Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 485 He is the father of my child

Chapter 485 He is the father of my child
Not long after the car accident in Kyoto, there were already rumors on the Internet.

And because it was early in the morning, the administrator was sleeping at this time.

"Damn it, ZZY was in a car accident, if Su Wei knew the news, he would be so happy."

"Of course he is happy, after all, he did it."

"Impossible, he has the guts to hide abroad?"

"Aren't you stupid to say that he hid abroad? I've met Su Wei himself. He has a super tough personality. He was chopped off in the street this time. It's impossible to just let it go. Sure enough, he came back with revenge."

"I found that you people are really unreliable. Now you say that Su Wei has a tough personality, but you were the ones who said he was a lost dog before."

. . . . . .

Los Angeles.

"Ding Ding Ding"

"Fan Wenqi? Why are you calling me at this hour? Don't go to sleep." After receiving the good news, Su Wei was sitting alone in the study and celebrating silently.

At this time, his phone rang, and it turned out to be Fan Wenqi calling.

Now it is 5 pm in Los Angeles, and it should be 5 am in China. Fan Wenqi should be sleeping.

Normally, Fan Wenqi would also call Su Wei, but they were always in Los Angeles at night.

"You still ask me why I'm calling. Did you do what Zheng Ziyang did?" Fan Wenqi has been looking for someone to monitor Zheng Ziyang's movements during this time.

After Zheng Ziyang had a car accident today, the person monitoring Zheng Ziyang immediately called her.

After Fan Wenqi received the news, she suspected that the No. 1 choice was Su Wei.

Now seeing Su Wei pretending to be innocent, how could she believe it.

"What happened to Zheng Ziyang, I really don't know?" Zheng Ziyang's incident was indeed done by Su Wei.

But in this matter, he will definitely not admit it.

Because if he admits it, then he will never even think about going back to China in his life

So no matter who asked him, he would insist that he knew nothing.

"Since you have this attitude, then I hope that no matter who asks you in the future, you will say that you don't know." What Fan Wenqi is more afraid of is that Su Wei will not admit it to her, but admitting it in front of others is a problem. he did.

If he can deny it to everyone, then she can find a way to solve this matter.

"You can think whatever you want, why did you call me before you said it? Just talk to me about it?" Although Su Wei was sure, Fan Wenqi would not harm him.

But after all, this matter involved too much, and he would definitely not gamble.

If keeping his mouth shut can keep him from being involved, then he promises not to tell anyone.

"I also don't like Zheng Ziyang very much, so I will help you deal with the aftermath of this matter." Fan Wenqi called this time, in fact, she wanted to hear whether Su Wei did this.

Although Su Wei refused to admit it on the phone, she was already sure that he did it.

The conflict between Su Wei and Zheng Ziyang this time was actually because of her.

If she hadn't asked Su Wei to act as a shield, such a thing would not have happened.

So this time, Fan Wenqi planned to use her trump card to end this matter.

"You help me deal with the aftermath? How do you plan to deal with the aftermath?" Su Wei didn't understand what Fan Wenqi said.

Fan Wenqi's family is strong, but how could her father help him.

At this time, he suddenly thought of a possibility, a possibility that her father would help him.

"Don't worry about it, I have a solution."

. . . . . .


"Dad, you haven't slept yet." Fan Wenqi pushed open the door of the study, and saw that her father was indeed inside.

And his father must have been in the study for a while.

Because of the smell of smoke in the room, it is very, very strong.

She is now very sensitive to the smell of cigarettes because she is pregnant.

So after she entered, she went to open all the windows of the study to let the smell of smoke dissipate.

"Something happened just now, my phone is going to be ringing, how can I sleep? By the way, why are you still awake at this hour?" Fan Haichao had already fallen asleep today, but he received a call from Zheng Jianguo.

Fan Haichao wanted to curse at people at first, but when he heard what he said, he woke up suddenly.

Because he snotted and burst into tears on the phone, crying there that his son had been hit to death.

After Fan Haichao hung up the phone, he immediately called someone to ask what happened.

As a result, the news that came back told him that Zheng Ziyang was indeed hit and killed by a car.

"I was also woken up by a phone call, saying that Zheng Ziyang was hit by a car on the way home. When I came out, I saw that the lights in the study room hadn't been turned off. I guessed that Dad, you must be awake, so I came to see you." Fan Wenqi and After Su Wei finished making the phone call, he planned to sit in the yard.

