Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 515 Heroes Save America

Chapter 515 Heroes Save America
"Director Wang, I heard such a sentence before.

The greatest evil of human nature is to embarrass others to the greatest extent within the scope of one's own power.

Do you think this sentence is suitable for you? "Su Wei didn't know who said this sentence.

But he felt that this sentence really made sense.

There are many people who have a little power and really regard themselves as a superior person.

Just like this Wang Yabo, he took some power and tried his best to make things difficult for ordinary employees in the company.

Su Wei felt that this sentence was very suitable for him.

"President Su, I don't understand what you mean by this sentence." When Wang Yabo heard Su Wei say that he is the worst evil in human nature, he was so frightened that he almost sweated.

He thought he was called here because Su Wei wanted to see him.

Unexpectedly, this coming here turned out to be a Hongmen banquet.

And the boss said very seriously, saying that he is the worst evil in human nature.

"When I was on the phone at the stairs today, I overheard a staff member crying. She wanted to ask for bereavement leave because of her grandmother's death, but she refused on the grounds that she was not an immediate family member. Then she planned to use her annual leave to ask for three Oh my God, I only found out when I returned to the company that you were recorded as absent from work for three days, is this true?" Su Wei thought that he was not a good person.

But he is still human, not a cold-blooded animal.

As a Chinese, it is impossible for him to forget that filial piety comes first.

Even a bad guy knows that his family is his last line.

He didn't expect that there was such an extinct Tianlun in his company.

"I did it for the good of the company, and my grandmother is indeed not an immediate family member. I also made this decision according to the regulations.

In addition, it is the end of the year and everyone is so busy. She asked for three days off, and during these three days, other people will have to work harder, because I will not let her take time off to complete the work she left behind. This is For the good of the company" Wang Yabo didn't feel that other people's family members were dead or not.

All he knew was that grandma was not a direct relative and had no bereavement leave.

Now at the end of the year, he doesn't allow employees to ask for leave at will, so why doesn't the boss know how good he is?

He would blame himself for this matter.

If he changes to another company, he may be rewarded.

"Director Guan, if this employee asked you for leave, what choice would you make?" Su Wei saw that it was at this time, and this Wang Yabo was still quibbling here.

He didn't bother to ask him at all, because he thought he was out of his mind.

Turn around and ask Director Guan, if the employee asks for leave like him, will he approve it.

"If an employee asks for leave from me, I will show my heart and agree to the leave." Everyone is raised by parents, and parents also have parents.

If even grandma's death is not allowed to ask for leave, Director Guan thinks it is very scary.

This Wang Yabo was recruited by him. He didn't expect him to have such a heart.

And this matter was really unbelievable to him.

If he knew about this, he would definitely step over Wang Yabo and give that employee a vacation.

"clap clap"

"Director Guan's answer is what I want to say, Director Wang, although it may not be good to dismiss you at this time, but you are indeed not suitable for working in the company." Su Wei applauded twice after Wang Yabo came in.

The applause for the first time was not for Wang Yabo, but for saying that he is very professional as an HR.

And this second round of applause was for Director Guan himself.

Because he feels that a manager needs to be more humane.

If everyone was like Wang Yabo, it would turn everyone at work into cold-blooded animals.

Now society is very indifferent, he still wants to make this society a little more warm.

"President Su, I don't know what I did wrong in this matter. I followed the laws and regulations." I work in Su Wei's property company, although the company is not big.

But the wages here are really high.

The salary of ordinary employees here is more than 8000, and they also pay five insurances and two funds.

For management like them, the salary is even higher.

He can't guarantee that he will find this kind of job with less work and higher wages after leaving here.

"You said you followed the laws and regulations, so let me ask you, she has annual leave, why didn't you approve it? How dare you say that you acted in accordance with the laws and regulations?" Since there is this annual leave, of course employees can take it whenever they want.

If there are rules and regulations on the age of Hugh, then he will kill the people who approve it.

This is the case with Wang Yabo now, he must get rid of him.

"President Su, I made a mistake in this matter, can you give me another chance?" Wang Yabo originally thought that he was quite reasonable.

After all, all these things he did were for the sake of the company.

Even if the company wanted to fire him, he would have to be compensated.

Because he was in the company and did nothing wrong.

He didn't expect that he would be planted here during the annual leave, which he never expected.

"We are not in the same way, we are destined not to be together, go and resign by yourself, don't let your resume look bad." Su Wei dismissed Wang Yabo this time, and he will not pay him a penny.

