Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 498 The time of the country

It has been more than a month since Su Wei acquired MGM.

Because of the censorship, there has been no new development.

After seeing that there was no result, many people in China began to speak strange things.

It is said that Su Wei is overthinking his abilities and wants to acquire such a top company in Hollywood, but now he can't even pass the review.

Many artists who jumped from Baihe Media openly sang against it.

Whoever asked them to come back, Lu Lingyue actually blocked them directly.

Just when the news on the Internet was about to sink, suddenly a heavy news came out.

That is, Su Wei's acquisition of MGM and Lionsgate has passed the FTC's review.

Su Wei has now officially completed the acquisition, and MGM and Lionsgate are already subsidiaries of Baihe Media.

"Hey, Su Wei can buy MGM and Lions Gate, and he is a proper Hollywood tycoon."

"Baihe Media under his name is really taking off now."

"Su Wei can buy MGM and Lionsgate. Is he still from Huaxia?"

"Who knows, I just went to his Weibo, and he is posting about his new convertible Bugatti."

Los Angeles.

"Afeng, Weiwei, long time no see." During this time, Su Wei was really bored to death.

As long as he goes out, he will be watched.

And there will be a bunch of reporters rushing out to interview him.

Although those people would be blocked by bodyguards, they would still annoy Su Wei.

This made him pick up a new car, and he couldn't even drive it properly.

He will go out today because those friends from Modu came to Los Angeles.

"It's not long, just a few months, but you have been really thrilling these few months." Li Renfeng knew that Su Wei was rich before, but he didn't know that Su Wei was so rich.

If his funds hadn't been frozen this time, he really wouldn't have known that Su Wei was worth hundreds of billions.

Especially this time he bought MGM and Lionsgate, and he became a legend.

"I'm thrilled. By the way, how long are you going to stay this time?" Su Wei was really bored in the United States recently.

Now seeing Li Ziwei and the others coming, he was very happy.

Because they're here, he'll have more fun.

"We are here this time, and we will only stay for a week. We can go back after seeing the child." Li Ziwei didn't plan to stay too long in Los Angeles.

Because the last time he was there, Los Angeles was really not fun.

People who are used to China, basically no one can get used to the United States.

Because here is really beautiful mountains, rivers and boring, and the country is so dirty, chaotic and lively.

Of course, because of the recent domestic environmental governance, even Shanshui is not bad in China.

So Li Ziwei couldn't think of anything else in the United States that attracted him.

"If you don't want us, we can stay for a while longer." This time, Li Rui and Xiao Bai were all here besides Li Ziwei and Li Renfeng.

After all, the purpose of their visit this time was to see Wang Xiaoyuan and Su Wei's children.

As Wang Xiaoyuan's girlfriends, of course they have to come together.

"Don't worry, there's no such thing." Li Rui and the others said this to Su Wei, of course they wanted Su Wei to beg them. …

But even if Su Wei wanted them to stay for a few more days, he would not say so.

Because he wanted to keep them, he had many ways.

"Su Wei, you are talking louder now. When we are leaving, I think you will still say that." Xiao Bai hasn't seen Su Wei for so long, and still misses him a lot.

Especially since he has been playing golf recently, he feels more sexual.

Although she is married, she is much bolder than before.

"Viagra, where's your Bugatti? It's not coming." Li Ziwei followed Su Wei to the outside of the airport and found that it was a few Rolls-Royce Cullinan.

And the convertible Bugatti that he was thinking about, he didn't even see it.

This time he saw Su Wei drying the car on the scarf, and he had been fascinated by it for a long time.

"I just came to pick you up. Why am I driving a Bugatti? The car is parked at home now." Su Wei's convertible Bugatti is the first in the world.

He was supposed to make an appearance in Shanghai, but he can't go back to China.

So I dragged the car to the United States from France.

And his crashed Bugatti has been completely repaired.

"Come on, I'm going to see a convertible Bugatti"

"Awei, what's the situation in front of your house?" Li Renfeng had been to Su Wei's house before.

