Chapter 506 is wrong
Su Wei bought more than [-] fireworks through Xiang Wanjun's father this time.

All the children in the town came to Xiang Wanjun's house.

After all, there are so many fireworks that cannot be set off, and it is also very interesting to watch them up close.

"There are too many people here, Ah Wei, why don't we share some with them?" There is a river near Xiang Wanjun's house.

Every year, people who set off fireworks in the town basically set off fireworks here.

Xiang Wanjun will send some fireworks to these children every year.

It's just that these fireworks belong to Su Wei now, so she has to ask Su Wei's opinion first.

"Okay, these small ones can be given to them, and the big ones can be left here." This time, Su Wei asked Wanjun's father to buy 10 yuan of fireworks, which contained many small fireworks.

There are only a few of Su Wei and the others, and it may take a night to finish all of them.

In this case, those small ones might as well be distributed to these children.

At least when they greeted Su Wei, they were quite enthusiastic.

"Brother-in-law, with so many fireworks, you will share them all?" The fireworks left by Su Wei are basically sky cannons.

The other fireworks are at least tens of thousands smaller.

Xiang Wanrong was really shocked to be separated out like this.

At this time, she really realized that her brother-in-law might be too rich.

"How many fireworks can we set off? If you like it, follow me to Xiapu tomorrow, and I will show you something professional." Su Wei will go to Xiapu tomorrow to attend the school's ribbon-cutting ceremony.

After the ribbon cutting, he will stay there for two days.

Tomorrow night, he has arranged for a fireworks display.

The fireworks show cost him more than 200 million.

"Brother-in-law, are you going to Xiapu tomorrow? Don't you want to stay here for a few more days?" Xiang Wanrong was really curious about Su Wei now.

I think he is a very knowledgeable person.

Especially since he has been to so many countries and seen so many landscapes.

She found it really interesting to chat with him.

"Awei is usually very busy. How can he have the time to stay here all the time? Do you think everyone is like you college students with so much free time?" Xiang Wanjun knows that Su Wei has a big business .

How could a person like him stay in her house all the time.

She knew that he was going to come to her house this time, because he was going to Xiapu, so he just stopped by here.

"I'm not the leader of the internship unit, so I'll stay there, I'm not stupid." Xiang Wanrong is a senior student, majoring in accounting.

She was supposed to be in Star City now, and she won't be back until the end of the year.

But the company where she practiced, the boss is an old hooligan.

He thought she was a little girl who was easy to bully, so he wanted to impose unspoken workplace rules on her.

She slapped him hard when he was about to do something, and even poured water on his head.

It would be cool to do that, but her internship would be gone.

"Then after the Chinese New Year, do you have any plans? Do you want to continue the postgraduate entrance examination?" Xiang Wanjun knew about his sister.

So her idea is that her sister should continue to study.

Anyway, the family is not short of money now, if she is a graduate student, it will be easier for her to find a job, and she will have more choices.

"Forget it as a graduate student. I want to take the exam to become a civil servant in Star City after I get my graduation certificate." Xiang Wanrong really didn't want to continue studying.

Because she has read books for 18 years, she has read enough.

And she has no interest in going to work.

So she now plans to take the public examination after graduation.

"Girls are pretty good in the civil service exam, and your brother-in-law supports you." After lighting a big firework, Su Wei returned to Xiang Wanjun's side.

I heard Xiang Wanrong say that she wants to be a civil servant.

Su Wei thinks her choice is quite good.

"She's actually lazy and doesn't want to look for a job. The competition for civil servants in Star City is so fierce? Let me tell you, it's not as good as taking the civil servant test in City H. At least the scores are not that high, and there are fewer people competing for it." Xiang Wanjun as Xiang Wanrong My sister, how could she not understand her own sister's thoughts.

When she heard that she wanted to take the civil service exam, her first reaction was that she didn't want to work.

However, taking the civil servant test is indeed a good choice for girls, but she doesn't think her sister should take the civil servant test in Star City.

Because her sister's grades were not that good.

If you are going to be admitted to City H, you have some connections at home, so it is easier to get in.

"It doesn't matter, you don't even look at who her brother-in-law is. In fact, I think, she can actually go to a big city, such as Kyoto or a big city like Shanghai." For Su Wei, Star City is too far away. .

He may not be sure every year, he will go to Star City once.

He can't take care of his sister-in-law here, so he might as well go to Kyoto or Shanghai.

"Don't talk about this, there is still half a year left for the public examination, let's talk about it after she thinks it over." Of course Xiang Wanjun knew that Su Wei's ability was great.

