Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 508 Heart Floating

Chapter 508 Heart Floating
As soon as Su Wei talked about the money distribution, the ribbon-cutting was not even finished, and the matter had already spread throughout the county.

And this matter spread not only in Xiapu County, but also throughout the country.

After all, this news is really a super heavy news.

When have you ever seen a direct payment in China, and it is a county that uses the hair of a person? It is simply a fantasy.

That's why this incident spread so fast.

If you can get the money, you must be extremely happy.

And those who don't get the money are more willing to spread this information than those who get the money.

Thinking about seeing their local rich people, can they do the same.

But if you want to find someone who has been taken advantage of by Su Wei, there is basically no hope.

After all, the money that Su Wei took out was as high as three billion.

"Boss Su, we are sending out so much money this time, should we send someone to supervise?" Zhang Ruoyu heard Su Wei say that everyone in the county was asked to send 4000 yuan.

She was really taken aback, after all, the cost was as high as three billion.

In fact, she had a lot of questions and wanted to ask Su Wei, but after thinking about it, she decided not to ask.

Because Su Wei was about to send 4000 yuan, she actually knew why.

So she didn't say it shouldn't be sent, but just asked Su Wei if he wanted someone to supervise the money.

After all, with so much money, it is impossible for anyone who handles it to have nothing to do.

"Of course we must send someone to supervise. If our people are in the same rank as them, we must not be soft-hearted." Su Wei sent out so much money, of course someone must be supervised.

Not only did he not trust the authorities, he even didn't trust the people he sent.

This money was distributed to fellow villagers in the county. If anyone uses this money, he will definitely give him his skin.

Not only should they be allowed to work, but they should also go to jail for a period of time.

"Okay, then I will send a legal team over to manage the money." Zhang Ruoyu thought for a while, and it would be impossible to find a few people here.

After all, the money is really too big.

So in order to have a deterrent effect, in addition to the staff, a legal team was also photographed.

I believe that there are so many people around, and those who want to change their minds will definitely weigh it.

"Send a legal team over? Okay, let's do that. By the way, call Shen Manyin and ask her to deal with the bank." Shen Manyin is now sent by Su Wei to build two canning factories.

Now that the two factories are in operation, he plans to give her another job.

After all, she called him herself and said that she is doing nothing in the venue now.

In this case, Su Wei will send her to connect with the bank.

Believe that here, she will definitely not be bored.

"Awei, your house is so big, it's almost like a palace." When Xiang Wanjun and the others came out of the house, they happened to see Su Wei and his party coming over.

She and Xiang Wanrong just spent more than an hour wandering around here.

Although it took so long, there are still many places I haven't read.

"President Su's house was built according to the Humble Administrator's Garden in Suzhou, and the area is larger than the Humble Administrator's Garden. It is indeed a palace. It is about one-seventh the size of the Forbidden City." Zhang Ruoyu said to Su Wei's new house. I also think it's awesome.

Because of its size, it is really too big.

Covering an area of ​​15 square meters, it is absolutely correct to say that it is a palace.

"It's so big, no wonder I almost got lost in it when I was walking around just now. I feel that electric cars will be specially equipped in the future. Otherwise, if you just walk, it will be inconvenient to go to a room farther away." Xiang Wanrong walked today , which is not very convenient.

Plus the house is so big, she is really in super pain.

When she was inside, she especially missed her electric car, and thought it would be great if it was there.

Then she can walk around the whole house without walking.

"If you two like it, I'll leave a yard for you after the house is finished." In Su Wei's house, there are about 17 yards and a total of more than 120 rooms.

Su Wei will definitely win the two sisters Xiang Wanjun and Xiang Wanrong.

After all, they are so beautiful, and he is their first man.

Give them a yard, that's what they should.

"Okay, I think Tiger Village is a pretty good place. There are shops, hospitals and everything." At this time, Xiang Wanjun still didn't understand the meaning of Su Wei's words.

I thought what he meant, she and Su Wei are together, and her sister can come to live too.

As for Tiger Village, she thought it was pretty good.

Because many people from other nearby villages have moved here now.

In addition, there are schools and hospitals here, and I believe that a commercial street will develop soon, and this place will not be considered a countryside by then.

"Brother-in-law, we just heard them say that you will give 4000 yuan to each person in Xiapu County this time?" Xiang Wanjun didn't understand what Su Wei meant, but Xiang Wanrong did.

She didn't expect that Su Wei would continue to possess her in the future.

What's more, he actually wanted the two sisters to live in the house together.

She couldn't let her sister understand Su Wei's meaning, so she quickly changed the subject and said what she had just heard from the people next to her.

"It wasn't long before I announced this news, and you will know it now." Su Wei really didn't expect that he and County Magistrate Wang didn't say this in public.

