Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 516 What is the damage fee?

Chapter 516 What is the damage fee?
"What are you doing, two men are bullying a little girl, right?" Li Jiawei was surrounded by people soon after her car hit her.

After all, one of the cars involved in the accident was a Porsche and the other a Mercedes.

And the owner of the Mercedes-Benz is a beautiful woman.

When He Zhaofeng and the others were showing off their power there, passersby couldn't stand it anymore.

But they looked at themselves, and at He Zhaofeng's muscular body, they still didn't dare to meddle in their own business.

It's just that they dare not make a move, and those who dare stand up.

"Who cares about you, where did you come out?" He Zhaofeng was usually a grumpy person.

His car was hit today, and he was really angry.

Seeing that someone dared to meddle in other people's business, he immediately started attacking the supporters with obscene words.

"Why don't you care about my business, we know each other, come here to see if there's any problem?" The person who came to borrow Li Jiawei's seat was also very muscular.

It can be seen from the appearance that he must also be a person who exercises regularly.

Otherwise, they wouldn't dare to stand up when everyone dared not stand up.

"Senior Zhou, why are you here?" Li Jiawei originally wanted to call Su Wei, and wanted to ask what the depreciation fee was.

Unexpectedly, the person opposite was so unreasonable, and her mobile phone was almost robbed.

Now that she is a little girl facing this situation, she is really a little scared.

At this time, someone stood up and reprimanded the other party for his behavior. When she looked back, it turned out that this person was Zhou Zhennan.

"My friend and I came here for dinner, and saw that the back next to the car accident looked like you, so we came over to have a look, but I didn't expect it to be you. Is this your car?" Zhou Zhennan went out to eat with the people in the dormitory today. Imagine encountering a car accident on the road.

Thinking there was nothing to do, I asked the people in the dormitory to get out of the car and watch the fun together.

I didn't expect that the female car owner who happened to see the crash was Li Jiawei, and the other side was aggressive, so he must have shot.

After all, he has always liked Li Jiawei, he fell in love with her the first time he saw her.

"Yes, this is my car. I accidentally ran into their car just now." Li Jiawei still felt a little strange about hitting someone else's car.

Because she really has a conscience, she looked in the left rearview mirror when changing lanes.

Who knew that when she turned her head, a Porsche 911 appeared.

And being known by her alumni, she felt very ashamed.

"Li Jiawei, don't worry, with us here today, no one can bully you." Zhou Zhennan likes to play basketball, although he is not on the school team.

But that was only because he didn't like being controlled, so he didn't go.

And his roommate is from Zheng'er Bajing school team.

Because both of them like playing basketball, the relationship will be better.

When I came out for dinner this time, I didn't call the other two roommates.

"You know her, right? That's just right. My car was hit by her just now. You are so good, why don't you give her the money?" He Zhaofeng saw the two people who came out from behind, both over 185 strong man.

His strong figure, in front of them, can only be regarded as average.

So at this time, he didn't continue to say those dirty words, but just talked about money.

"Why should I give you money? I bought full insurance, just report for insurance." Li Jiawei didn't plan to pay for this depreciation fee.

Because she had so many accidents, she had never heard of this thing.

Her new car was hit by someone, and it just had to be fixed by the other party.

And she has insurance, she wants to hear what the insurance company has to say.

"Aren't you a woman who doesn't understand? I've already said that if you apply for insurance, even if my car is repaired, it will depreciate in value, so of course you have to compensate me for the loss." The person who buys a sports car is I love changing cars.

What they are most worried about is an accident with the car in their hands.

Because in this case, if they want to sell this car, it will be much cheaper than normal cars.

They used to take the money from selling the car, and they could exchange it for a different sports car with a little sticker, but now they can't do it with a little sticker.

"We also understand depreciation, but we are students, can the money be less?" Zhou Zhennan heard that the other party asked for depreciation fees, and looked at the other party's car, which was a Porsche 911.

He can still understand the depreciation fee for such a car, after all, the other party is a sports car with millions of dollars.

Although it is not as expensive as his Audi R8, it is still considered a luxury car.

At this time, Zhou Zhennan started to play the sympathy card for the opponent.

Thinking about his status as a student, can he make it cheaper for the other party.

"Students? Are all the students so rich now? Everyone can drive a luxury car to school, and I don't want too much. 15 is no problem." He Zhaofeng looked at the car that hit him, and then looked at the little man young car.

