Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 501 He is indeed the father of the child

Chapter 501 He is indeed the father of the child


"Yangyang, if you have any discomfort on your body, please remember to tell me." Unknowingly, Lin Ning has been with Yangyang and stayed in Vancouver for more than half a year.

In the past few days, because the due date of Yangyang is approaching, the two of them have been admitted to Richmond Hospital.

Lin Ning, as Yangyang's best friend, has really been in place during this time.

In addition to accompanying her in the hospital every day, she often makes Chinese food for Yang Yang.

It's not that she has no complaints, but now that Yangyang is alone in Vancouver, she really can't worry about her.

"Don't worry, I really don't have any discomfort now, but after living here, I feel a little nervous." As the due date approached, Yang Yang felt panicked.

Especially when she is alone, and there is no man around, only Lin Ning can listen to her talk.

Fortunately, Lin Ning was there, otherwise she might really be depressed.

After all, being pregnant is really painful for women.

Ever since my belly got bigger, wanting to sleep on my stomach has become a luxury.

"Aren't you going to tell Su Wei about your childbirth?" For Lin Ning, Yangyang is going to have a child now, so he should tell Su Wei anyway.

After all, this child has something to do with Su Wei anyway.

And she thinks it is impossible for Yang Yang to raise a child by herself.

Because in the future, sheep and sheep will definitely marry.

If the child can be returned to Su Wei, then Yang Yang will have no burden.

If she really brought this child with her, then she would be like this for the rest of her life.

"So what if I tell him, do you think he will care about this child?" She actually hesitated about whether to tell Su Wei or not.

Especially her best friend Lin Ning has always been in favor of telling Su Wei.

She also knew that telling Su Wei was actually a good choice.

But she planned to give birth to the child before, so she didn't discuss it with Su Wei.

Now go and tell Su Wei, what if he doesn't recognize this child.

So Yangyang chose not to tell Su Wei, and planned to bring up the child alone.

"A friend of mine in Los Angeles told me that Su Wei bought a family trust worth hundreds of millions of dollars for his two newly born children. Are you really not tempted at all?" Su Wei bought the family trust this time There is no hiding.

Because of this incident, it is not a shameful thing for Su Wei.

That's why Lin Ning was able to know the news this time.

She thought about her best friend, if she could really get these hundreds of millions of dollars of family trust, then she would basically have enough in this life.

After all, the wealth of their family does not add up to [-] million US dollars.

"That family trust has nothing to do with me. This child of mine is not an unexpected existence. He may not even have expectations for this child." Yangyang already knew what Lin Ning said.

And she knew about it, the time has not been short.

After all, Su Wei is the father of her child, so of course she will often pay attention to Su Wei.

She really didn't expect at all whether her child could get the family trust.

"After the baby is born, you really don't plan to go back to China?" During Lin Ning's stay in Canada, she really had enough time here.

If she could go back, she would definitely go back to China as soon as possible.

Because here, there is really no smoke and fire.

Although there are many Chinese people here in Vancouver, it is still not comparable to that in China.

In particular, the infrastructure here is really not much different from the rural areas in China in her eyes.

"If I go back, my dad may know about it. I think Vancouver is pretty good, and it's a good place to bring children." If he can go back, Yangyang certainly wants to go back.

But if she goes back, her family will probably know about her childbirth.

In this case, she would rather stay in Vancouver for a few more years.

Anyway, it is quite friendly to pregnant women.

When the child is older, she will go back to China and confess to her parents.

"Because you're afraid of being known by me, so you hide such a big thing as having a baby from me and your mother?" At this time, the door of the ward was suddenly opened.

Yang Tianlei walked into the ward with a displeased face.

Of course he was upset, after all, his daughter was going to have a baby, and he didn't tell his family.

How terrible the family members are, to let her not tell them about such an important matter.

"Dad? Mom, why are you here?" Yang Yang was startled when she heard this familiar voice.

Unexpectedly, her parents, who were still in China yesterday, would appear at the door of her ward now.

She quickly took the quilt, trying to cover her stomach.

Although they knew that they came this time, they probably knew that she was pregnant.

But her instinct was that she still didn't want them to see her like this.

