Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 491 You have to speed up

Chapter 491 You have to speed up

"Zolin, do you know Su?" Victoria looked at Zuo Lin and greeted Su Wei naturally, and guessed that they might know each other.

Thinking that Su Wei is a rich man, it is normal to know Zuo Lin.

But at this moment, a sense of tension secretly arose in her heart.

After all, she and Su Wei only met once.

"We met at Christie's auction in London, and he took away one of my grandmother's favorite things at the auction." Zuo Lin had just greeted Su Wei, and thought he would recognize her immediately.

But when she saw his reaction, she realized that she seemed to have misunderstood.

So she could only tell the scene at that time so that he could remember her.

Because if he couldn't remember her, she would be humiliated in front of Victoria.

"I remembered, so it was you." When Su Wei saw Zuo Lin just now, he just thought she looked familiar.

But he really couldn't remember who she was.

After all, he has seen too many beautiful girls, so it is not certain that they may be similar.

When she mentioned the Christie's auction in London, he immediately remembered it.

Only then did Su Wei realize why he couldn't remember her.

Because she was blonde then, and she's brunette now.

"It seems that I am very ordinary. When you saw me, you didn't recognize me immediately." Su Wei didn't recognize Zuo Lin this time, which really hurt her self-confidence.

After all, her appearance has always been praised by people around her.

And her grandmother also said that she is most like one of her granddaughters.

But Su Wei had already forgotten her in just a few months.

If it wasn't for her reminder, he wouldn't be able to remember her at all.

"It can't be my fault, after all, we didn't even leave the contact information at that time." When Su Wei saw Zuo Lin, he thought of her grandmother.

Although he had forgotten what her grandmother's name was, the only thing he remembered was that her grandmother's nickname was Black Widow.

If he were in Europe now, then Su Wei must have run as far away from Zorin as possible.

But now in America, he couldn't care less about her grandmother.

After all, the opponent's strength is not enough in the United States.

And now that Zorin had dyed her hair black, he found her to be even better.

"Okay, where's your yacht? Is it parked in New York? I haven't seen it yet." On the yacht at Christie's last time, Su Wei successfully cut off her grandmother's heart.

Because she was accompanying her grandmother, it was the first time she knew about such a yacht.

But in Zorin's impression, she only remembered that the yacht looked big and beautiful.

Seeing Su Wei now, of course she wanted to go and see that yacht.

After all, that yacht was her grandmother's heart, and she wanted to see if it was that good.

"This time I came to New York for a business trip. The yacht is parked at the beach in Malibu. If you want to see the yacht, you can call me when you arrive in Los Angeles." On the day Su Wei came to the United States, the yacht had already left the Huangpu River.

Parked right now, on the pier over there in Malibu.

And his yacht was on the news in Los Angeles.

After all, Su Wei's yacht is the biggest in the world, and that is the swimming pool on the yacht, which is the largest among all yachts.

Some time ago, Su Wei took Wang Xiaoyuan and Chen Lu up separately.

"Su, do you still have a yacht? Seeing that Zuo Lin is looking forward to it, your yacht must be very expensive." The last time Victoria saw Su Wei was at Alan Koch's party.

And this time I saw him again, it was at Lucas' party.

As a friend of two super rich second generations, he must also be very rich.

Moreover, Zorin's family was already rich, and she was curious about the yacht. Victoria no longer dared to guess how expensive it was.

"Whose yacht is very expensive? What are you talking about so happily, don't you mind adding me?" Daniel waited in the room for a while, and found that neither Zorin nor Victoria had returned.

After talking to his friend, he came out to find someone.

Then I saw Victoria and Zorin chatting happily with an Asian.

The happier they chatted, the angrier he became.

After all, Zorin and Victoria are super beauties.

Not only is Zorin beautiful, but her family is also very rich.

Although Victoria has a mediocre family background, she is a supermodel.

And now that she has been favored by Lafayette, it is not impossible to become a top supermodel.

Now that the two of them are chatting so happily with an Asian, how can he be happy.

"We're talking about Su's yacht. Su, this is Daniel. He's Zorin's classmate." Victoria didn't like this Daniel very much.

Because he is a typical American, with a kind of arrogance that comes from the bones.

Although she knows that she is Italian, she still belittles her country in her words.

It's just that she doesn't get angry very well on this occasion.

After all, he is a local snake in New York, and she is just a foreigner.

"Yacht, I have a 220-foot yacht at home. If you like it, we can go and see it now." The 220-foot yacht is almost 66 meters.

As long as the yacht exceeds 60 meters, it is collectively called a super yacht.

When Daniel said this, of course he wanted to show off in front of Zorin and Victoria.

He didn't believe that Su Wei's yacht could be as big as his family's.

After all, he has seen a lot of rich children, but he has never seen Su Wei before.