After all, she and Zheng Ziyang knew each other no matter what.

After leaving the room, she found that her father was in the study.

"This partner of yours is too courageous. He must accept sanctions this time." Although Su Wei is in the United States, but he really wants to mess with him, there are plenty of ways.

And sometimes he doesn't have to do it himself, the people below will scramble to deal with Su Wei.

Originally, he thought Su Wei was pretty good.

She also thought that when he returned to China, he would meet him properly.

Who knew that he was so bold this time, that he had just sent his brother-in-law to warn him at night, and he did it in the early morning.

He will definitely not be used to this kind of behavior of slapping him in the face naked.

"It has something to do with Su Wei? No way, isn't this just a normal car accident?" Of course Fan Wenqi knew about her father's strength.

So of course she couldn't let her father end, but defined the incident as an ordinary car accident.

Only by turning this matter into an ordinary car accident can this matter be completely resolved.

"Normal car accident? How is it possible? Anyone with a discerning eye will know that Su Wei is behind this scene." Fan Haichao already had a big opinion on Su Wei at this time.

He couldn't believe it at all when he heard the ordinary car accident her daughter said.

After all, three cars collided at the same time, and they just happened to hit him alone. How could this be possible.

"Dad, I beg you, let's treat this matter as a traffic accident." Fan Wenqi heard his father say that Su Weihou was behind the scenes.

She can only start to stalk, trying to get her father to change the nature of this matter.

"Ziqi, what does this Su Wei have to do with you? Let you help him speak like this." Fan Haichao knew his daughter very well.

Knowing that she is a person, she is not an emotional person.

But what she's doing now is a little confusing for him.

"Why did I help him talk? Because I'm three months pregnant and the child belongs to Su Wei." Seeing that her father didn't want to do this, Fan Wenqi could only use her trump card.

That is to confess to her dad that she is now a pregnant woman, and she is more than three months pregnant.

And the father of the child is Su Wei who he wants to deal with.

"What? You're pregnant? How could you do such a thing?" Fan Haichao exposed his belly when he saw her daughter.

It is true that her bulging stomach is different from ordinary people.

After Fan Haichao found out that his daughter was pregnant, he was dizzy.

Because her daughter did this, she simply put their family on fire.

"Why should I do this, Dad, don't you know? Woohoo, you can let people like Zheng Ziyang chase me, why can't I find a man I like to get pregnant?" Fan Wenqi said about her pregnancy When she came out, she immediately felt a lot more relaxed.

Because she would find Su Wei to get pregnant, her father really has to pay a lot of responsibility.

Just because there is no boy in the family, her father insisted that the man marry.

And because of her sexual orientation, he would actually agree with a scum like Zheng Ziyang to pursue her.

The more Fan Wenqi talked, the more excited she became, and at the end she began to cry.

"I, I'm looking for Zheng Ziyang, isn't that, hey, can you get rid of this child?" Fan Haichao didn't expect that Su Wei turned out to be his cheap son-in-law.

But in his current situation, how could he marry Fan Wenqi.

Seeing his daughter crying so sad, he couldn't force her.

I can only ask her if she can abort the child.

After all, if she gave birth to this child, what would it matter.

"I can't get rid of it. This is my child. Dad, if you insist on getting rid of this child, then you can just kill me." Fan Wenqi is now three months pregnant and already has feelings for the little guy in her belly.

Hearing what her father said, she immediately threatened him with death.

As long as her father kills the child, she will die immediately.

"You, why are you so ignorant, hey, I will take this matter as a traffic accident, but you can't marry Su Wei, at least not now, by the way, the child's surname must be Fan" Seeing Fan Wenqi's With such a firm attitude, Fan Haichao could only obediently admit defeat.

After all, he is just such a daughter, so could he really drive her to death?

As for what happened tonight, it was of course based on the interests of my own family.

It was out of love for him to help the Zheng family, and it was his duty not to help, no one could fault him.

And this matter may indeed be an ordinary car accident, but they think it's complicated.

"He is my son, of course his surname is Fan." Fan Wenqi actually didn't care whether she married Su Wei or not.

As for this child, she had already agreed with Su Wei that his surname would be Fan and he would stay in Fan's family.

