Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 505 I Met Her Since She Graduated from University

Chapter 505 I Met Her Since She Graduated from University
"Little Ma, have you been in contact with Wanjun recently, have you two been in private contact?" Xiang Wanjun got up early this morning and started to put on makeup.

After a while, Ma Zhaoxin asked his aunt to be a matchmaker.

For such a coincidence, Mother Xiang would of course feel that the two of them had discussed it.

"Me and Wanjun in private? Well, we have been in touch all the time." Ma Zhaoxin thought for a while, and the two of them did chat in private.

It's just that the chat was basically he sent a message.

He will share all his recent affairs with her, including the fact that he is looking for a matchmaker today.

As for Xiang Wanjun's words, he never replied to him.

"That's right. I didn't expect the two of you to trick me into hiding Chen Cang." Xiang's mother heard Ma Zhaoxin say that the two of them had a private relationship.

Of course she thought that today's matter was exactly what she thought.

If this is the case, it really solved her problem.

"Ah? What does Auntie mean?" Ma Zhaoxin couldn't understand Xiang's mother's words.

How to listen to her, as if they knew they would come.

Could it be that Xiang Wanjun saw the message he sent, and then told his family.

"You are still pretending to be with me. I have already guessed about you, so don't act with me. Oh, the eldest daughter is out." Looking at Ma Zhaoxin's confused look, Xiang's mother felt that he must be acting with her .

She has already guessed the private affairs very closely.

And she didn't object to the marriage, so it was necessary to keep it from her.

At first I wanted to say something, but when I heard footsteps, it turned out that the eldest daughter had come down.

"Mr. Wan is so beautiful today, just like a big star." Ma Zhaoxin looked at Xiang Wanjun who was walking upstairs and downstairs, and he was dumbfounded.

The usual Xiang Wanjun is already very beautiful.

But today, Xiang Wanjun seemed to be shining brightly.

He was running out of words at this time, and he could only come up with one who looked similar to a big star.

"What are you doing standing here stupidly? Hurry up!" Xiang's mother looked dumbfounded when she saw Ma Zhaoxin, and she was very satisfied with her daughter's outfit.

Seeing him standing there motionless, I pushed him.

After all, at this moment, he should go over and say something.

"Ahhh..." Ma Zhaoxin didn't dare approach Xiang Wanjun at this moment.

Because of her dress, he felt that he was too old-fashioned.

Suddenly he was pushed from behind, and he had the courage to approach Xiang Wanjun.

"Little sister, didn't you say that someone is coming? Why didn't you see him?" When Xiang Wanjun came down, he had already looked at the first floor for the first time.

It's just that she was not here at all and saw Su Wei's shadow.

Instead, he saw Ma Zhaoxin and the others, and looked at her with a smile on his face.

"Isn't the person you're waiting for Ma Zhaoxin? Could it be that my mother and I made a mistake?" Xiang Wanrong kept looking around after seeing her sister come down.

His eyes never stayed on Ma Zhaoxin's body.

Hearing her sister's question again, she already knew that she and her mother must have made a mistake.

"Mr. Wan, so you read the message I sent you yesterday. I thought you didn't even read the message. You look so good today." Ma Zhaoxin plucked up his courage and came to Xiang Wanjun.

Xiang Wanjun, who is 168, puts on high heels and is taller than him who is 170.

Although it was very oppressive, he still said what he wanted to say.

After all, Xiang Wanjun's outfit today was probably just for him to see.

He felt that he had finally guarded himself until the clouds opened and the moon was shining.

"Ma Zhaoxin, I didn't read your message, and I told you very clearly that I don't like you because I have a boyfriend." Xiang Wanjun saw Ma Zhaoxin in front of her, and she really had question marks on her forehead.

Because the number she added Ma Zhaoxin was one of her cell phone numbers.

It is used to add those friends who are not easy to delete.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. I have found out clearly. You haven't been out much in the month since you came back. Where is your boyfriend? I won't believe it unless you call him out now." Ma Zhaoxin had already started to fantasize , How should I get along with Xiang Wanjun in the future.

After all, by hinting to his mother, he already knew that he was likely to succeed this time.

Unexpectedly, when he saw Xiang Wanjun himself, he was dumbfounded.

Not only did she disagree, she also threw out a blockbuster.

That's her, she already has a boyfriend.

But he didn't believe it, because Xiang Wanjun came back this month, she was like a house girl.

If there is a boyfriend, how could it be like this.

"I really have a boyfriend, and he will come to my house soon, please stop making trouble here.

Ah Wei, why did you come here with my dad? "When Xiang Wanjun saw Ma Zhaoxin, his head really grew big.

It is true that I have a boyfriend.

And whether she has a boyfriend or not, what does it have to do with him? She has rejected him countless times.