"Daniel, you are here again, Su's yacht is also super big, not smaller than your yacht." The previous auction has passed for several months.

Zuo Lin couldn't remember how big Su Wei's yacht was.

After all, it was the first time she knew about the existence of that yacht.

I have only seen a few promotional photos, but I have never seen the real thing.

"That's great, Sue, where do you live now, you don't have a house in New York, right?" Daniel heard Zorin say this, he thought Zorin was bragging for Su.

After all, the cheapest price of a 220-foot yacht exceeds tens of millions of dollars.

The price of a more expensive 220-foot yacht can reach tens of millions.

But Zorin said so, and he couldn't keep asking, so he started asking Sue if she had a house in New York.

After all, New York is the largest city on earth, if he doesn't even have a house, then he will have to laugh at him.

"It's true that I don't have a house in New York. Victoria, Zorin, are you free tomorrow? I want to invite you to look at the house together." Su Wei is only the third day in New York today, how could he have a house.

However, he has already contacted the agent and will go to see the house tomorrow afternoon.

Without Zhang Ruoyu around, it would be boring for him to go alone, so he invited Victoria and Zuolin to go together.

"Are you inviting me? Okay." Victoria was also very interested in buying a house in New York.

After all, she is becoming more and more famous now, and buying a house for investment is a good choice.

You can learn a lot by going to see houses with Su Wei, a rich man.

"Looking at the house? What a coincidence, I plan to buy a house in New York too." This time, Zorin also plans to buy a house in New York.

Because she came here this time and found that it is much better than London.

The weather in London is really depressing.

"What a coincidence, I'll go tomorrow too, after all, I know New York very well." Daniel heard that Su Wei was going to buy a house, and invited Zorin and Victoria.

And seeing that the two of them readily agreed, he quickly said that he was going.

After all, he wanted to see what kind of house this braggart would buy.

Could it be bought in Brooklyn, New York? If that's the case, then he will have to laugh at him.

"Okay, then let's meet at Starbucks on the south side of Central Park at three o'clock tomorrow afternoon"

. . . . . .

"Ding Ding Ding"

"Fan Wenqi, what's the matter with you?" Su Wei came out of the party and went straight back to the hotel.

Mostly the parties on the American side, which he finds boring.

Moreover, Zorin and Victoria left early, he stayed for a while, and left after making an appointment with Lucas.

"I can't call you if I have nothing to do? You are so heartless, I am the mother of your child.

Okay, I won’t talk to you anymore. I have already talked with Sun Yi about the virtual patient you mentioned last time. I will come to the United States with her in a few days. When the time comes, you, as the landlord, remember to receive us "Last time Su Wei and Sun Yi talked about the cutting-edge technology of virtual patients.

The original plan was that Su Wei would bring her to the United States to discuss cooperation after a while.

Didn't the incident of stabbing people in the street happen later, how could Su Wei have time to continue to do this.

But Su Wei gave up, but Fan Wenqi was very interested, so she contacted Sun Yi through Su Wei.

This time she was looking for Su Wei. She hadn't seen him for a long time and wanted to meet him.

"You guys are going to Boston, not Los Angeles, so why am I a landlord?" Su Wei was speechless, he was not familiar with Boston, so how could he become a landlord.

If they were going to Los Angeles, he could still make arrangements.

On the other side of Boston, apart from knowing the place name, he was blinded by everything else.

"You started this matter in the first place, but now you don't care about it, and I only need you to receive it, which is considered cheap for you." If Fan Wenqi really wanted to find someone to take it over, just say a word, and there will be a bunch of them in Boston immediately. People with connections will stand up.

But how could they compare with Su Wei, after all Su Wei is her child's father.

"I may not be free these days. If I get busy, don't blame me if the reception is not good." Su Wei heard Fan Wenqi say this, and he couldn't continue to refuse.

After all, for Zheng Ziyang's matter this time, he still needs to thank Fan Wenqi.

It's just that he is very busy recently, and he doesn't know if he will have the time then.

So he made an agreement in advance now, not to give Fan Wenqi a chance to criticize.

"Being busy recently? Are you going to buy a big Hollywood company?" Fan Wenqi heard Su Wei say that he will be very busy recently.

Thinking of the rumors she had heard before, she didn't know that those news were true.

It's just that she was curious about where Su Wei got the money from.

Didn't he have been frozen by domestic banks for more than 1000 billion yuan?

"How do you know? You have eyes by my side?" Su Wei told Zhang Ruoyu and Lu Lingyue about buying a major Hollywood company.

As for the others, he said nothing.

In order to keep it secret, he didn't even call Xu Liyang this time.

Now that Fan Wenqi told the truth, he would of course doubt how she knew the news.

