Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 510 He Is My Child's Enemy

Chapter 510 He Is My Child's Enemy
Su Wei stayed in Xiapu County for more than two days this time.

The reason why he stayed for so long was mainly because he had to wait for the lawyer team and his staff to come over.

The first one to wait was Shen Manyin who had been in City H, and then he left all the matter to her to deal with.

As for his own words, of course he has his own things to do.

After all, he had just taken down the two sisters Xiang Wanjun, and he fell into the gentle village directly.

The elder sister is mature and stable, while the younger sister is playful and cute.

Su Wei's favorite thing is to do yoga with Xiang Wanjun at night.

After she fell asleep, she ran to Xiang Wanrong's room.

And Xiang Wanrong also changed from refusing at the beginning to not taking the initiative or resisting now.

Among the two sisters, Su Wei has been jumping sideways repeatedly, which is simply not too pleasant.

. . . . . .

Magic City.

"Xiao Zhang, I will give you a few days off when you go back to Shanghai today. You should go back and have a good rest. I will give you a surprise when you get back to work." When Su Wei arrived at Shanghai this time, it was already past five o'clock in the afternoon.

Zhang Ruoyu stayed with him this time and stayed abroad for more than half a year.

Now that he is back in Shanghai, what he wants is to let her go back and rest for a few days.

After all, if she didn't go back, her parents might think that they had just abducted their daughter.

Although the fact is such a fact, but now it is back after all.

"No need, Chinese New Year is coming soon, I will take a day off tomorrow, and I can go to work the day after tomorrow." Zhang Ruoyu opened the door for Su Wei, and after he sat in the back row of the Rolls-Royce, he ran to the other side, and then sat on it.

This time Su Wei said that he would give her a few days off.

Whether Zhang Ruoyu wants to take a vacation, of course she does.

After all, it has been half a year before he finally returned to Shanghai.

But she also knew that Su Wei had a lot going on recently.

The matter of the Xuhui land, and the multi-company group annual meeting that will start soon, so she only needs one day off.

"Why, it seems that you are a little angry, is it because of Xiang Wanjun and the others?" Su Wei can feel that Zhang Ruoyu is a little angry these days.

He is not a fool, of course he knows that the source is the two sisters Xiang Wanjun.

After all, during this period of time, only the two sisters had been in contact with him.

"I'm not angry, I just think, you already have so many women, why bother to provoke their sisters?" Zhang Ruoyu was indeed angry during this time, after all, Su Wei went too far.

She actually has no problem with Su Wei looking for a woman.

But she only asks for one thing, that is not to come true.

But Xiang Wanjun and his sisters, she could tell that Su Wei planned to accept them.

He already has so many women, isn't he really satisfied?

"How do you want me to answer this question? They fulfilled my fantasy when I was young. I don't know if you understand this feeling." Su Wei must accept Xiang Wanjun's place.

After all, she was really a goddess when he was young.

With the opportunity to have her, he didn't believe that anyone would give up this opportunity.

"Isn't it you men who used young and beautiful female teachers as sexual objects during adolescence?" Zhang Ruoyu talked to a psychiatrist about Su Wei's situation.

At the time, she felt that this kind of thinking was too perverted.

But the psychiatrist told her that every boy would regard a beautiful teacher as an object of fantasy.

Only then did Zhang Ruoyu know that the boy actually thought so.

"Okay, the two of them are my last time, and I will definitely not do this again next time." Su Wei actually regretted his harem a little.

Because there were many women at that time, he accepted them on a whim.

So now he is already strictly controlling the number of harem.

Xiang Wanjun is really because of special circumstances, otherwise he must just plan to have fun.

"It has nothing to do with me, I'm just your assistant." Zhang Ruoyu felt much happier after hearing Su Wei's words.

Because if it was Su Wei, he would keep taking women in so unrestrainedly.

No matter how much she likes Su Wei, she will choose to leave him.

"Okay, don't push yourself too hard, I still like the way you smile." Su Wei forced Zhang Ruoyu's face away.

Seeing her wanting to smile but not smiling, he thought she was so cute at this moment.

Squeeze her face, then tell her that he likes the way she smiles.

Because Zhang Ruoyu is really pretty when she smiles.

"I can laugh, then you can take me back later, I don't want to drive today." Su Wei turned Zhang Ruoyu's face, and the expression on his face could hardly be controlled.

Since Su Wei wants her to be happy, she has conditions.

That is, she wanted Su Wei to take her home.

