Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 490 Su, We Meet Again

new York.

Su Wei came to New York this time to find Morgan Bank to help him acquire Hollywood companies.

So after explaining the matter to them, he went to play alone.

After all, he doesn't know anything about acquisitions.

If you get involved, it might even be a disservice.

As for Zhang Ruoyu and Lu Lingyue, of course they were involved in the front line of the acquisition.

After Morgan Bank completed the investigation of the three companies, the first contact was MGM's big creditor Kevin Ure.

He is the CEO of the Anchorage hedge fund and the single largest owner of MGM stock.

When they bought MGM back then, they were actually tricked by Sony.

It was agreed to make a lot of money after the acquisition of MGM, but these hedge funds all got in.

And Sony bought MGM back then, in fact, because it was greedy for MGM's more than 4000 film libraries.

At that time, Blu-ray DVD supported by Sony was fighting with HD-DVD supported by Toshiba and Microsoft.

Time Warner's film library at the time had 6500 films, the largest in the world at the time.

But the world's first library supports Toshiba and Microsoft.

Sony had no choice but to join forces with several hedge funds to acquire MGM.

Columbia Pictures, owned by Sony, already has 3500 films.

After adding MGM's 4100, its number of movies directly reaches a staggering 7600.

In one breath, it surpassed Time Warner, which has 6500 movies, and became the world's number one.

It helped Sony's Blu-ray DB win over Toshiba and Microsoft's HD, and became the mainstream Blu-ray in the DVD market.

I just didn't expect that in 2008, the emergence of online downloads and digital formats caused the DVD market to collapse.

Seeing this situation, Sony directly gave up 20.00% of MGM's shares, and left after clearing.

Although he emptied and lost hundreds of millions of dollars invested in, he did not have to bear more than one billion in debt.

Only these hedge funds on Wall Street are left, rolling back and forth in MGM's debt.

"Barber, what do you think about the acquisition?" Kevin Ulrich quickly contacted Gary Barber after sending Lu Lingyue and the others away.

After all, although he is now the largest shareholder of MGM, Gary Barber has always been in charge of MGM's operations.

Of course he hopes that MGM can be sold smoothly.

But it's useless for him to speak alone, after all, MGM is now controlled by a dozen hedge funds.

At least half of the shareholders must be persuaded before MGM can be successfully sold.

But if Gary Barber can be persuaded, it will be very easy to convince other shareholders.

After all, Gary Barber controls MGM, and only if he thinks MGM can't sell, others will give up their fantasy.

"If someone can take over MGM, then of course I wish for it. After all, it's a good thing for us, but the price they offered makes me a bit unacceptable." Lu Lingyue's first offer was 60 billion dollars.

It includes a book wealth of 44 billion and a debt of 16 billion.

When MGM and Telescope Entertainment reorganized in 2010, all 40 billion debts had been converted into shares.

This is why MGM has so many hedge fund shareholders in it.

After 8 years, a new debt of 16 billion has now been added.

Barber was dissatisfied with Lu Lingyue's offer of 60 billion yuan because he held 5.00% of the shares.

If the 60 billion is spread out evenly, he can't even get 16 million, because there are still [-] billion in debt to be repaid.

"Do you have any impression of this Baihe Film Company? I have been in Hollywood for so many years, why have I never heard of this company?" Kevin's Anchorage hedge fund has a 30.00% stake.

Also in 2005, the hedge fund that invested the most.

At that time, he was real money, and he took out [-] million U.S. dollars to enter the market.

Now if he sells MGM at the price of 60 billion, he can still take more than one billion.

Although many companies are now interested in MGM, most of them are only interested in the IP of 007.

And most of their companies are going to prostitute MGM for nothing.

Now there is Baihe Media, but he doesn't even know the details of this company.

He doesn't even know who the opponent is, so how can he talk about acquisitions with the other party.

So this time Kevin approached Barber, not only to persuade him to sell the company together, but also to find out who the company is.

"Don't talk about you, even I haven't heard of this company." Barbour's previous company was Telescope Entertainment.

