Chapter 502 Returning to China

"What's the situation? Why are there so many colleagues here today?" Gu Maiyu is an entertainment news reporter, also known as a paparazzi.

Today they received news that Jiang Yuxuan would arrive at Kyoto Airport at [-]:[-] pm.

After he received the news, he rushed over immediately.

At the gate of the airport, he met his colleague Jiang Wu.

The relationship between the two of them is okay, and they often exchange news content.

When he entered the airport lobby, he was immediately dumbfounded, because there were so many reporters on the scene.

"They should all be here to interview Jiang Yuxuan, after all, he is so popular now." Jiang Yuxuan is a new generation, a traffic niche.

He made his debut in Bangzi Country, and now he is returning to China to develop.

Although there is no representative work yet, the popularity is extremely high.

When Jiang Wu saw that many reporters were walking together, he naturally took it for granted that these people were all here to interview Jiang Yuxuan.

"Brother, your equipment is professional enough, and there are so many people here." Gu Maiyu approached the farthest peers, and he was really greedy for their equipment.

The equipment of these paparazzi is a SLR with tens of thousands of dollars.

Because they have to run frequently, they can't use the ones that are too heavy.

But now these people's equipment, that kind of professional monitors, as well as radio microphones, as well as Sony's SLR, and Zeiss lenses.

Just these things cost at least a dozen or 20.

"He has such a big wrist, we can use this device to show how much we value him." Gao Hengfei is a reporter from Tencent News, and this time he is here to interview Su Wei.

He was also more polite when he saw the colleagues next to him chatting.

Although the other party's equipment was not as good as his, he did not look down on the other party.

After all, journalists are not good at equipment.

"That's right, he's so popular now, but let me tell you, the relationship between our boss and his company is okay, we should be able to take pictures with him up close later." Gu Maiyu's company boss still has a bit of face in the entertainment industry.

Don't be too familiar with the relationship between the boss and the company that Jiang Yuxuan signed when he returned to China this time.

Gu Maiyu knew that his equipment was no match, so he began to show off.

After all, if he had no ability, he would be looked down upon easily.

"Really? Then you guys are really good. Your boss is too embarrassing. I heard that he is not easy to deal with." At this time, Gao Hengfei's colleague, Wen Yuhe, began to take up the conversation.

Because they came to interview Su Wei this time, it was basically pure luck.

If these two people really know Su Wei, then they can see if they can rub them and take some photos with Su Wei.

If they can take a recent photo of Su Wei, then they can go back to meet business.

"As a young man, he prefers live broadcasts, and he seldom responds to interviews. We contacted him several times, but he didn't like us."

They have contacted Su Wei several times and wanted to interview him.

But every time, they were rejected by them.

"Young people are so hot now, it's normal to have a bit of a temper, but in front of real capital, he should bow his head or bow his head." Hearing what the other party said, Jiang Wu thought of when he felt sad.

After these starlets become popular, many of them will play big names.

For these paparazzi, many have no respect at all.

But he has also seen these little stars, obsequious in front of real capital bosses.

"Bow your head? He will still bow his head? Isn't he, isn't he a typical stabbing head?" Gao Hengfei couldn't believe it when he heard Jiang Wu's words.

Because he really couldn't imagine who Su Wei would bow his head like, after all, he has such a hot temper.

And who can make him bow his head for a boss like him.

"That's right, I didn't see him bow his head for such a big event this time. He just got to the end, so I don't believe he will bow his head." Wen Yuhe didn't believe it either, Su Wei would bow his head.

For such a big event this time, if Su Wei had lowered his head, he would never have been restricted from returning to China.

Could it be that when he returns to China this time, there are some secrets that they don't know about.

If this is the case, they will have to listen to the decryption of these two colleagues.

"You are all newcomers, but looking at your equipment, it doesn't look like newcomers have it, so why don't you know that there are so many big shots in the circle, how could he not bow his head when he saw those big shots?" Jiang Wu looked Seeing these two people say, I don't believe Jiang Yuxuan will bow his head.

It's unbelievable, he's just a star after all.

In the eyes of a big man with power, Jiang Yuxuan is just a small man.

He had seen it with his own eyes, Jiang Yuxuan made a humble toast to those big shots.

"We, we shouldn't be considered newcomers. I have been in Tencent News for many years, and he has been in Sina for many years." At this moment, Gao Hengfei became excited.

He also thought that he could hear a lot of news that the outside world could not understand.

Even if these news cannot be reported, it is still very cool to eat a melon.

"Aren't you entertainment reporters? Now that Jiang Yuxuan is so famous, even you all came to interview him." At this moment, Gu Maiyu felt something was wrong.

But I didn't think much about it, I thought Jiang Yuxuan was too popular.

Even these professional reporters came to grab the news with these paparazzi.