Then he reported 15, because he knew they would definitely be able to get it.

Even if you can't get it out, the big deal is to sell the car, and it will cost more than 15.

"Damn it, the depreciation fee is so expensive, you might as well grab it." Zhou Zhennan and his roommate were shocked when they heard the 15 yuan.

Because the 15 is just a depreciation fee.

As for the cost of repairing the car, there is a high probability that the insurance company will pay for it.

That's why he blurted out, saying that the other party was more than robbing.

"It's okay if you don't give it. At worst, we will call the police. When the news of going to the police station reaches your school, and the rumors cause the school to drop out, then no wonder we are there." After He Zhaofeng's younger brother knew that the other party was a student, he was overjoyed .

Because of this identity, it is simply a door-to-door handle.

Knowing that they are students, if she doesn't pay, then he has too many ways to get them.

The simplest point is to ruin your reputation.

"Then you should call the police. I don't believe what will happen if you go to the police station." Li Jiawei saw that the other party was such a rascal, so she didn't want to talk about it.

After all, she did nothing wrong in this matter.

As for having a car accident, isn't that a very normal thing.

Who can guarantee that he will drive for a lifetime, and nothing will happen.

"Don't, don't, it's meaningless to call the police on this matter. Let's chat for a while, and I will give you an answer later." Zhou Zhennan heard the other party say that he wanted to call the police.

Hurry up to dissuade him, for fear that he will really call the police.

If you go to the police station, it may really be a big deal.

"Then you better hurry up, or if we call the police and let the police station handle it, then this matter will be serious." Seeing that they were afraid of calling the police, He Zhaofeng felt confident.

What he is most afraid of is the kind of stunned young man who is not afraid of anything.

After all, even if he really called the police, he would not be able to get the money.

"Jiawei, you are too impulsive. We are all students at school. No matter what the reason for this matter is, the public opinion is definitely against us, so my suggestion is that we pay for the depreciation of this money." Zhou Zhennan pulled Li Jiawei aside, and then began to reason with her.

They are now college students, which is actually very controversial.

If you really make trouble at the police station, you will make trouble on the Internet.

At that time, they don't know what the public opinion will become.

So what he meant was that he took out the 15 yuan.

"Really? They want 15, and we are all students, so how can we get so much money?" Zhou Zhennan's roommate is an ordinary person.

His monthly living expenses are only 3500 a month.

The figure of 15 can be used as his living expenses for three years.

"I still have some money here, Jiawei, I will pay for this money for you, and I will pay it back when you have money in the future." Zhou Zhennan's family is in business.

Therefore, in terms of living conditions, they are basically far superior to those of their peers.

When he entered school in his freshman year, he still drove a BMW 4 Series.

When I was a sophomore, I immediately changed to this Audi R8.

It can only be regarded as a little difficult to get the 15 out.

"No need, I can pay the money myself." Although Li Jiawei usually ate in the cafeteria with the people in the dormitory.

But that doesn't mean she doesn't have money.

Her sister gave her tens of thousands of yuan every month, but she didn't use it, so she saved it all.

Now that this happened, she planned to take the money out and give it to the other party.

"Jiawei, don't be polite to me. The 15 yuan is really nothing to me." Although Zhou Zhennan has not started a business now, he is indeed rich.

After all, he can get hundreds of thousands of money every year just for the new year's money.

In addition, his parents will give him money every month, so he now has about 40.

And if he can give the money to Li Jiawei, then he will definitely be able to get closer to Li Jiawei.

"Yeah, Old Tang is so rich, 15 is really not much for him. If you are worried about paying it back, then if you treat him to dinner today, he may not want you to pay it back." Zhou Zhennan liked it There are many people who know about Li Jiawei.

As Zhou Zhennan's roommate and good friend, he knows that he is a good brother, and now liking Li Jiawei is going to be crazy.

And since he said he would take out 15 yuan, he definitely never thought about asking Li Jiawei to pay it back.

That's why he said, just ask Li Jiawei to treat Zhou Zhennan to a meal.

"It's really unnecessary. I still have 15 yuan here. If I want to eat, I have an appointment today. I'm really sorry." Li Jiawei knows that the free one is the most expensive.

And if she is really short of money, she can still call her sister.

Her sister can't help her, but she can still call Su Wei.

So she could only appreciate Zhou Zhennan's kindness, but she really couldn't accept it.

