Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 489 Who to choose

Chapter 489 Who to choose

Los Angeles.

"Boss Su, here are the information of some Hollywood film and television companies that I checked recently." Lu Lingyue has been here in Los Angeles for several days.

Su Wei has set up a branch in Hollywood.

At that time, this branch was founded by Su Wei investing in Franklin.

This time, thanks to the existence of this company, Lu Lingyue didn't have to recruit people from China.

Although the branch is almost a shell company, there is still a basic framework.

During this period of time, she led these people in the branch office to inquire about the news of these Hollywood film and television companies.

The hard work paid off, and she really found something.

"Fuck, now these top film companies have all been invaded by giants." Su Wei sat in the office, looking at what Lu Lingyue found out.

Discovered that these film giants in Hollywood, they have all sold themselves.

For example, Warner Films, now sold to AT&A Group, has now become Time Warner.

Columbia Pictures also sold itself to Sony early on.

As for 20th Century Fox, it was acquired by Murdoch early on.

Su Wei knew that 20th Century Fox would soon be sold to Disney by the old man Murdoch.

To be honest, Su Wei is also very greedy for 20th Century Fox.

After all, he not only has a big IP, but also a TV station.

But his market value, after Su Wei saw it, he was immediately discouraged, because the purchase price would definitely exceed 500 billion US dollars.

The only one that has not been intervened by the giants is Disney.

But Disney's main business is placed on the amusement park.

"Almost, because making a better movie now costs hundreds of millions of dollars. If there is no strength, the film and television company is easy to go bankrupt." In the past, hundreds of millions of dollars was a huge investment in Hollywood movies.

But in today's Hollywood, movies with hundreds of millions of dollars can only be regarded as big productions.

The cost of a truly top-level production has reached more than [-] million yuan.

MGM is a typical example. He invested in John Woo to make Windtalkers.

Because of the failure at the box office, the company went bankrupt.

"It's been a while since you came to Los Angeles this time. After investigating for so long, is there any film company that you are optimistic about?" Su Wei entrusted all the investigation tasks to Lu Lingyue this time.

As for himself, of course he continued to play golf.

After all, he asked Lu Lingyue to come here to do something.

She has been investigating for so many days, since she is calling him now, she must be prepared.

"Didn't I tell you, President Su, that MGM and Lionsgate are not bad companies? In fact, there is a better company, and that is Paramount." Before, Lu Lingyue and Su Wei said MGM and Lionsgate.

Not mentioning Paramount, not because she forgot.

After all, Paramount is one of the six major film companies in Hollywood, and its reputation is definitely well-known.

She didn't mention it mainly because she didn't know it was for sale before.

During the few days she was here this time, she also got some useful news.

"Panamount? Isn't he very profitable? His parent company is willing to sell it?" Su Wei can afford Paramount among the six major Hollywood film companies.

But he remembered to check the information, Paramount's parent company is very rich.

And now that Transformers is hot, how could Paramount's parent company be willing to sell this cash cow.

After all, Paramount is the chicken that lays the golden eggs, and its parent company is not short of money.

"President Su, the parent company of Paramount, Viacom Group is the third largest media company in the United States. In 2016, they actually wanted to sell Paramount. At that time, Wanda planned to take over, but because For some reason, I gave up later." When Lu Lingyue first came, she didn't know that Paramount was going to sell.

So what she focused on at the time was MGM and Lionsgate.

Until a local colleague asked her why she didn't pay attention to Paramount when she paid attention to their two companies.

After all, the comparison between Paramount, MGM and Lionsgate is simply a collection of the advantages of the two of them.

It has the reputation of MGM and the performance of slinging Lionsgate.

Only then did Lu Lingyue know that Paramount was also selling it.

"It turned out to be that matter, then I know. What's the situation with MGM and Lionsgate, why are they willing to sell?" Su Wei heard Lu Lingyue mention Wanda in 2016, and he immediately knew it was What's the matter.