The purpose of this company's initial establishment is the two major media groups in Europe.

The Kirsch Group and Mediaset were established for the purpose of a 5-year sales agreement with The Walt Disney Company.

In the end, after the contract between this company and Disney expired, it was owned by Cybernaut Asset Management.

This company does not seem to be well-known, but it has also produced many popular movies.

Such as Brave Me, Special Forces, False God, and Star Trek.

Even he, who has been in Hollywood for so many years, has never heard of Baihe Media.

"Even you haven't heard of it? That's strange, where did this company come from?" Kevin heard Barbour say that he had never heard of this company.

This made him feel very strange, because only big companies can acquire MGM.

After all, with a price of 60 billion, it is impossible for those people who have never heard of it to have so much money.

But he was sure that the other party could come up with so much money, because they were brought by Seymour's people.

With them, there must be real rich people on the opposite side, there is no doubt about it.

It's just that now he doesn't even know who the other party is, and he really doesn't know what to talk to them about.

If the price is higher, he is afraid that the other party will run away.

But if the price is lower, he is afraid that he will regret it then.

Now his hedge fund is having a hard time, and he urgently needs a performance to boost morale.

"I don't know, but we can check the company and talk about it"

. . . . . .

After the people from Morgan Bank visited MGM, they went directly to Paramount.

After all, among the behind-the-scenes figures of the three companies, only Lionsgate is based in Santa Monica, California.

The other two current heads, the companies are in Manhattan, New York.

The person who bought Paramount back then was the well-known American Sumner Redstone.

He is also the only person in the North American news field who can wrestle with Murdoch.

"Boss, Morgan Bank is here this time to represent Baihe Media and wants to acquire Paramount Pictures." This time Seymour's people came and did not meet the current chairman of Viacom.

The person who met them was only the director of Viacom's entertainment department.

After all, Viacom and Anchorage hedge funds are not at the same level.

Viacom's market value is as high as tens of billions.

As for the chairman of Viacom, the industry is not just Paramount and Viacom.

And CBS, MTA, and Time Warner stakes.

So how could such a big shot meet Lu Lingyue and the others.

"It's another company that wants to acquire Paramount. This is already the eighth this year." The big boss of Viacom is no longer Sumner Redstone.

It was Sumner Redstone's daughter, Sally Redstone.

She worked for Viacom in the 90s.

But she was always suppressed by her father, and it was not until he was paralyzed that Sally finally took control of Viacom in 2016.

After Sally mastered Viacom, she planned to integrate all entertainment resources.

"Yeah, maybe they were too late in the news, so they thought we were going to sell Paramount" Paramount did want to sell, but the time was in 2016.

At Viacom that year, civil strife broke out in the Redstone family.

Although Sumner Redstone was paralyzed and unable to speak, he still wanted to hold onto power.

And Sally Redstone has been a puppet for several years and knows what kind of person her father is.

So taking advantage of his paralysis, he directly took away his rights.

This is why in 2016, Wanda was able to negotiate an acquisition with Paramount.

After 2017, basically no one mentioned it.

It's just that people in Hollywood, not everyone, are so well-informed.

How could the staff in the American White Crane Media understand this secret, so they made a wrong judgment.

Of course, it wasn't just Baihe Media, otherwise there wouldn't be seven other companies bidding this year.

"Reject them directly and tell them that Paramount is not for sale." In Sally Redstone's heart, there is an entertainment empire crazier than her father.

And Paramount is indispensable in this territory.

After all, the troika of Internet, TV, and movies is indispensable.

Unless Baihe Media can offer a high premium, it is impossible for Sally to sell Paramount.

The current market value of Paramount is around 120 billion.

If the price is more than 150 billion, it can actually be negotiated. After all, there are no products that are not for sale, and everything is just that the price is not in place.

"good boss"

. . . . . .

When Su Wei was attacking everywhere at Morgan Bank, he was not idle in New York.

After all, there are many parties that a rich man like him wants to invite him to.

While he doesn't throw much of a party himself, not everyone is like him.