"Although this matter can be regarded as a traffic accident, Su Wei will not come back in the past few years."

. . . . . .

"Su Wei, you really dare to do this, you are finished, you will pay the price for this matter." Zheng Jianguo called Su Wei immediately after crying at Fan Haichao's side.

He really didn't expect that Su Wei would be so courageous that he would really dare to take revenge.

When Zheng Jianguo thought of his son's appearance, he felt uncomfortable for a while.

"Mr. Zheng, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand what you are saying?" Su Wei was almost not happy when he heard Zheng Jianguo's words.

After all, Su Wei was on the plane at the time, and he remembered the phone call from Zheng Jianguo clearly.

At that time, he was on the phone with that superior attitude.

But now in his tone, Su Wei could only hear a trace of sadness.

"Stop pretending here, this time not only you have to pay the price, but your family, your relatives and friends all have to pay the price." Zheng Jianguo's lifelong hope is his son.

Now that his son is dead, he just wants Su Wei and his family to be buried with him.

Not only Su Wei's family, Su Wei's friends, Su Wei's relatives, they all have to pay the price.

Because his old classmate Fan Haichao has promised him that he will definitely help him this time.

"Mr. Zheng, do you have anything else to do? If not, I'm going to hang up. After all, I'm still busy." Su Wei saw Zheng Jianguo coming and going, just a few threatening words.

He was a little impatient, and then hung up the phone directly.

Su Wei originally thought that he could reveal some information so that he could prepare.

But Zheng Jianguo is like this, he doesn't think he has the ability to retaliate against him.

"Hey Hey hey.

Ziyang, this time I have already asked you Uncle Fan, he will help us."

. . . . . .


"Brother, what happened, you called me so early in the morning" Xu Jinzhi only woke up in the afternoon every day.

Before ten o'clock today, he was woken up by his elder brother's phone call.

And his elder brother didn't say anything specific on the phone, he just said something big to make him feel it.

"I called you here this time, of course something big happened, let the second brother talk about it." Xu Jinguang heard the news from the second child this morning.

In his heart, he really panicked.

After all, if such a big shot said they would die, then where would their way of life be.

"This incident was reported to me by a friend in China. Just an hour ago, Zheng Ziyang died in a car accident." There is a four-hour time difference between New Zealand and China.

It's five o'clock in China, and nine o'clock in New Zealand.

After Xu Jinhui heard the news, he ran to find his elder brother immediately.

"What? Did Zheng Ziyang get into a car accident? Who did it? It couldn't be Su Wei, right?" Xu Jinzhi was dumbfounded when he heard the news.

After all, the Zheng family in Kyoto is not at the same level as their family.

After knowing that Su Wei fled to Los Angeles, he even persuaded his elder brother to return to China.

Now that Zheng Ziyang is gone, he immediately suspected that Su Wei did it.

"Who the murderer is is still unknown, but my second child and I also suspect that Su Wei did it." The timing of Zheng Ziyang's collision is really too coincidental.

Most importantly, Su Wei had precedents before.

The Yang family in the devil city offended him, but he uprooted other people's families.

"Su Wei is so courageous that he dares to attack Zheng Ziyang. Isn't he afraid of being retaliated?" Xu Jinzhi actually said this for himself.

Because if Su Wei really did it, then he must not let them go.

Only if Su Wei didn't do this, can they survive.

"Su Wei, like us, has transferred all the money he can use, and he is now in the United States, so he may not be afraid of retaliation." Xu Jinhui and the others ran abroad at the time, thinking that they would be retaliated if they stayed in China.

Who knew later that they were not the only ones who wanted Su Wei to die.

And another group of people has a much stronger background than them, so Su Wei can only flee overseas.

Originally, Xu Jinhui thought that they should be able to return to China after a while.

Now that Zheng Ziyang was killed by a car, it is impossible to return to the country this time. I can only hope that Su Wei can't find them.

"If it's really him, why didn't he kill us first?" Xu Jinzhi didn't understand, that's why Zheng Ziyang had the accident first.

After all, logically speaking, they are much easier to deal with than Zheng Ziyang.

Could it be because of Xu Meng that Su Wei didn't intend to kill them?
"Because if you move us first, you will startle the snake."

(End of this chapter)

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