Back then, Wanda robbed projects that shouldn't be robbed, and then was targeted.

Can only go through the big sale, and then struggle to survive.

But it was also that incident that allowed Wanda to escape the 20-year hurdle.

If there hadn't been that incident back then, Wanda might have succeeded in taking over Paramount.

With Wanda's status in the country, when the two sides work together, he will really despise everything in the country.

"MGM is because it is heavily in debt. Although it merged with Telescope Entertainment in 2010, it can still persist in not going bankrupt, but in fact it is already on the verge of lingering and will collapse at any time.

Compared with MGM, Lionsgate Films has a more normal business, and it is different from MGM. It will be sold only because its current boss thinks the company's value is quite high, and it can be sold for a Good price" MGM, a film company, can be said to be a miracle in Hollywood.

Because Hollywood can have what it is today, and it has indelible credit.

It's just that when the TV industry was on the rise, it didn't seize the opportunity and fell behind.

After decades of ups and downs, it is basically powerless to recover.

Unlike Lionsgate, his boss is Canadian.

At the beginning, he really didn't expect that Lionsgate Films could go to where it is today.

So now that the value of Lionsgate is so high, he really wants to sell it.

After all, its opponents are all super big groups.

"So, now we have three companies to choose from: Paramount, MGM, and Lionsgate, right?" Zhang Ruoyu is very familiar with these three film companies.

After all, anyone who watched the movies of the three of them had basically seen them.

MGM's Tom and Jerry, Gone with the Wind, the 007 series, and more.

And Paramount has Transformers, Star Trek, Mission: Impossible series, and Forrest Gump.

Among the three film companies, the least famous one may be Lions Gate Films.

But there are many famous movies it produced, such as The Expendables, The Hunger Games, and Lord of War.

Zhang Ruoyu still can't understand where Su Wei got the money.

He has been frozen for more than 1000 billion, how can he still have money to buy these Hollywood film companies.

"Yes, but in my opinion, there is actually no need for MGM to buy it, because it is even more difficult to make money if the company is bought. If President Su is not short of money, then of course he will buy Paramount Best, after all, it has big IPs like Star Trek and Transformers under its command.

Although Lionsgate Films is not a top film and television company, its current development is only short of a rich investor. With the money in place, its future is really hard to say." After analysis, Lu Lingyue thinks it is better to buy Paramount and Lionsgate is more profitable.

After all, of these two companies, one represents the present and the other represents the future.

As for MGM, it can only represent the glorious past.

But the wheels of the times are rolling forward, and they should move forward instead of looking back for such old antiques.

"I didn't expect that the famous MGM would be reduced to this point. In this way, although MGM is the least important to us, just in case, we can talk to these three companies." If there is no Paramount, In fact, Su Wei wanted to buy both MGM and Lionsgate.

When the time comes to merge the two companies, it may not be impossible to become the new Hollywood Big Six.

But now that there is a Paramount, it makes him a little hesitant.

Because of his company, there is no need to buy MGM and Lionsgate, because Paramount is the Big Six in Hollywood.

It's just that Su Wei wanted to buy MGM because of a complex, that is, the relationship between MGM and Huaxia.

MGM opened a ballroom in Shanghai in 1932, which is the famous Paramount.

It's just that it has become like this now, which is really embarrassing.

"Then if all three of them agree to sell, who shall we choose?" Zhang Ruoyu had already made a choice in her heart.

That's the three of them, and she chooses Paramount, which looks the best right now.

After all, anyone who has watched the movie knows how popular the movie Transformers is in China.

It's just that it's useless for her to choose, it still depends on Su Wei.

"It depends on how sincere they are about selling the company." Su Wei himself wanted to buy MGM the most.

Because he spent so much money this time, he just needed an identity.

As for how much money will be spent for this status, it doesn't matter to him.

Anyway, as long as he goes back, all the money in the country will be unfrozen.

