Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 503 Found the Land to Build the House


The best hospital in China is Xiehe Hospital.

The Concord Hospital in China is divided into the East Hospital in the East City of Kyoto and the West Hospital in the West City.

The hospital where Fan Wenqi gave birth this time was the Xiehe Hospital in Dongcheng.

The Xiehe in Dongcheng is the real Xiehe, and the most powerful doctors are here.

"Xiao Su, do you have any plans when you return to China this time?" During the two days since Fan Wenqi gave birth, Su Wei and Fan Wenqi's mother have been accompanying her in the hospital.

She has always had ideas about Su Wei.

After all, it is impossible for her own daughter not to marry.

"Mom, what are you talking about? Didn't we already talk about it?" Fan Wenqi felt blocked when her mother asked Su Wei about this.

After all, she had already agreed with her family that she would not marry Su Wei.

And if he married Su Wei, what was the child's last name, could it still be named Fan.

"Okay, okay, I won't say anything, then you two talk, I'll take the child to sleep." Fan Wenqi's mother saw Fan Wenqi lose her temper, so she could only leave the room with the child in her arms.

Even in front of everyone, she is a very serious person.

But facing her daughter, she still showed her gentle side.

"Don't mind, my mother has this personality, and she insists on talking about the things that have been agreed upon." Fan Wenqi's mother and Su Wei brought up this matter, and Fan Wenqi was very embarrassed.

Because although her current mentality has changed a bit.

But she still can't marry someone, even if this person is Su Wei.

"She also cares about you, I can understand." Su Wei has been reminded by her relatives to take care of Fan Wenqi in the past few days.

But Su Wei couldn't get married, so he kept playing dumb.

After all, if he is married, how can he be so free.

Even if the woman said she was magnanimous before marriage, she will definitely change after marriage.

"I look like this, am I very haggard?" Fan Wenqi has been in the hospital for almost a week.

Because of the expected labor, I have not taken a bath.

After giving birth to the baby yesterday, she was sweating profusely.

And how could she be like this before.

"No, I think you are very beautiful now, with a kind of maternal brilliance surrounding you." Among Su Wei's four women, Fan Wenqi is really the one with the highest status.

But she is really no different from anyone else.

For the sake of the child, it is possible to not take a bath for several days.

You must know that these people were all famous ladies who had no worries about food and clothing before.

"Fuck you, no one will stop you when you come back this time." Fan Wenqi suddenly felt a little embarrassed when Su Wei praised her.

Seeing that the atmosphere in the room was too ambiguous, she quickly changed the subject.

After all, she doesn't know now whether Su Wei treats her like this because of her or because of the child.

"It's very easy for me to come back this time. After all, isn't the restriction order lifted?" Su Wei's return this time was really smooth.

It can be said that his return in this way was a little smoother than before.

When applying for the flight back home, the other party felt a little more anxious than him.

"It's good to come back and relax. I heard that my son is your fourth child?" Although Fan Wenqi didn't know that there was such a woman as Yangyang.

But Su Wei is now buying trusts and has already bought three shares.

Fan Wenqi is not a fool, of course he knows that he bought this for children.

Doesn't that prove that he now has three children.

"There is also a child who was born in Canada, and that child is really an accident.

By the way, I have already started preparing for his family trust." Su Wei treats each of these children equally.

At least in the early stages of birth, he treated everyone equally.

So for each of his children, he will buy them a family trust of [-] million US dollars.

"Don't worry, I won't refuse in this regard. After all, you are his father, and he deserves it." Although Fan Wenqi had no intention of giving her son the surname Su.

But she has no intention of rejecting this family trust, after all, this is money from father to son.

Although she is not as rich as Su Wei now.

But she can still take out [-] million US dollars. She really has no other ideas about this money.

"Do you want to get up and move around? The doctor said that you can get out of bed the next day." Fan Wenqi, who had a normal delivery, can get out of bed directly on the same day.

Now it's the second day, and Fan Wenqi still hasn't gotten out of bed.

So Su Wei thought, here he can help Fan Wenqi hold his body.

"No, you can go back first, you have been here for three days, and I have nothing to do now." This time Fan Wenqi was very touched by Su Weineng's stay by her side for three days. .

But she knew that those relatives who were waiting for her would come over.

If Su Wei was here, they would definitely have to talk to Su Wei again.

"Okay, then I'll go back, call me if you need something"

. . . . . .


"Sister, don't sleep, Brother Ma is here." Xiang Wanrong was just outside basking in the sun when her mother drove her in to wake her sister up.

Because a suitor of her sister came to the house, and her sister has not gotten up yet.

"Why is he here again? You just say I'm not at home, he really lingers." Xiang Wanjun actually got up early, but she didn't get up.

When Xiang Wanrong came in, she was pretending to be asleep.

Because of the person who came this time, she didn't like him.

"You can't do it if you don't go out, I was sent by my mother to call you." Xiang Wanjun couldn't get up, and Xiang Wanrong couldn't do business like her mother.

If she just went out like this, she would definitely be scolded.

So she could only go out after Xiang Wanjun got up.

