Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 511 Shi Feiyu's Trouble

Chapter 511 Shi Feiyu's Trouble
After Su Wei came out of Zhang Ruoyu's community, he went directly to the bungalow hot pot.

Mainly because of the weather, he wanted to eat some hot pot to warm his body.

"Brother Su, why did you come here alone today?" Li Ziwei and the others heard Su Wei say that he wanted to eat hot pot today.

Immediately, I booked a big box at the bungalow hot pot.

After knocking on the door, Li Ziwei opened the door and saw Su Wei outside alone.

He searched outside and found that Su Wei really came alone.

"Otherwise, how many people will come? Is there anyone else who hasn't arrived?" Su Wei just came from his hometown today, and he hasn't contacted anyone yet.

And there is an event tonight, and he doesn't want to bring other people with her.

After all, if he really planned to do something, the women around him would be in the way.

"Just wait for Xiaobai, my sister went skiing, and she hasn't come back yet." This time they greeted Su Wei without calling outsiders.

Those who played before, such as Li Renfeng and his wife, Li Ziwei, Xiaobai and Jin Gaode.

As for Li Ziwei's sister, she went skiing in Europe.

Even if he wanted to come back, it was too late in time.

"Hey, do you guys know how to ski? Why don't we go skiing in a while? I've always been interested in skiing, but I haven't been there yet." Su Wei was stuck in the United States for half a year, really bored died.

Although he can play golf regularly, he also wants to play other sports.

He is so boring, mainly because he is over there, and he doesn't know many friends.

Those who want to approach him now basically have a purpose.

"Yes, I don't know how to do it either. When we go to the ski resort, we can find a female coach to teach us, and now there are many women in my circle of friends who have gone skiing this season." Jingao De heard the skiing , he suddenly became interested.

He's been busy with the bar lately, and now he's planning to relax.

Moreover, if he went to play with Su Wei, his family would not think that he was not doing his job properly, but might even praise him.

After all, who doesn't know now, Su Wei is a good thigh.

Although he didn't have this idea, he really wanted to play.

"Are you going skiing? Then take me with you. I happen to have good skills, and I can teach you guys for free then." When Xiaoya heard that they were going skiing, her first reaction was to follow along.

It has been several years since she skied.

Whether it's the domestic XJ ski resort or the European ski resort, she has been to skiing.

It is more than enough to coach Su Wei and his group of rookies.

"Well, then you have to ask Ah Feng to see if he is willing to take you." Xiaoya is Li Renfeng's girlfriend, and Su Wei will definitely not say no.

This problem was directly thrown to Li Renfeng to solve.

It's just that when he turned his back, he cut Li Renfeng's throat with his hands.

"I can do it here, but they don't bring girlfriends. If I bring you, wouldn't that irritate them?" Among the four men, Li Ziwei and Jin Gaode don't have girlfriends, only he and Su Wei and Su Wei have girlfriends.

And with Su Wei, as far as he knew, there were no less than three.

But this time he went skiing, he definitely wouldn't take his girlfriend with him.

And their purpose this time, besides skiing, is to pick up girls.

After all, a girl who can go skiing must be pretty.

"Then I don't care, I'm going anyway, and when I go, I can supervise you and prevent you from picking up girls." Of course Xiaoya knew why the group of men didn't want her to go.

Isn't it because if she goes, it will affect their market.

But when she went there, she wanted to mess up their market.

And on Li Renfeng's side, she needs to pay more attention to him, who wants him to be dishonest.

"Come here, let's talk about this alone." Li Renfeng saw that Xiaoya had to go, and dragged her aside.

After all, he has a lot of things, but he can't let others know.

If he knew, these old six would not laugh at him to death.

"What are you looking at, so excited?" Su Wei was still thinking about how Li Renfeng chatted with Xiaoya.

But Xiaoya was pulled aside by him, so he couldn't watch this play.

At this time, he saw Jin Gaode and Li Ziwei staring at the time with great interest.

"When I was using TikTok just now, I saw a pretty girl, and Weiwei said it belonged to his company." Since this year, Jin Gaode will use TikTok when he has nothing to do.

Because he thinks there are too many fun things on Douyin.

He took out his phone just now, and happened to find a girl he had liked before.