If he insists on refusing to leave, or wants to file a lawsuit, that's up to him.

He would rather take 500 million or even 5000 million to fight a lawsuit than let someone like him take advantage of it.

"Mr. Su, I really don't know about this matter, otherwise I will definitely not let this matter happen. I will go to comfort the staff." Director Guan looked at Wang Yabo's back and sighed unconsciously .

Because usually, he thinks that Wang Yabo is quite capable of doing things.

What kind of brain circuit did he manage this time?

Now that Wang Yabo is leaving, he plans to comfort the employee who asked for leave.

Turn her absenteeism into normal bereavement leave, and make up all the year-end bonus.

Instead of the company, I will formally apologize to her and make up a consolation prize.

"I believe you on this point, otherwise Gemini Property would be in the same situation at that time, and everyone would not have followed you without leaving the job."

. . . . . .

Modu Jiaotong University.

"Jiawei, it's amazing to see you put on makeup." Cheng Xinxin and the others came back from the cafeteria in their dormitory.

I saw Li Jiawei, who usually doesn't wear makeup, was seriously putting on makeup at her own table today.

They asked her to do makeup together several times before, but she always said no.

I thought she relied on her beauty, so she never put on makeup.

"Usually I'm in school, whether it's a classroom, a dormitory, or a cafeteria. I don't think it's necessary to put on makeup at three o'clock and one line." Li Jiawei didn't wear makeup seriously before graduating from high school.

She learned to make up, or this summer.

At that time, her elder sister was not so busy. Seeing her go out without makeup every day, she began to teach her how to make up.

Because women wear makeup to date, that is the greatest respect for the date.

"Oh, so that's the case. Then you put on makeup today, are you going on a date? Could it be that Senior Zhou is looking for you for dinner?" During dinner today, they called Li Jiawei.

But what she said at the time was that she had something to do today, so she wouldn't eat with them.

It turned out that there was a date today, so I had to eat in the cafeteria.

"My relationship with Senior Zhou is the same as your relationship with him. They are just schoolmates. I'm not having dinner with him." Tang Qiuyue was talking about Senior Zhou, which gave her a headache.

Because she is in school, there are quite a lot of people chasing her.

The one who caused the most commotion here was Senior Zhou.

But she didn't like the other party, and she made it clear to him, but he never gave up.

"It's not dating Senior Zhou, so who is your date? Are you keeping it a secret from us?" Tang Qiuyue liked Senior Zhou, and fell in love with Senior Zhou on the first day of school.

At that time, her luggage was the dormitory that Senior Zhou helped her deliver.

She really wanted to know if Li Jiawei went on a date with Senior Zhou.

If she competed with Li Jiawei, she would not be sure at all.

"I can't say this, because he is too good, so I won't say it, bye, I'm leaving." Although Li Jiawei and her sister have learned a little makeup skills.

But because of her few paintings, her skills are very average.

But because her face is so pretty, no matter how you look at it, she looks good.

"Tell me, who is Li Jiawei's date? I still doubt it's Senior Zhou. After all, he's so good, and he's handsome, and his family conditions are good." Senior Zhou likes Li Jiawei, and everyone in their dormitory knows that .

Tang Qiuyue also learned about his family when he showed affection to Li Jiawei again and again.

I know that his family is from Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and the family conditions are very good.

And he can play basketball, and the most important thing is that he has eight-pack abs.

"Qiuyue, just because you like Zhou Zhennan doesn't mean that everyone likes him. Zhou Zhennan is excellent, but Jiawei is also excellent, and she is also the school belle of our school. This cultural performance shocked the whole school, except for the poor family conditions. Point" Lin Miaomiao was really speechless for Tang Qiuyue's nympho.

Because of that Zhou Zhennan, she really didn't think it was any good.

Shuai is like that, relying on a little money at home, he has already attracted several senior girls.

Seeing Tang Qiuyue pushing Zhou Zhennan up there made her very upset.

"Jiawei's family conditions are poor? Who said that? Her family conditions are super good, haven't you seen it? She has a box in which she put several sets of Chanel clothes. What she wears out today is a Chanel Yes, I touched it just now, and it is 100% genuine." Meng Jiahui has a little money in her house.

So she has bought and owned luxury goods before.

And Li Jiawei's usual food and clothing expenses, she can tell that the expenses are quite a lot.

Let’s just say that the water she drinks every day is Fiji water, and a bottle costs about 10 yuan.

She really didn't know how Tang Qiuyue, a person who drank Nongfu mountain spring, felt that Li Jiawei's family conditions were mediocre.

