Chapter 507 Generous

The next day.

"dong dong dong"

"Wake up, the sun is drying my ass." Xiang Wanjun got up early today because he was going to Xiapu County.

After breakfast, she saw that Xiang Wanrong hadn't come down for breakfast yet.

Usually at this point, she should have already woken up, which is wrong.

When I came to Xiang Wanrong's room, I found that she was sleeping with her head covered.

"Sister, what are you doing? I still have to sleep." Last night, Su Wei tossed Xiang Wanrong until past two o'clock in the morning.

If it wasn't because it was her first time, Su Wei would not have let her go so easily.

At that time, she thought that Su Wei would go back to the room immediately after getting her.

Unexpectedly, Su Wei stayed with her in the room and chatted until after three o'clock.

She didn't know when Su Wei left.

Now it was less than nine o'clock when Xiang Wanjun woke her up. She only felt that her back was sore and her legs were cramping.

"Didn't you tell me yesterday that you're going to Xiapu today? I've already told Ah Wei to bring you with me. Get up quickly." Xiang Wanrong said yesterday that she was going to Xiapu today.

So when Xiang Wanjun saw Su Wei in the morning, he immediately told Su Wei about it.

After hearing this, Su Wei quickly agreed.

"I won't go to Xiapu, you and your brother-in-law have fun." Xiang Wanrong experienced that incident yesterday, how could she have the experience to go out to play today.

The most important thing is that she really can't face Su Wei.

Su Wei was by her side yesterday, and she felt too shy to even look at him.

If she were to face him now, she simply didn't have the courage.

"Get up, I've already made an agreement with Ah Wei, if you don't go, it's not very good after all, when I pass by the county, I'll buy you an Apple mobile phone, it's okay." Xiang Wanjun yesterday At night, because I was too shy, I locked the door and turned off my phone.

When facing Su Wei today, she felt guilty.

Now that it's agreed that Xiang Wanrong is going, Su Wei is already ready for her to go.

If her younger sister doesn't go at this time, she thinks it's really not good.

"Okay, okay, then you go out first, I don't have any clothes on inside." After the incident happened last night, she and Su Wei changed the quilt.

If the quilt is discovered, the matter between her and Su Wei will be exposed, so of course it is impossible not to change it.

It's just that when she was sleeping later, Su Wei didn't allow her to wear clothes.

Su Wei left after she fell asleep, and she is still naked inside.

"What's so embarrassing, neither of us has seen the other, then I'll wait for you downstairs"

. . . . . .

"Wanrong, why don't you talk today, aren't you usually very active?" Xiang Wanjun looked at his sister's expression and found that she had been staring out the car window in a daze.

She didn't know what happened to her sister.

When I bought her an Apple mobile phone, I didn't see her very happy.

Usually, if she gets a new mobile phone, she will be excited for at least a few days.

"I had a stomachache last night. I got up and went to the bathroom a few times. Maybe I caught a cold." Xiang Wanrong knew that her sister cared about her, but could she tell her what happened last night.

I had sex with my sister's boyfriend in the room.

And he is still, the man who transformed himself from a girl into a woman.

The most important thing is that she couldn't bear any cruelty towards him.

I don't know if it was because she was too comfortable in the second half, or because Su Wei had a heart-to-heart talk with her after finishing it yesterday.

"Have you caught a cold? At our destination, a new hospital just happened to be built. Let the doctor show you." In Tiger Village, not only a new school has been built.

A not-so-small hospital was also built.

Many of the personnel there were recruited from large hospitals.

Su Wei knew that although he had pulled back yesterday, Xiang Wanrong must have been injured too.

If you were really injured, you can go to the doctor to have a look. Anyway, the hospital is his staff, and he will keep it secret if there is a situation.

"No, no, I'll just take a break, hey, what's going on ahead?" Xiang Wanrong knew it herself, but she was a little uncomfortable.

When I walk, I can't move my feet.

She didn't dare to go to the hospital, what a shame.

Just seeing the situation ahead, she began to change the subject.

"There are so many police cars here, so there must be some big case in Xiapu County, right? Ah Wei, shall we still go?" At this time, Xiang Wanjun also saw the situation ahead.

It turned out to be the place to get off the expressway, and there was a group of traffic police in front of the toll booth.

Her first reaction, of course, was that they were arresting criminals.