"Jiang Yuxuan? Who is he? We don't know each other." Wen Yuhe was stunned when he heard Jiang Yuxuan's name.

Because who is this person, he has never heard of it.

"You don't know each other? Impossible, then who are you waiting for?" At this time, Jiang Wu heard the other party say that he didn't know Jiang Yuxuan.

It dawned on him that they might be mistaken.

It's just that they didn't come to interview Jiang Yuxuan, so who are they waiting for.

"We're waiting for Su Wei here. Aren't you here to wait for Su Wei?" Gao Hengfei was surprised, he was anxious that the airport halls were all here to interview Su Wei.

After all, he is so popular now, and this is the first time he has returned to China after becoming a Hollywood tycoon.

A Hollywood tycoon, his status is simply terrifying.

Not to mention walking sideways in the country, but at least it is to the point where few people dare to mess with it.

"I'm so sorry, we made a mistake." At this moment, Jiang Wu felt as if he had pulled Gu Maiyu away.

Because it seems that these reporters are here to interview Su Wei.

No wonder they are all such professional equipment, they are the real big shots.

"I thought they were so awesome. To be able to interview Su Wei, I wanted to hug my thigh just now." Gao Hengfei didn't expect that these two colleagues were entertainment reporters.

He just thought that he was too blind to know the big names in the industry.

If the other party can really talk to Su Wei, then he begs and asks him to bring himself.

"I'm not the same, I thought I met a colleague who is awesome." Wen Yuhe was thinking of hugging his thigh just now.

Unexpectedly, it turned out that the two groups of them had made a mistake, and they were completely talking about each other.

He felt strange just now, who else could make Su Wei bow his head.

"It's so embarrassing, I thought they were here to interview Jiang Yuxuan too." After Gu Maiyu was pulled out by Jiang Wu, his whole body was flushed red.

Because the two of them just now were too embarrassing.

The two small figures in the industry actually pretended to be a wave in front of the big players in the industry.

"This Su Wei's ostentation is too big, it feels like he is more famous than a star." Like Jiang Yuxuan coming to the airport, there will be reporters to pick him up.

That's because both parties have communicated in advance.

Otherwise, which reporter would wait at the airport for the celebrity when he is so free.

But if Su Wei came here this time, a fool would believe that it was arranged in advance.

"He is a Hollywood tycoon, if a star is in front of him, he is Xiao Xiami"

. . . . . .

"Finally back to China, it's still comfortable to inhale this smog." Su Wei's return this time is the first time he has returned to China after the restrictions were lifted.

After the hatch opened, he could clearly feel that this place was a bit heavier than Los Angeles.

Even so, he still prefers it here.

"President Su, it's cold outside. You'll catch cold easily with such light clothes on." It's already January, and the weather here in Kyoto has even reached below zero.

Su Weicai came from Los Angeles, and his clothes were a bit thin.

Zhang Ruoyu hurriedly put on his padded coat.

"The house I asked you to buy, have you found it?" This time Su Wei asked Zhang Ruoyu to buy him a villa in Shanghai.

Because he was in the United States, he was used to living in a villa.

The sandalwood palace in Shanghai is for his parents, and the old bungalow is for Wang Xiaoyuan. He lacks a villa of his own.

"I looked for it, but the current villa in Shanghai, apart from Tan Palace, is Huazhou Junting, but it is still a bit short of the villa in your mind, Mr. Su." The villa in Su Wei's mind should be located in the city. inside the district.

The main area of ​​the villa should be large, and the area of ​​the garden should be large enough.

In addition to the large swimming pool, there are also basketball courts and tennis courts.

Although Tan Palace and Huazhou Junting are the top villas in Shanghai, their area does not meet Su Wei's requirements.

"Why are you so stupid? If you don't have a residence, then find a commercial land. We can buy a piece of land by ourselves, and then build a villa for me to live in. Who can control me?" Su Wei heard Zhang Ruoyu say No, I knew she was in a dead end.

Because the houses she considered were all residential villas.

But he got this house just to live in it for himself.

For him, there is no difference between residential and commercial properties, as long as he can live in it.

"That's right, I really didn't expect that it could be done like this." Zhang Ruoyu suddenly realized when he heard Su Wei say this.

If Su Wei's method is followed, he can buy a piece of land and repair it himself.

And because it is commercial in nature, they can repair it however they want.

It will not be in the way because the villa cannot be repaired because of the regulations.

"During the time I'm in Kyoto, remember to get this done. Don't be afraid to spend money. Try to buy a bigger place." Su Wei's house in the United States, except the house next to New York's Central Park, is a flat-floor house. They are all villas covering several acres of land.

He will often live in the house he bought in Shanghai this time, so he must buy a bigger one.

Anyway, when he came back this time, the money in his bank had been unfrozen.

