Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 496 Whose Child Was Born First?

Chapter 496 Whose Child Was Born First?

Los Angeles.

Su Wei's acquisition of MGM and Lionsgate this time caused an uproar in the United States.

After all, one is the old No.1 factory in Hollywood, and the other is a new film and television factory.

This time, it was actually bought by a Chinese person.

The incident was so big that it even attracted the attention of Time Magazine.

It’s okay if you don’t pay attention. Time Magazine, like Warner Bros., belongs to Time Warner.

"Su, there are so many factories in Hollywood, why did you choose to acquire MGM and Lionsgate?" The person who interviewed Su Wei this time was a reporter from the Asian edition.

Although the company Su Wei acquired was a big Hollywood company.

But because he is from China, he can still only appear on the Asian edition of Time Magazine.

"Because I have been a fan of MGM since I was a child, and now, although it has lost its strong body, Lionsgate just can complement him." Su Wei actually didn't want to accepted.

Because there are really a lot of things about him recently.

His acquisition path is now suspended due to scrutiny.

And Wang Xiaoyuan and Chen Lu are both about to reach their due date.

It would take a long time for Time to find him.

"You mean, these two companies will merge into one company?" The reporter sent by Time Weekly this time is a Chinese female reporter named Chen Zishan.

Her appearance is very in line with Asian aesthetics.

Let her come this time because she wants her to use beauty tricks to get more words out of Su Wei.

"No, their two companies will become two independent subsidiaries of my Baihe Media." Su Wei has no interest in merging MGM and Lionsgate.

Because he bought MGM just because he needed MGM's name.

And the acquisition of Lionsgate is really planning to make money from movies.

If Lionsgate was split to MGM, it would indeed strengthen MGM, but at the same time Lionsgate would be gone.

It's better to keep the existing model of the two companies and let them compete with each other.

"Then I believe that Baihe Media will become a great company in Hollywood." Chen Zishan heard Su Wei say that both MGM and Lionsgate would become sub-brands of Baihe Media.

He did not merge Lionsgate and MGM, but they became a sub-brand of Baihe Media.

That means MGM, Lionsgate, and Baihe Media may share resources.

What is certain is that Baihe Media will become a top Hollywood company.

If that's the case, that's not good news for Time Warner.

"Of course, this day is not far away." Su Wei plans to invest heavily in Baihe Media if the acquisition is successful this time.

After spending a lot of money, I don't believe that MGM is still the way it is now.

With the funds, Lionsgate Pictures can let go and make many movies that they dare not make.

Those high-budget movies can also start to launch.

You don't have to stare at low-cost movies every day to see if you can counterattack and become a dark horse.

"Then do you have confidence in passing the FTC audit?" Chen Zishan deliberately lifted Su Wei's trousers with her foot while speaking.

Because now the entire Hollywood is concerned about whether Su Wei can pass the FTC inspection.

The full name of FTC is the Federal Trade Commission of the United States.

Mainly to avoid, one company has a monopoly.

As long as Su Wei passes the FTC review, then MGM and Lionsgate really belong to him.

"The combined proportion of MGM and Lionsgate is less than 5.00%. I can't think of any reason for the FTC to oppose it." Lionsgate now accounts for less than [-]%.

MGM is even less, now less than [-]%.

This is because this year, MGM released Tomb Raider 2, otherwise its proportion would be even lower.

The majestic king of Hollywood has such a sense of existence now, no wonder it is only worth 70 billion.

Its contemporaries, Universal and Disney, have a market value of tens of billions or hundreds of billions.

"Su, I heard that nearly 200 billion U.S. dollars have been frozen by Huaxia. Is this true?" Chen Zishan asked this question, and there was a deliberate element in it.

After all, none of Su Wei's interviews were too outrageous.

She asked this because she was thinking that Su Wei must be resentful for having so much money frozen.

If he could say something out of the ordinary, then hei Huaxia would be able to make a fortune along the way.

Anyway, a Chinese like her who grew up abroad has a good impression of Huaxia.

Because of the foreign environment, the news about Huaxia is very unfriendly.

"This is nonsense. If I have so much money frozen, how can I still have the money to buy MGM and Lionsgate?" Of course Su Wei knew that this Chen Zishan had bad intentions.

Of course he wouldn't fall for her tricks and follow her words to scold Hua Xia.

Instead, the fact that the money was frozen was directly regarded as non-existent.

Anyway, she had no evidence to prove that what he said was a lie.

Originally, he was a little interested in this Chen Zishan.

