Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 494 The Last Quote

Chapter 494 The Last Quote
When he came to Boston this time, Su Wei originally thought that he would play a big role.

But who knew, he was just a non-staff who was in charge of Fan Wenqi's daily affairs.

Because he is not needed for negotiating with Mr. Sun Yi's laboratory, and he is not needed for sponsorship funds.

So in the past few days, Su Wei has been taking Fan Wenqi to various universities in Cambridge.

"Awei" Su Wei and Fan Wenqi strolled on the campus of MIT. Anyone who saw it would think that this young couple came to enjoy the bookish atmosphere of a top university.

During this period of time, Fan Wenqi left the country and her family to be with Su Wei, which made her feel more relaxed than ever.

Wonder if she's about to become a mom so her estrogen is now taking over.

On her face now, there is no trace of the previous bend at all.

"What's wrong?" Su Wei originally came to Boston this time, wondering if he could find a chance to eat Sun Yi.

As a result, Fan Wenqi's defense against him was almost like guarding against thieves.

Not only Sun Yi couldn't eat it, but even Zhou Xiaoyu, the housemaid, couldn't eat it.

He could only direct all the dissatisfaction in his heart on Fan Wenqi.

But she is a pregnant woman after all, although it has been almost five months, but she must not be too excessive and intense.

Fortunately, before coming to Boston, he and Victoria had just fought fiercely in the hotel for a few days.

"Our child will go to college in the future, which school do you want him to go to?" Fan Wenqi went to England for her college career.

Because there are very few people in their class who go to college in China.

So when she started, she planned to let the child in her belly go to the UK to study in university.

But when she came to visit a prestigious university in the United States, she felt that it was one of the top universities in the world.

Compared with the conservative and old-fashioned British, these top universities in the United States appear to be more professional and open.

"Why, I just visited Harvard and MIT, and started thinking about sending my children here to study in the future." Su Wei was still rubbing his stomach when he saw Fan Wenqi talking.

She still doesn't know what is going on in her head.

Su Wei has no opinion at all about sending his children abroad to study in university.

After all, the real cutting-edge technology still has a lot of foreign talents.

Moreover, many universities in China are reluctant to invest money in scientific research all day long.

Then I put all my mind and heart on recruiting foreign garbage.

In the future, his international ranking will be higher and higher.

But they also don't think about it, relying on this crooked way to improve the ranking can improve scientific research strength.

"I have always had this idea, but I was thinking about sending him to the UK before, but now I have looked at the US side and found that it seems to be a good place. If it were you, which country would you choose?" Fan Wenqi got on the back of the car Row, watching MIT getting farther and farther behind.

She was a little hesitant about which country to send her child to in the future.

It happened that Su Wei was here, and she wanted to hear Su Wei's thoughts.

"The United Kingdom and the United States, of course the United States. After all, British professors are all going to the United States if they are capable." Compared with the universities in the United Kingdom and the United States, Su Wei is of course more optimistic about the United States.

After all, Britain is really getting worse and worse now, and Ah San will become the ruler in the future.

In fact, he also hopes in his heart that the universities in China will be more competitive, and that there will be a really good university before his children go to university.

Not some American reserve university, this kind of name that can never get rid of prejudice.

"We are going back tonight. If you are short of money, don't be shy to tell me." Fan Wenqi had already told Su Wei about the news of going back to China tonight.

After all, she was in China, so she was very busy.

This time, after she spent 3000 million US dollars, the other party agreed to share the research results with Huxing Pharmaceutical.

Now let's talk specifically with Su Wei. In fact, the main thing is to tell Su Wei that if you want to borrow money, you can find her.

"Don't worry, who is the relationship between the two of us? When I really need it, I won't be polite to you."

. . . . . .

new York.

"Kevin, it seems that Baihe Media has given an ultimatum this time." Gary Barber and Lu Lingyue had chatted for several rounds in just a few days.

He has received the news from Seymour's people that White Gull Media is about to make a final decision.

So when he knew about it, he immediately brought it up at the shareholders' meeting.

