Chapter 486 Good News

The next day.

As soon as Zheng Ziyang's car accident happened this time, anyone who knew something about it felt that it must be Su Wei's handwriting.

And they have already started a battle of revenge for the next plot.

But when the official news came out the next morning, they were collectively dumbfounded.

Because the authorities even classified this incident as an ordinary car accident.

Moreover, as long as there is a discussion about this matter on the Internet, the post will be deleted immediately.

"Get out of the way, you don't know who I am, you dare to stop me?" After Zheng Jianguo got up today, he wanted to see if the authorities wanted Su Wei.

It turned out that what happened to his son last night was officially classified as an ordinary car accident.

So he rushed to look for Fan Haichao immediately, wanting to ask what was going on.

But when he reached the door, he was stopped by Fan Haichao's secretary.

"Zheng Hall, Mayor Fan is really talking about things inside, you can't go in now." Xiao Hu, as Fan Haichao's secretary, of course knows Zheng Jianguo.

And when he came to work today, he also heard about Zheng Jianguo's son.

Although he looked down on Zheng Ziyang, he was still very sad that he died like this.

But when he saw Zheng Jianguo trying to force his way into Fan Haichao's office, he stopped him immediately.

After all, whether Zheng Jianguo can go in or not is up to him.

"What's wrong with him talking about things? Is there anything more important than mine right now? Get out of the way!" Zheng Jianguo is now only thinking about Zheng Ziyang's matter.

Seeing Xiao Hu stop him, he lost his temper all of a sudden.

After all, in his heart, Xiao Hu is just a secretary.

When he played with Fan Haichao naked, Xiao Hu, the secretary, didn't know where he was.

"Little Hu, Old Zheng is not someone else, why did you stop him.

Old Zheng, you are here, come in and sit down." Zheng Jianguo was stopped today, but it was actually Fan Haichao's confession.

The original meaning was to make him retreat in spite of difficulties.

Who knew that Zheng Jianguo was actually at his door and started making jokes.

There was no other way but to let Zheng Jianguo into the office.

"Fan Haichao, when we called yesterday, how did you tell me that you would give me justice? These are your original words, but what is the situation now? Is this the justice you gave me?" When Zheng Jianguo called Fan Haichao last night, Fan Haichao was on the phone, so he was right.

He said that Su Wei would definitely be dealt with, and then give him justice.

Unexpectedly, only one night later, Fan Haichao changed his temper.

Moreover, Zheng Ziyang's incident was given as an ordinary car accident.

"Old Zheng, calm down, I know that Ziyang's car accident is very distressing, but we can't wrong a good person, you say so." Fan Haichao is already tired of frequently wiping the Zheng family's buttocks up.

And since Su Wei is his grandson's father, he is one of his own.

Compared with our own people, the Zheng family is just outsiders.

"What are you talking about, Su Wei is a good person? Su Wei can still be a good person?" Zheng Jianguo became excited when he heard Fan Haichao's words.

After all, this matter is so obvious, it is all arranged by Su Wei, how can he be a good person.

If Su Wei is a good person, then his son didn't die in vain.

"I don't know if Su Wei is a good person. I only know that according to the investigation results, this incident is indeed an ordinary car accident." Fan Haichao saw Zheng Jianguo's mischief here, and he didn't want to continue entangled with him.

Anyway, now that the results of the investigation have come out, Zheng Jianguo can only choose to accept it.

"I don't believe it. In an ordinary car accident, three cars could hit my son. I'm afraid he won't die. Hai Chao, don't you even believe this?" Zheng Jianguo certainly couldn't believe the results of this investigation.

After all, Gao Yu told him yesterday that there were three cars that hit his son.

The first car did not hit, and after the second car hit someone, the third car went straight through.

How could this be an ordinary car accident, and even if it was an ordinary car accident, he would have to be buried with Su Wei.

"Why don't I believe it? This is the result of professional appraisal. At that time, it was because there was gasoline on the road for some reason, which caused all three cars to lose control, and they just hit Ziyang.

And although this incident has nothing to do with Su Wei, we have already frozen all the funds he put in the bank, which is as high as more than 1000 billion.

There is also the one named Qian Hui, I arrested him as well, so I can vent your anger on you." Since Fan Haichao wanted to save Su Wei, he must have taken action.

He had already dealt with the aftermath of the car accident before everyone went to work.

No matter who investigates now, they can only get an unexpected result.