Unexpectedly, Li Ziwei saw it and told him that this woman belonged to their company.

"Let's see, this is a cross-dressing. Her video looks good. Weiwei, can I invite her over for a drink at night?" Su Wei took his phone and looked at it, and found that the video was a cross-dressing girl.

From modern clothes, crossdressing into ancient clothes.

And the style of her clothes is the kind that has a bit of edge meaning.

Such a little slut made Su Wei's heart itch, so he asked Li Ziwei to call this girl and go to the bar together at night.

"She shouldn't bark, it's not because she doesn't want to, but mainly because she's completely two people offline and in the video." Li Ziwei's company really only made Huya in the beginning.

But now after so long, the layout has already started on Douyin.

The girl on Jin Gaode's phone is a girl that their company is promoting recently.

It's just her appearance, it will be greatly discounted without her beauty, and her height is not high.

After all, if you really look good and have a good figure, how can you play cross-dressing? Isn't it because you are ugly that you have plasticity.

"Forget it, Lao Jin, why don't you ask some girls to come out?" Su Wei understood after hearing Li Ziwei's words.

The girls in this video may not look good in reality.

Such a girl can't be called, it can only be seen by Lao Jin.

"No problem, just leave this matter to me, girl, and I will definitely arrange it for you clearly." Jin Gaode's family owns a bar, and he really doesn't need too many resources.

There are thousands of girls on his mobile phone, that's not bragging at all.

Some of the male anchors under Li Ziwei's company need to broadcast the Chabian APP, and if they can't find girls, they ask him to help.

"dong dong dong"

"It should be Xiaobai here. I wonder if she will bring her husband here today." Hearing the knock on the door, Li Renfeng guessed that it should be Xiaobai.

Although Xiaobai has been married for half a year, their relationship with Xiaobai's husband is still not very good.

This time they had dinner together, of course he didn't want Xiaobai to bring her husband over.

"You don't care if you bring your husband or not, just be polite later, after all, he is already married to Xiaobai, don't make things difficult for Xiaobai." Xiaoya also doesn't like Xiaobai's husband here.

I think he is a bit too pretentious.

But he is Xiaobai's husband after all, so she always gives him face.

"Don't worry, we still understand this point, you sit down, I will open the door." Since Li Ziwei was the closest to the door, he got up and went to open the door.

The waiters in the box had already been called out by them.

After all, the food hasn't been served yet, and it's not convenient for them to chat if they are here.

"Weiwei, everyone is here, why are you looking at my girlfriend like this, you don't know each other?" Xiaobai followed the address in the group and found the box where Su Wei and the others were located.

I planned to go in directly, but found that the door was locked.

After knocking on the door, the door opened soon, but she found that Li Ziwei who opened the door looked at her best friend very strangely.

"We met in the bar before, and I was taken there by my friend." Shi Feiyu never expected that she would meet the person who opened the door.

This person is the friend of the person she was slept with in the bar before.

At this time, she really wanted to run away, because she was afraid of seeing that man.

"Yes, we met at the bar before, come in when you come, don't stand outside"

. . . . . .

"Xiaobai, your speed is really slow. When you drink later, you want, Shi Feiyu? Why are you here?" Su Wei saw that Xiaobai was the last one to come, so he originally wanted to say something.

Xiaobai is the slowest, so he will have to drink a few more drinks later.

Who knew that at this time, he actually saw Shi Feiyu coming in behind Xiao Bai.

After sleeping with Shi Feiyu last time, he thought he would never see her again, but he didn't expect to see her on this occasion today.

"Of course I brought her here. What are you doing? Take off my clothes as soon as you come in. Don't be afraid that my husband will also come. Okay, I will take off my coat by myself, so I don't need to bother you. It's really strange, my new best friend." Why do you all seem to know each other?" Xiaobai was outside just now and saw that Li Ziwei knew Shi Feiyu.

There is speculation in her heart whether she will know Su Wei.

Unexpectedly, after coming in, Su Wei and her really knew each other.

At this time, she originally had a lot to ask them.

But Su Wei walked up to her and began to take off her coat, and his hands were not honest.

She was forced to not ask any questions, all her thoughts were on her clothes.

"At that time in the bar, we met together. I remember that he was there too." Shi Feiyu really had a good impression of these people in front of him.