And although he has been with Su Wei for half a year, the two of them have never been together.

She didn't want Su Wei to feel that she was with him because of these things.

"Sister, brother-in-law, hurry up and set off the fireworks." Xiang Wanrong is of course willing to go to a big city for development.

But she was not sure about the Star City Examination, and she was even more unsure about going to Shanghai and Kyoto.

Originally, when she took the public examination, she just planned to delay the time and didn't want to go to work.

Seeing that her brother-in-law was really thinking about it, she panicked and ran away with a firework.

"Remember to leave the door for me at night, I want to come and sleep." Seeing Xiang Wanrong running away, Su Wei told Xiang Wanjun that he wanted to sleep in her room at night.

After all, he definitely didn't intend to sleep alone when he came here this time.

If you really want to sleep alone, wouldn't it be better to sleep in a hotel.

"No, my parents are here at home, hey, don't go." Hearing Su Wei's words, Xiang Wanjun was so shy.

Because she and Su Wei had never slept together before.

If he really slept in her room, what would her family think of her?

It's just that Su Wei didn't listen to her at all, and ran to set off fireworks with Xiang Wanrong.

. . . . . .

"Xiao Su, you're going to sleep here tonight. I don't know if you're used to sleeping or not. I've arranged for your driver to have a room on the first floor. I even made a bed for your secretary. Who I know she has something to leave." Xiang's mother made the bed for Su Wei on the second floor of this building.

Originally, she made a bed for Zhang Ruoyu, thinking she would sleep here too.

Who knew that after dinner, she said she had something to do, so she left first.

"It's my fault that I didn't say it. My assistant is actually busier than me. I think this room is pretty good, better than the hotel outside." The relationship between Zhang Ruoyu and Su Wei is actually half-clear.

It is definitely impossible for her to live in the home of Su Wei's girlfriends.

And now, she is really busier than Su Wei.

Su Wei is in charge of many things now.

"Xiao Su, if you like it, it's okay to stay for a few more days." Xiang's mother was a little unfamiliar with Su Wei before.

I feel that people like Su Wei are a bit out of tune with them.

When she saw that the relationship between Su Wei and Xiang Wanjun was very good, she felt that the eldest daughter might have really found a good home.

In addition, after a day of contact, I found that although Su Wei was rich, he was not hypocritical at all.

I think it's actually pretty good for such a person to be his uncle.

"Where is brother-in-law free? He's leaving tomorrow." Xiang Wanrong heard that her mother planned to keep Su Wei, and quickly objected.

Because she knew that Su Wei was going to Xiapu tomorrow.

And she has something else on her mind here.

"Well, then we can only stay here for a few more nights next time.

Alright, you two don't stand here and disturb Xiao Su's rest, go out." Xiang's mother heard that Su Wei was leaving tomorrow, so she didn't want to keep her too much.

After all, if someone is so rich, there may really be a lot of things.

If she is not sensible, Su Wei may have problems with her eldest daughter.

At this time, she saw her two daughters, still standing in the room.

One on each side, she drove them both out.

"Sister, what did my brother-in-law say to you when the fireworks were set off in front of you? Look at your shy face." After Xiang Wanrong and Xiang Wanjun were kicked out of the room, they both went to Xiang Wanjun's room.

At this time, Xiang Wanrong looked at her sister with a smirk.

Because when she was setting off the fireworks just now, she knew a big secret.

"Why do you care so much, I woke up too early today, I'm all drowsy, go back to sleep." Xiang Wanjun heard her sister ask her what Su Wei said when the fireworks were set off.

She definitely can't tell her about it, after all, that matter is too private.

So she ended the topic directly and planned to drive people out.

"Don't chase me away, you don't think I asked you, you really don't know, isn't it brother-in-law who is coming to your room to sleep today, I heard it all at that time" Although Xiang Wanrong did run away up.

But the wind at that time happened to blow towards her.

So she vaguely heard that Su Wei said that he would come to sleep in her sister's room.

Originally, she was a little unsure, but seeing her sister's reaction, it was tantamount to not calling herself.

"Didn't you say a few days ago that you want an Apple mobile phone? Let's go to the county to have a look in a few days." Xiang Wanjun didn't expect that his younger sister would know about the conversation between him and Su Wei.

It suddenly occurred to her that her sister said a few days ago that she wanted to change her mobile phone.

Anyway, she seemed to want to buy it for her at that time, but it was not until the next year.

Now that it looks like this, it can only be bought for her in advance.

"I don't want my mobile phone now. Isn't my brother-in-law going to Xiapu tomorrow? You can just take me with you when the time comes." Su Wei will go to Xiapu tomorrow, and her sister will also go with her.