Because she doesn't like Zhou Zhennan, she won't use her money.

The most important thing is that she has an appointment with Su Wei for dinner today, she can't be dragged here for a long time.

As for the 15 yuan, although it was a lot of money, in her heart, it was not as important as having dinner with Su Wei.

"Old Tang, it seems that Li Jiawei is a bit difficult to chase, but she is so beautiful and has money at home, so this situation is normal."

. . . . . .

"Let's talk about it, what are you going to do with this depreciation fee?" He Zhaofeng saw that the group of them came over, and knew that it should be a deal.

After all, they are just some students, so they must be obedient after being so frightened.

He has already decided to take the money and go to Caesar to spend it tonight.

One girl is not enough, he wants one to beat two tonight.

"The chat is over, you report the bank card number to me, and I will transfer the money to you now." Because of this money, Li Jiawei planned to pay by herself.

So she didn't wait for Zhou Zhennan to speak, and directly took up the conversation herself.

Ask him to give her the bank card number, and she wants to transfer the money immediately.

After all, it has been several minutes now, and she hasn't even called the insurance company yet.

Now she just wants to get this matter over quickly and go on a date.

"You transferred my money? Do you have so much money?" He Zhaofeng originally thought that the kid who drove the R8 would give the money.

After all, it can be seen from his appearance that his family must be rich, and he should be a rich second generation.

Now that he looks like this, he obviously wants to please the girl.

But now it's the girl who gave the money, so he doesn't know what the operation is.

Why is this plot different from what he thought, and is this girl rich?

"If I can't get the money back, then you can call the police. I don't really want to pay the lost money." If it wasn't for her today, Li Jiawei would definitely not pay the money.

After all, her family's conditions were very poor before, and she couldn't make so much money in a year.

She hasn't developed the habit of being extravagant, otherwise she wouldn't be able to eat in the cafeteria every day.

It also made the people in the dormitory misunderstand that she should have no money on her.

"I said there was someone whose back looked like you, so it was really you." Su Wei went to the company today to deal with the annual meeting and Wang Yabo's matter.

Originally, I was thinking that I would pick up Li Jiawei for dinner tonight.

In the end, Lu Lingyue came to her and chatted with her about the company for a long time.

That's why he asked Li Jiawei to go to the restaurant he had reserved by herself.

"Brother-in-law? Why are you here?" After Li Jiawei got He Zhaofeng's card number, she planned to transfer money on the spot.

Unexpectedly, Su Wei's sudden appearance surprised her.

After all, the last time the two met was half a year ago.

Originally, she was still waiting for Su Wei to take her to Disneyland.

Unexpectedly, after Su Wei went to the United States, he went there for half a year.

On the way, he contacted her and asked her to go to the United States, after all, there is Disney there.

Unexpectedly, her passport could not be obtained no matter what.

"You two cars blocked half of the road. I have to pass by here to go to the restaurant. Why, the car crashed?" Su Wei also passed by here when he was going to the Bund.

Li Jiawei and the others had already blocked half of the road because of the collision.

Su Wei's car was left tens of meters away, and he walked over by himself.

"When I changed lanes just now, I accidentally ran into his car." Li Jiawei told Su Wei what happened just now.

It's just that the content this time is not like that with Zhou Zhennan, just a rough outline.

This time, the content is much more detailed.

"Then you are called insurance, did you call the traffic police?" Su Wei was not interested in knowing the result of this kind of car crash.

Anyway, there is insurance, as long as the traffic police determine the responsibility, the car repair will be over.

As for the premium increase in the second year after the insurance is out, how much money can be increased, as long as the person is fine.

"Miss, what do you mean? I talked to those two men before, and now I have to pay. You have found another man to come over. Are you going to pay me for the damage of the car?" At this time, He Zhaofeng spoke a little maliciously.

Because what he said portrayed the normal alumni relationship between Li Jiawei and Zhou Zhennan as ambiguous.

He heard Li Jiawei call this man's brother-in-law, and he didn't know what he meant.

"The damage fee for your car, I will give it if I say so, please keep your mouth clean." Li Jiawei, who was a social phobic person half a year ago.

The current Li Jiawei is actually not much better.

It became like this, in fact, because Su Wei was by his side, she knew that Su Wei would definitely be able to handle this matter,

"Wait, damage fee? What is that? Why haven't I heard of it?"

(End of this chapter)

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