And not only did he come here, he was also there at the time to look at the house and buy a house.

But he remembered clearly at the time that there was a road outside.

But now there is no road here, and the road has gone to the other side.

Instead, there's a huge front yard.

"Someone happened to be selling the place opposite me, so I bought it. From now on, this will be a huge front yard." Originally, the front yard of Su Wei's house was very small.

It happened that the house opposite was for sale, so he bought it.

The opposite area has an acre of land, which means that Su Wei's house now has an acre of front yard.

"If such a piece of land is used to build a house, it will cost at least tens of millions." Li Ziwei was amazed at the size of the front yard.

Because his house in Beverly, although very large, was at the foot of the mountain.

He can't afford the house on the mountain, and he doesn't like it if he can afford it.

The land in Su Wei's front yard is a proper large area with a view room.

Although it is not a city view, the price will not be very cheap.

"Bel-Air is not good at this point. The place with a little view is full of densely built houses, so I can't find it if I want to occupy a lot of land." Su Wei has a little bit about the current land occupation of this house. dissatisfied.

So he has been looking for recently, is there a large open space where he can repair the house by himself.

He really likes the house of the Qatari royal family.

But want to buy, the other party does not want to buy.

Except for that place, he despises anyone who occupies a large area.

Because other large areas have no landscape.

"You guys are here, why don't you come in?" Wang Xiaoyuan was in the room when she heard the sound of the car turning off outside.

I just waited for a long time, but I didn't see her girlfriends coming.

I took the initiative to come to the front yard, only to find a circle of people looking at the front yard and chatting. …

"It's not Ah Wei, who has been pulling us to talk about his feelings about this land." Li Rui saw Wang Xiaoyuan, and found that she didn't look ugly at all.

Sure enough, as long as you have money, even having children will not make you ugly.

"He's crazy about finding a room with a big view, just ignore him, come in quickly." Of course, Wang Xiaoyuan knew a little bit about Su Wei's thoughts.

Knowing that he wants to have a house like a big castle, so that children can grow up better.

Although the current house has a good view, it is not very friendly to children.

So he has been looking for a house with a large area to build a home in his mind.

"Where is the baby? We came here to see the baby." Xiaoya is not very interested in the house.

After all, she has seen most of Su Wei's houses.

And after seeing the Montana manor, no matter how expensive the house was, she didn't think it would shock her.

The most important thing is that she came to see the baby this time.

"The baby is in the room, come in quickly." Now the baby will be placed in her room during the day.

At night, the baby will be carried to the aunt's room.

So Wang Xiaoyuan thinks raising children is very simple.

And she plans to wait for a while, she wants to have a second child.

"Wow, this baby looks like Ah Wei, it's exactly the same." The first time Li Rui saw the little guy, he looked like Su Wei.

Especially when he laughed, he looked exactly like that old hooligan Su Wei.

With these beauties in front of him, the little guy never stopped smiling.

"It's exactly the same as Ah Wei"

"Susan, you are here, it really makes my place flourish." After Kazuo Yamamoto met Su Wei last time, there has been no intersection since then.

Su Wei called him on purpose today and asked him to reserve a box for him.

Kazuo Yamamoto was always flattering Su Wei.

When Su Wei came, he ran out to receive him himself.

"Is there a quieter box, we want to stay quietly for a while" Su Wei came to the bar this time mainly to have fun.

Because he has not been to the bar for a long time.

This time, taking advantage of Li Ziwei and the others, he brought them to the bar.

"No problem, this bar of mine is dedicated to receiving celebrities like you, please come with me." Su Wei has now acquired MGM and Lionsgate, and Kazuo Yamamoto's bar has opened in West Hollywood, of course he knows the news of.

It is basically a certainty that Su Wei will become a Hollywood tycoon in the near future.

As long as Kazuo Yamamoto greets him well, there will definitely be many Hollywood stars visiting his place in the future.

Now that the competition in the bar is so fierce, Kazuo Yamamoto feels that his method is simply another way.

