Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 493 Being Treated as a Winner

Chapter 493 Being Treated as a Winner
Since Su Wei bought the house in Central Park, his relationship with Victoria has progressed rapidly.

Especially after he gave her a Rolls Royce, the two of them had sex in the hotel that night.

In the few days before he left for Boston, the two had been tired of being together.

The only bad thing is that he didn't get Zorin.

After all, Zuo Lin is a rich girl, and she doesn't have the idea of ​​having two maids and one husband.

As for that Daniel, after coming out of 220 Central Park south, he never BBed in front of Su Wei again.

Who wants Su Wei to buy the third floor of 220-67 at 69 Central Park south, and also buy a worker's room on the 19th floor below, specially for the servants at home.

Daniel's family has some money, but compared with Su Wei, it is really far behind.

. . . . . .


Boston is the capital and largest city of Massachusetts, and the largest city in New England in the northeastern United States.

"Fan Wenqi, here" Su Wei knew that today was the day Fan Wenqi was coming, so he came to Boston yesterday.

The main reason is that Victoria is going back to Europe, and Su Wei is getting bored in New York again.

She could have gone to Zorin, but she hasn't been talking to him much lately.

In this case, Su Wei can only come to Boston earlier.

"It's been a while, why are you so dark?" After Fan Wenqi got off the plane, she saw Su Wei and didn't recognize him for a moment.

Because Su Wei in her previous impression had always had fair skin.

But the Su Wei I saw today felt almost as dark as the workers on the construction site.

You can tell at a glance that this is the result of being exposed to too much ultraviolet light.

"I can't help it. Now my funds have been frozen. I can only go to the construction site to move bricks. Not to mention, moving bricks here does cost a little more money." The wages of workers in the United States are really high.

If it is compared with China, it can really be beaten in China.

Chen Lu's house was not far from the Malibu villa, and a house was demolished, and a new house was planned to be built.

When Su Wei was bored watching the strange things, he found that there were people from China inside.

Chatting with them, I know that they have graduated from junior high school in China before and have not studied.

Then I came to the United States to discuss life with my fellow villagers in the village, and now I can earn more than 1 yuan a month.

Therefore, the only suitable immigrants in the United States are really the poor.

Middle-class people who come to the United States simply have a problem with their brains, because except for the diplomas of a few top universities in China, other diplomas are not recognized here.

Don't talk about 985, don't talk about 211, it's useless, Lao Mei doesn't recognize this.

"If you can really go to the construction site to move bricks for a few months, I will definitely help you get back the frozen money. Are you going? I will record a date for you." Fan Wenqi heard Su Wei say that he went to the construction site during this time up.

She is not a fool, how could she believe such words.

And whoever goes to the construction site every day can still take a Rolls-Royce with bodyguards.

Of course she knew that Su Wei was cashing in and crying poor to her.

"You really can't take jokes. You've been pregnant for several months, why are you still acting like a child?" Su Wei was actually joking when he said that.

After all, his money was frozen, so Fan Wenqi might not be able to unfreeze it for him.

If it was her father, it would be about the same.

And if it wasn't for her this time, how could Su Wei just have the money frozen.

So Su Wei was actually very grateful to Fan Wenqi.

"Don't touch me here, this is my son." Of course Fan Wenqi knew that Su Wei was joking.

It's like she told Su Wei that she would get back his frozen money when she went to the construction site.

At this time, she saw his hand reaching out to touch her belly, and gave him a hand angrily.

After all, I didn't see him caring about the child when he was on the phone.

Now that she came here with a big belly, he came to care about the child in her belly, of course she was angry.

"Ms. Sun, it's been a hard journey. I've already arranged a hotel. I think you must be tired after taking such a long flight this time. Let's go to the hotel and rest for a while." Su Wei and Fan Wenqi quarreled After a while, he noticed the people behind him.

As the liaison person this time, Sun Yi will of course be there.

There was also Zhou Xiaoyu, the secretary, and a strong woman he didn't know.

Why is it a strong woman, because he feels that such a woman can fight back and forth with Liu Qiang.

This time, in order to entertain Fan Wenqi and the others, Su Wei packed up two floors of the Four Seasons Hotel.

