Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 499 Win glory for the country

Chapter 499 Win glory for the country
After Su Wei hung up the phone, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, I know when I can go back to my country.

This has been floating outside, like a rootless weed, and now it finally has roots again.

"Hey, Su, I actually met you here!" Jessica Rhodes was originally drinking in the box, and then her manager told her that Su Wei was calling outside.

After she knew the news, she immediately stood aside.

After Su Wei finished making the phone call, she immediately greeted her.

"Jessica Rhodes? I didn't expect to meet you here either." Su Wei was about to return to the box, but he was called by someone.

The person who stopped him turned out to be Jessica Rhodes.

Ever since he fucked Blake Lively, he's been thinking about when he'll eat Jessica Lord again.

After all, he would recommend the two of them to act in Franklin's movie this time because of their good looks.

"I usually come here for a drink after work is over. How about it? Would you like to have a drink together?" If it was before, even Su Wei was an investor.

Jessica Rhode would not be so polite to Su Wei here.

After all, as Hollywood female stars, they know too many investors, large and small.

But Su Wei is different, he is the big boss of MGM and Lionsgate.

Especially Lionsgate Films, which is the most powerful film company after the six major film companies.

"Not today, I have a friend here, but next time we can have a drink together." If the occasion was changed, then Su Wei must have gone.

But when Li Ziwei and the others came today, he definitely couldn't leave.

It's not that he is blind and forgetful, but that he has already passed this stage.

With his current status, it is not too simple to want a beautiful woman to sleep with him.

Mainly for Jessica Rhodes, he will be able to sleep with her in the future, so he is not in a hurry.

"I heard from Blake that you are very powerful, and I really want to see you too." Jessica Rhode's words can be said to be very straightforward.

What she meant was to tell Su Wei that she wanted to sleep with him at night.

Who wants Blake Lively, when she was filming, she often whispered in her ear how powerful Su Wei was on the bed.

So she has seen and seen Su Wei's strengths for a long time.

"There is a chance, but you are the second female number I hand-picked." Su Wei did not expect that Blake Lively would discuss this with Jessica Rhodes.

After all, Blake Lively, she was married.

To be so not taboo about this thing, it seems that Hollywood is really messed up.

At this time, Su Wei was already thinking about whether to find a chance to call out Blake Lively and Jessica Rhodes together.

Anyway, since they are so open, they must have no problem with the three of them exercising together.

"Then I won't bother you today. Call me when you are free, and I'll be free anytime." Jessica Rhode saw that Su Wei was determined, and knew that he couldn't call today.

All I could do was tell him to call her when he got it.

For a newly rising Hollywood bigwig like Su Wei, she is very tolerant.

After Jessica Rhodes and Su Wei said goodbye politely, they entered their own box.

Su Wei bid farewell to Jessica Rhodes, then pushed open the door of his box, and found that several beauties were already sitting inside.

And these women all have typical oriental looks.

"Awei, come here quickly, I'll introduce you to someone." Li Renfeng really didn't expect to meet her here.

When Su Wei came in, he hurriedly called Su Wei to come over quickly.

After all, this person is a big star in Japan.

"Who needs such a fanfare introduction from you?" After Su Wei entered the door, he saw Li Renfeng's excited look.

I thought there was a teacher among these girls.

But she walked over and found that he had no impression of these people.

If it's a teacher, it's impossible for him to have no impression at all.

"That's the one next to me. Her name is Mano Erina. I've seen her play that we are all superpowers. She is a big star in Japan." When the girls came in just now, Li Renfeng recognized Mano Erina.

Because he also sometimes watches Japanese TV dramas, including the We Are All Superpowers.

Through this TV series, he met Mano Erina.

Originally, he wanted to sit with her, but she didn't seem to like him.

Li Renfeng knew at this time that he came here for Su Wei.

"Hello, Susan, I'm Erina Mano, I'm an actor" Erina Mano came to the United States this time for a vacation.

As for Kazuo Yamamoto, it was a friend she had known in Japan.

Just now she and her little sister were playing in the next room, when Kazuo Yamamoto came to them and invited them to this room.

Originally, they didn't want to come, after all, they didn't know anyone in this room.

But Kazuo Yamamoto told them that there is a big man in this room, the big boss of MGM and Lionsgate.

She knew about Su Wei's news even in Japan.

After all, this time Su Wei was on the cover of the Asian edition of Time Magazine.

"Is she a teacher? No.

Hello, I haven't paid attention to the Japanese showbiz before, are you a famous actor? "Su Wei heard Mano Erina say that she is an actress.

Su Wei asked Li Renfeng in Chinese if she was a teacher.