Just before the ribbon cutting, I said it under the stage.

Although there are many people around, the news spread too fast.

Even the two sisters Xiang Wanjun and Xiang Wanrong already knew the news.

"It turned out to be true, how much did it cost?" Xiang Wanjun also heard about it just now, but she didn't take it seriously.

Su Wei is rich, but he really doesn't get any profit from sending this money.

So she listened to it at the time and didn't take it to heart at all.

But according to Su Wei's meaning, this matter is still true.

"It's about 30 billion yuan. Okay, let's go to the county seat for dinner. In the evening, I have arranged a fireworks show with several million yuan."

. . . . . .

"Guizhen, it's so cold now, why don't you still go to the mountains to chop firewood, or stop chopping, buy some charcoal to burn." Deng Chunyan was chatting with a group of old women in the village, when she saw her neighbor Liu Guizhen carrying a firewood on her back. A basket intends to go up.

She knew that she should be planning to go to the mountains to chop some firewood for cooking.

But the weather was not very good yesterday. If I go to cut firewood now, the firewood will definitely be wet.

"I also want to buy carbon, but you know the situation in my family. I really have no money." If I can buy carbon, Liu Guizhen also wants to buy it.

After all, the weather was already cold, and most of the firewood cut down was wet.

But there is no way, her family is really too difficult, and it is a little bit to save a little bit.

"Hey, your man was injured this year, and it's really difficult to rest for more than half a year. I still have a box of not-so-good charcoal in my place. There may be smoke when it burns. Do you want it?" Mi Hongjuan and the others all know the situation in Liu Guizhen's house .

The men in their family are still unable to do heavy physical work because of injuries in the middle of the year.

Originally, his man was the pillar of the family, but as soon as he fell, the family immediately fell into chaos.

Otherwise, how could it be possible for a woman to go to the mountains to chop firewood in such a cold day.

As for the not-so-good carbon she mentioned, it is actually good carbon, but she deliberately called it bad carbon.

"Then why not, smoky charcoal is at least better than the wet wood I picked up from the mountain." Liu Guizhen also knew that this was the help of the villagers in cash.

If it was before, she would definitely not accept this kindness, after all, she has hands and feet.

But now it's too difficult at home, she really can't refuse this kindness.

She can only repay this kindness slowly after her husband recovers from his injuries.

"Guizhen, the conditions in your family are not subsidized by the government at all." Deng Chunyan remembers that Liu Guizhen went to the government to ask.

Her family is in such a difficult situation, can you help me?

After all, there are three elderly people in their family, her husband and two younger sisters who are studying in high school, and she has three children to raise.

The main earner of the family has collapsed, and the government should help.

"I asked, and they said that my man was injured, and he will be able to heal his injury next year. This time, there is no subsidy, and they said that there is no subsidy unless he is disabled." How could Liu Guizhen not ask the government, but the answer he got Just no subsidies.

No matter what she said, they all killed it. There is no such rule.

In desperation, she gave up the idea of ​​getting subsidies from above.

"How can they say that? This mouth is too poisonous. There are three elderly people, two sisters, and three children in your family. They can't even give you subsidies?" There was a fire.

After all, they are from the same village as Liu Guizhen, so they know her family's situation very well.

It's so difficult, but there is no subsidy yet, and what I said is too chilling.

"No way, my family has nothing to do with it. Otherwise, I will definitely be able to set up a subsistence allowance, and then this year will be better. Now I can only resist." Now many subsistence allowances, or poor households, are all obtained through connections. .

For Liu Guizhen, someone hinted at her that if she was asked to pay a sum of money, she could be subsidized.

But the current situation of her family is already difficult, and she really can't afford any money, so there is no subsidy.


"Qiangzi, what is the occasion for you to hold this firecracker?" Deng Chunyan saw someone dragging a firecracker from the entrance of the village from a long distance away.

The man walked near them just as the firecrackers had just finished setting off.

She took a closer look and found that it was Li Qiang from the village.

"It's a happy event, but it's not my family's happy event, but everyone in Xiapu." Li Qiang was originally playing cards in another village, but he didn't expect to hear exciting news.

After he got the news, he immediately went to buy firecrackers.

Then when we arrived at the entrance of the village, we started to set off firecrackers.

After the firecracker was set off just now, he planned to start dismantling the second one.

"Everyone has a happy event? Why haven't we heard of any happy event? Could it be that the money for returning farmland to forests has increased this year?" Liu Guizhen couldn't imagine that there would be any happy event in her family.

She just hoped that returning farmland to forests would give her family more money.

Because at this moment, she really has nowhere to make money.