After all, I just went to participate in a wine game, but was taken to the hotel by Su Wei.

Moreover, Su Wei still has grudges with the Yang Group.

In fact, several times, she wondered whether it was his intention that she was slept by Su Wei.

"Stop standing, sit down. I'm starving to death waiting for you to come. I'll ask the waiter to bring the food." Jin Gaode was woken up by Li Ziwei's phone call at three o'clock today.

He hasn't had any food in his stomach until six o'clock.

Now that everyone is here, the first thing he does is to fill his stomach first.

"Weiwei, tell me the truth, is Ah Wei having an affair with my girlfriend?" Xiaobai's seat was next to Li Ziwei.

I saw her best friend and Su Wei chatting with each other.

She felt that there must be something between the two of them that she didn't know.

Moreover, Shi Feiyu is so beautiful, it is impossible for Su Wei not to attack her.

"Don't ask me, I don't know anything, if I add one more person, I'll add some beef"

. . . . . .

"Shi Feiyu, we haven't seen each other for half a year since last time." After eating a few chopsticks, Su Wei's stomach was already half full.

Although the relationship between him and Shi Feiyu was really awkward.

But Shi Feiyu was so pretty, sitting next to him made him feel a little distracted.

"Yes, the last time we met was in the middle of the year, and now it's the end of the year. We haven't seen each other for half a year." Shi Feiyu's teammate Su Wei's feelings are very complicated.

After all, the first time I had sex with Su Wei was when she was drunk.

But after the two of them woke up, she was hit by him once while she was awake.

After he left, she found out from her best friend that he was Su Wei, the enemy of the Yang Group.

"How have you been in the past six months, and I didn't see you update Moments, I thought you blocked me." If you just look at his appearance, Shi Feiyu's appearance can rank first among his many girlfriends three.

No wonder the father and son of the Yang family are obsessed with her.

Although Su Wei is not obsessed with her, he also wants to discuss with her a few times when he is free.

"I've had a good life in the past six months. I don't update Moments, mainly because I don't think there's anything to update." Shi Feiyu really had a good life in the first few months of this year.

But three months ago, her situation took a sharp turn for the worse.

Now her life can be described in one word, it is a mess.

"How are you doing, Ah Wei, I brought her here this time because I want you to help her, because she is really in trouble." Xiaobai sat on the other side of Su Wei, Shi Feiyu and Su Wei She could hear Wei's chat clearly.

This time she will call Shi Feiyu over because she wants Su Wei to help.

Now that Su Wei has spoken, he didn't expect Shi Feiyu to still pretend.

"Xiaobai, stop talking, I'm really living a good life now." Of course Shi Feiyu knew that Su Wei must be able to help her.

But this matter is related to her son, how can she tell Su Wei about it.

After all, the two of them are standard enemies.

Su Wei killed his father and grandfather. He is the last bloodline of the Yang Group in the world.

"Why, you're still at odds with me? Our relationship, if I can help, I will definitely help you." Su Wei would say this, but it was actually because he still wanted to sleep with Shi Feiyu again.

After all, her figure and appearance.

It's really the kind of gourmet food that can't be enough after eating once or twice.

"Xiao Yu, don't worry, Ah Wei is definitely capable of helping you, so don't be embarrassed.

That's right, Xiao Yu looks young, but in fact she already has a child, I don't know if you know Ah Wei." Xiao Bai really didn't know that Shi Feiyu was a member of the Yang Group.

She knew Shi Feiyu because they lived in the same community.

When Shi Feiyu's car backed up half a year ago, it hit her car and called her.

Just like this, the two of them became acquainted with each other.

Because they are neighbors, we often make appointments to go shopping and eat together.

"I know about the fact that she has a child, you just need to get to the point." How could Su Wei not know about Shi Feiyu's child.

After all, her child is the last only seedling of the Yang Group.

So Su Wei slept with Shi Feiyu, but he was worried for several days, fearing that she would poison him.

Later, he went for a full-body examination, only to find out that he was scaring himself.

"You know about this matter? Well, this matter is like this. Her son died of poisoning some time ago, and her family property is now taken over by her husband's people. If one is not good, she may going to the streets"

(End of this chapter)

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