"Why are we here? If your Uncle Wu hadn't told me that you had a big belly, we really thought you were here to study in Vancouver. We didn't expect you to come here to give birth." Yang Tianlei will come this time, yes Because he heard from his comrades that his daughter was pregnant.

When he heard the news, his first reaction was disbelief.

Because his daughter doesn't even have a boyfriend, so where can she find someone to get pregnant.

But he didn't believe that his daughter was pregnant until his comrades sent him the photos.

His comrade-in-arms bought the house with him in Vancouver at that time, and those photos are the street scenes outside his home.

Sheep's stomach can no longer be hidden.

He knew the matter was over, and he didn't say anything, but secretly booked a plane ticket to Vancouver with his wife.

"Yangyang, why didn't you tell us about your pregnancy?" After knowing about Yangyang's pregnancy, Mama Yang didn't enjoy eating every day.

Every time she called Yangyang on the phone, she wanted to ask Yangyang what happened to the child in her stomach several times.

But thinking that she might irritate her, she held back the words again.

Now I came to Vancouver and saw Yangyang that she was pregnant.

Only then did she dare to ask Yang Yang what was going on.

"Auntie, don't worry, she doesn't say anything about Yangyang because of her own reasons." Lin Ning really didn't expect that Yangyang's parents would suddenly appear today.

She really didn't know anything about all this.

Yangyang's mother did call her, and she really didn't reveal any information about Yangyang.

Seeing that the two of them were getting closer and closer, she quickly took out two stools and let the two of them sit and rest.

"How can I tell you, if I tell you this, can you still let this child be born smoothly?" Yang Yang didn't tell her family about her pregnancy.

It's not because of this matter that they will definitely not agree.

Since she already knew the result, how could she tell them.

Especially seeing the aggressive look of the two of them, she felt that she had done nothing wrong.

"Lao Yang and I have been friends for so many years. If you leave a seed for Yang Jiale, even if I am unwilling, I will not force you to have an abortion." Yang Tianlei knew that his daughter had always liked Yang Jiale.

Now that she is pregnant, she dare not tell him yet.

Of course he thought that this child belonged to Yang Jiale.

Based on his friendship with Yang Ye, he knew about the existence of this child before, so he probably wouldn't ask his daughter to have an abortion.

Maybe when the child is born, he will announce to the public that it was born by his wife, so that her daughter can continue to marry.

"Dad, this child doesn't belong to Yang Jiale." Yangyang didn't feel any good when she heard her father say that.

Because of this child, it does not belong to Yang Jiale.

And not only is it not Yang Jiale's, the child's father also has a deep hatred with Yang Jiale.

"What? This child is not Yang Jiale's? Then who is the father of this child?" Yang Tianlei originally thought that this child might belong to Yang Jiale.

If this is the case, then he will admit it.

Unexpectedly, Yangyang told him that this child was not Yang Jiale's.

Then who is the father of this child.

Sheep and sheep are about to give birth, but he still doesn't show up.

This made Yang Tianlei really dislike the child's father.

"Don't ask, I won't tell you about the father of the child." Yangyang knows that his father and Yang Jiale's father, Yang Ye, are good brothers.

Her father was very dissatisfied with Su Wei.

If he knew that his child's father was Su Wei, he might not be angry.

Especially Su Wei, the father, knew nothing about this child.

So it's better to keep one thing more than one thing less. She would rather not tell her family who the father of this child is.

"You really want to piss me off, Lin Ning, tell us who the father of this child is. As Yangyang's best friend, you must know." Yang Tianlei almost lost his temper when he heard Yangyang's words die.

Because of how mysterious the child's father is.

It's already this time, why can't I tell him.

And he was extremely disappointed with his daughter.

How can I sleep with men casually, so that I can only be a single mother now.

His old face was really lost by her.

"Uncle, I really can't tell you, don't force me." Lin Ning didn't expect that Yangyang refused to tell her, but her parents came to ask her.

Of course she couldn't say anything about it.

If she said this, she might not be able to make friends with Yang Yang.

And if she talked too much in the middle of this matter, in the end, no one might think that she did the right thing.

So she didn't plan to say anything about it.

"dong dong dong"

"It's so lively, hey, Yangyang, I'm here to see you." Su Wei came to Ward 27, knocked on the door first, and then opened the door.

He entered the room and felt that it was so warm inside.