"I have a friend who works at Morgan, you don't think this matter can be kept secret forever?" Fan Wenqi didn't expect that Su Wei really wanted to buy a big Hollywood company.

Originally, she thought that Su Wei might really have to wait five years before returning to China.

But if he can really handle this identity, then he will be able to go back next year at the latest.

It's just that he needs to get this identity done as soon as possible, because some people can't hold on anymore.

"I really don't understand, why does Morgan Bank recruit so many second generations to work? They are not strict at all." These large private banks in the United States will find a large number of second generations to work.

So many times the news will say that whoever graduated works at Goldman Sachs, and whoever graduates works in an investment bank on Wall Street.

They are really awesome, of course not.

There is only one reason why they can go in, and that is because their home is super awesome.

These second generations don't need to do specific things when they enter these big companies, as long as they manage their own relationship well, that's enough.

Su Wei's secret this time, of course, was revealed to Fan Wenqi by those talkative second generations.

"When you buy a big Hollywood company, you must want to get the identity. Then you have to be faster, because the old man of the Zheng family is dying. You have to confirm the identity before he dies."

. . . . . .

The next day.

Santa Monica, California.

As the largest private bank, Morgan Bank is of course efficient.

I was still in New York yesterday, and I arrived in Santa Monica, California this morning to visit Lionsgate.

"Let's all take a look, do you have anything to say about this matter?" Kevin Beggs is the chairman and largest shareholder of Lionsgate Films.

After the people from Morgan Bank left, he held a high-level meeting.

Although he is the chairman, he is not the only one who has the final say on the company.

"I have already asked someone about Baihe Media. They are a very small company that has only been established for a few months. The boss is from Huaxia. The first investment was 5000 million in Jeff Franklin's new The movie "John Malone is the second largest shareholder of the company, and he is very powerful in Hollywood.

Controls the voting rights of American media giants Liberty Media and Liberty Global, and also owns a large stake in Discovery Communications.

When the people from Morgan Bank came to contact them, he had already asked someone to check the details of Baihe Media.

As soon as the people from Morgan Bank left, he had already checked out the past of Baihe Media.

"Invest 5000 million in Jeff Franklin's new movie? Then he is really rich." Many people in the office know Jeff Franklin.

After all, he lost tens of millions in his last movie.

Bringing a good film company to the brink of bankruptcy.

"Investing in Franklin, what's the difference between throwing money into the water?" Jeff Franklin also came to Lionsgate to pull investment.

But here, Lionsgate Films did not invest a penny in him.

Because their evaluation of Franklin is that he is only suitable for some TV series.

For him, movies are something he can't grasp.

"Of course I know he is rich. After all, it was Seymour who came to talk to us this time. What I want to ask you is the future of Lionsgate Films." Kevin Beggs saw the office, and everyone chatted more and more.

All they could do was quickly turn their thinking back.

Because what he cares about is whether Lionsgate will sell it.

Instead of caring about whether Franklin's big production can succeed.

"If Lionsgate is not acquired, then our next move is to accelerate our growth, which requires expanding production capacity, and our investment is still too conservative," analyst Stan Meyers, see Kevin Berger Si was a little angry, and quickly became serious.

He actually wants to sell Lionsgate Films.

Because he owns a stake, he could make a lot of money if Lionsgate sells successfully.

But if Kevin Beggs doesn't want to sell, he expects him to invest heavily.

Because now the Hollywood film companies have already made the list of giants.

If they don't invest a lot of money, they are likely to fall behind later.

And if it falls behind, Lionsgate isn't worth that much money.

"Expanding production capacity requires a large investment. In fact, I think the current Lionsgate has reached the point of being acquired," said CEO Hal Vogel, who directly maintained a positive opinion on the acquisition.

Because they are just a small company, how could they be the opponents of those giants.

The loss of a few movies by the giant may be innocuous.

And if they lose a few movies, they may lose the company.

Now that the company's market value is high, of course it is more cost-effective to exchange for money.

"Okay, I already understand your thoughts. We can talk to Baihe Media as long as the price is reasonable, but I definitely won't accept the current price." Kevin Beggs said about the sale of Lionsgate Karma, of course there is no reluctance.

But it is definitely impossible for him to sell Lionsgate for 55 billion.

Because he has acquired a lot of good guys during the years he has been running Lionsgate.

These included the $44 billion acquisition of Starz Television Network, $4.13 million of Summit Entertainment, $2.2 million of Artisan, $5000 million of Trimark, and $2700 million of Debmar-Mercury.

Although he did not pay for the acquisition alone, Lionsgate Films is definitely not worth only 55 billion.

Hasbro wanted to acquire them last year, but they all offered 60 billion US dollars, but he didn't agree.

"Yes, the current market value of Lionsgate is 70 billion US dollars, and their acquisition price of 55 billion is a bit too dishonest"

(End of this chapter)

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