Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 504 The new son-in-law comes to the door

Chapter 504 The new son-in-law comes to the door

The next day.

"Wanrong, how is your sister today?" Xiang's mother just came back from her neighbor's house today.

I just saw my eldest daughter, who has been sleeping late every day recently, woke up early today for an unprecedented time.

And what's even more amazing is that she has been wearing makeup all the time.

You must know that in the recent period, she went out without makeup every day.

"I don't know. When I got up today, I saw her packing up." Xiang Wanrong couldn't understand her eldest sister's state.

Because of this time, she got up earlier than her sister every day.

Not only did she get up earlier than her today, but she also got up early in the morning to put on makeup.

It's been almost three hours now.

"Go and ask her, or I'll be very flustered." Xiang's mother was really flustered about this situation.

Because she just told her eldest daughter the day before yesterday that she wanted her to bring a boyfriend home a few years ago.

Now that her eldest daughter is so abnormal, of course she wants to find out what's going on with her.

"I won't go, you have to ask her yourself. If I ask, she will definitely say me, but I can't say no to her." Xiang Wanrong just wanted to watch the show, and didn't want to participate in it.

Because of her sister's mouth, she knows it all too well.

If she gets involved, she will definitely be scolded to death.

And what annoys her sister the most is that they ask her about her boyfriend.

"You are really timid, it seems that I can only do it by myself." Mother Xiang saw that her little daughter was afraid to go, so she had to do it by herself.

After entering the room, she first stood behind Xiang Wanjun.

Seeing her proficient makeup, she realized that her eldest daughter was so good at makeup.

"Mom, what are you doing, standing behind me without making a sound, almost scared me to death." Xiang Wanjun got up so early today because Su Wei told her that he would come to her house today.

She just mentioned to him the day before yesterday that her mother asked her to find a boyfriend and go home.

Originally, what she meant was to know when Su Wei would return to China.

Unexpectedly, Su Wei told her yesterday that he would come to her house tomorrow.

So Xiang Wanjun had already set the alarm clock and got up after seven o'clock today.

"Wanjun, tell me the truth, did I ask you to bring a boyfriend home a few years ago? I put too much pressure on you." When Xiang's mother saw her daughter this time, she really looked like that girl. A kind of older leftover girl who has been driven crazy.

In the village next door to them, there was a girl who was driven crazy by her family because she didn't get married.

Mother Xiang didn't want her daughter to become that crazy.

"What pressure do I have, I'm fine?" What pressure can Xiang Wanjun have? She has a boyfriend, okay?

It's just because Su Wei didn't return to China before, that's why she didn't confess to her family.

Now that Su Wei has returned to China and is coming home soon, what pressure does she have?

"Then you've been putting on makeup here for three hours today, haven't you dressed up yet?" Mother Xiang always knew that her daughter was beautiful.

But every time she sees her, she still thinks the second daughter looks better.

But today, after her eldest daughter put on her makeup, she realized that her eldest daughter looks even better.

"I won't tell you now, you'll know later, don't bother me, go out quickly." Xiang Wanjun often watches makeup tutorials in normal times.

It's just that because she doesn't have a boyfriend, she rarely has the opportunity to go out with makeup.

Plus she was a teacher before, so even less makeup.

"Mom, you can't do this, I thought you would ask something useful." Xiang Wanrong kept eavesdropping at the door, wanting to know what was going on.

I thought her mother would gain something if she went in.

Unexpectedly, after she went in, she didn't ask anything.

"Why didn't I ask? Didn't your sister tell you? We'll find out later."

. . . . . .

"Oh, Wanjun's mother, you're at home." Sister Ma's family is also in the town, so she and Xiang's family are neighbors.

Their family is in the town, and they also opened a tobacco shop.

Usually, she and Xiang's mother rarely communicate with each other, after all, they are regarded as colleagues.

"Sister Ma? What's the matter with you?" Mother Xiang frowned unconsciously when she saw that it was Sister Ma who came.

Because the two of them are peers, there is relatively little contact.

It's just that because the store is close, sometimes there is a little friction.

"I'm here, of course I don't want to go to the Three Treasures Palace for nothing. By the way, is your family Wan Jun here?" Sister Ma came here this time for a serious business.

If she's not serious, she can't go to the door of Xiang's house.

After all, because Xiang's family is bigger than hers, her business has not been as good as Xiang's.

She was behind the scenes, but Xiang Jia was no less arranged.

"She's here, what do you want to do with her?" Mother Xiang heard Sister Ma said that she was here to find Jun Jun.

