Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 488 Becoming an Influential Person

"Want to play a game with me? Then if you lose, is there any punishment?" Su Wei had no objection when he heard that Black was going to play golf with him.

Blake was so pretty, of course he had thoughts about her.

After all, at that time, she relied on her good looks to let Su Weiquan finish watching the Shark Beach.

This time Blake can be the heroine of Franklin's movie, but he strongly recommends it.

It's just that Blake didn't know, she thought she was chosen by director Franklin.

After all, Franklin and her husband are old acquaintances.

"My skills are very good. If you lose, you want to invest in a movie next time and ask me to be the heroine, okay?" Su Wei was curious about Black, and Black was also very curious about Su Weina.

After all, he can invest $5000 million in Franklin, and he is also a member of the Malibu Country Club.

Most importantly, he also knew the Koch family.

Although Blake is a star, she has always wanted to start a side job to make money.

Because she has always had a sense of crisis about the work of being a star.

And women in Hollywood are different from actors.

After the age of 40, they can basically only play the role of mother.

So Blake had already started planning for the future early on.

And getting to know a rich man like Su Wei is simply too necessary.

It's just that she made a mistake, that is, Su Wei is a hungry wolf.

"I'll accept this match. If you lose, just have dinner with me tonight." Su Wei has been cultivating himself recently and hasn't looked for new prey.

He didn't want to miss this Blake who came to his door.

If it weren't for the encounter with Zheng Ziyang before, when he came to Los Angeles this time, he planned to eat Franklin, an actress in the crew.

"You want to have dinner with me? Okay, then I'm going to have a look at your skills, Su, and I won't let you go." Looking at Su Wei's naked eyes, Blake knew that he must not only want to eat. .

Thinking that Ryan Reynolds has been on the crew recently, and she is very confident in her golf skills.

And if she wins, she can be the heroine, but if she loses, she just has a meal with Su Wei.

Su Wei is so young, only in his 20s, a fool would not agree.

"I'm not a person who needs a woman to let me win. I won't show mercy to you."

Su Wei and Black played from three o'clock in the afternoon until eight o'clock in the evening.

The final result was that Black shot 97 and Su Wei shot 99.

Although Black won, she still went to have dinner with Su Wei.

Of course, Su Wei would not be satisfied with dinner, and the two of them went to the hotel after dinner.

The two stayed in the hotel until the next afternoon before coming out.

It's just that when they came out of the hotel, the photo of him and Blake was taken by the paparazzi.

This photo of him did not cause much impact on the American side.

Because Blake is in Hollywood, not a first-line actress.

What she is remembered the most is actually her identity as Xiao Lizi's ex-girlfriend.

Although her husband has recently become famous because of his role as Deadpool.

But because they left the hotel in the afternoon, and the hotel kept secrets well, the media did not expect them to stay in the hotel all day.

In addition, Su Wei has no influence at all in Hollywood.

Moreover, Black's explanation for this incident was only that the two were friends and they were dining in the hotel's restaurant at the time.

Ryan Reynolds also came out and said he believed in his wife and told the paparazzi not to spread gossip.

So the gossip media on the Hollywood side quickly forgot about them.

But after this incident spread to China, it immediately aroused heated discussions.

"So much money has been frozen for Su Wei, it doesn't seem to affect him at all."

"How can rich people like them put all their money in one place?"

"I'm really envious, that's Blake Lively, the heroine of The Shark Beach and Lovers at the End of Time"

"Su Wei is a scum, this Blake is a married woman, no wonder he was hacked last time, why didn't he be hacked to death?"

Su Wei's heat, which was about to dissipate, suddenly started to discuss again.

And because this time the woman is a Hollywood actress, Su Wei's reputation has been raised to a higher level.

It's just because the other party is a married woman, so Su Wei was caught and scolded by a group of women this time.

"Boss Su, this time you have something like this, I suggest you stop posting on Weibo recently." Zhang Ruoyu didn't expect that she didn't follow Su Wei just once.

As a result, in such a short period of time, he fell in love with a female star in Hollywood.

She watched Su Wei being scolded by people on Weibo, and felt that those people were just her mouthpieces.

She scolded everything she dared not say to Su Wei.

"You said, is the influence of Hollywood really that great?" Su Wei has always known that the influence of stars is great.

That's why he invested in the entertainment industry before.

It's just that he always felt that the entertainment industry was not popular, so he didn't invest much money.