Lucas, who was in New York this time, knew that Su Wei was in New York, so he invited him to his party.

If it's someone else's party, of course Su Wei is not interested.

But Lucas is Alan's friend, and he still has to give this face.

This time, Lucas arranged for the party inside the Empire State Building.

It looks like Central Park from here during the day, and it can also be seen from the gaps in tall buildings.

"Su, you're here. I haven't seen you for a while. Why have you changed? Did you go hunting in Africa? You should call me." Lucas saw Su Wei for the first time and found that he had become so dark now .

But he is in the United States, of course he knows that such things as blackening cannot be said.

So he could only express euphemistically, whether he went hunting in Africa.

Because he remembered that Su Wei liked hunting very much, and spent hundreds of millions to buy a manor for hunting.

"I have recently become obsessed with golf. If I go hunting in Africa, I will never forget you." Su Wei has been in Los Angeles for such a long time, of course he knows a lot and cannot say anything.

For example, you cannot say that a person is black, because that is considered racism.

In private, of course, it's okay to say these things, but now it's a party.

Su Wei passed through the open door and saw that there were also black people inside.

"You also like to play golf? If I'm still in New York in a few days, I will definitely play a game with you." Golf is very popular in the United States.

In the aristocratic circle, let alone.

Lucas didn't expect that Su Wei still likes to play golf.

Thinking of how dark he has been recently, I guess he must have been playing golf a lot recently.

"No problem, if you want to go, just give me a call and we'll see you later." Su Wei saw that there were still many people coming in from behind, so he didn't keep chatting with Lucas at the door.

After saying hello to him, I went in alone.

Zhang Ruoyu and Lu Lingyue were sent by him to buy them, and now he has no women around him.

So this time he came here alone.

"Hi, Sue, we meet again." Victoria Garrity came to New York this time and was brought to this party by her friends.

She felt too stuffy in the room just now, but when she got to the hall, she saw a familiar person in front of her.

Seeing him taking wine, she also went over to get a glass.

After getting closer, she realized that this person was really the Su Wei she had seen before.

"Victoria? What a coincidence, we met again." Su Wei didn't expect to meet Victoria Garrity in New York.

Although Su Wei left a call with her last time, he never made this call.

After all, he is very arrogant, and he will not do the thing of licking a dog even if he is killed.

"Yes, are you here alone today?" Victoria Garrity was very curious to Su Wei.

Because last time she stained Su Wei's expensive clothes, he didn't want her to pay, as long as she and him exchanged a phone call.

At that time, she thought that Su Wei would definitely call her often.

After all, she really knows a lot about men's minds.

But he had her on the phone for several months, but he didn't make a single call.

"Yes, this time I'm in New York to discuss business. Where's your agent?" Su Wei thought of her agent when he saw Victoria.

After all, if she hadn't been there last time, the relationship between him and her would definitely not just stay on the surface.

Seeing that there was no one around her now, his heart was a little restless.

"She didn't come here today, I came here with my friend." Seeing Su Wei's appearance, Victoria knew that he must be annoyed by her manager.

She was so cute seeing the look on his face looking around.

Victoria also loves and hates her agent.

Love is because her business ability is really good, so she can get to where she is today step by step.

It's a bit serious to say hate words, but she ruined her love more than once.

"Victoria, why are you here? I've been looking for you for a long time." Zorene Brown is Victoria's friend. She just found out that she was missing, so she came out to look for her.

In the end, I searched around and found that her good friend was chatting with a strange man.

Taking a closer look, she found that she actually knew this man.

Although several months had passed, and he had been hacked a lot, she was sure it was him.

"Zorene, this is Sue, a friend I met in Los Angeles, and he's in New York on a business trip.

Sue, this is Zorin, she is my friend, and she brought me to today's party." Victoria will come to New York this time, and she will follow Zorin.

Although she is a supermodel, following Zuo Lin this trip made her really see what the upper class is like.

It's not the old one, it's just a superficial understanding of the upper class.

It's the kind that can be touched by real contact with the upper class.

"Hi Sue, we meet again"

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