She didn't hide it either, but said directly that she was at home.

After all, because Xiang Wanjun is an English teacher, many neighbors will come to ask her to teach their children English during the Chinese New Year.

Sister Ma's grandson is now in elementary school, and she thought she came to her eldest daughter because of this matter.

"I'm here to look for you, but this matter has something to do with her." Sister Ma came to Xiang's house this time. Although the target was Xiang Wanjun, the person she was looking for was Xiang's mother.

Because she came here this time to be a matchmaker.

Have you talked to Xiang Wanjun about this matter, you have to nod to your mother.

"It has something to do with my eldest daughter, and you came to see me again. You can't be a matchmaker, are you?" Mother Xiang and her husband have been running a small supermarket outside.

She is not one of those rural women, she understood what Sister Ma meant when she heard it, she should be a matchmaker.

No wonder she came to her door today.

"Wanjun's mother, you are really smart. Yes, I came here just to kiss." Sister Ma saw that Xiang's mother understood what she meant, so she stopped playing charades.

After all, she came here this time to be a matchmaker.

"A matchmaker? Who are you here to matchmaker for?" Mother Xiang had no interest in the person Sister Ma introduced.

Because Sister Ma is a person, she basically doesn't like anyone she knows.

Every time she sees this sister Ma treating her family as a competitor of his family, she really almost dies laughing.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the turnover of their family is several times higher than that of her family.

"You must know this person. He is Ma Zhaoxin from our village. Hasn't he often come to see Jun Jun recently?" Sister Ma felt a little upset when she heard Xiang's mother's tone.

But Ma Zhaoxin is her nephew, and she has promised him to match him.

If she turned her face now, it would be difficult to face her nephew when she went back.

After all, the current Ma Zhaoxin has come a long way.

"You came to propose marriage on Ma Zhaoxin's behalf, but my eldest daughter doesn't like him." If it was anyone else's words, then Xiang's mother would definitely refuse directly.

But when Ma Zhaoxin came here, she couldn't help but refuse.

Because she has a crush on Ma Zhaoxin, but her daughter doesn't have a crush on him.

"Mom, my sister got up early in the morning to put on makeup, could it have something to do with this matter?" Xiang Wanrong, who was listening to the gossip, pulled her mother over at this time.

She wondered if her eldest sister got up to put on makeup in the morning, might it have something to do with Ma Zhaoxin?

After all, this timing is too coincidental.

"No way, she doesn't like Ma Zhaoxin." At this time, Xiang's mother was also a little uncertain.

Because she remembered clearly that Xiang Wanjun had clearly expressed her dislike for Ma Zhaoxin.

But thinking of her daughter's appearance today, she might really be in love.

"Who can decide on such things as seeing each other, why don't we let my sister and Ma Zhaoxin meet and talk about it?" What Xiang Wanrong meant was that her mother should not be in charge.

When the two of them meet, the truth will be revealed.

What a pity if the two really saw each other and her mother got mixed up.

"Sister Ma, why don't you do this, tell Ma Zhaoxin to wait, and I'll let the two of them talk face to face, what do you think?" Xiang's mother thought about it, and turned around and asked Sister Ma to find Ma Zhaoxin.

Originally, Ma Zhaoxin should have been present for this kind of thing.

If the two of them can make it, it will solve her heart problem.

"No problem, the two of them will definitely fall in love with each other, I'll call Ma Zhaoxin over here right away"

. . . . . .

"Xiao Zhang, are you sure this is here?" Su Wei promised County Mayor Wang this time that he would go back to his hometown to cut the ribbon.

He set the time for tomorrow.

As for today, he plans to come to Xiang Wanjun's house.

He should have come a long time ago, but that kind of thing happened a few months ago.

"It should be right here, isn't the place where the navigation is located?" Because Su Wei was going to cut the ribbon in his hometown this time, Zhang Ruoyu sent a few cars over to City H.

It's just that she didn't expect that Su Wei didn't go to Xiapu County first, but came to the next county.

And this time, it was the son-in-law who came to the door again.

"Since it's here, let's go down and ask." Su Wei glanced at the navigation, and this is indeed the location sent by Xiang Wanjun.

It's just that he didn't see a residential building here, but at the entrance of a supermarket in a town.

He thought that this should be an inaccurate positioning, so he planned to go down and ask.

"Guys, what do you want? Our supermarket has the most complete range of goods in the whole town." Seeing Su Wei and the others, Xiang Hongbin felt like asking them to buy something.

After all, judging by their looks, they must be very rich.