In this room, there are the sheep and sheep girlfriends he has seen before.

And a middle-aged couple he had never seen before.

Looking at their appearance, this sheep still looks alike, and he guessed that these should be Yang Yang's parents.

"Su Wei? Why are you here?" Yangyang was shocked when she saw Su Wei.

Seeing Su Wei here, she was more surprised than seeing her parents.

Because she didn't tell Su Wei that she was pregnant.

Now that Su Wei appeared here, her first reaction was what Lin Ning said.

Because she often talked about it, saying that Su Wei should be told about this matter.

"Don't look at me, I didn't tell anyone about your pregnancy." Seeing her best friend looking at her, Lin Ning really felt that she was more wronged than Dou E.

She really didn't tell anyone about Yang Yang's pregnancy.

And in order not to leak the secret, she didn't even contact many of her friends.

Although she did say that she would tell Su Wei about it.

But Yang Yang disagreed, so she never took any action.

"No one needs to tell me about this. As the father of the child, how could I not pay attention to you?" Although Su Wei said, he didn't care about the child at all.

But as the father of his child, how could he really not care at all.

In fact, behind Yangyang, there have always been people he sent to protect her secretly.

Several times, the two women were robbed, and it was the man he sent to protect them who rescued them.

It's just that the two of them didn't notice it at all, and felt that there were many good people in this world.

"Su Wei, are you the father of the child in Yangyang's belly? Yangyang, are you sure he's right?" Yang Tianlei never expected that the child in Yangyang's belly turned out to be Su Wei's.

He hated Su Wei because of Yang Ye's incident.

Unexpectedly, the father of his grandson turned out to be Su Wei.

"Dad, he is indeed the father of the child." Yangyang really did not expect that Su Wei would observe her secretly.

She always thought that her child might be born without Su Wei knowing it.

Unexpectedly, before she was about to give birth, Su Wei came to accompany her to wait for the delivery.

This made her suddenly cry unconsciously.

"Su Wei, I didn't expect this child to be yours, so what are you going to do now?" Yang Tianlei and Yang Ye are indeed good brothers.

The two worked hard together from their hometown, and both saved a lot of family business.

Before that, Yang Tianlei really hated Su Wei.

But after knowing that he is the father of his grandson, he can only accept this fact helplessly.

"I set up a family trust worth [-] million US dollars for my child, and I will give her the same treatment for the child in the sheep's belly." Su Wei set up a family trust for Wang Xiaoyi and Chen Lu's children. $[-] million family trust.

With Yangyang, he didn't favor one over another.

Instead, they are treated equally, and they all set up a family trust worth [-] million US dollars.

"What do you mean? You set up a family trust for your children? Are you already married?" Mother Yangyang was shocked when she heard Su Wei's words.

One is the figure of the $[-] million family trust he said, and the other is the news he revealed that he has more than one child.

If he got married, wouldn't his daughter become a mistress.

Although their family does not have as much as [-] million US dollars, but their daughter is a mistress, they are really ashamed to death.

"I'm not married because I'm unmarried, but I have girlfriends and they gave birth to me." Of course Su Wei knew what her parents meant.

So he quickly explained that he was not married.

Their daughter, of course, is not a mistress.

Another meaning is that it is impossible for him to get married.

"What? You scum, what do you mean, it's impossible to marry my daughter?" Yang Tianlei didn't know what Su Wei meant when he heard Su Wei's words.

What non-marriage advocates, don't they just want to prostitute for nothing.

Look at the child of the old Wang family, because he is not married, he will change his girlfriend every few days.

He felt that Su Wei was also this kind of person, so in desperation, he had already grabbed Su Wei by the collar.

If Su Wei still said the same thing, he needed to be served with an old fist.

"Oh, my stomach hurts so much, maybe I'm about to give birth." At the moment when the sword was on the verge of breaking out, Yang Yang began to cry out that his stomach hurts.

And judging by her appearance, she doesn't seem to be pretending at all.

Because in this heated room, her head was covered with sweat all of a sudden.

The few people didn't care about the dispute anymore, they all surrounded her.

And the most anxious one among them is Yang Tianlei.

"Yangyang, are you okay, doctor, doctor, my daughter is about to give birth"

(End of this chapter)

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