"I believe everyone can see this as long as they are not stupid." Kevin Ulrich, as the boss of a hedge fund, knows a little about Seymour's people.

He didn't even need to find acquaintances, he knew that now was the time for Baihe Media to make a decision.

And the purpose of his board meeting this time is not to discuss whether Baihe Media is going to acquire them in the end.

What he really cared about was how much he would give Baihe Media a base price.

"Then what is everyone's opinion? Should we still bite the bullet at 80 billion?" Roger Birnbaum couldn't wait for the sale of MGM.

After all, he has been at MGM for eight years, and MGM has never made any money.

It is already very good if the invested movie can not lose money.

If it weren't for the big IP of 007, he would have already run away.

"I think it can be lowered a bit, because I have dealt with Chinese people and know that they like to bargain." Carl Icahn is an investor, and of course he also hopes to sell MGM to make money.

After all, he has held MGM stock for eight years, and MGM is already a hot potato for their company.

It can be said that because of the existence of MGM, their company's rate of return has been pulled down to less than 5.00%.

"It's the kind that comes and goes? That's too troublesome. I'll drop him another [-] million in the end. If it doesn't work, then I won't sell it to them." Kevin Ulrich really can't accept bargaining .

And he didn't think the price of 80 billion was outrageous.

After all, in 2016, MGM was almost bought by the Chinese at this price.

I don't know why later, the Huaxia people didn't continue to chat, but his appetite has been raised.

"Kevin, why are you always refusing to sell at critical times? If it weren't for your stop, MGM would have already made a move in 2016." , All of a sudden stared at MGM.

And for MGM, it even offered a sky-high price of 80 billion US dollars.

It was going to be a success at the time, and it turned out that Kevin Ulrich was hesitating there.

Then Wanda Film and Television didn't know what happened, and the matter was left alone.

So these shareholders sitting here rarely have a good face towards Kevin Ulrich, and this is the reason.

"I just want to sell at a higher price. I do it for everyone's benefit. Is this wrong?" Kevin Ulrich couldn't imagine that everyone will remember what happened in 2016.

At that time, he was really satisfied with the price.

But when he saw the other party's boldness, he wanted to sell more, so he kept procrastinating.

Who knew that as they dragged and dragged, the other party's figure disappeared.

"Of course it is good for everyone, but since you took over MGM, you have been throwing resources at yourself. Are you going to be a star?" James Dondro heard Kevin Ulrich's words Words, the whole is a big speechless.

If it weren't for Kevin Ulrich's delay in selling, MGM would have already sold it.

Moreover, during the years when Kevin Ulrich was the chairman of MGM, he has been participating in various Hollywood receptions and award ceremonies.

He is active, not like the chairman of a film company, but like a movie star.

"Okay, then tell me, what price should we offer?" Kevin Ulrich became more and more excited when he saw other shareholders.

Knowing their plan, they must sell MGM this time.

Now he doesn't dare to cause public outrage, so he can only ask other shareholders what their ideal price is.

"I believe everyone knows that there are only two companies that Baihe Media is investigating now, one is us, and the other is Lionsgate Pictures. I found out that the quotation of Lionsgate Pictures is 77 billion US dollars, so my suggestion Yes, directly 70 billion US dollars." It is no secret that Baihe Media is now in contact with MGM and Lionsgate.

Anyone in Hollywood who is not too fringe already knows the news.

Roger Birnbaum has even inquired that the reserve price of Lionsgate is 77 billion US dollars.

So he felt that in order to be attractive, he had to be lower than Lionsgate.

"70 billion U.S. dollars? That's 10 billion less." Kevin Ulrich couldn't accept it when he heard 70 billion.

After all, compared with the price in 2016, it is 10 billion cheaper.

But seeing that other shareholders thought the price was good, he couldn't clearly object.

"That's a little more reliable than Apple's 50 billion. I think the price of 70 billion is acceptable." People who want to buy MGM now, besides Baihe Media, there is also a super big company, that is Apple company.

Although Apple's people want to buy MGM, but the price of MGM is kept very low.

Their valuation of MGM is $60 billion, and they are only willing to pay $50 billion for the acquisition.