"This time I came here on a private jet, which is much better than the economy class before." Sun Yi looked at Su Wei and Fan Wenqi flirting, but she really didn't understand.

Isn't this Su Wei her student, Wu Fei's boyfriend?

Judging from the chat between them just now, Fan Wenqi's child can't be Su Wei's.

If this is the case, what is Wu Fei's situation?

Before she went abroad, Wu Feike also asked her to see if her boyfriend lost weight.

If she knew that she was just a mistress, I don't know how uncomfortable she would be.

"In the final analysis, the private jet is not just a chair. Get in the car. I have already arranged dinner. Xiaoyu, you can take this car with Teacher Sun." Fan Wenqi and the others took a private jet this time. G600.

The main reason is that after Su Wei was restricted from returning to China, his plane could not return to China either.

Otherwise, he can directly send his own plane to pick up people.

"Okay, Mr. Sun please"

. . . . . .

"By the way, what happened to the matter you told me last time, didn't you say that you can at least survive the winter?" Fan Wenqi and Su Wei said before that Mr. Zheng is in very poor health now.

Su Wei's plan to acquire a major Hollywood company needs to be accelerated.

But Su Wei clearly remembered that it was said that he could live to this winter.

If that was the case, then he couldn't bargain.

"Who can say this thing well, in short, you must get your identity as soon as possible, you are not short of money." Fan Wenqi asked Su Wei to speed up. It is true that Mr. Zheng has been in a lot of bad condition recently.

If he really left recently, Su Wei's identity has not been settled yet.

Even if he got the status, it would take at least five years.

After all, having an identity before leaving is a completely different concept from having an identity after leaving.

"Why, are you going to give me back the money I've frozen?" Su Wei heard Fan Wenqi ask him about his lack of money, and thought she had a way to unfreeze the money.

If the money can be unfrozen, then he can't wait for it.

After all, the frozen money was originally his, and there was no original sin.

"I don't have such a great ability to help you unfreeze the frozen money. It's just that I have some money in my hand. If you don't have enough money, I can help you with a little. Of course, interest will be calculated." Fan Wenqi's current hand , and almost 300 billion RMB.

Converted into US dollars, there are more than 40 billion.

Although she didn't know how much money Su Wei had,

But now that he wants to buy a big Hollywood company, the more money the better.

And she was not afraid that Su Wei would not pay it back, after all, more than 1000 billion RMB had been frozen in his bank.

"No need, I have enough money now. By the way, I haven't seen you for so long, do you miss me?" Su Wei heard Fan Wenqi say that she had money,

Of course he couldn't ask for it, after all, he wasn't really short of money.

Compared with him before, he is actually a little richer now.

"I'm talking to you about serious business now, don't be joking with me, which companies are your targets this time, I'll give you a reference." Fan Wenqi heard Su Wei say that he didn't need help.

She didn't continue the topic, but instead asked about the Hollywood company he was going to buy.

After all, she had already brought the message to Su Wei. If he really wanted to help, he would naturally come to her.

"Which ones, just three, MGM, Panamount, and Lionsgate." Su Wei saw that Fan Wenqi was interested in which Hollywood company he bought, and he didn't hide it.

After all, Fan Wenqi's recent behavior was done well by him.

And she also has an identity, that is, the mother of Su Wei's child.

He told Fan Wenqi about these three companies, and he meant to ask her to help him choose.

"The MGM brand is famous, but the current business situation is worrisome. Lionsgate's domestic influence is still a bit weak. Now your best choice is Panamount. After all, its Transformers' domestic influence , That's really not bragging." The influence Fan Wenqi mentioned here does not include young people.

Because young people today, after all, have not yet taken power.

The influence she is talking about here is her father's and grandpa's generation.

In their time, MGM was an absolute gold brand.

But MGM's problem is also obvious, that is, the debt pressure.

Lionsgate was established for too short a time and was only formally established in 1997.

Paramount is different, with the same long history as MGM.

And unlike MGM, it has no debt and has its own big IP.

"I'm also more optimistic about Panamount, at least compared to MGM, it has no debt problems." Among these companies, Su Wei is also the most optimistic about Paramount.

Don't look at what Sally Redstone said about Paramount, it's not for sale.

But when negotiating the price with them, there was no rejection at all.

Su Wei knew it, she just wanted to ask for more money.