I wanted to say something more, but at this moment I saw Su Wei coming back with her father.

"The address you gave me is in a supermarket. When I got out of the car to buy something, I realized that this is a store opened by your family." Su Wei was really embarrassed to death when he was in the supermarket just now.

Because he really didn't expect that the supermarket owner turned out to be Dad Xiang.

He took out the chat records with Xiang Wanjun at that time to convince her father that he was really Xiang Wanjun's boyfriend.

If he had known it would be embarrassing, he should have called Xiang Wanjun to pick him up.

"Wanjun, is he really your boyfriend?" Xiang Hongbin never expected that this rich and powerful man in front of him turned out to be his daughter's boyfriend.

Because he was in the supermarket, but he was told that the other car was a Rolls Royce.

For this kind of car, it is as high as tens of millions.

For such a rich person, he felt that he should have nothing to do with him.

Unexpectedly, when he brought him to the back home, he turned out to be the eldest daughter's boyfriend.

"Dad, Mom, he is really my boyfriend. He went abroad before, so I never told you. Ma Zhaoxin, believe it now." Seeing Su Wei coming, Xiang Wanjun walked to Su Wei's side took his hand.

Originally, she shouldn't have been so bold, after all, she and Su Wei had separated for half a year before they established a relationship.

It's just that the situation here is too complicated now, so she can only cut through the mess quickly.

"What's the situation? I can't understand it anymore?" Su Wei was really confused when he came in.

Because the people in the house were very surprised to see him.

He is quite satisfied with the way of declaring sovereignty to Wan Jun.

"I'll explain it to you later, this situation is too complicated, I can't explain it right away." Xiang Wanjun didn't know how to explain the situation before her.

After all, she still didn't understand what Ma Zhaoxin was here for.

Perhaps only by reading the WeChat account can we clarify this matter.

"Mother Wanjun, did you call us Zhaoxin here to humiliate us? I'm with you, so there's no need for you to do this." Sister Ma was thinking that her nephew was about to leave the order.

After all, Xiang's mother had already asked her to call her nephew.

Unexpectedly, things turned around and Xiang Wanjun had a boyfriend early on.

Then of course she would feel that this matter was intentional to her mother, after all, they still haven't dealt with each other.

"Sister Ma, Xiao Ma, I'm really sorry, we made a mistake, I'm sorry." Mother Xiang didn't expect that today's matter would turn out like this.

He could only apologize to Ma Zhaoxin and Sister Ma.

She didn't expect it to be such a coincidence.

"Wrong? I think you did it on purpose. Zhaoxin, let's go, don't look at it." Sister Ma was very angry at this time.

Seeing Ma Zhaoxin at this time, he still looked at Xiang Wanjun foolishly, as if his soul had been taken away.

She hated the Xiang family even more.

"Hello, my name is Ma Zhaoxin. Are you really Wanjun's boyfriend?" Ma Zhaoxin was completely confused after Su Wei came in.

Because judging by the appearance of him and Xiang Wanjun, they might really be a couple.

But he didn't give up, and ran to Su Wei, wanting to hear his answer with his own ears.

"I'm indeed Junjun's boyfriend, what else do you want?" Although Su Wei didn't know what happened in this room just now.

But Xiang Wanjun has declared his sovereignty, so he can guess something.

So when Ma Zhaoxin came over, he deliberately showed him his clasped hands.

"Wanjun is a good woman, I hope you treat her well, I'm leaving"

. . . . . .

"Xiao Su, let's get some vegetables. Today's noon is too late. You can make do with this homely meal." Today, the new son-in-law came to the door, and Xiang Hongbin didn't care about business.

Anyway, he hired some employees, and he handed them over to them today.

As for himself, he turned into a chef and killed a goose to entertain Su Wei and his group.

"Uncle, this dish is already very rich, use your chopsticks." Su Wei came in this time, followed by Zhang Ruoyu and Liu Qiang.

Regarding the seven or eight dishes in front of him, he felt that they were quite rich.

When they saw Zhang Ruoyu and they saw that he hadn't eaten, they couldn't move their chopsticks, so they could only tell them to eat quickly.

"Brother-in-law, how did you and my sister meet? I haven't heard her mention you before." Xiang Wanrong was full of curiosity about Su Wei.

Because although she is a little different from her sister's age.

But sometimes two people will talk about their lives.

She really hadn't heard her sister mention the name Su Wei.

"We've known each other since your sister graduated from university. It was only in the middle of this year that we formally established our relationship. It's just that after the relationship was established, I had to go abroad for business, and I only came back two days ago." Su Wei met Xiang Wan When I was with you, she was indeed graduating from university.

It's just that she was a teacher and he was a student.

Of course Su Wei knew that the fact that he was Xiang Wanjun's student could not be exposed, at least not now.