"Everyone can accept it, so let's report 70 billion."

. . . . . .

California.Santa Monica.

"Why is Baihe Media so eager to acquire a Hollywood company?" After talking with Zhang Ruoyu today, Hal Vogel could clearly feel that the negotiation speed of the other party was accelerating.

He thought it would be a long-term tug-of-war, and the result might be announced in the next few days.

This made him unable to understand what was going on.

After all, why is the other party in such a hurry for such a big deal.

For such a big deal, it is normal to talk about it for several months or years.

"I don't know. I've also inquired seriously, but I didn't get any useful information at all." John Malone really asked why Baihe Media was in such a hurry.

But he didn't get any news, so he was really at a loss.

It would be amazing if he could figure it out.

Fan Wenqi's news to Su Wei must be confidential.

John Malone just wanted to find out, so it's possible.

"No matter what the reason is, we just need to know that Baihe Media is already planning to make the final choice." Of course Kevin Beggs knew that Baihe Media was not joking this time.

There should be a choice between them and MGM in the near future.

"It's good to make a choice, and we don't have to suffer with it." Mitchell Burns really didn't sleep well during the recent period.

Because when I go to bed at night, I often dream that Lionsgate has been sold, or that Baihe Media doesn't like Lionsgate.

Now that the results are coming out, he finally doesn't have to suffer anymore.

If the company is sold this time, he plans to take a break and travel around with his little girlfriend.

"Then what price should we quote? Is it still 77 billion?" Hal Vogel saw that everyone agreed and knew that everyone, like him, wanted to sell the company.

After all, if the company is sold, these shareholders will get a lot of money immediately.

And now Hollywood is getting more and more difficult to play.

Their current opponent has changed from a mere owner of a media company to a giant in various industries.

"Of course we can't quote 77 billion. I heard from MGM that their reserve price is 70 billion. If we don't drop a cent, I'm afraid it's a bit unreasonable, so I suggest that we quote 75 billion." John Malone's news, comparable Other shareholders are much smarter.

Not only did they know that MGM was eager to sell the company, but they also knew that their base price was 70 billion.

MGM dropped by 10 billion, and they must drop a little here.

"No, our quotation remains the same, it is still quoted at 77 billion US dollars." Kevin Beggs heard that MGM's offer directly dropped by 10 billion.

The more this is the case, the less he will lower the price.

So he continued to insist, and still quoted $77 billion to Baihe Media.

"Kevin? MGM has dropped 10 billion, don't you want to sell Lionsgate?" Mitchell Burns heard that Kevin Beggs insisted on 77 billion, and he thought he must be crazy.

Because this time may be the last offer, MGM dropped 10 billion.

If they refused to drop a penny, then Baihe Media might not choose them.

"MGM is just an old lion losing its teeth. Why do we think we can't beat it? Decades ago, MGM was really the king of Hollywood, but it's not anymore, and Lionsgate It’s different, we’re still young.” Kevin Beggs certainly respects MGM decades ago.

But today is different from the past, MGM is no longer the style of the past.

And in the heart of Kevin Beggs, Lionsgate can be ranked in the top three in Hollywood.

"I think what Kevin said is right. Lionsgate is not as famous as MGM, and other things have already surpassed it." I didn't expect that the first person to support Kevin Beggs would be John Malone.

As an investor, he certainly knows how good Lionsgate is.

Lionsgate has always been known as No.1 under the Big Six, but in fact he is better than many Big Six.

The reason why they are not ranked in the top six is ​​because they have no foundation.

"If everyone thinks so, then I have no objection to the reported US$77 billion." Mitchell Burns saw that John Malone supported Kevin Beggs, and he had nothing to say.

After all, Kevin Beggs is the largest shareholder and John Malone is the second largest shareholder.

The shares of the two of them add up.There are already shares no lower than those of their other shareholders.

"Okay, since everyone has no objections, let's report 77 billion to Baihe Media. If it buys it, then we are all happy. If it doesn't buy it, then we will manage it well and strive to be included in the top six."

(End of this chapter)

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