Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 495 The News Spreads


"Aries, you've worked hard, drink some rock sugar pears to moisten your throat." Sister Chen is a manager under Rice Entertainment, and she is nearly 40 years old this year.

She has been an agent for almost eight years.

Recently, the company gave her a newcomer, let Haolai take good care of her.

She had seen this newcomer, not only could he sing well, but he was also pretty.

She is very confident in cultivating her to be a mainstay artist under her command.

As for cultivating her as a head, she never thought about it.

Because if an artist wants to be a front-line player, it is not an easy thing.

The artist needs to be capable, and the artist is lucky, otherwise the front line doesn't even think about it.

"Thank you Sister Chen, um, it's really delicious." Aries has been coming to Rice Entertainment for more than half a month now.

Before she joined Rice Entertainment, she thought that she would be admired by the company's stars when she came here.

But when I came here, I realized that there are too many big-name singers and actors here.

Since she was assigned to Sister Chen, the rest of the company ignored her at all.

Aries knows that she must not offend Sister Chen in the future, otherwise she will have a very miserable life in Rice Entertainment.

"It's delicious. I stewed it myself. This time the song is ready." Sister Chen said that she stewed the rock sugar pear herself, which is actually true.

This rock sugar Sydney is her aunt at home. Seeing that she has a bad throat recently, she stewed it for her.

She saw that there were too many rock sugar pears, and thought of the newly joined Aries, so she left a copy for her.

Then just at the front desk, I heated up this rock sugar pear in the microwave.

She came here this time, of course, she didn't just give Aries rock sugar pears.

Another purpose is to ask her how she is preparing for the song with a good voice.

After all, if she performed better, the company would spend less money for her promotion.

"There is no problem anymore. Before, Teacher Jin said that my singing breath was not stable. After her training, I am much better now." This teacher Jin is the teacher of this training class.

Where Aries is now is in a training institution.

This place was Lu Lingyue's trust at the time, and then sent Aries here.

Although Aries left Baihe Media later, she still continued to attend classes here.

Because this teacher Jin is really good at teaching.

She came to class for a month and found that she had really improved a lot compared to before.

In fact, Aries has been worried for a long time, afraid that Lu Lingyue will let Teacher Jin fire her.

But for some reason, there was no movement from Lu Lingyue's side, and she gradually relaxed her mind.

She thought it might be that Lu Lingyue was also afraid that Baihe Media would go bankrupt, so she left a way out for herself.

"That's it, that's good. After you enter the top three, the company will arrange a play for you. You can play the second female lead." If Aries won the top three in The Voice, then go to act.

Then that TV series can save a lot of publicity costs when it is launched.

And the most important thing is that the female lead can directly step on the heat of Aries to climb up.

Because this female number one is the one she really wants to support.

"Really? Thank you, Sister Chen, I knew I joined the wrong Rice Entertainment." Aries heard Sister Chen tell her that she was about to act in a TV series.

And in this TV series, there is still a role like the second female lead.

For her, it was of course a joy.

When she was at Baihe Media before, Lu Lingyue said she was too ambitious when she wanted to act.

There's nothing wrong with her thinking about acting. After all, everyone now knows that only acting can really make money.

"You will know in the future that joining Rice Entertainment is the right choice. That Lu Lingyue is really stupid, and she is still clinging to Baihe Media." Sister Chen sneered at Lu Lingyue, thinking that she was really stupid.

The director of operations of Rice Entertainment didn't even want to let go of the broken company of Baihe Media.

If it was her, she would have changed places a long time ago.

"That's right, I tried to persuade her at the time, but she didn't know a good heart, and even scolded me." Thinking of what Lu Lingyue said at that time, Aries felt very upset.

And she knew that Lu Lingyue knew her details, and she was afraid that her past affairs would be betrayed by her.

So she wished that Lu Lingyue would retire like this because of this matter.

That way, she wouldn't have to worry about it.

"Forget it, let's not mention her, I believe she will regret it in the future, I have booked a restaurant tonight, please remember to come over then" Sister Chen came here to find Aries today, and there is one more thing.

That is tonight, she has a wine bureau.

She invited some friends from the entertainment industry and called Aries because Aries can sing.

When everyone is almost done drinking, Aries will be able to add to the fun in the second half.

"Okay, then Sister Chen, go slowly." Although Aries felt very strange about Sister Chen's arrival.

But because she is still a little transparent, she dare not ask.

Since Sister Chen wants her to eat, it's good for her to follow.