"So that's how it is. Let the brother-in-law eat first, and I'll go and see my sister and the others." After hearing the news, Xiang Wanrong went to find her mother and sister with a bowl in hand.

Because she still wanted to hear what her sister and her mother were talking about.

She is also very curious about these things.

"Wan Jun, what's going on with Xiao Su outside?" Mother Xiang was in the kitchen, interrogating Xiang Wan Jun.

Because Su Wei came here this time, she didn't tell them anything.

This made them very confused about Su Wei's visit.

"What's the situation? He's my boyfriend. He just came over to our house for dinner today." Xiang Wanjun is pretending to be stupid now.

Of course she knew that her mother was asking what Su Wei did.

"I know he is your boyfriend, but I'm asking you, what is his identity?" Xiang's mother has not been honest when she saw her daughter.

All she could do was clarify the identity of this Su Wei.

After all, he is going to become her son-in-law, so she can't be ignorant of him.

"He has no identity, he is just a small boss." Xiang Wanjun is indeed right, Su Wei is a small boss.

After all, Huaxia Tobacco is just a small and micro enterprise.

Su Wei's assets are not as much as it is, and his taxes are not as much as it is. That's not what a small boss is.

"Pretend, he's a small boss, he will have a special driver? And who is the woman next to him? I think he looks so young." Xiang's mother feels very mysterious about Su Wei's identity.

After all, he looked very young, and he was accompanied by a driver and a female secretary.

Xiang Wanjun said that he was just a small boss, but she didn't believe it at all.

"His business is a bit big, and it is necessary for him to bring a female secretary. I also know this secretary. Does he look very young?" Seeing that her mother didn't believe it, Xiang Wanjun could only reveal a little something .

As for more things, she can't say.

Because of what Su Wei didn't say, she was afraid that she would scare her family if she said it.

As for Su Wei's age, that is something that absolutely cannot be said.

"Mom, my sister's wife's family may be very rich, so there is no pressure in life, so you look at him as young, but I just asked my brother-in-law, he and my sister have known each other for more than seven years, how could it be so young?" "Xiang Wanrong listened for a long time and began to interject.

Because this Su Wei has known her sister for 7 years.

No matter how young he is, he will never be younger than 28 years old.

"What's your name brother-in-law? It's the first day he's here." After listening to her little daughter's words, Xiang's mother thought about it.

He has known his daughter for more than 7 years.

It may be that the family is rich, so it is well maintained.

"Mom, let's go back to eat quickly, later Ah Wei thought you didn't like him." Xiang Wanjun saw that Su Wei's meal was almost finished in Su Wei's restaurant.

She hurriedly urged her mother to stop talking.

The main reason is that she has a lot of things, and she is afraid that if she continues to talk about it, she will miss it.

"You, you, you told me about this a long time ago. Now it's embarrassing for Ma Zhaoxin. Hey, let's go eat."

. . . . . .

"Junjun, I didn't expect you to be so popular here." In the afternoon, Su Wei and Xiang Wanjun warmed up in the living room and watched TV.

In just two hours, I don't know how many people have come to see him.

Of course he knew that it was definitely not because he was too handsome.

It can only be because Xiang Wanjun's reputation is too great, those people are curious about him.

"That's right, my sister is in our town. She is a famous beauty. Now that she has found a boyfriend, the neighbors of course want to come and see you." Xiang Wanjun is in their town, so she is famous beauties.

There are not too many people who want to come to propose marriage every year.

But the people who came to the door all returned home without a feather.

Now that they heard that Xiang Wanjun was in a relationship, those who talked about matchmaking back then, of course wanted to see who had such a great charm, and they won Xiang Wanjun.

"Awei, don't listen to her nonsense, they will come, maybe because of the cars you parked outside." Of course Xiang Wanjun knew that what her sister said was true.

But her own words, that must not be admitted.

But what she said about the car actually made sense.

After all, Su Wei's car parked outside costs tens of millions.

When did you see such a valuable car in this small town?

"Brother-in-law, you bought so many fireworks today, are you going to stay here tonight?" Xiang Wanrong already knew about Su Wei's purchase of fireworks.

Although their family sells fireworks, it is impossible to enjoy fireworks during the New Year.

Now that Su Wei bought 10 yuan worth of fireworks, Xiang Wanrong was overjoyed.

And because the fireworks are set off at night, she is of course curious whether Su Wei is sleeping here tonight.

"Whether I spend the night here or not is not up to me, Junjun, do you think so?" Whether I will sleep here tonight, of course Su Wei wants to sleep here.

Because if he sleeps here, he can steal jade and incense at night.

In the past few days after he returned to China, he slept alone.

"Whether you want to sleep here or not, I can't control it, anyway, my mother has already made the bed for you"

(End of this chapter)

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