"Isn't this a trivial matter, Lao Liu, now let's go to Xiao Zhang's house, that Phantom, I will find someone to take it to her later"

. . . . . .

"Old Zhang, why do you two buy so many things today?" Zhang Rensheng's community is considered a community of civil servants.

Although many people have sold their houses, most of the residents still live in their units.

When Zhang Rensheng and his wife came back, they were stopped by their colleagues at the door to chat.

After all, all they had in their hands were fresh seafood.

"It's nothing, isn't it because my daughter is coming back, so I plan to cook some favorite dishes for her?" Zhang Rensheng and his wife knew that their daughter was coming back at noon.

So it's not time for them to get off work this time, and the two of them have already gone to the vegetable market to buy vegetables.

The two of them bought nearly 2000 yuan in the vegetable market.

After all, her daughter has been abroad for so long, she must miss the food at home very much.

"Ruoyu is coming back? Oh, that's right, Su Wei has already returned to China, she should come back." Zhang Rensheng's colleagues, there are not many who don't know Zhang Ruoyu.

Several of his colleagues also planned to take over their children with him.

Who knows, I heard later that Zhang Ruoyu became Su Wei's assistant.

As people in the system, they knew everything about Su Wei clearly.

Now that Su Wein can return to China, then Zhang Ruoyu will definitely be able to return.

"Old Zhang, your daughter's return this time should be a good thing is coming, we are all old colleagues, you have to pick us up." There are still people in the community who know more information, but they know the relationship between Zhang Ruoyu and Su Wei , that's no ordinary superior and subordinate.

After all, Zhang Ruoyu, a young daughter, has only been working for a long time, and now she can drive a sports car to work.

The previous car was a Lamborghini, which was later replaced by a Rolls-Royce.

In addition to the piano that Su Wei gave Zhang Ruoyu before, who can believe that they are innocent.

Now that Zhang Ruoyu is with Su Wei through thick and thin, they take it for granted that Zhang Ruoyu may succeed in taking over the position.

"What are you talking about, Ruoyu and her boss, that's just an ordinary relationship between superiors and subordinates, you don't want to talk nonsense." Zhang's mother felt happy when she heard these words from her colleagues.

Because what they said completely reached her heart.

After all, after Zhang Ruoyu and Su Wei went through this incident, they must be one step closer.

Even if there was no such relationship before, it must be now.

She thought that a rich man like Su Wei would soon become her son-in-law, how could he be unhappy.

It's just that this matter has not yet been affirmed by her daughter, so she must not spread it indiscriminately.

"This matter is basically an open secret. Who doesn't know about it?" Seeing Zhang's mother's expression, the neighbors knew that they must have guessed right.

Originally, he still wanted to be in-laws with Zhang Rensheng, but now he has given up on it.

After all, how could their son compete with Su Wei?

Don't talk about how rich he is, just talk about his relationship, which is beyond the reach of these people.


"Mom and Dad, why did you come back so early?" Accompanied by Shi Yu, Zhang Ruoyu came to the gate of her community.

When she was about to go through the main entrance to the underground parking lot, she found that her parents were chatting with someone at the gate.

She asked Lao Liu to honk the horn, then opened the door and got out of the car to meet her parents.

"Hey, Yuyu is back? Let mom take a look. You've lost weight. Is it because Su Wei doesn't let you eat enough, or are you not used to American food?" Zhang's mother heard a car driving behind her. , was planning to turn around and scold people.

I saw her daughter just getting out of the car.

She immediately grabbed Zhang Ruoyu, and then began to lift her up heavily all over her body.

In her impression, she remembered that her daughter was not so thin.

Sure enough, people who travel far away don't get the care they deserve.

"Mom, it's nothing. I've gained two catties. Don't talk nonsense." Zhang Ruoyu didn't come alone this time.

Su Wei was in the car behind, and he must have heard what her mother said.

And she didn't know what her mother looked like.

What she is wearing now is a very thick windbreaker.

It can be seen that she has lost weight, it can only be that her mother's memory has gone wrong.

"Uncle, Auntie, what a coincidence, I ran into you when I sent Xiaozhang back." Su Wei heard everything Zhang's mother said just now.

But when he heard it, he heard it, what else could he do.

After all, I had abducted someone else's daughter for more than half a year.

He just loves his daughter, so what else can he say.

So after getting off the car, he politely greeted Zhang Ruoyu's parents.

"Xiao Su, you're here too. That's just right. We bought a lot of vegetables here. Let's go for a walk and have a light meal together when we go home." Zhang's mother didn't expect her daughter to be brought back by Su Wei this time.