"Aries, who came here just now, the delivery guy?" Mr. Jin's training class was held at his home.

His house is a duplex building, still on the first floor, with a basement in addition.

Because colleagues often come to ask him for advice, he simply set up a training class.

Unexpectedly, more and more people came inexplicably.

In desperation, he could only accept people who were introduced by friends he knew, otherwise he would not be able to teach at all.

He remembered that this Aries was introduced by Lu Lingyue.

Lu Lingyue's parents knew him well, so he was willing to teach Aries.

"No, it's my manager. She just came to see me, Mr. Jin. Let's have dinner together tonight. My manager wants to chat with you." Mr. Jin's age is almost sixty now.

If you want him to sing, it may be a little bit worse.

After all, at such an old age, his voice is no longer what it was when he was young.

But these companies hired him not because they wanted him to be a singer to release videos, but because they wanted to find him to help train newcomers.

Rice Entertainment has always had this idea, so Aries wanted to see if it could be done today.

If Teacher Jin went to Rice Entertainment, she wouldn't have to worry about this problem.

"I don't have time recently. Anyway, we will become colleagues soon, and we will have more opportunities to eat in the future." Teacher Jin just went out to meet someone.

That person was from Baihe Media, and she told him a shocking news.

After he listened to it, he would definitely join Baihe Media.

In Teacher Jin's heart, her manager of Aries is also a member of Baihe Media anyway.

Everyone in the company does not look up and looks down. There are not too many opportunities to have dinner together in the future.

Since he decided to join Baihe Media, of course he had to show some housekeeping skills, that is, to sort out his songs, and then negotiate a good price with Baiou Media.

"We have become colleagues? Teacher Jin, you joined Baihe Media? But isn't Baihe Media going to close down?" Baiyang heard Teacher Jin say that they will soon become colleagues.

Of course she knew that Teacher Jin had always thought she was from Baihe Media.

So to be a colleague, of course, refers to becoming a colleague of Baihe Media.

It's just that she couldn't figure out why he joined Baihe Media. After all, Baihe Media was going to close down.

"Closed? You're from Baihe Media. Didn't they tell you about it? Your company is already going to acquire a Hollywood giant like MGM. Of course you hired me to expand the music department." Teacher Jin heard today When he heard the news, he didn't believe it.

After all, although MGM is now in decline, a lean camel is bigger than a horse.

How could Baihe Media, a small domestic company, acquire a Hollywood giant.

But the person who dug him told him that he was not asked to sign the contract now, but just to inform him in advance.

It doesn't matter if the contract is signed after the news is announced.

"MGM in Hollywood? But isn't Su Wei's funds frozen?" Aries heard Teacher Jin say that Baihe Media is going to buy MGM.

If this is true, it will really cause an uproar.

It's just that she can't figure it out, isn't Su Wei's money has been frozen for more than 1000 billion.

Where did he get the money to support him to acquire a big company like MGM.

"He is such a rich person, how could he put all his money in one basket, what's wrong with you, Aries? You look a little bad." Teacher Jin only knew about this today, and he didn't know more.

But he thought, a rich man like Su Wei must have assets abroad.

What is strange to him is why Aries doesn't seem to see his company well.

"It's nothing, I'm happy for Mr. Su, Mr. Jin, tomorrow I will seriously prepare for the battle, so I won't come to class."

. . . . . .

Magic City.

"It's been a long time since I took everyone out for a walk during the day. I just happen to be free today, so I'll show you a broadcast." Since Li Ziwei became the boss, he has very little time for live broadcasts.

Even if it's a live broadcast, it's still at night.

Today, because he has something to do, he came to the live broadcast at noon for an unprecedented time.

"Is this the daytime in the magic city? I thought there was only night in the magic city"

"Why are you driving a big bull again? Master, can you change to another car?"

"I think you are really drifting away. The anchor can drive whatever car he likes, and turn left when he doesn't like it."

In the live broadcast room, a group of people typing and chatting on a black screen suddenly saw the live broadcast room light up.

It turned out that it was their anchor who hadn't broadcast during the day for 800 years, and actually broadcast live during the day.

Originally, Li Ziwei's live broadcast should be a good thing for water friends.

But some water friends started complaining directly after seeing that the car he drove out today was a Lamborghini bull.

After all, he has been driving this car for several months, and many water friends are already tired of seeing it.

Many water friends are tired of watching Daniel, and some feel that Daniel is not tired of watching. The two sides started to quarrel in the live broadcast room.