"Ding Ding Ding"

"What, some little lover called you?" Fan Wenqi saw Su Wei's phone rang, and unconsciously asked if it was from the little lover.

After saying this, she has money to regret.

Because she usually doesn't talk like that at all.

I don't know how to be by Su Wei's side, how to make myself not know myself again and again.

"What are you talking about, this is a call from my subordinate.

Hey, Mr. Lu, why are you calling me so late?" During this period of time, Su Wei and Lu Lingyue were also on the phone very hotly.

The two chat for a while basically every night.

But at that time, it was basically in the middle of the night.

He's really not used to calling so early today.

"Boss Su, the reason why you called so late is because we have already figured out the details of these three companies." Su Wei was usually called Lu Lingyue and Xiaoyue.

Call her Mr. Lu today, she doesn't know that there is someone around Su Wei.

But she wasn't too angry, after all, she didn't know what kind of person he was.

Lu Lingyue and the others have already had several rounds of talks with these three companies in just a few days.

Now for their reserve price, in fact, I already know about it in my heart.

"It's almost done? What are their reserve prices?" Su Wei heard Lu Lingyue say that he had already figured out the reserve price.

That made him overjoyed, because that's what annoyed him about buying big companies.

They want to sell the company, but they won't tell you the reserve price.

"MGM's base price is no less than 80 billion, Lionsgate's base price is no less than 77 billion, and Paramount's base price is no less than 180 billion." Lu Lingyue will make a phone call at this point today. To Su Wei, because she has obtained the reserve price from three companies.

Originally, she wanted to tell him the good news, but who knew she had a sap.

"180 billion? Am I crazy or Paramount is crazy? How can it be worth the price?" Su Wei was speechless when he heard Paramount's offer, which was as high as 180 billion.

Because the current market value of Panamount is around 120 billion.

Su Wei knew that Sally Redstone wanted to sell at a high price, but he thought that she would sell it for 140 billion at most.

But who knew, she actually quoted a price of 180 billion.

"Paramount is mainly Sally Redstone's favorite, and the price is too low and she is not willing to sell it." Sally Redstone is actually unwilling to sell Paramount.

After all, she was about to merge CBS and Viacom, and then add Paramount to form a super giant company.

But if Su Wei can sell 180 billion, Sally Redstone is still willing to sell.

After all, with this money, she can definitely buy a small film company.

"I have the money to buy Panamount, I can buy MGM and Lionsgate, forget it, don't talk to Paramount, now focus on MGM and Lionsgate In three days, as much as the price can be suppressed, the price can be suppressed." Unless Su Wei is mentally ill, how could he spend so much money to buy Paramount.

After all, Paramount's big IP, Transformers is no longer popular now.

Moreover, Paramount's streaming media is actually not strong.

Because it was backed by Viacom before, it doesn't need it to focus on streaming media.

"What's wrong? Seeing that you are so angry for answering the phone" Fan Wenqi waited until Su Wei hung up the phone before asking him what happened.

Although she heard just now, Su Wei complained that Paramount was too expensive.

But what she thought was, if it was expensive, it would be all right to change to another company. Is it necessary to lose my temper.

"Why am I not angry? These big Hollywood companies treat us like idiots. They pay such a high price, and don't even think about who will take their orders." Su Wei will be so angry because these Hollywood companies are like this.

When he sees you as a foreigner, he will bid farewell.

Moreover, these three companies originally planned to sell their own industries.

Calling out this price now, isn't that treating him as a winner.

"Don't be angry, don't you still have two choices?" Fan Wenqi thought for a while, and what Su Wei said actually made sense.

If this is changed to a Jew, the price may be much cheaper.

So at this time, Fan Wenqi persuaded Su Wei to focus on the other two companies.

Most importantly, target MGM.

After all, compared with Lionsgate, its influence is still a little bit worse.

"Paramount took me for a fool, MGM and Lionsgate, they also regarded me as a winner, otherwise how would they say 80 billion and 77 billion?"

 Now everyone is carrying the virus on their bodies. As long as you catch a cold, it will give the virus an opportunity to take advantage of it, so everyone must pay attention to keeping warm. Everything I eat now is bitter, even drinking water is bitter. It is too uncomfortable. up
(End of this chapter)

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