After all, in Su Wei's impression, it would be hard to think about becoming an actor instead of being a teacher.

Especially the person in front of him is so beautiful.

"I'm not, I'm just a young actor." Mano Erina came here this time because she actually wanted to get to know Su Wei.

After all, she is indeed not a very famous actress in China.

But as long as she can make a movie in Hollywood, she will definitely be popular in Japan.

So when she spoke to Su Wei, she was super gentle.

"Mano, you are too humble, you are one of the most successful Japanese idol-turned-actors." When Kazuo Yamamoto met Mano Erina, she was still an idol.

Among Japanese artists, there is a strict hierarchy.

And the lowest level of entertainers are comedians, and if they go up a little bit, they are idol entertainers.

It is really the result of her hard work that she can become a TV actress now.

This time he introduced Su Wei to her, maybe he didn't mean to help her.

"Really, it's so amazing. I heard that the status of Japanese idols is very low. Is it true?" Although Su Wei doesn't know Japan, he knows Bangzi Country.

Knowing that they are all like birds.

Idol artists are really low-level existences on their side.

She can become an actor, Su Wei is actually quite impressed by her.

"It's true, if an idol can't make a successful transformation, it will be easy to be poor when they get older." Many idols will become teachers when they find that they can't make a successful transformation when they get older.

Because their income cannot support their lives.

Those idol groups, for the fans to persevere, many will play large-scale games with fans.

"It's really not easy, Miss Mano, let's have a drink." Although Su Wei admired her, he would not let her go at night.

As for whether to give her a chance, it really depends on the situation.

Because it is impossible for him to make a movie for her just to give her a chance.

At most, in the movie, just let her show her face.

"It's my good fortune to know Su Sang." When Erina Mano spoke, she was already leaning in Su Wei's arms.

She is really grateful to Kazuo Yamamoto for getting to know Su Wei.

As for sleeping with Su Wei at night, she had already made preparations.

"Come on, let's do it together"

. . . . . .

The next day.

"dong dong dong"

"So it's you guys, why are you here?" Su Wei heard someone knocking on the door when he was returning to sleep.

After putting on the shorts, he went over and opened the door.

The people outside were Li Ziwei and Li Renfeng with wretched expressions.

"Don't we want to see Mano Erina leave? How is it? Did you have a good time yesterday?" Li Renfeng brought two Japanese girls back to the room by himself last night.

There is no way, he can't eat Mano Eri's dishes, and he can only barely eat other dishes.

Fortunately, there are two Japanese girls who don't mind accompanying him, so that they can soothe his wounded heart.

"Brother Feng said that Japanese women are super relaxed on the bed, it's true." Li Ziwei was really upset last night.

Because he had a good chat with that Japanese woman in the bar.

After leaving the bar, the woman met someone she knew and sent pigeons to him.

So he slept alone last night.

I woke up this morning and heard Li Renfeng say that Japanese girls are super open, and he regretted it.

"Afeng is right, the Japanese women are all sluts on the bed." This Mano Erina looked quite innocent.

But on the bed, the degree of coordination was simply the most compatible he had ever seen.

No matter what action Su Wei wants, she can accept it.

"Look, I'm not wrong, right?" Li Renfeng went to Japan before, and he also wanted to win glory for the country.

But the girls there don't accept him because he can't speak Japanese.

So those two girls last night were the first time he slept with a Japanese girl.

This feeling is indeed a bit different from girls in other countries.

Bangzi is the kind of show that shines brightly, while Japanese girls are restrained and a bit boring.

"Brother Wei, why did you just let her go, one night is enough?" Li Ziwei was a little bit reluctant to see Mano Huili's departure.

Because if they were still here tonight, he would be able to find another Japanese girl tonight.

There were five of them last night, one girl was not chosen, and he didn't want to let that girl go.

"One night is enough, she's married, okay?" She told Su Wei yesterday when Su Wei and Mano Erina finished exercising.

And they got married just two months ago.

After she received a call from her husband this morning, she still showed a guilty expression.

So regardless of Su Wei's persuasion, he has decided to return to Japan at night.

"No, she's married and still comes out to play. Ah Wei, your current status is really good. Anyone with her status will jump right up to you." Only then did Li Renfeng know how good Su Wei's status is.

A wife like Erina Mano couldn't bear his identity.

After all, when Su Wei was drinking last night, he didn't promise her anything.

She posted it without hesitation just because of Su Wei's identity.

"I didn't expect this identity to be so useful. I heard that her husband plays football or is a Japanese national player." Su Wei really didn't expect that his side was so useful.

Originally, he thought that this identity might only be useful in Hollywood and China.