"How much money can be earned by returning farmland to forests? It is Su Wei from Tiger Village. Today he and Wang Zhigang announced at the ribbon-cutting event of their village school that they would send money to everyone in the county." In private.

But in Li Qiang's mouth, it has become a news announced in public.

But the good thing is that Su Wei really intends to do so, if those who talk about it, they may only be slapped in the face.

"Distribute money to everyone in the county. Our county has a large population, so we can distribute a lot of money." Xiapu County has a large number of people in the entire H city.

Of course it is a happy thing to send money to so many people.

But in this way, it is very likely that everyone will not get much money.

"I heard that each person will be given 4000 yuan. Aunt Zhen has 10 people in your family, so you can get 4 yuan at once." Everyone in the village knows the situation of Liu Guizhen's family.

This time the man in her family was injured, and everyone offered a helping hand.

But with so many mouths waiting to be fed, everyone is powerless.

"Impossible. Everyone in the county will be paid 4000 yuan. That would be a lot of money. Does Su Wei have so much money?" Liu Guizhen heard that everyone had [-] yuan.

In this way, her family can indeed get 4 yuan.

If he has the 4 yuan, then his man can rest for two months before going out to work. There is no need to try to go out after the new year.

"I don't know about others, but Su Wei has the money, because he has more than 1000 billion in his bank card. This time he sent money to 70 people, and it only cost him 30 billion. Do you think he has such money?" How much money?" Li Qiang and his group of young people often surf the Internet.

Su Wei was frozen for more than 1000 billion, and they didn't know how many times they discussed it.

Because Su Wei is from his hometown, they all felt wronged for him and felt that there was no reason to freeze his money.

"Qiangzi, is this true? I want to tell my man about it."

. . . . . .

"Uncle Xianjun, where are you going? I'll drive you. It just so happens that our family is going out." When Cui Haiwen was driving out of the village, he happened to meet an uncle of his.

Although they are not close uncles, the relationship between them is okay.

So he paused, and then planned to give him a ride.

"Then thank you all, just let me put it at the intersection later." Cui Xianjun saw that it was Cui Haiwen's car, thanked him and sat in the back row.

This time, he planned to go to the entrance of the village.

If you walk, it will take at least ten minutes.

There is a car, and it will be there in a few minutes.

"Intersection? Is it the place that sells fireworks? Uncle Xianjun, what is the happy event at your house?" Cui Haiwen heard Cui Xianjun say that he was going to the intersection where he left the village.

He remembered that there was only a shop selling fireworks.

But he hadn't heard of any happy event in Cui Xianjun's family recently.

"What kind of happy event can my family have? This isn't Su Wei from Tiger Village. He said he wanted to send money to the people in the county. I'm planning to buy some firecrackers in advance. If this is true, I'm afraid I'll think If you want to buy firecrackers, there is no place to buy them." The news of Su Wei's money distribution this time really spread too fast.

Cui Xianjun was watching TV at home, but was told the news by his son who was out of town.

He hung up the phone with his son, and then set off to buy some firecrackers.

Otherwise, after the news is confirmed, there must be people everywhere who want to buy firecrackers. He may not be able to buy them at that time.

"Uncle Xianjun, this matter can't be true. Think about it, there are a lot of people in Xiapu County. He gave out 4000 yuan to each person. Isn't that going to send out billions? No matter how big the boss is, it's impossible to do this." How could Cui Haiwen not know the news that Cui Xianjun could know.

But he didn't think it would be true.

Because so much money is spent in vain, unless this Su Wei's brain is almost sick.

"Then I don't know, anyway, I'll buy the firecrackers first, if this is true, then I'll set them off when the news is announced.

If this incident is false, then I will wait until the Chinese New Year to set off the firecrackers. Okay, just park the car here, thank you Haiwen, please slow down when you drive back." Cui Xianjun had already thought about buying firecrackers this time. All right.

Even if this incident is fake, the firecrackers can still be set off during the Chinese New Year.

Anyway, there is only less than a month left before Chinese New Year.

"Husband, you said that Su Wei wants to send money, is it true or not?" Cui Haiwen's wife didn't say a word just now.

Because she was not very familiar with Cui Xianjun, when she married, their family had already moved to the city.

They came back this time to get the bacon cooked by Kang.

These bacon were given to them by their parents-in-law in their hometown, and they were kept for New Year's greetings.

"Whether it's true or not, what does this matter have to do with us? Our household registration has already been transferred to the city." When Cui Haiwen and her wife got married, it was more popular to transfer their household registration to the city. .

So the two of them, together with the household registration of his parents and the child, have all moved out.

Even if Su Wei really sent the money, the money has nothing to do with their family.

So he is eager, this matter is fake news.

"Hey, if this is true, then our family has [-] yuan."

(End of this chapter)

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