I thought to add a contact information after the interview, and make an appointment to exercise next time I have time.

But he didn't expect that she hated the Kuomintang, so he didn't plan to have any contact with her.

"Then that's the end of our interview today. Su, don't move. I think you're sitting in a very good position. I want to take a cover photo for you here." Chen Zishan heard Su Wei say this, and she knew that it had already caused a lot of trouble. Su Wei was dissatisfied.

For others, she may not care at all.

And if Su Wei really succeeds in acquiring MGM and Lionsgate, then his newspapers, radio stations, and news stations will all be complete.

If she is targeted at that time, she will be miserable.

And Time Warner may not care about her at that time.

"This photo was taken very well, I have no objection to using it for the cover." The place of this interview was in the office of Baihe Media in Hollywood.

Outside Su Wei's window, there are just those English letters in Hollywood.

After he waited for Times to finish shooting, Su Wei went to look at the photos they took.

I found that he was a little angry just now, so the photo was taken with a feeling of calmness and prestige.

"President Su, Miss Lan is calling"

. . . . . .

Newport, Hoag Hospital.

"Lan Ke, thank you so much this time. Fortunately, you are by Chen Lu's side." Su Wei had just finished the interview with Time Magazine when Zhang Ruoyu told her that Lan Ke had called.

The first time he received the call, he probably knew what was going on.

Because today is Chen Lu's expected date of delivery.

After answering the phone, it turned out that Chen Lu was about to give birth at Hoag Hospital.

Then he went straight to the helicopter and came to Hoag Hospital.

"I don't need you to thank me. Chen Lu is my best friend. I should take care of her. It's you who should spend more time with her." Lan Ke has been with Chen Lu and has been staying in Hoag Hospital for three days .

Because Chen Lu lives in Malibu, and Hoag Hospital is on the Newport side.

If you come here temporarily, it will be a waste of time.

After all, it takes more than an hour to drive here.

So Su Wei asked Chen Lu to move here early on.

"It's really too busy recently, she's in there, I'll go and see her" At the beginning, Su Wei thought about finding a hospital in Beverly.

The results were compared and compared, and it was found that this Hoag Hospital is the best.

Then there is no hesitation, of course they directly booked a VIP room for Chen Lu to live in.

Su Wei mainly didn't know that Hoag Hospital was in Xingang, Orange County at first, otherwise he might have bought the house for Chen Lu here in Xingang.

"Don't go, Chen Lu has been in for almost an hour." Before Su Wei didn't come, Lan Ke was in a panic.

After all, she has never given birth to a child, so she has no experience in this matter.

Now that she saw Su Wei coming, she felt relaxed, even if she saw Su Wei looking like a child.

"I'm going to be a father, Xiao Zhang, I'm going to be a father." Lan Ke said that there was a reason why Su Wei looked like a child.

That is, Su Wei was sitting in his seat, but suddenly he would stand up and walk around.

After walking for a while, I sat down again, and after a while, I started to stand up and walk around again.

And from time to time, he would pull Zhang Ruoyu to tell him that he was going to be a father.

"President Su, I know, you need to calm down first." Zhang Ruoyu actually felt a little uncomfortable when she heard what Su Wei said.

Because she has not become Su Wei's woman until now.

Originally, she was still thinking that Su Wei would soon become the boss of MGM, so that was basically the only thing left to do before going back.

Who knew that this time I was stuck in the review for a month, almost October, and the review has not yet passed.

"You tell me how to calm down. This is my first child. By the way, I want to call my parents. Hey, Xiao Zhang, where is my cell phone?" It's the first time being a dad.

The excitement was beyond words.

At this time, it suddenly occurred to him that he hadn't told his parents about this.

I touched my body, but I didn't see the two phones.

"In my place, you fell into the car when you got off the car just now." Just now Su Wei got off the helicopter, then turned into a car and arrived at the hospital.

Just as the car was stabilizing, he opened the door and ran down.

The mobile phone and wallet fell, but he didn't notice them. Fortunately, Zhang Ruoyu saw them and brought them up.

"Ding Ding Ding"

"Hey, mom, why did you call me? I was about to call you." Su Wei was about to make a call, but unexpectedly received a fucking call.

As soon as the call was connected, he couldn't wait to tell his mother the good news.

To let them know that they are going to be grandmas today.

"No matter who is calling who, come to Hoag Hospital in Xingang as soon as possible." Zhang Guihua told Su Wei directly as soon as he answered the phone, asking him to come to a qualified hospital in Xingang.