Moreover, in order to block the Zheng family's mouth, he froze the 1000 billion that Su Wei saved, and arrested Qian Hui who betrayed Zheng Ziyang.

"Hai Chao, I won't accept this result. I will find out the truth about this matter myself." At this time, Zheng Jianguo also recalled it.

Knowing that there may be Fan Haichao's handwriting.

As for freezing Su Wei's 1000 billion, this still surprised him a little.

But he can still distinguish between money and life, so he still insists on investigating.

As for why he didn't go to find the old man, it's because the old man can't wake up for a long time.

And this news told him that his condition might be aggravated, which would be even more detrimental to the Zheng family.

"Old Zheng, let's stop this matter. After all, you are not just a child like Ziyang." Fan Haichao grew up with Zheng Jianguo and wiped his ass so many times.

I don't really know much about their family.

When he said this, a small part was comfort, and the rest was all threats.

"I said why is he so confident, it turns out he is standing behind you"

. . . . . .

Magic City.

"Gao Xin, what's wrong with you, you're crying." Lu Lingyue came back from talking about things outside, and saw her secretary's unhappy face.

Recently, because of Su Wei's affairs, everyone in the company is very depressed.

It's just that Gao Xin is not so mournful in normal times.

"Mr. Lu, it's not just those artists and trainees. You were not here just now, and they came to make a lot of trouble." Gao Xin will be like this because he was scolded.

Before Baihe Media, they signed a lot of trainees.

Now that the boss of the company has an accident, one or two of them want to terminate the contract.

They didn't find Lu Lingyue just now, so they scolded her as secretary.

"It doesn't matter to them, if they want to terminate the contract, they will pay liquidated damages." When Lu Lingyue heard that it was those artists and trainees, she felt a headache.

Because these people were begging to join the company before.

Seeing that the boss of the company has an accident, everyone wants to run away.

And it's fine for these people to run away, and they don't plan to pay liquidated damages.

After Lu Lingyue returned to the office, she lay on the chair and didn't want to move.

Because she supported Baihe Media by herself recently, she was really exhausted physically and mentally.

"Ding Ding Ding"

"Mr. Lu, Aries is here, and she said she wants to chat with you." Seeing Lu Lingyue come back, Gao Xin finally had a backbone.

Although something happened to the company, she didn't plan to leave the company.

Because of an accident with the boss of the company, the salary has not been delayed.

At this time, there was a person standing in front of her. She looked up and found that it was Aries, the most popular singer in the company.

"Aries is here? Then let her in." Lu Lingyue heard that it was Aries, so she hurriedly let her in.

She is so polite because there are so many people in the company, she thinks Aries will not leave.

"Mr. Lu" Aries was a little absent-minded when practicing singing today.

After hearing that Lu Lingyue was returning to the company, she immediately looked for her.

It's just that when seeing her, Aries was a little nervous and speechless.

"Aries, you're here, what's the matter? I remember you were supposed to be in the new song of the competition today." Although Lu Lingyue is the CEO of the company, she manages all the company's affairs.

But of course she wouldn't remember the daily situation of her artists.

I will remember Aries because she is the most popular singer in the company.

She put the opportunity for the company to break through the bottleneck on Aries.

"Mr. Lu, I'm here this time to discuss the termination of the contract." Aries felt even more nervous when she saw Lu Lingyue being so polite.

But for her own future, she still had a showdown with Lu Lingyue.

In fact, she did not make this decision on a whim, but a decision she made after careful consideration.

"About the contract termination? The company just gave you the top ten voices. You want to terminate the contract now?" Seeing that Aries wanted to terminate the contract, Lu Lingyue couldn't understand it at all.

Because the current Aries has only entered the top ten of The Voice.

But the intention of Baihe Media is to make her the champion.

Although he didn't tell her the news for fear of her pride.

But she is doing this now, isn't it adding obstacles to her future.

"Yes, I am very grateful to the company for giving me such praise, but if I don't have the ability, I can't become the top ten of Good Voice, and this time President Su has an accident, I think it is understandable to change jobs for my own future." This time When Su Wei had an accident, Aries was the one who worried the most.

She was not worried about Su Wei, but that she would be forcibly eliminated.

This time, a company gave her a message that as long as she quits, she can be guaranteed to enter the top three.

And as long as she continues to be in Baihe Media, she can only stop in the top ten.

After all, the boss had an accident, so how could he still have money to spend on her.