"Stop arguing, don't tell me you're bothered by Daniel, I've been driving for half a year and I'm tired of driving, so I'll change to another car today, and I'll guarantee a car you're satisfied with.” Li Ziwei bought Su Wei's Daniel, It has been several months.

He didn't like this car very much at first, but he bought it because the water friends liked it.

Li Ziwei has been considering recently whether to sell the car and buy Su Wei's 488pisit in Kyoto.

"What car should I drive? Don't tantalize the anchor."

"This road is so familiar, is this going to the repair shop or brother He's house?"

"How could it be possible to go to Brother He's house? Their house may have been sealed, and they can't get in even if they want to"

"Brother He's businesses, I have seen them offline, and they are still in good operation, please don't spread rumors."

When the people in the live broadcast room saw Brother He's name, they immediately started arguing.

After all, Su Wei ran away to the United States this time, and more than 1000 billion was frozen.

All of this, it seems that Su Wei is finished.

"Why are we quarreling again about Brother He? I'm telling you once again that he has nothing to do. Don't talk nonsense. I'm going to change his 918 this time and drive it for two days." Great things take rhythm.

Because after the news that Su Wei was frozen for more than 1000 billion was exposed, it really caused an uproar.

Su Weiduo was arrogant before, but now that he is in trouble, there are so many people who want to beat the dog in the water.

It's just that those people couldn't be arrogant in front of Su Wei, so they could only come to Li Ziwei's live broadcast room to make trouble.

In the past two months, Li Ziwei's live broadcast room has been noisy for more than a month.

Fortunately, Li Ziwei is not a professional anchor, but a boss, otherwise he would be irritated every day.

"Wow, I really came to Gubei No. [-]. Since Brother He's accident, I feel like I haven't been here for a long time."

"Don't talk nonsense, the anchor has already said, Brother He is fine"

"Yes, nothing happened, more than 1000 billion was frozen and nothing happened, only you water friends will believe this"

"Brother He is indeed fine. I am in the United States, and the news here has already been broadcast. He plans to acquire top Hollywood companies."

"What are you guys talking about? If his funds hadn't been frozen, I would still believe him. How could he have so much money to buy them now?"

The live broadcast room was a month or two ago, and it was really noisy.

It's just getting better now, but Li Ziwei didn't expect to blow up this topic by himself.

"Don't be angry, black people. Brother He really wants to buy a top Hollywood company, and there are two top companies, one is MGM, and the other is Lionsgate. Now we are waiting for the review to pass, and the acquisition can be completed. You guys If you blackmail him so much, you have the ability to stop this transaction."

. . . . . .

Magic City.

"Brother-in-law, you really won't come to see me off when I go to school this time." Sitting on the balcony, Li Jiawei called Su Wei while watching the busy traffic downstairs.

She would call Su Wei basically every other day.

There's no way, except for calling, she can't see Su Wei.

"Brother-in-law also wants to come see you off, but he can't come." Li Jiawei was going to sign up the day after tomorrow, and of course Su Wei also wanted to go.

But now he is restricted and cannot return to the country at all.

"At first, I was thinking about asking my brother-in-law to take me to play during the summer vacation. Who knows that you didn't come back when you were in the United States?" Li Jiawei was a little unhappy when she said this.

When she came from the mountain city, she promised to meet the day after tomorrow.

Who knew that she would receive a call from Su Wei the next day, saying that he was going to America for a while.

Then Su Wei asked her to apply for a passport, and he took her to play in the United States.

At that time, she thought, the United States is also a good place to play, and it happened that she hadn't been out.

Who knew that her passport could not be obtained no matter what, she wasted two months of this summer vacation.

"Then brother-in-law needs to make money, otherwise how can he support our sister-in-law?" Su Wei's women, except Chen Lu and Wang Xiaoyuan, were brought out by him himself.

For the rest of her people, all passports have not been obtained.

Only then did Su Wei realize that it was fortunate that he had Fan Wenqi to help him, otherwise he would be really annoyed this time.

"I'm well supported. A few dozen yuan a day is enough. When will you come back, brother-in-law?" Li Jiawei really didn't know anything about Su Wei.

Su Wei ran away for more than two months, and she really thought he was there to discuss business.

She has very low requirements for her own quality of life.

Dozens of dollars a day can already solve the problem of food and clothing.

Her sister gave her 4000 yuan this summer vacation, and she spent less than [-] yuan in total in the past two months.

"Soon, I plan to acquire a big company here. After the acquisition is completed, I should be able to return to China."

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