Her sister also went, and of course Xiang Wanrong wanted to follow.

After all, her brother-in-law said that if she went, she would be able to see a very shocking fireworks show.

And she is at home, always under the control of her mother.

As for the mobile phone, she would ask her brother-in-law for it at worst. She believed that her sister would take the initiative to buy it for her after she knew about it.

"This time your brother-in-law went to Xiapu for serious business, not for fun." Xiang Wanjun heard his sister say that he wanted to follow Xiapu.

Of course she was unwilling, because she planned to hand herself over to Su Wei tomorrow.

Xiang Wanrong also followed, so what's the matter?

"Anyway, I'm going with you, so just say whether you agree or not." Xiang Wanrong didn't panic when she heard that her sister was unwilling.

Because now that she knows the secret, she has the initiative.

She didn't believe her sister, and she wasn't afraid that this matter would be exposed, after all, her sister was such a face-saving person.

"I really can't do anything about you, so you can go with me tomorrow."

. . . . . .

Su Wei waited until after 12 o'clock at night to make sure that everyone was asleep, put on his clothes, and came to the other side of the house.

It's just that after coming here, he was a little stunned, because he couldn't remember which room Xiang Wanjun slept in.

Xiang's building has a very large area, with each floor being about [-] square meters.

With no other choice, he could only take out his mobile phone and start calling Xiang Wanjun.

"Hi, the number you dialed is off, please try again later"

Su Wei called and found out that Xiang Wanjun's cell phone was turned off.

Looking at the two rooms on the left and right, he tried the door on the left first, but found that it was locked and could not be opened without a key.

He had no choice but to try the door on the right, only to find that the door on this side could be opened.

Su Wei thought that if the door here could be opened, it must be the door Xiang Wanjun left for him, so he went in without hesitation.

After entering the room, he saw that the clothes on the chair were exactly the one Xiang Wanjun was wearing today.

After confirming that the person on the bed was Xiang Wanjun, Su Wei took off his coat and got into bed.

"Junjun, the clothes were a bit thick before, I didn't expect you to be in such a good figure." After Su Wei got into bed, the first thing he did was to take off his clothes.

Then he began to discredit Xiang Wanjun who was asleep and took off his clothes.

He didn't expect Xiang Wanjun to be so predictable.

Seeing the beauty in front of him, he kissed her directly.

"Oh, brother-in-law, you mistook me, I'm Wanrong." Xiang Wanrong actually woke up when Su Wei took off her clothes.

Because when Su Wei undressed her, he was not honest at all.

It's just that she was stunned at the time.

She didn't start to resist until Su Wei kissed her.

"Wanrong? Why is it you?" When Su Wei heard the voice, he realized that the person under him was Xiang Wanrong.

It seems that the room with the locked door is Xiang Wanjun's room.

"This is my room, of course it's me, my sister's room is next to it." Xiang Wanrong didn't dare to speak loudly when she spoke now.

After all, the people living in this house are all her family members.

If Su Wei is found in her room, then she basically doesn't have to be a human being.

"But I saw the dress on the chair, isn't it your sister's?" Su Wei came in without hesitation because of Xiang Wanjun's dress.

If it weren't for that dress, he might still have the phone light to make sure.

In this situation, he is also very speechless.

"I think my sister looks good in this dress, so I tried it on and I plan to give it to her tomorrow, brother-in-law, can you take your hand out?" Xiang Wanjun wore this black wool coat today, really The super beautiful.

Xiang Wanrong saw that her sister was dressed so well, of course she wanted to try it too.

Who knew that because of this dress, she suffered such a big loss.

And his brother-in-law's hand was in her clothes, but he was really not polite at all.

"Wanrong, your sister won't open the door for me. My brother-in-law feels uncomfortable. As the old saying goes, my sister-in-law is half of my brother-in-law's ass. You can replace your sister and help me once." Su Wei at this time, how could he hold his hand? come out.

After all, it's already like this, he can only make mistakes.

Anyway, Xiang Wanrong's appearance is no worse than her sister's.

And she doesn't know how it grows, the rabbit actually has a C+, and her sister is at most a B.

When he worked his way up and down, he found that she was extremely sensitive.

"Brother-in-law, it can't be done. It's my first time, so just let me go." Xiang Wanrong's whole body was burning hot now.

When Su Wei was touching her, she couldn't move.

Feeling that Su Wei was going too far, she could only beg him not to.

After all, this is at home, if she is found out, then she will be finished.

"You said that, but your body is not so stubborn. They all welcome me. Don't worry, I will treat you well in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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