"Then you go out first, and I'll come out after I get dressed." Xiang Wanjun was really speechless to his younger sister.

I can only endure the cold and get up quickly to get dressed.

After all, there is no heating here in the south, and getting up every time is a big project.

As for why the air conditioner is not turned on, it is really because it is too dry to turn on the air conditioner.

And now that she is in her hometown, if she dares to turn on the air conditioner, her mother will definitely tell her all the time.

"Sister, I think this big brother Ma is pretty good, why do you just look down on him?" Xiang Wanrong, as Xiang Wanjun's younger sister, of course knew that her older sister didn't like this person.

But in order to tease her sister, she deliberately made fun of her here.

Who wants her at home, she is often bullied by her sister.

"If you like him, just tell me, I'll let you." Xiang Wanjun knew her sister very well.

Seeing that she wanted to see her own jokes, she went straight to the trick.

Anyway, she really didn't have any affection for this Ma Zhaoxin.

"This matter has nothing to do with me, don't bring it to me." Xiang Wanjun didn't like this Ma Zhaoxin, and of course Xiang Wanrong didn't like him either.

The beauty of the two sisters is well-known in their village.

If you want to say kiss to them, you don't need too many people.

"Wanrong, where's your sister, why hasn't she come out?" Xiang's mother had been chatting with Ma Zhaoxin before the eldest daughter came out.

In fact, there is nothing to talk about, after all, the other party is from the same town as them.

Although he is not very familiar with him, at least he knows that there is such a person.

"She's already woken up, and she's getting dressed now." Xiang Wanrong was in the room, originally intending to tease the elder sister.

But the other party has been a teacher for many years, and he is really sharp.

She didn't hold on for a few minutes inside before she was defeated.

"This girl is from every family. She can sleep until noon. Fortunately, she was a teacher before." Xiang's mother really had a headache for her eldest daughter.

Because she is now in her thirties, and she has to sleep until noon every day when she comes back.

She won't get up until lunch time.

As for her resignation, Xiang's mother didn't respond at all, because their family's conditions were not bad, and she didn't want her daughter to be a teacher.

Xiang Wanjun's resignation was a good thing for her.

"Auntie, people nowadays can sleep better, maybe I came here too early, next time I will try to come later." Ma Zhaoxin had heard of Xiang Wanjun's name before.

But because every Chinese New Year is the busiest time for him.

So he hadn't seen her for so many years.

This year, I didn't expect that she would come back early before Chinese New Year.

When he went to buy cigarettes in her shop, he fell in love with her at first sight.

After knowing that she was not married yet, she launched a passionate pursuit.

"Don't come next time, you might as well just don't come." Ma Zhaoxin's occupation is a big pig farmer in the county.

His pig farm raised hundreds of pigs.

It's just that Xiang Wanjun didn't like Ma Zhaoxin at all.

Because Ma Zhaoxin always smelled like pig feces.

"Wan Jun, what are you talking about, Xiao Hu, he came to give you something." Seeing that her daughter was so ignorant, Xiang's mother hurried forward to smooth things over.

After all, Ma Zhaoxin's family came here this time, but cut off half of the pig.

No matter how much my daughter doesn't like each other, she can't talk like that.

"I don't need him to give them away. I want these things, and I can buy them myself. It's not that I don't have money." No wonder Xiang Wanjun spoke so hard, mainly because Ma Zhaoxin has been pestering him.

She had already made it very clear to him that she didn't like him.

But every time, he acted as if he didn't hear it.

When Xiang Wanjun saw him like this, of course he got angry directly, and his words became more and more impolite.

"Little Ma, leave her alone, you stay for dinner today, and I'll kill a chicken right now." Seeing the embarrassing scene, Xiang's mother hurried out to say good things.

Because Xiang Wanjun didn't like this Ma Zhaoxin, she totally liked him.

After all, the other party's conditions are very good.

Not only bought a house in H city, but also bought a house in their county.

Now that he is so young, he has already driven a BMW.

Except that he only went to high school a little bit, other conditions are very good.

"No need, Auntie. I just dropped by today to deliver some fresh meat for you to eat. As for eating, it's next time. I have to go to City H now." Although Ma Zhaoxin is indeed going to the city now, Xiang Wanjun If he was left to eat, he didn't have to go at all.

But with Xiang Wanjun's attitude, he doesn't want to stay here brazenly.

I just watched it for a while to see if the other party could be moved by him.

"I still have to go to the city, so I can only have dinner next time, Xiao Ma, be careful on the road." Mother Xiang saw that Ma Zhaoxin was going to the city, so she didn't stay any longer.

After all, her invitation to the other party to stay for dinner was just a rhetoric to smooth things over.

Of course, if the other party really stayed to eat, it would be a matter of adding more chopsticks at most.

"Mom, everyone has already left, don't worry about it, I don't like him." Xiang Wanjun had already told his family members about his attitude towards Ma Zhaoxin.

And she didn't say it once, but repeated it many times.

So she was very dissatisfied with her mother's enthusiasm for Ma Zhaoxin.

"You don't like him, so who do you like? You are thirty today, can you bring someone back?" For Xiang's mother, the most important thing now is the eldest daughter's marriage.

