Su Wei waited until Wang Xiaoyuan entered, and immediately went to the person in charge of the hospital.

Tell him to greet the nurse and let him know whoever is born first.

He had already greeted Chen Lu before he moved in.

Originally, Su Wei thought about taking over the entire hospital.

But the other party refused, but also gave him super VIP treatment.

"Oh, it's here!" Wang Xiaoyuan's mother also came to the United States this time.

They just arrived yesterday, and they didn't expect to meet their grandson's birth today.

Now seeing the door of the delivery room open, I quickly surrounded it.

"The child came out first, Weiwei, why don't you go and see?" Zhang Guihua's speed was no slower than that of Wang Xiaoyuan's mother.

And she soon figured out that the baby came first.

At this time, everyone followed the incubator, and she turned around to see that Su Wei hadn't left.

She thought Su Wei was going to Chen Lu's place later, so she asked specifically.

"I won't go, I'll wait for Yuanyuan to come out and go to see together" Now that there are so many people going to see their children, Su Wei doesn't want to go there together.

After all, he cared more about the mother of the child than the child.

With so many people following the child, the child is sure to be fine.

He wants to be here, waiting for the child's mother to come out.

"Then you wait here, we'll go there first." Zhang Guihua didn't expect that Mr. Wang Xiaoyuan would come out.

Originally, she thought that Chen Lu wanted to marry her first grandson.

Seeing that Su Wei had to wait for Wang Xiaoyuan if he didn't leave, she didn't say anything, after all, she hadn't figured out the gender of her grandson yet.

Although it has been tested before, who knows if it is so accurate.

"Su Wei, Xiaoyuan chose to be with you, she really didn't choose the wrong person." Wang Zhiyuan was originally very upset with Su Wei.

After all, it was agreed at the time that Su Wei and Wang Xiaoyuan were going to get engaged.

In the end, because he offended someone, the marriage could not be engaged.

And because the opponent is too strong, Su Wei and the others can only hide in the United States.

When he heard the news, of course he also thought about taking Wang Xiaoyuan away.

But later, he realized that Su Wei was not a simple person.

Not only did he take revenge, but he was also worth hundreds of billions.

Although more than 1000 billion was frozen, he did not dare to take Wang Xiaoyuan away.

Today he saw that everyone went to see his grandson, so Su Wei stayed here alone to wait for Wang Xiaoyuan.

He suddenly felt that his daughter's choice might not be wrong.

"Dad, if you want to go and see it, then go and see it. I'm fine here alone." Su Wei saw Wang Zhiyuan, even though he was with him.

But his eyes kept looking back.

Knowing that his mind at this time must be on the baby.

If that's the case, it's fine to leave him here alone.

"You can do it alone, right? Then I'll go there first." Wang Zhiyuan couldn't sit still here.

Seeing that Su Wei was fine here alone, he also felt like he ran to the ward.

He also wanted to see if the grandson he gave birth to was a boy or a girl.

"Husband, why are you here alone, where are they?" When Wang Xiaoyuan was pushed out, she saw that Su Wei was alone outside.

Originally, she thought that when she came out, she would be welcomed by a large circle of people.

Unexpectedly, neither her parents nor Su Wei's parents were here.

"They have all gone to see their children. Is it not enough for me to wait for you here?" Seeing Wang Xiaoyuan being pushed out, Su Wei hurried over to hold her hand.

Seeing Wang Xiaoyuan feeling a little down, he quickly comforted her.

It was for this reason that he was unwilling to leave just now.

If Wang Xiaoyuan didn't see him when she came out, she might be even more disappointed.

"Well, I think it's enough to have you here." Wang Xiaoyuan felt a little better when she heard Su Wei comfort her.

If even Su Wei wasn't waiting for her at the door, she might really be depressed.

Even if they knew them, they all went to see their children.

But she had just given birth, and her heart was at a fragile time.

"Ouch, the great hero is back, Weiwei, come and see the child, he looks exactly like you when you were a child." Su Wei and Wang Xiaoyuan had just arrived in the ward.

Zhang Guihua had already started to greet Su Wei, and hurried to see the child.

She has seen the private parts of the child and knows that he has a penis.

After discovering that it was her grandson, the smile on her face never eased.

He even regarded Wang Xiaoyuan as the biggest hero in the family.