He must have heard what she said just now.

But she thought that a big boss like Su Wei would definitely not be so small-minded.

Since he came here this time, she definitely wouldn't just let him go.

So I plan to take him to the house and have a meal with everyone.

"Auntie, I'm afraid I can't do it today, because I have already promised others, next time, I will treat you to dinner next time." Su Wei returned to the magic city this time, and he had already made an agreement with Li Ziwei and the others.

After dinner today, I have to go to the bar to have fun.

Su Wei has already agreed on this, so it must be difficult to let the pigeons go.

So I can only say sorry to Zhang's mother.

"Mom, Mr. Su has already made an agreement with someone today, so it's really inconvenient to go back to have dinner with us." Of course Zhang Ruoyu knew that Su Wei already had an appointment tonight.

So she can only persuade her mother that Su Wei is really inconvenient today.

"That's it, it's only next time. It's agreed today. Next time we meet, we must have a meal together." Zhang's mother heard Su Wei and her daughter say that he has an appointment tonight.

I can only express regret that we must have dinner next time we meet.

Because their family and Su Wei haven't had a formal meal yet.

The last time we ate together, we still ate takeaway instead of cooking by themselves.

"Okay, then it's settled, uncles and aunts, and Xiao Zhang, I'll go first." Su Wei waited until Lao Liu took all Zhang Ruoyu's luggage.

Then he said goodbye to Zhang Ruoyu's family, got in the car and left quickly.

Because of such a short period of time, many people have already surrounded.

He is like being watched a monkey show, he doesn't like this feeling very much.

"Let's go, let's go home too, Ruoyu, the vegetables I bought today are all your favorites"

. . . . . .

"After you come out, are you in a better mood, bored at home every day, you are not afraid of growing mushrooms on your body?" Xiaobai forcibly dragged her best friend out of the house today.

This best friend is her latest acquaintance.

During this period of time, the two of them played very well.

But her best friend, because of an accident at home, has been staying at home during this period of time.

"I don't think the outside is very good, you might as well let me go home and continue to sleep." Xiaobai's best friend leaned her head on the window, looking at the scenery outside.

Seeing this scene now, she felt that it was meaningless at all.

I think it's better to go home and sleep, because it can make her forget her troubles.

"My friend returned to China today. Let's go. I'll take you to meet him. If he is willing to help you, then the matter in your family will be easily resolved." Xiaobai pulled her best friend out this time because she planned to Ask her to meet Su Wei.

Because of this matter, Su Wei was the only friend among her friends who was able to help.

After she heard about her best friend, she was really pissed off by her people's behavior.

"Your friend? That's about the same age as you. He definitely can't help me, because they are too powerful. I shouldn't have stayed in China at that time, which led to this incident." Xiaobai's best friend, Thinking about it now also makes me regret it.

At that time, many people advised her to go abroad.

But she feels that the country is very safe, and there is no need to go abroad.

Moreover, compared with domestic, foreign countries are much more convenient.

"Then you underestimate that friend of mine. He is really strong. When you see him, you will believe it." Su Wei's strength, if not strong.

As for her best friend, basically no one can help her.

After all, what he did in Kyoto was nothing short of earth-shattering.

"Such a powerful person, have I heard of him?" At this time, Xiaobai's best friend still didn't quite believe it.

Because this time her opponent is really very powerful in Shanghai.

Xiaobai is so young, how old can her friends be.

That's when I heard about her, I would immediately distance myself from her.

"It can be said that people who don't know him are basically those who live in the mountains." Recently, Su Wei has been frequently searched, and his fame is really close to those of the stars.

Moreover, his deeds were repeatedly reported by TV stations.

But anyone who surfs the Internet, even if he doesn't know him, must have heard his name.

"Hearing what you said, I also thought of someone. If that person is willing to help me, then my matter can be easily resolved." At this moment, Xiaobai's best friend thought of someone she knew.

That person is so similar to the person in Xiaobai's description.

If he is willing to help himself, then his matter can be solved immediately.

"Then you ask him to help you. You have such a good relationship, why don't you make good use of it?" Xiaobai felt strange when he heard his best friend say this.

With such a powerful relationship, why not go to him.

After all, she is not ignorant of her current situation.

If she didn't struggle, she would really be penniless and live on the streets.

If it was her, she would have found him long ago. "

"You also know that this time my child had an accident, and he is my child's enemy"

(End of this chapter)

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