After all, they are already 30 years old, and many relatives and friends gossip behind their backs.

And she also thought that she was still young and could help take care of her grandson.

If she really had to wait a few more years and she was no longer capable, she would be unable to take her even if she wanted to.

"Mom, sister has someone she likes, and I heard them calling at night." Seeing her mother anxious, Xiang Wanrong quickly broke the news to her mother.

There should be someone she likes with her sister.

Because her sister would hide from her family every day, and then make a phone call by herself.

"Wanrong, what are you talking nonsense, mom, Wanrong is talking nonsense?" Xiang Wanjun did make calls every day, and they still made transatlantic calls.

Who wants Su Wei, he is in the United States now.

But she doesn't want to expose her relationship with Su Wei.

Because the current Su Wei can't come back to China.

"I don't care if she is talking nonsense or not. There is still one month before the Chinese New Year. I must see Xiang Wanjun's boyfriend appear before the Chinese New Year. Otherwise, I will start arranging blind dates for you."

. . . . . .


"Boss Su, good news, I have found the land to build the house." Su Wei had just returned to Ocean Lavie, and Zhang Ruoyu immediately approached him.

After a few days of understanding, she found a good place.

She knew that place, and it would be great to use it to build a house.

"Found it? Where is it?" When Su Wei arrived at the villa, he planned to take a nap.

But when Zhang Ruoyu found him, he could only listen to her work progress.

"The location is in Xuhui, and it's not far from the Baihe Building, but the price is a bit expensive." The location of this land is indeed very good.

Apart from Whampoa and Jing'an, Xuhui's location is considered top-notch.

It's just that with so much money to buy land, she still feels a bit too extravagant.

"The price is a bit expensive? How expensive can it be? Let's hear it." After Su Wei returned to China this time, all the more than 1000 billion in his bank were unfrozen.

And 650 billion of them have already expired regularly.

That is to say, as long as he wants to, he can withdraw the money immediately.

"The area of ​​that land is 57000 square meters, which is about 86 mu of land. Now the other party's offer is 35 billion. Mr. Su, is this too expensive?" The cost of 35 billion is just to buy a piece of commercial land.

When the house is built, at least a few hundred million will be invested in it.

Even though Zhang Ruoyu is used to seeing big scenes, Zhang Ruoyu still thinks a house with so much money is too extravagant.

"35 billion, this price is indeed very expensive, but you have to know, if this land is used to build buildings, then two or three buildings can be built, so this land is also worth this price, by the way, sell the land Which company is it? Such a good land is willing to sell it.” Su Wei heard that the land was in Xuhui, with 86 mu of land, but it was only sold for 35 billion.

Not too expensive, just plain cheap.

The cheap one made Su Wei wonder if there was a ghost in it.

After all, logically speaking, it is impossible for this piece of land to be less than 40 billion yuan.

"This piece of land belongs to SOHO Huaxia. They have several pieces of land to sell. I took a look at the best one, and it is this piece." This time, Zhang Ruoyu saw this piece of land at SOHO Huaxia Real Estate Company. .

She has learned that SOHO Huaxia specializes in commercial real estate.

From her experience, there was nothing wrong with this deal.

"It turned out to be him, then I know why I sold this land." The boss of SOHO Huaxia is Lao Pan.

Su Wei only knows that they want to run in 2021.

But unexpectedly, it turns out that assets are already being cleaned up now.

"Is there something wrong with this piece of land? Then do we still want this piece of land?" Zhang Ruoyu originally thought that there was no problem, but after Su Wei said this, she was a little unsure.

If there is a real problem with this land, then of course it would be best not to.

Although her boss has a hard relationship, the land is for a house.

If you take part in it for a while, the time and cost will not be worth it.

"Yes, why not? We are taking advantage of this price. Let's take it these two days." Since Su Wei encountered SOHO Huaxia's big sale, of course he would not let it go.

After all, the land is in such a good location and the price is so cheap.

If he got the land earlier, he would be able to start construction sooner.

"Ding Ding Ding"

"County Wang? Are you calling me for something?" Su Wei was chatting with Zhang Ruoyu when the phone rang.

After looking at it, it turned out to be a call from County Magistrate Wang of Xiapu.

He was really inexplicable about this phone call.

"Mr. Su, all the schools in Tiger Village have been completed. I called this time to ask you if you are free to come back to cut the ribbon." This time, County Magistrate Wang of Xiapu, calling Su Wei is very simple.

That is, the kindergarten, primary school, and middle school in Tiger Village have all been repaired.

Wait until next spring to start recruiting students to attend classes at the school.

This time Su Wei was asked to go back to cut the ribbon, in fact, because he wanted him to donate some more money to his hometown.

After all, Su Wei donated [-] million yuan to City H this time. As the richest man in Xiapu County, he can't just ignore his hometown.

"Has the school been completed? Then I'll come back in a few days." Su Wei heard that the school in the village had been repaired. After thinking about it, he decided to go back.

By the way, let's take a look at the house in my hometown, how far it has been repaired now.

And this time back home, he has other things to do.

"Hey, okay, then President Su, we will wait for you to come back."

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