She doesn't care what's going on with Su Wei.

Nothing is as big as the birth of her grandson.

"What's the matter? Isn't Yuanyuan going to give birth too? Isn't she half a month away from her due date?" Wang Xiaoyuan lives in Crystal Bay in Xingang now.

That is, at that time, Su Wei bought it for Wang Xiaoyuan's parents' house.

She lives here because it is near Hoag Hospital.

But Su Wei remembered that the last time he brought Wang Xiaoyuan for a prenatal checkup, her due date was still half a month away.

"The child is going to be born ahead of schedule, and you still need him to come out at the specified time. What did you mean by that? Chen Lu's due date is today?" Wang Xiaoyuan normally said that her due date is indeed half a month away.

But she didn't know where she heard recently that pregnant women can give birth naturally by climbing stairs.

As a result, she climbed the stairs when she had nothing to do these two days.

At noon today, I found out that my amniotic fluid had broken, and I was sent to the hospital immediately.

Zhang Guihua suddenly came to her senses at this time, Chen Lu would not be due today.

She had met Chen Lu, and had met several times, but she did not expect that her due date would be today.

"Yes, Chen Lu has entered the delivery room now, and I'm waiting outside, which delivery room is Yuanyuan in?" Su Wei heard that Wang Xiaoyuan was going to give birth today, so he immediately said that he would go and see.

Because Chen Lu hasn't come out anyway.

There are his women on both sides, so he definitely can't treat one more favorably than another.

"Xiaoyuan is in the B7 delivery room, come here quickly, Xiaoyuan will be pushed in soon." Zhang Guihua heard that Su Wei was coming, and hurriedly told him the number of the delivery room.

Because Su Wei is here now, he can still talk to Wang Xiaoyuan.

If she came too late, Wang Xiaoyuan would be pushed away.

"Xiaozhang, Yuanyuan is going to give birth today, you watch here, I'll come as soon as I go." Su Wei looked, this is B5, and B7 is next to it.

Telling Zhang Ruoyu, Lan Ke and a few aunts to watch here, he first went next door to see Wang Xiaoyuan.

He knew that Wang Xiaoyuan was most afraid of pain. If he didn't pass, he didn't know why he was afraid.

"Su Wei, you go to see Wang Xiaoyuan now, what about Chen Lu?" Lan Ke heard Su Wei say that Wang Xiaoyuan was also born today.

Of course she knew Wang Xiaoyuan, after all, Wang Xiaoyuan was Su Wei's real girlfriend.

But she couldn't let Su Wei leave just like that, because Chen Lu was there to give him the child.

He has been doing this all the time, and when Chen Lu doesn't see him, he will be so sad.

"I'm just going to take a look. I'll be back later, so don't worry." Su Wei has already made up his mind, and they will run together when the time comes.

Otherwise, what can he do, it is definitely impossible for him to stay by someone's side.

"Chen Lu, you have to be more aggressive, you must come out, sir."

. . . . . .

"Awei, why did you come so soon?" When Wang Xiaoyuan was pushed into the hospital, her whole body was full of pear blossoms and rain.

Although there are his own parents and Su Wei's parents by his side.

But without seeing Su Wei, she was still a little uneasy.

But she didn't expect that before she was about to enter the delivery room, she saw Su Wei coming.

"I came to Xingang directly after finishing work today. When I just received a call from my mother, I happened to be outside the hospital. Are you afraid?" Su Wei knew that Wang Xiaoyuan was most afraid of pain.

And having a baby is even more painful.

He held Wang Xiaoyuan's hand and could feel her cold hand.

"I was a little scared at first, but when I saw you coming, I wasn't afraid anymore." Wang Xiaoyuan's words were sincere.

After she saw Su Wei coming, she really wasn't so afraid.

The main reason is that having him around will make her feel at ease and confident.

"It's good not to be afraid, you have to be strong and set a good example for your baby." Su Wei saw the sweat dripping from Wang Xiaoyuan's face, so he could only cheer her up.

As for other things, if you say them now, they will not encourage Dafa in spirit.

Because what Wang Xiaoyuan needs most now is spiritual encouragement.

"Okay, then I'll go in, and I'll be the first to see the baby when I come out." Wang Xiaoyuan wanted to continue chatting with Su Wei, but the doctor didn't want to.

After all, it's almost enough for you to chat a few words.

After all, Wang Xiaoyuan's amniotic fluid broke, and the baby will be infected if it takes too long.

"no problem"

 Whose child do you want to be born first?

(End of this chapter)

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