They are dressed like a big boss at first glance.

"These fireworks are pretty good. Boss, do you have more here? There are a little less varieties of fireworks here." Su Wei came to ask for directions, so it would definitely not be in vain.

He basically doesn't like anything in this supermarket.

Only the fireworks at the door aroused his interest.

"There are so many kinds of fireworks and there are so few varieties. I can send you any kind of fireworks you want, but you are not people who fish and enforce the law." Xiang Hongbin saw dozens of fireworks in his home, and the person in front of him actually Still too little.

He has a phone number for the fireworks factory. As long as the person in front of him wants it, he can immediately send a large number of fireworks.

The only thing he was afraid of was that this person was a fishing law enforcement officer at the police station.

"They are definitely not fishing law enforcement people. People in the police station can't afford their car." At this time, many people had already gathered outside.

Because the car Su Wei was riding in was a Rolls Royce.

And the few cars behind are all Audi Q7s.

People in the small town have never seen such a luxurious convoy.

After hearing the news, the car was quickly surrounded.

"Boss, I bought all the fireworks here, but there are too few fireworks here. Can you help me buy another 10 yuan of fireworks? I can give the money first." Su Wei came to Xiang Wanjun's house today , I didn't intend to keep a low profile.

So he not only planned to buy all these fireworks, but also planned to buy another 10 yuan.

At night, he wants the whole town to see his fireworks.

"10 yuan of fireworks? Why do you want so many fireworks?" Xiang Hongbin has been running a supermarket in this town for many years.

It was the first time he had seen Su Wei, an arrogant guest.

Not to mention all the fireworks worth thousands of yuan, he actually had to buy another 10 yuan worth of fireworks.

"I came to my girlfriend's house for the first time today. I bought so many fireworks. I planned to set them off at night." Because Su Wei wanted to ask for directions, he didn't plan to hide them.

He came here this time, but he woke up early on purpose.

Coming here so early was just to surprise Xiang Wanjun.

"It turns out that the new son-in-law is here. What's your girlfriend's name? We might know each other." The onlookers were all surprised when they heard that Su Wei wanted to buy 10 yuan of fireworks.

After all, with so much money, many of them can't earn so much in a year, and he actually used it all to buy fireworks.

But when they heard that he was a new son-in-law, they were also curious as to whose girl this man was looking for.

"My girlfriend's name is Xiang Wanjun. Do you know where her home is? I have a position here. I don't know where her home is. I want to surprise her." Su Wei knew, Xiang Wan The Jun family wanted her to go on a blind date.

He made this move to let everyone in the village know that Xiang Wanjun already has a boyfriend.

And he's not the most high-profile yet, and he still wants to invite the whole town to watch the fireworks at night.

"Hahaha, Lao Xiang, this is your son-in-law." The people beside him did not expect that Su Wei was Xiang Wanjun's boyfriend.

One must know that this supermarket is owned by Xiang Wanjun's family.

"Old Xiang, you may not be able to make money from fireworks now." Su Wei, a high-flyer, wants to buy [-] fireworks.

Originally, this was a good thing for Xiang Hongbin.

But now that he has become Xiang Hongbin's son-in-law, how could he have the nerve to earn his own son-in-law's money.

"Such a rich son-in-law comes to the door, what kind of fireworks money does he earn, he always asks you for a treat?"

. . . . . .

"Sister, don't put on makeup, the person you were waiting for is here." Xiang Wanrong came to her sister's room immediately after seeing Ma Zhaoxin coming outside.

Seeing her sister's appearance, she was dumbfounded.

I didn't expect my sister to look so good after putting on makeup.

"Ah, are you here already, little girl, help me see if I look good in this dress?" This time, Xiang Wanjun took out all the clothes at the bottom of the box.

Although this dress was worn in late autumn.

It must be a little cold to wear this dress now.

But she didn't want to come out in a down jacket when she saw Su Wei.

"It's so cold today, you wear this clothes, you really want style and not temperature, love is really a wonderful thing." Now the weather in Shonan is only a few degrees.

To make matters worse, there is no sun at all during the day today.

If Xiang Wanjun went out wearing this outfit, he would be frozen alive.

"You've said that, then I'll wear this dress, let's go out." Hearing her sister's words, Xiang Wanjun knew that she must look good in this dress.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with his clothes, he planned to go out to see Su Wei quickly.

After all, she hasn't seen Su Wei for half a year since she saw her last time.

"If you go out like this, you will definitely fascinate my future brother-in-law."

(End of this chapter)

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