Otherwise, how could it be possible, there will be so many people, checking drunk driving and checking documents, usually a few people can get it done.

"Don't worry, these cars are here to pick us up." Before Su Wei set off, he had already received a call from Zhang Ruoyu.

She told Su Wei on the phone that the county attached great importance to him this time.

It is very likely that when he comes this time, the other party will give him a police car to clear the way.

"So many police cars are here to pick us up?" Xiang Wanrong didn't expect that these police cars were here to pick them up.

She has lived for more than 20 years, and she has never experienced this kind of privilege.

And if it's okay, she won't hang out in front of the police uncle at all.

"Hello, it's Mr. Su. County magistrate Wang and the others have already arrived at Tiger Village." The leader of the traffic police team saw Su Wei stop.

Immediately drove to Su Wei's car, and greeted Su Wei respectfully after getting off the car.

After all, Su Wei is now from Xiapu County, the biggest God of Wealth.

And these people know that Su Wei's relationship is as good as the sky.

"Then lead the way, thank you for your hard work." After Su Wei finished speaking, he closed the window.

Because of the weather right now, it's really cold outside.

Since Xiapu County is going to make such a big battle, he doesn't care anyway.

No matter what they wanted to do, he took all these tricks.

"Brother-in-law, are you a powerful big shot?" At the beginning, Xiang Wanrong just thought that Su Wei was a businessman.

Later, when she saw that he spent [-] yuan to buy fireworks and distributed tens of thousands of fireworks, she felt that he should be very rich.

Seeing him come to Xiapu County now, the other party welcomed him with such a big battle.

If she still doesn't know that he is super powerful at this time, then she will grow up in vain.

It's just that he is really too rogue.

"I'm really a big shot on the three-acre land in Xiapu"

. . . . . .

When Su Wei returned to the village, he found that the village was very lively today.

When he came back, only the main body of the school had been completed.

But looking at it now, even the greenery outside the school has been planted.

Wherever his car passed, firecrackers were set off everywhere.

The car followed the police car and drove all the way to the school before stopping.

When Su Wei got out of the car, there was a crowd of people outside the car.

Fortunately, Zhang Ruoyu came over yesterday and rescued him with bodyguards.

Then he followed Zhang Ruoyu and met the county magistrate Wang, the parent official in his hometown.

"Junjun, I'm going to talk to someone later. If you and Wanrong are bored, you can go and see the new house that my family is building." Su Wei thought that he would see the county magistrate later, afraid that Xiang Wanjun and the others would be bored .

He pointed in the direction of his house and asked them if they wanted to go and have a look.

Although his house has not been repaired yet, most of the main parts have been completed now.

A lot of people had already gathered at the door, taking pictures there.

"The new house, is that the one you're talking about? It's too big." At the beginning, Xiang Wanjun thought it was a scenic spot.

After hearing Su Wei's introduction, I realized that it turned out to be Su Wei's home.

With such a big house, it feels like it can accommodate hundreds or even thousands of people.

"Sister, let's not bother brother-in-law here, let's go and see that house." Xiang Wanrong felt better in the car just now.

After all, Su Wei was sitting in the co-pilot, and she was sitting in the back row.

But now she got off the car, because of the large number of people, she was very close to Su Wei.

Shy, she urged Xiang Wanjun to hurry to the new house.

"Mr. Su, you are back today. Look how happy the folks are." County Magistrate Wang had already stood at the forefront of the team.

When he contacted Su Wei last year, he was only the deputy county magistrate.

In the first half of today, he has been promoted to the position of the county magistrate.

His promotion had something to do with Su Wei investing so much money.

"The folks here are too enthusiastic. I have been back several times this year, and they were not like this before." Su Wei's return to the village this time is not the first time he has returned in 2018.

When he came back a few times before, he also had a police car clearing the way.

But the folks at that time, how could there be such enthusiasm.

If he didn't know that his movie hadn't been released yet, he might have thought he had become a big star.

"Boss Su, you are building a school this time. They should all have children in school, so there are more people here today." Zhang Ruoyu lived in Xiapu County last night.

Early today, I came to Tiger Village.

Before Su Wei came, she had listened to many of their chats.

I know that there will be so many people this time, people from all over the world, they will all come to watch the venue for the children in advance.

