a lot of clubs." Chen Lu has moved out of Beverly now, but Zhang Guihua and Su Xiaoming still live here .

For Zhang Guihua, she mainly wanted to take care of Wang Xiaoyuan nearby.

Although there are several aunts in the family, she feels that she is better here.

As for Su Xiaoming not going back, it was because he went to the stadium with Su Wei every morning during this time.

Zhang Guihua disgusted the two of them terribly.

Because the skills of the two of them are not very good, but each of them bought dozens of clubs.

They also took two rooms specially to put their clubs.

"My skills are much better than Weiwei's. I shot 99 today." A standard golf course has 18 holes.

Divided into four par-10 holes, four par-[-] holes, and [-] par-[-] holes.

The standard score is to score 72 goals in 18.

But no one can perform so well and play perfectly every time.

Especially playing a full par 18 hole may take several hours.

So Su Xiaoming said that he only spent 99 shots today to enter the 18th hole, which is already considered an entry point.

"Dad, you are lucky. When I give you a [-] in a while, you will know that this thing needs talent." Su Wei played for more than a month.

His current technique is about 110 strokes.

If you want to break through 100, you need time to grind.

As for the 70 strokes he said, it is basically an impossible task.

Because even professional players can't reach 70+ every time.

"Ah Wei, don't brag. Dad can finish 99 holes with 18 strokes, which is already very good. Like my dad, he is still at 100+ level." These domestic bosses basically know how to play golf.

Because playing golf is already considered a kind of social interaction in China.

It's just that Wang Xiaoyuan's father doesn't have that much time, so he can come to practice skills every day.

"You don't believe it, right? Wait a month and see, I guarantee you will be surprised." Su Wei started to walk upstairs after saying this.

Because when he came back today, he actually had something more important to do.

Otherwise, most of the time, he would come back in the afternoon.

"Why are you going? It's time to eat." Zhang Guihua is at home, and the meal time is relatively regular.

Breakfast at 12:30 am, lunch at [-]:[-] noon, and dinner at [-] pm.

Now seeing Su Wei going upstairs, she hurriedly asked him to come down for dinner.

"I have something to deal with in the office, Xiaozhang just bring me in."

. . .

"Boss Su, are you not nervous at all today?" Zhang Ruoyu and Su Wei had been waiting in the study for more than three hours.

And during this time, she has been a little restless.

It wasn't that she was afraid of the outcome of this matter, but that she was afraid that the action would not succeed.

"What's there to be nervous about? Isn't this something guaranteed to succeed?" Su Wei looked at the scenery by the window, not worried at all.

Because the people he hired this time were all professionals.

Although the fee is high, as long as it can be successful, it will be a perfect ending.

"That's true, but if they can't take revenge on Mr. Su, will they find innocent people?" As long as this matter succeeds, Zhang Ruoyu will definitely be the same as Su Wei, unable to go back to China.

But she still has family in China.

Moreover, Su Wei has so many girlfriends in China.

Isn't he worried about their safety at all?

"They dare not, after all, as long as I live, it is a deterrent."

. . . . . .


"Young Master Zheng, these two girls are so good, who do you want to take away tonight?" Liao Yong only recently flattered Zheng Ziyang.

Every night, he would introduce a few top-quality girls to Zheng Ziyang.

Today is no exception, among the two beauties this time, one of them is a blond-haired foreign girl.

"You also know that these two girls are so top-notch, so of course I want both." Zheng Ziyang, as a second generation, of course has ridden a big ocean horse.

And there are not a few big ocean horses he rides.

But the big ocean horse he saw today is the best of the best.

He had already begun to imagine how heroic he would be on the bed at night.

"Young Master Zheng, you are so greedy. If you choose the two of us, then the two of us will not let you go tonight." One of the college girls came here, and it was Liao Yong who spent 5000 yuan.

Originally, she was a little upset when she saw that it was the two of them who were accompanying one person.

But when he found out that this Zheng Ziyang was the second generation who forced Su Wei to leave the country.

She has already started to think about how to curry favor with him.

The only bad thing is that he seems to like that foreign girl more.

"I don't know how to release water." This blond girl can also speak a few words of Chinese.

She already knew that this Zheng Ziyang was going to take the two of them home.

"Come anyway, let's see who wins tonight." Zheng Ziyang checked the time, it was already past three o'clock in the morning.

He arranged for Wang Yu to pick up the car, and it had been ten minutes since he came.

"Who drove this car, the headlights are so bright, I didn't see anyone in front, no, Zheng Shao be careful"




(End of this chapter)

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