"Really? Let me see it first, I haven't seen him yet, ah, he looks so ugly" Wang Xiaoyuan's depressed mood completely disappeared in the ward.

Although she is still lying down now, she can't wait to see her son.

After all, this was the child she had been pregnant for nine months and had been in pain for several hours.

It's just that when she saw the appearance, she was incredible.

Because the son she gave birth to was wrinkled like a little old man.

"Children are like this. When you open it, he looks good. When you were just born, you also looked like this. You are not beautiful now." Wang Xiaoyuan's mother heard what Wang Xiaoyuan said, and quickly said her words interrupt.

Because the boy who was just born was originally Zou Zou Baba's.

After soaking in amniotic fluid for several months, how could the skin be healed?

After drinking milk for a few months and gaining some weight, the child will look good.

"Come on, let Dad hug him, wow, he's so light." This was the first time Su Wei saw his son, and he was very curious about him.

Seeing Zhengxiang sleeping with his eyes closed, he couldn't help wanting to hug him.

Su Wei held his son in his arms and realized how light he was.

Seeing that he was still hugged by him, he even breathed softly.

I was afraid that my breathing would disturb the little one to sleep.

"He's only 7.5 pounds, of course he's light, don't shake, a newborn baby can't shake." Zhang Guihua saw that Su Wei used himself as a cradle.

Quickly ran forward to stop him, and continued to shake like this.

Because a child cannot be shaken, it will make him feel dizzy.

"Why did I hug him for a while in a hurry? It was so hard." Su Wei's son only weighs 7.5 pounds, which is about six catties.

But after Su Wei hugged for a while, he felt that his hands had no strength at all.

He remembered that when he hugged his mother to do exercises, he didn't lose his strength so quickly.

"You can't hold it anymore, put it in the incubator quickly, don't let my grandson drop it." Seeing that Su Wei couldn't hold it anymore, Zhang Guihua quickly asked him to put the child in the incubator.

She was not surprised by Su Wei's performance.

After all, this posture of holding a child is not practiced by someone who has never held it for a long time.

"Okay, okay, your grandson is the most important thing, I'll go outside and make a phone call to talk about something." After putting the child in the incubator, Su Wei planned to go out to see Chen Lu.

Based on time estimates, she should have given birth too.

In addition, at this time, Lu Lingyue also called him.

"I'll go with you, I'll go back and get some things, this time I'm too hasty." Seeing Su Wei's expression, Zhang Guihua guessed that he was going to Chen Lu's side.

Although Zhang Guihua prefers Wang Xiaoyuan, Chen Lusheng's child is also her grandson.

And Wang Xiaoyuan fell asleep at this time, just when she was leaving.

When she woke up, she couldn't get over it.

"My mother, I'll go with you, Su Wei don't go back, I'm too lazy to make a trip." Wang Xiaoyuan's mother thought that Zhang Guihua really wanted to go back.

She felt sorry for Su Wei, so she wanted to prevent Su Wei from making this trip.

"No, you are here to take care of Xiaoyuan, Weiwei and I will go back as soon as we go"

. . . . . .

"President Su, congratulations." As soon as the call was connected, Lu Lingyue hurriedly congratulated Su Wei.

Because the FTC has passed Su Wei's review.

It is not considered to have passed the review, but they did not express their position on this matter.

But without a statement, it is actually a statement.

"I didn't tell you about it, so you know?" Su Wei thought that news of his having a child had spread when he heard Lu Lingyue congratulate him.

It's just that this matter should be kept secret, how did Lu Lingyue know about it.

Su Wei thought for a while, but he didn't know who could disclose the news to Lu Lingyue.

"Understood, I have been waiting here, and now there is no obstacle between the acquisition of MGM and Lionsgate Films." Lu Lingyue has been living in Washington DC for a while waiting for the news.

Seeing the time today to the last day of the review, there is still no news from the FTC.

It is known that the other party has no objection to this matter.

Because if they really have an opinion, they will directly oppose it.

***For the sake of making America great again, we should still turn a blind eye to foreign rich people like Su Wei.

"Oh, so you're talking about this, that's really good news." Su Wei realized that he had misunderstood when he heard this.

Originally, what Lu Lingyue said to her was not the same thing at all.

It seems that he can still do this secret work.

I almost thought that my secret work was like a sieve.

"Ah? Isn't this what you wanted to tell me, Mr. Su?" Lu Lingyue heard Su Wei say this, and knew that he must have misunderstood just now.