"Holy shit, this box makes me feel like I've come to Japan." Li Renfeng followed to the box, only to realize that the Japanese style of this box is so authentic.

It was exactly the same as the scene he saw in the bar in Japan back then.

If he didn't know that he was in the United States, he might have thought that he had come to Japan. …

"This guest is really amazing. My box, materials and workers are all designed by top domestic masters." Kazuo Yamamoto entertained Su Wei in this box, which is the best box in the store.

All the things in this box were airlifted from Japan.

Every time a distinguished guest comes to the bar, Kazuo Yamamoto will bring them over.

"Then you go out first, the three of us are fine here." Su Wei came to the bar just to have fun.

Now that Kazuo Yamamoto is here, it affects the three of them a bit.

He planned to go outside to pick up girls after Kazuo Yamamoto left.

As for singing here, Su Wei is not interested.

After all, he has a KTV at home, so why come here if he wants to sing.

"The room next door is my friends. They are a group of girls. If you think you are too boring, I can ask them to come over and sing together." Kazuo Yamamoto thought at this time that he had friends coming.

And those of them should really want to know Su Wei.

After all, Su Wei is now the big boss of MGM and Lionsgate, and they are also full of interest in coming to Hollywood.

"Are they a group of girls? Isn't that good?" Su Wei heard that the other party was a group of girls, so of course he hoped that Kazuo Yamamoto would call them over quickly.

But his status is different now, so it's hard to explain too clearly.

I just want to see Kazuo Yamamoto and see if he can understand what he means.

"I'll ask them, they probably don't mind"

"Ding Ding Ding"

"I've got a call, you guys sit here for a while, I'll answer the call" Just as Su Wei was expecting, his cell phone rang.

If it was an ordinary person's call, he would definitely hang up right away.

After all, the girl is coming soon, he can't miss it.

After looking at the phone, I realized that it was not normal, it was actually Fan Wenqi calling.

"Hurry up, otherwise we won't keep you a good-looking girl." Li Renfeng and the two of them hoped that Su Wei would come back later.

In this way, they may be able to choose a good-looking one.

When he came out with Su Wei, he always preempted the good-looking girls.

"Hey, what's wrong with Kiki?" Su Wei went outside and connected Fan Wenqi's phone.

For Fan Wenqi, he knew that every time she called, she only called when something happened.

"I haven't congratulated you yet, you won MGM and Lionsgate, and you are now a father." Fan Wenqi started congratulating Su Wei normally for winning MGM and Lionsgate.

But then his tone changed, and he congratulated him on becoming a father with a sour tone.

Although she always knew that there were many women around Su Wei.

But when those women gave birth to Su Wei before her, she still felt uncomfortable.

"Sure enough, you have people around me. Otherwise, how would you know about this? I didn't tell anyone." Su Wei was still grinning when he heard the words in front of him.

When he heard the latter, his expression suddenly became serious.

Because he became a father, he notified a few friends.

Could it be someone among them who spread the matter?

"I arranged a fart manpower. There are already many reporters at Hoag Hospital. You come in and out there. Unless I am a fool, how could I not guess it.

If it weren't for me this time, the matter of your childbirth would have been flying all over the sky, and I would have suppressed them all." Fan Wenqi knew that he must be angry when he heard Su Wei's tone.

She can also understand that Su Wei hates being watched by others.

But this time, she really didn't monitor him.

It's just that the Hoag Hospital in Los Angeles is so famous that the children of basic celebrities are born there.

Although Su Wei strictly kept it secret in the hospital, the reporter had already guessed everything through his frequent visits.

If it wasn't for Fan Wenqi this time, the fact that he became a father might have really been exposed on the Internet.

"I won't be angry if you put people around me. You haven't said what you want from me." Hearing Fan Wenqi's words, Su Wei knew that he had wrongly blamed her.

His tone changed quickly, saying that he would not be angry even if he was being watched.

"Speaking is better than singing. I called you this time because Mrs. Zheng is dying. You should be back by the end of the year."

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