"Assistant Zhang is right, Mr. Su, once your school is repaired, all the parents in the county want to send their children here to study." The school that Su Wei built this time is really better than the schools in the county. beautiful.

Moreover, there are standard-sized football fields and basketball courts in these schools.

Most importantly, Su Wei paid a lot of money to hire many teachers to teach here.

Presumably, the education that the children here can receive in the future may be better than that of County No. [-] Middle School.

"I came from the village, and it is right to let the people in my hometown have a better life." Su Wei really gave the best in every aspect of building the school this time.

After all, only by reading can one change one's destiny.

As long as there are more and more college students in the village, the village will definitely get better and better in the future, that's for sure.

"President Su, Tiger Village is already the most enviable village in Xiapu County. Children can go to school in this luxurious teaching building. If they get sick, there is such a big hospital in the village. I went in and have a look. , it is even better than the equipment in the No. 1 civilian hospital in the county." County Mayor Wang has always known that Su Wei has invested a lot of money in the school and hospital in Tiger Village.

But as a county magistrate, it is impossible for him to visit the construction site every day.

He only had time to come here today because of the ribbon-cutting.

Only when I got here did I realize that Tiger Village has really been completely reborn.

"County Chief Wang, if you have something to say, you can speak directly. After all, it's not the first day we have dealt with each other." Su Weicai didn't believe it. County Chief Wang just praised him for building Tiger Village well.

He is not an official, and I don't want to circle around with him all the time.

So just state your attitude and ask him what he means.

"Mr. Su, on the way you came here today, you should have seen that there are still a lot of lonely old people and low-income households in the county. The county also wants to help them, but the county really has no money. Can you help me too?" Last year, the county begged tens of millions from Su Wei.

If County Magistrate Wang said this year, he must want to spend some more money.

After all, the current finances have always been tight.

If there are tens of millions more, then he will have more room to move.

"I said today, these traffic policemen, why did they come to pick me up specially, and took me around for a while. It turns out that County Magistrate Wang is waiting for me here." Although Su Wei is not very familiar with Xiapu.

But he still remembered the way back from the highway.

No wonder at that time he felt that there were so many dilapidated houses on the road he had traveled.

It turns out that the police car clearing the way has another meaning.

"President Su, I can't help it. After all, you are the richest big boss in the entire county. The greater your ability, the heavier the burden on your shoulders will naturally be." small numbers.

If the county is dispatched, they will get a few bags of rice and a barrel of oil at most.

But if Su Wei makes a move, they will definitely have a good year.

After all, there is really no surplus food in the county.

"It's nothing to give money to the lonely and widowed old people. I'm afraid that those who don't get the money will definitely gossip and even feel unbalanced. After all, many people's families may not be on the subsistence allowance, but they are definitely not rich." Many honest people, I didn't save much money after working for a year.

Meals, children go to school, and human relations, basically the bag is empty.

These people are definitely not low-income households, but they also live very hard.

"In this regard, the county will go to those people and do a good job of ideological counseling. You can rest assured about this, Mr. Su." Of course, the county magistrate Wang also knows that if Su Wei sends money, many people will definitely have opinions.

But his idea, of course, is to help the poorest group of people first.

No matter how difficult it is for others, they can still survive.

"Since the money is going to be distributed, I think it's too unfair to those who work hard to give it to the lonely elderly and low-income households. So my idea is to send a sum of money to everyone in the county. County Magistrate Wang, That's okay, right?" Su Wei thought for a while, he couldn't just give money to the needy.

If you want to send money, then everyone will send it.

They should not be let down because of their hard work, so that all good things will not be their turn.

Only by sending money to everyone can everyone be equal.

"Send money to everyone in the county? The county has a population of 70. How much do you plan to send to them, Mr. Su?" County magistrate Wang was stunned when he heard Su Wei say that everyone should find out.

Because Xiapu County is not a small county, but a large county with a relatively large population.

If each of the 70 people sends money, how much money can each person send?

If too little is distributed, it will not help families in need at all.

"There is a population of 70, so let's give each person 4000 yuan." Su Wei sent 4000 yuan because he has four children.

Each child is counted as 1000 yuan.

With this money, even if he invites fellow villagers in the whole county to have fun together.

"4000 yuan? That's nearly 30 billion yuan? Mr. Su, I'm on behalf of the people in the county, thank you"

(End of this chapter)

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