But after he had a room with Black this time, he discovered that the influence of Hollywood is completely different from that in China.

Because of this news, he even dominated the domestic news for a short time.

"Hollywood must have a lot of influence, after all, who hasn't seen Hollywood blockbusters?" Zhang Ruoyu heard Su Wei ask this question, she felt that his boss was asking nonsense.

After all, on this earth, there are probably very few people who haven't seen a Hollywood movie.

She thought that Su Wei asked this question to show off to herself that she had slept with a Hollywood actress.

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that?" After hearing what Zhang Ruoyu said, Su Wei excitedly kissed her on the forehead.

In the past, he had been thinking about how he should get an awesome status.

As for Blake, it simply pointed him to a bright road.

He lived in a place like Bel Air and forgot about Hollywood down the hill.

"Boss Su, what are you doing, I'll be seen later" Zhang Ruoyu was kissed by Su Wei, her first reaction was that she was afraid of being seen by Wang Xiaoyuan.

Now the relationship between her and Wang Xiaoyuan can be said to be very good.

She didn't want to be seen by Wang Xiaoyuan, Su Wei kissing her.

And if Su Wei didn't confess his love to her, she didn't want to take advantage of him for nothing.

She found out that Su Wei doesn't cherish women who are easier to get.

"Isn't this exciting? I thought of a way to go back to China." During this time, Su Wei tried to take Zhang Ruoyu down several times.

But thinking that Wang Xiaoyuan was there, he had a sneaky feeling, so he didn't make a move.

But as long as the matter of his return to China is settled, the first thing he will do is to take down Zhang Ruoyu.

As for how to return home, he already had an idea in his mind.

"Have you thought of a way to go back to China? What way?" Zhang Ruoyu heard Su Wei say that there is already a way.

Her eyes suddenly widened.

Because Su Wei told her that as long as he could return to China, he would eat her up immediately.

If it is too late to return to the country, then find a chance to eat her up.

Rather than finding a chance to be eaten, Zhang Ruoyu certainly hopes to have a definite time.

After all, when she came to Los Angeles with Su Wei this time, she had already given everything to him.

Seeing him hit her halfway through several strikes, and then stop, she was so angry.

"Becoming Big in Hollywood"

Magic City.

"Mr. Lu, this is the trainee who signed up this time." Tan Ling is the art director of Baihe Media, and is responsible for teaching the trainees to sing and dance.

Before she joined Baihe Media, she was actually a Korean trainee who hadn't been popular since her debut for many years.

After joining Baihe Media, Lu Lingyue gave her the right to choose trainees.

This is not only a feeling that she is professional, but also a constant trust in her.

"Why are there only so few people, and all of them are crooked melons and cracked dates?" Lu Lingyue flipped through the materials in her hand, feeling that there were so few people.

And at first glance, there is no good-looking one here.

Crooked melons and cracked dates may be said to be serious, but it is not wrong to say that they are passers-by.

When Lu Lingyue looked at these materials, she felt a chill in her heart.

After all, the trainees who wanted to join the company before were about to collapse the threshold of the registration room.

"I can't help it. Since Mr. Su's accident, many good seedlings who want to be trainees have avoided us. Do you want these people?" All lined up.

Sometimes I have to work overtime at night because I have to think of dance moves for the company's trainees.

But now she doesn't want to talk about working overtime, it is normal for her to take a whole day off sometimes.

After all, in the company now, except for the trainees and artists who couldn't afford the liquidated damages, basically all the capable people left.

There are still people joining the company now, one is that their strength is not favored by other companies.

The other one also wanted to come here to blog, just in case Su Wei is okay.

Anyway, if they go to other companies, they may not be able to debut.

"What do you want? These people are recruiting. Isn't this just smashing the company's brand name? You go out first and let me be alone for a while." Although it is indeed more difficult for Baihe Media now.

But with Lu Lingyue, she doesn't like these people.

Because the company is now plagued by rumors, it's not that the company has no money.

After all, there is still more than [-] million in the company's account.

"Mr. Lu, there is one more thing, that is, I plan to leave my job." Tan Ling's work depends on her performance.

And her normal salary is guaranteed to be only more than 2 a month.

Originally speaking, it is normal to get tens of thousands a month, but when the company gets on the right track, it is normal to get hundreds of thousands a month.

But the company is like this now, it doesn't even have an artist, how did it get the results.