"I remembered, Li Jiawei said that her family is in a mountain city, but she will go home every weekend. If she doesn't go to the mountain city, it means that her family has a house in Moyou. Wow, her family is so rich "Tang Qiuyue will feel that Li Jiawei's family conditions are poor, it is because she has talked with her.

Li Jiawei told her herself that her previous school was a high school in a town in Shancheng.

And their house, because it was a wooden house, was set on fire.

Their new house has not yet been built.

The place where they live now is at her eldest sister's house.

"You just know, she still has a car parked in the school, and it's a Mercedes-Benz"

. . . . . .

After Li Jiawei came out of the dormitory, she went straight to the school parking lot.

During the summer vacation, she had already obtained her driver's license.

It's just that she wouldn't drive this car out at school.

As for the money to buy the car, it was given to her by her sister Li Jiawen.

Because she would go to the Kaide Maoming Mansion every week, and this car was used by Li Jiawen for her transportation.

Now she is busy with the business of Baihe Coffee, so she basically doesn't live in the Maoming mansion in Kaide.

Moreover, Yunjin Dongfang's house is about to be renovated, and she will move there directly when the time comes.

As for the Kaide Maoming mansion, she left it to Li Jiawei to live in.


"How do you drive? You have to give way to the car behind you when you change lanes. Your coach didn't teach you?" When Li Jiawei just changed lanes, she collided with someone else's car.

When that person got out of the car, he pointed at Li Jiawei's nose and cursed.

After all, he was a straight car, while Li Jiawei changed lanes.

When going straight and changing lanes collide, it must be the responsibility of changing lanes.

"I just saw it. I changed lanes when there was no car behind." Li Jiawei saw clearly just now, and she only changed lanes when there was no car behind.

She didn't know what was going on, so she changed lanes, and a car collided with her immediately.

She admitted that she was thinking about going on a date just now, so she stepped on the gas pedal a little harder.

But she can guarantee that when she changed lanes, the speed of the car slowed down.

But the rear of her car had already collided firmly with the opponent's car.

"Then what do you mean? It means that I bumped into you on purpose, is that what you mean?" He Zhaofeng became very angry when he heard Li Jiawei's words.

If it weren't for seeing Li Jiawei as a woman, he would have wanted to hit someone.

After hitting his car, this woman even made excuses.

"I didn't say that. Now my car did hit your car. I'll call the insurance company and take my insurance." Li Jiawei didn't blame the other party, but she just felt strange.

Now that she crashes the car, she plans to report to the insurance company.

Anyway, her car was insured for 300 million, and she didn't drink alcohol, so just go to the insurance company.

She can't let this matter affect her date tonight.

"It's easy for you to say, just go with the insurance. Even if my car is repaired by using your insurance, the price of my car will definitely be severely lowered when it's time to sell it. So what about the depreciation fee?" He Zhaofeng looked at When I got out of my car, I found that the right headlight had been cracked.

Moreover, the front of the car on his right was even dented with a large piece.

Of course, this is also because the impact speed is not fast, otherwise the two cars may have to overturn.

It's just that he is definitely not willing to apply for insurance.

Because the insurance company does not recognize the depreciation fee.

"I have been out of insurance several times, but I have never heard of depreciation fees." Li Jiawei's Mercedes-Benz CLA260 is full of scars.

Because she just got her driver's license, Li Jiawen immediately bought her a car.

So her skills are improved through collisions.

She asked the insurance company to pay for other people's cars, and was also paid by other people's insurance companies.

It was really the first time she had heard of this depreciation fee.

"What kind of car did you encounter in the accident before? Of course there is no such fee for a family car, but I am a luxury car. You should recognize the Porsche 911 logo." He Zhaofeng saw that Li Jiawei wanted to hand over the matter to the insurance company , he suddenly became angry.

Because his car is a Porsche 911.

Even if it is repaired, the value of the car will be greatly reduced.

On the other hand, the insurance company doesn't recognize the depreciation fee at all.

"I know this car, but I haven't heard of the depreciation fee. I need to call first and ask." Li Jiawei doesn't know whether there is such a thing as depreciation fee.

So she thought, call Su Wei and ask.

After all, she hardly saw anyone with a luxury car around her.

Although her sister also has a Porsche 911, she is more confused than her.

"If you don't lose money today, don't even think about making this call." Another person in the Porsche 911 ran over to grab the phone at this time.

Because the compensation is not on the table, he will definitely not let her call.

"What are you doing, two men are bullying a little girl, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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