With more than 1000 billion in hand, he should not be too rich now.

"President Su, shall we go back to Yuanyang Lavie first?" Zhang Ruoyu didn't know why Su Wei came to Beijing this time.

However, they fly for so long, it is reasonable to go back to sleep and get rid of jet lag.

"No, let's go to Xiehe Hospital first, Fan Wenqi is about to give birth, I want to go see her"

. . . . . .

"Xuanxuan, there are a lot of reporters coming outside." Brother Zhou knew that Jiang Yuxuan would arrive at the Kyoto airport at three o'clock in the afternoon, and he knew that there would be many reporters coming.

But he never expected that so many reporters would come.

Judging by the scale of reporters outside, it feels like there are hundreds of reporters.

In his heart right now, he couldn't be too happy.

Because as a manager, the more popular his artists are, the more money he makes.

"These reporters are really annoying. By the way, is the airport security in place?" Jiang Yuxuan was a little unhappy that so many reporters came outside.

Because these domestic reporters are very rude every time.

So he thought about asking the security at the airport to surround him later.

It's best to keep those reporters and fans away from him.

"I asked, and the security at the airport said that we are not free today, maybe we can only go out like this." These brokerage companies have agreements with the airport.

When artists under their company leave the airport, their airport is responsible for helping to intercept them.

Don't care if those people are real fans or invited, anyway, it's right for them to stop them.

It's just that today he approached the airport, but the other party told him that not even a single security guard could be dispatched.

"Just go out like this? Then what should I do if I get stopped by crazy fans later, no, I won't go out if that's the case." Jiang Yuxuan was upset when he heard that there was no one at the airport.

After all, he is so popular now, what if there is a crazy illegitimate meal on the scene.

So if there is no security guard, he will definitely not go out.

"My little ancestor, I have already arranged several bodyguards. When you go out, they will definitely protect you. And if we don't go out, we will completely offend these reporters outside." They are celebrities and entertainers between them is a cooperative relationship.

There were hundreds of media outlets out there, if Jiang Yuxuan really showed his face, he would offend everyone.

If this is the case, then no one can protect him.

"Hey, I'm really annoying. I'm just too easy to talk to. Let's go, let's go out." Jiang Yuxuan also knew that so many reporters couldn't be offended.

He said that just now, and he was used to it in normal times.

Plus his agent said that there are six bodyguards, so he can be considered a step down.

"Ahhhhh, it's coming out." The reporters outside saw Su Wei coming out, and started rushing forward in a swarm.

After all, if he ran too slowly, he might not even be able to take pictures of Su Wei's face.

If this is the case, then wouldn't they have come in vain.

"Don't squeeze, don't squeeze, our house, Xuanxuan,???" Seeing the reporter rushing over, Brother Zhou immediately blocked Jiang Yuxuan.

It's just that this matter seemed to be beyond his expectation.

Those reporters rushed over, they rushed over, but they ignored them, and then rushed behind them.

"What's the situation? Aren't these reporters here to interview me?" Jiang Yuxuan had already done it, and he was a cool boy.

It's just that these reporters all ran behind him.

This made his heart full of mixed feelings.

When there are too many reporters, he finds them annoying.

There are no reporters interviewing him now, and he feels that the other party is a dog who looks down on people.

"Brother Zhou, I heard from those people that they went to interview Su Wei who came out later." Xiaobao is Jiang Yuxuan's assistant, but she has also heard of Su Wei's name.

After all, Su Wei is now at the top of the news list every three days.

It can be said that he has successfully broken the circle now.

"What? That person behind is Su Wei? Xuanxuan, hurry up and get out of the way, don't get in the way." Brother Zhou was shocked when he heard that the person behind was Su Wei.

Because he became an agent, of course he also knew about Su Wei.

Not to mention his other identities, just his identity as the boss of Baihe Media scared him to death.

"I won't let it go. What else can he do to me? Who is Brother Zhou?" After Jiang Yuxuan returned to China, there were always flowers and applause.

When had he been so humble.

Asking him to make way for the people behind, for the fans to see, he was furious, so he refused to give way.

"The man in the back is a super rich man, and he is worth hundreds of billions. If we stand here and block his way, we will really offend him." Su Wei's other identities need not be mentioned, just a worth of hundreds of billions is scary dead.

Speaking of other identities, it would be more scary than the other.

Brother Zhou is really in a hurry now, why didn't he realize that Jiang Yuxuan was so ignorant before.

"If you offend him, you offend him, so what will happen? He can still block me." Jiang Yuxuan was immersed in the praise of his fans every day, and really felt that he was very popular in China.

And since he is so hot, everyone should give in to him.

Now that someone came out to make way for him, of course he couldn't accept it.

"You are right, he can really block you, offend him, no one can save you"

(End of this chapter)

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