"Boss Su, then when we buy a film company this time, are we going to talk to them ourselves?" Lu Lingyue is not good at acquisitions.

After all, she had always been a manager before.

But if Su Wei really has no one to send, it's not like she can't bite the bullet and go up.

"How is it possible? I plan to leave this matter to Morgan Bank. After all, they are professional here in the United States." Morgan Bank is the largest private bank in the world.

They are much more professional than Su Wei in acquiring and selling this area.

And if you find them, you will save a lot of things.

After all, Su Wei is from China. It's hard to say whether those Hollywood companies will sell the company to Su Wei.

But with the participation of Morgan Bank, I believe they will persuade those diehards.

"President Su, can I join in this negotiation?" Lu Lingyue heard about this negotiation, and Su Wei handed it over to Morgan Bank.

With a learning attitude, she wanted to join in.

After all, being able to participate in such a large-scale acquisition will definitely be beneficial to her in the future.

"Of course you want to join in, not only you want to join in, but also Xiao Zhang." Before Zhang Ruoyu, she was completely a vase.

But in Los Angeles for more than a month, Zhang Ruoyu has grown very fast.

Many of Su Wei's affairs are now handed over to Zhang Ruoyu, and they are all handled well.

In this case, Su Wei plans to let her practice in this acquisition case.

Anyway, he basically had nothing to do until the acquisition was completed.

"Ah, there's still my business."

. . . . . .

new York.

"Wow, this is New York, it feels completely different from Los Angeles." Zhang Ruoyu came to New York this time, feeling that this place is completely different from Los Angeles.

Because of this place, it looks like a big city.

This is not the same as Los Angeles, here is the city skyline.

Unlike Los Angeles, very tall buildings are rarely seen in the city.

"It's really different. Los Angeles all live in satellite cities, while New York is similar to the magic capital in China. Everyone lives in the urban area." Su Wei looked outside and found that the night view here is really beautiful.

However, as the largest city in the world, New York has such an urban landscape, which is also normal.

As the second largest city in Los Angeles, there is actually a reason why the rich will not go to the city, but only stay in satellite cities.

One is that downtown Los Angeles is full of homeless people.

The second reason, and the main reason, is because of the earthquake in Los Angeles.

So when Los Angeles was built, it was already proposed not to build a megacity, but to build a larger Los Angeles area.

"Then I still think Los Angeles is more comfortable. At least the sky over there is bluer. Mr. Su, those people below seem to be the ones from JPMorgan Chase to pick us up." Zhang Ruoyu flew from the west coast to the east coast.

She could clearly feel that the sky on the east coast was a bit grayer than that on the west coast.

Zhang Ruoyu is used to living in a place like Los Angeles, and is no longer suitable for life in a metropolis like New York.

After all, in Los Angeles, she often goes out in a T-shirt.

"It should be, let's go down and take a look." Su Wei followed Zhang Ruoyu's guidance and saw a large convoy at the airport.

And there are no other convoys near it.

"Su, hello, I'm Johnson, RM from Morgan Bank, welcome to New York." The person who came to greet Su Wei this time is the Relationship Manager of Morgan Bank, that is, the customer relationship manager, who specializes in connecting with customers .

After all, Su Wei is in Morgan Bank, but his deposits have reached 220 billion US dollars.

Knowing that Su Wei is flying to New York today, of course they have to show their sincerity.

"Hello Johnson" Su Wei came to New York this time, and he was originally looking for Morgan Bank.

So before he came, he had notified them.

Trust them, they will definitely take good care of him.

"After such a long flight, we have already arranged a dinner party. Please get in the car first." Su Wei had already told them what he was going to do when he came here this time.

The people from JPMorgan Chase were really overjoyed when they heard Su Wei say that they were going to help with the negotiation.

After all, with such a big transaction in their hands, they can definitely make a good profit.

"Don't go to eat first, take us to the hotel to have a rest"

 Do you have any good suggestions for these three companies?
(End of this chapter)

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