But through Mano Erina, he knows this identity, and it may be very useful all over the world.

Thinking about greening the Japanese national team, I feel quite refreshed.

Especially Mano Erina said that his ability beat her husband.

"I heard that the wives of our domestic players are all pretty good-looking." Li Ziwei thought of those domestic players from Mano Eri.

I remember that the wives of those domestic players seem to be very good-looking too.

He was in the bar and met some of their wives.

"Forget about the international footballers in China, most of the wives they find have plastic surgery, and I'm not interested in such ones.

By the way, next time we go to Japan, she said that she can introduce me to some friends." Su Wei really doesn't like those domestic players at all.

And the women who can like them are basically met in bars.

At this time, he remembered that when Mano Erina left, he told him not to forget to go to Japan.

She still has several friends in Japan, and she can also meet him.

"Introduce friends? Can you introduce Ishihara Satomi?"

. . . . . .

This time when Li Ziwei came to the United States, besides seeing Su Wei's children, there was actually one more thing.

"The young master is on the air, the young master is on the air"

"This is America, where is this America?"

"The sky here is so blue, when will we be able to reach this level in China?"

In Li Ziwei's live broadcast room, there were hundreds of people chatting on a black screen.

In the early hours of the morning, the live broadcast room suddenly lit up.

It turned out that Li Ziwei started the live broadcast in the United States at this point.

"I promised you, I will start the broadcast for you after I come to the United States, did I do what I said?" Li Ziwei didn't plan to rest all the time when he came to the United States this time.

Because he promised the studio to broadcast live here in the United States.

When I came out of the hotel to drink coffee today, he started the broadcast directly.

"The young master is a real man, and he always keeps his word every time."

"This is the Beverly Bar in Los Angeles. When I went to Los Angeles, I also drank coffee here."

"This is Beverly Hills, the young master will show us around."

The people in the studio heard that this is Beverly Hills.

That excitement, it feels like I have come to the United States.

I just hope that Li Ziwei can take them with him and have a look around Beverly Hills.

"Why are you asking so much? This place is different from China, the signal is not that good, and this time I came here mainly to show you the car." Li Ziwei promised the people in the live broadcast room when he came to the United States this time.

I want to show everyone Su Wei's Bugatti.

After all, this Bugatti is the only one in the world.

As for taking the people from the live broadcast room for a stroll, he was really embarrassed.

"Holy shit, what car is this, a Bugatti Chiron? Or a convertible?"

"This is Brother He's car, why didn't you see Brother He come out to say hello?"

"Brother He's status is different now, how could he come out to say hello to us?"

When the people in the live broadcast room saw the Bugatti Chiron, they already guessed that it was Su Wei's car.

After all, many of them will pay attention to Su Wei's scarf.

Su Wei had already exposed the color of the car on the scarf.

"Hi, everyone, I haven't seen you for a long time. How could my identity be any different? Am I still me?" Su Wei originally didn't want to show his face today.

I plan to wait until Li Ziwei finishes filming Bugatti, and then his live broadcast will pass.

It's just that the people in the live broadcast room have been making various speculations.

Su Wei had no choice but to come out and respond.

"Brother He, you are so handsome. I haven't seen you for so long. You look even more handsome."

"Brother He, can you add a WeChat account, I want to meet you"

"Brother He, I'm a female fan, can I ask Weiwei to send you WeChat messages?"

After Su Wei appeared in the live broadcast room, a large group of female fans appeared in no time.

They had already added Li Ziwei's WeChat before.

Knowing that Li Ziwei was going to broadcast live in the United States this time, they had already been waiting in the group.

As soon as Li Ziwei started broadcasting, he immediately appeared in the live broadcast room.

After Su Wei came out, they immediately exploded, wanting to add Su Wei's WeChat,

"Don't push WeChat, when we can meet in reality, add WeChat at that time." Su Wei has no interest in these women at all.

Because a woman who can post nympho through the Internet, he doesn't think she will look good.

And if it is really good-looking, it can be added in reality.

At least he can exclude nymphomaniacs and photo cheats from his group of friends.

"Then you have no chance, brother He is restricted from returning home"

"Don't talk nonsense, Brother He just doesn't want to come back"

"If Brother He could come back, he would have been back long ago, but he just couldn't come back"

The well-informed people in the live broadcast room already knew that Su Wei would not come back.

The news that Su Wei will not come back has already spread a lot of gossip.

Of course, the main reason is that they don't know.

Of course, this kind of thing is impossible to say on the surface.

"Everyone stop arguing, I still have some things to do in the United States, but I will come back this year for the Chinese New Year, and then please watch the fireworks show"

(End of this chapter)

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