"Resignation? Why?" Lu Lingyue has signed countless resignation letters in the past month.

It's just that those resignation letters are from artists and trainees.

It was really the first time that an employee of a company like Tan Ling was about to leave.

"I think the company may not need me now, and without me, there will be less expenses." Except for the financial situation, the company does not know the company's financial situation.

Tan Ling resigned because she felt that if she left later, the company might not even be able to pay the severance pay.

It happened that a friend of hers was in another entertainment company and said that their company was looking for a choreographer.

Although the choreographer is not as popular as the art director, at least there is nothing wrong with his company.

"You go to the HR department about this matter, and then ask them to report it to me. Let's all go." Lu Lingyue was thinking about whether she should keep Tan Ling.

But thinking that she should have a better future, she didn't persuade her any more.

Just tell her to go to the personnel department and go through a complete process.

"Then Mr. Lu, I'll go first." Tan Ling was very grateful to Lu Lingyue.

After all, when she was a trainee back then, her grades were really not that good.

Although dancing is very good, but because of his unremarkable appearance, he has never been popular.

"Ding Ding Ding"

"Hello, who is it?" After the office was quiet, Lu Lingyue was resting with her eyes closed.

At this moment, her cell phone rang suddenly.

She looked and found that it was an unknown foreign number.

"Mr. Lu, it's me, why are you so depressed?" Since Su Wei wanted to acquire Hollywood Film Company this time, of course he had to find a professional person.

He and Zhang Ruoyu didn't know anything about Hollywood.

At this moment, Su Wei thought that Lu Lingyue might know, so he called her.

"President Su? Is this your new number? I thought it was a phone scam." Lu Lingyue is very angry with Su Wei now.

Because he has time to hang out with Hollywood actresses, why can't he come back.

If he came to the company, at least those rumors would be much less.

"Why, are you still worrying about the company's affairs?" Although Su Wei is not in China, he also knows something about Baihe Media.

After all, when Lu Lingyue was free, she would call him and ask him to go back and take charge of the overall situation.

But where can he go back, he can only let her face it alone.

"Otherwise, what else could it be? After working under your boss Su for a year, I feel like I'm going to be three years older." Lu Lingyue never thought that running a company would be so hard.

If Su Wei hadn't said at the time, the company would have given her [-]% of the shares.

She really wants to go to another film and television company, and then continue to be an agent.

"If you persist, you will be fine soon. By the way, let me ask you something, do you know anything about Hollywood?" Su Wei heard Lu Lingyue's complaint, but he couldn't help it.

After all, when he went abroad before, he wanted to numb Zheng Ziyang.

But now, it's because he can't go back to China.

"I know a little bit, but you can't compare with Mr. Su." When Lu Lingyue spoke, her tone was teasing.

Because Su Wei's news this time is super popular in China.

"I want to buy a Hollywood film company, one that is super famous, do you have a company that you recommend?" Su Wei was full of ridicule when he heard Lu Lingyue's words.

He knew that Lu Lingyue was mocking him about having a room with Black.

But he didn't care about her, after all, Lu Lingyue has really worked hard recently.

"Want to buy a Hollywood company that is super famous? Yes, the six major film companies in Hollywood, each of them is famous, and there are basically few who don't know them." Hollywood used to say that it was the eight major film companies.

But after the development of the times, there are only six major film companies that are still alive.

The six film companies are Disney, [-]th Century Fox, Universal, Paramount, Warner, and Sony Columbia.

"I also know that these six are famous, but the price is too expensive, and the other party may not sell them." Of course Su Wei knows that the six major Hollywood film companies.

But each of these six companies is not cheap.

Su Wei's 200 billion US dollars looks like a lot, but it is still a bit difficult to acquire the cheapest of these companies.

The most important thing is that if he wants to buy, the other party may not necessarily sell.

"If you want to be famous, there is another one, and that is MGM, but now it is a little bit in debt.

There is also an emerging film company, although it is not as famous as MGM, but its prospects are better, and that is Lionsgate Film Company." Lu Lingyue originally told Su Wei that there are six major Hollywood film companies, but it was actually a bit teasing .

After all, she knew that his boss was rich, but if more than 1000 billion was frozen this time, it must have hurt his muscles and bones.

But according to his boss, he is still not short of money.

In this case, she would seriously recommend the movie company to him.

"MGM and Lionsgate? In this way, you come to Los Angeles tomorrow, and then we will meet and talk"

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