"There is nothing wrong with it? You can really say it. You don't really think that you can enter the top ten this time because of your own strength. Without the millions invested by the company, you can't even make it to the semi-finals. Don't you Forget, you used to be just a joker." Lu Lingyue didn't expect that Aries would propose to terminate the contract.

She was a singing girl before, but was discovered by Mr. Su.

Now that he is about to become a big singer, he actually wants to terminate the contract with the company.

This made Lu Ling Yue angry, and she wanted to curse.

"Anyway, I'm done with this appointment. Rice Music has promised to pay me to redeem me, and will arrange for me to sing and make movies at the same time. I'm here today, just to talk to Mr. Lu. Just say it." When Aries saw Lu Lingyue, the more he talked, the more excited he became.

And she told all about her drinking with her before.

Now that everyone is tearing their skins apart, she has nothing to be ashamed of.

Moreover, good birds choose trees to live in. Isn't this a very simple truth?

"Okay, okay, Aries, don't regret it." Baihe Media is a serious company, and it doesn't make money by earning liquidated damages.

If Aries succeeds in changing jobs this time, it will definitely attract the response of other people in the company.

At that time, the company may really have a big crisis.

So Lu Lingyue really hates Aries.

"I won't regret it, but you, Mr. Lu, the head office of Rice Music, and Rice Film and Television Group, they want to recruit you to be the director of operations of the company. You might as well think about it. After all, Mr. Su can't protect himself now." Bai At this time, the sheep suddenly remembered what the person who dug him said.

That is Rice Film and Television, who wants to recruit Lu Lingyue to be the director of operations.

If she can convince Lu Lingyue, then she will have a backer at Rice Music.

"Get out, don't think of me like you"

. . . . . .

Los Angeles.

"dong dong dong"


"Boss Su, something happened." Zhang Ruoyu hurried over to find Su Wei just after receiving the news.

When she reached the door, she calmed down, and then knocked on the door.

After waiting for a response from inside, she opened the door and went in.

"Yuanyuan, go to bed first, Xiaozhang and I will go to the study to talk about something, and I will accompany you later.

What happened?Make you so hurried." Seeing the expression on Zhang Ruoyu's face, Su Wei knew that something was really wrong with her.

After comforting Wang Xiaoyuan, he and Zhang Ruoyu came to the study.

Only then did he ask Zhang Ruoyu what happened.

"President Su, domestically, domestically, all your funds in the bank have been frozen, and you are also restricted from returning to China." Su Wei's funds have always been managed by Zhang Ruoyu.

This time, Su Wei Bank's funds were frozen, and she was the first to know.

And because the bank was familiar with her, they also told her that Su Wei was restricted from returning to China.

"That's it, I thought it was a great thing. We planned for this from the very beginning." Su Wei heard that the funds in his bank card were frozen and he was restricted from returning to China .

For this matter, he was not angry at all, and he looked indifferent.

Because the money could not be withdrawn at that time, he had already regarded the money as gone.

Now that he is frozen, it is no different from before.

"But, but that's more than 1000 billion, and it's just frozen." Zhang Ruoyu really thought so before.

But at that time, she didn't know that Su Wei had more than 1000 billion.

What she thought at the time was that 200 billion would be the best.

Now that so much money is frozen, it's no wonder she doesn't feel uncomfortable.

"What about my domestic properties, have they been seized, and have I been wanted?" Su Wei is more concerned about whether he is wanted than if his funds are frozen.

Even if he is wanted, he will not be extradited back to China.

But there are many countries that can extradite, so he can't go there.

Unless he becomes an American citizen, he will probably be arrested if he goes to those countries.

But he is not interested in becoming an American citizen, after all, he is an upright Chinese.

"The property has not been seized, only the money stored in the bank has been seized, and Mr. Su, you are not wanted, but you are restricted from going back to China." Zhang Ruoyu was also a little confused about this domestic operation.

Because she couldn't understand what was going on.

Why just freeze the money, but not a single property.

"Then this result can be regarded as good news. Go and bring me a bottle of 96-year-old red wine. I want to have a good drink." Since becoming the owner of Ausone Chateau, Su Wei basically only drinks his own red wine.

Seeing this result now, of course he wants to have a good drink.

After all, as long as he is not wanted, he doesn't really care about anything else, anyway, those are things outside his body.

Now I have 20 billion US dollars on me.

As long as you save some flowers, this life is enough.

"Ding Ding Ding"

"Hello, Mr. Su, I'm John from Morgan Bank. We met before. I'm sorry to bother you so late. The main reason is that 200 billion has been transferred into your account just now."

(End of this chapter)

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