But she really didn't know what kind of happy event Su Wei could have.

Although she stayed in the United States for almost two months, she really rarely saw Su Wei.

Su Wei often teased her, but the two of them rarely met.

"That's it, nothing else. By the way, you should behave well. You are the person in charge of the country." At the beginning, Su Wei regarded the country as his headquarters, and Hollywood's Baihe Media as his base.

But with Hollywood's Baihe Media becoming the acquirer, the domestic Baihe Media has now become a subsidiary.

He asked Lu Lingyue if she wanted to come to Hollywood to manage the company.

Lu Lingyue's answer was no, because she was an outsider to Hollywood, and it was not easy for her to integrate.

So her choice is to go back to Baihe Media in China.

"President Su, don't worry, after the acquisition of MGM and Lionsgate, I want all the job hoppers in China to die of regret." Not to mention the future, even now those people will regret it to death.

How anxious to leave before, how eager to come back now.

On her current mobile phone, she doesn't know how many confession calls she can receive in a day.

But she blocked all those calls.

After returning to China, she will take revenge one by one.

"I don't care about this, you can decide for yourself."

. . . . . .

"Why did you come here? Lulu has been out for a while." Zhang Guihua had already greeted Chen Lu for a while before seeing Su Wei coming.

She just went out with Su Wei, but Su Wei went to call, and he didn't come back until now.

Zhang Guihua is really happy today.

Because Chen Lu also gave birth to a grandson for her.

"It's okay, Ah Wei, is he busy?" Chen Lu was already very happy when she saw Su Wei coming.

And she just saw that Su Wei was calling outside.

It's not that I didn't come on purpose, but something really happened.

"Hey, Chen Lu, you are protecting him too much." Zhang Guihua originally had some opinions on Chen Lu.

Now that Chen Lu gave birth to her a grandson, her attitude suddenly changed for the better.

It's not obvious at all that she had any objections to her before.

"I was really busy just now. By the way, we may be able to return to China next year." Su Wei's parents have long known about Su Wei's inability to return to China.

After all, it has been several months, and no one is a fool.

Even if you are a fool, there are so many relatives and friends, they will say it.

"Really? No matter how good it is outside, it's not as good as the kennel at home." Zhang Guihua has no feelings for the United States at all.

Whether it's a mansion in Beverly Hills or a beaver estate in Montana.

Anyway, she secretly felt that it was not as good as her house in China.

Because of the fact that she couldn't return to China, she secretly shed tears.

"Let me take a look at my son, ouch, it looks like my mother." Su Wei had experience when he was holding his second child.

Knowing to support his head and body, and then hold him firmly.

It's just that he, like his brother, looks so ugly.

Even so, he still said that he looked like Chen Lu to make Chen Lu happy.

"Su Wei, you have a son now, you don't reward Chen Lu at all, but she gave birth to a son for you." Lan Ke saw that Su Wei's mother was there, and she was so happy.

Thinking of quickly putting forward the idea of ​​breaking into the house for my best friend.

Now Su Wei's family is happy now, if they agree to it at once.

"I don't want any rewards, what Ah Wei gave me is already enough." When Chen Lu heard Lan Ke say this, she shook her head quickly.

Because what Su Wei gave her was really not too little.

At that time, she gave 3000 million in cash, and then bought her a house in Qiantang.

He also invested tens of millions to build a coffee chain, and bought her a tens of millions of luxury houses in Malibu.

"Since you don't want it, I'll give it to this little guy." Su Wei was not angry at Lan Ke's straightforward words.

Because everything she said was not for her own consideration, but for her best friend.

And he originally wanted to reward Chen Lu.

Now that Chen Lu doesn't want this reward, he plans to give it to the little guy in his arms.

"Give him a reward? What is it?" When Lan Ke heard that Chen Lu didn't want a reward, he hated iron but steel.

Su Wei's has already prepared something, how can you not want it.

"That must be a good thing. I plan to prepare a family trust worth [-] million US dollars for him." Su Wei has been thinking about the family trust for a long time.

He wasn't one himself, a business genius.

Therefore, in everything he does, he seeks stability.

In his opinion, trust is the safest way.

It can make future generations rich forever.

And this trust is something that every child of his is born with.

"A family trust worth [-] million dollars? Isn't that too exaggerated?"

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