Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 517 I'll Beat You Hard

Chapter 517 I'll Beat You Hard

"Wait, damage fee? What is that? Why haven't I heard of it?" Su Wei didn't know the details because he just came here.

At this time, I heard Li Jiawei say that she planned to transfer the old fee to the opposite party.

He thought about it for a long time, but he didn't know that there was a depreciation fee.

So he took Li Jiawei's cell phone, preventing her from transferring the money.

"Who are you, you need to know everything? There are so many things in this world that you don't know." He Zhaofeng looked at the person who came from behind, he was very upset.

Because his expression was too arrogant, it made him want to beat him up.

The passers-by around them were all taking pictures with their mobile phones.

Although he didn't know what they were excited about there, he definitely didn't dare to do it.

"Brother-in-law, he said that his car is a luxury car, so there is a depreciation fee, and he doesn't allow me to report for insurance." In fact, Li Jiawei is also baffled by the depreciation fee.

Seeing Su Wei now is also very puzzled, so she is already wondering if she has been blackmailed.

It's just her Senior Zhou, doesn't he know it too?
But she didn't think much about it. Anyway, her brother-in-law is here, so she can just leave this matter to him.

"I laughed so angry, how much depreciation fee did he ask you to pay?" At this time, Su Wei really wanted to teach the other party a lesson.

The trick of extortion has actually been played on the people around him.

It's just that there are so many people who know him now, if he does it.

At that time, it will definitely spread wildly on the Internet, so he endured it for the time being.

"I asked her to pay 15 yuan in damages. After all, my car is a Porsche 911, so it doesn't count as cheating on you." When He Zhaofeng heard Su Wei ask Li Jiawei, he rushed to answer the question.

He pointed to his own Porsche logo to let the other party see it clearly.

My own car is a real sports car.

"Your car is indeed a Porsche 911? But it feels like a 911 from ten years ago, and it doesn't have an S, which is the basic version. The current second-hand market price can only reach 30. How dare you Said the depreciation fee of 15." When Su Wei came, he had already seen the other party's car.

Although the Porsche 911 is a car, the shell has been passed down from decades ago.

But every time the model is changed, there will be a little small change.

Su Wei said that this car was from 10 years ago. Although he was wrong, it was not outrageous.

"This is an old 911, no wonder I think this car is weird." When Li Jiawei saw this 911, she felt that this car was weird.

Because there is still a little difference between this car and her sister's car.

At first she thought it was because this was a regular version, while her sister's Porsche 911 was a TS.

Unexpectedly, this Porsche 911 turned out to be a super old car.

"What are you talking about? Who said this is an old 911. I only bought it for half a year, okay? Are you going to pay or not? You want to make a fuss about this on the Internet, right?" He Zhaofeng's car is indeed a car. old style.

The price he received half a year ago was around one hundred thousand.

It is so cheap, mainly because the car has been overhauled before and soaked in water.

Now being pointed out by Su Wei, he couldn't hold back anymore.

"It's up to you. Anyway, we can't pay the depreciation fee for your car." Su Wei would only pay this depreciation fee unless he was a fool.

Don't say that this is a worthless old 911, even if this car is a Porsche 918, he doesn't have any depreciation fees.

Because the car is for driving, if you treasure it so much, then you should put it in the garage and not come out.

Otherwise, as long as they are on the road, after an accident, the owner of the car will become a vanguard of blackmail.

"She just said that she would give money. If you don't pay me now, you're playing tricks on me, you really think I have no temper." He Zhaofeng had already thought about how to be happy after getting the money tonight.

Unexpectedly, when the transferee came later, they would not pay the depreciation fee directly.

He saw that Su Wei was only 1.7 meters tall, and He Zhaofeng was very confident.

Because although his height is not as tall as Zhou Zhennan and the others, he is also 1.8 meters tall.

So when he spoke, he was very arrogant, as if he would fight if he couldn't say anything.

"I don't know if you have a temper, but I made it clear today that I'm playing tricks on you. What can you do?" There were always bodyguards around Su Wei.

It's just that they were always in the crowd before.

Seeing that the other party was about to lose his temper, the bodyguards quickly stood behind Su Wei.

"You, don't think that I'm afraid of you because there are so many of you. You hit my car, and I'm the victim." He Zhaofeng didn't expect that the other party had bodyguards.

And not one, but a group of bodyguards.

It seems that the other party's backing is likely to be a big shot.

At this time, he didn't dare to say any dirty words.

Knowing that he is today, he may have kicked the iron board.

"Whether you are a victim or not, it doesn't matter what you say, only the police can clear you up." Su Wei originally thought that no matter what the situation was, just report to the insurance.

But now that this person is talking about damages, then he plans to have fun with him.

Anyway, there are surveillance cameras all around, so you can definitely check exactly how the car crashed.

Moreover, he opened his mouth for 15 yuan, so he has been suspected of extortion.

"Brother-in-law, you are great, I knew you were here, so this matter will be fine." After seeing Su Wei coming over, Li Jiawei resolved the matter in two or three steps.

She held Su Wei's hand, with an expression like that.

"The next time something like this happens, remember to call me as soon as possible, and don't get out of the car." Su Wei also felt scared about what happened today.

Because the person opposite is obviously that kind of garbage person.

If something really happened to Li Jiawei, it would be useless to teach these two people a lesson afterward.

So the best way is to sit in the car and wait for the traffic police to come.

"Didn't I just think about it? I'm in the urban area now, so I got out of the car because I was afraid. Hey, why did my two alumni disappear? Originally, I wanted to introduce you. After all, the situation just now, Fortunately, they were there." Li Jiawei would get off the car, mainly because this is an urban area.

If it was a suburb, or a place with few people, she would definitely not get out of the car.

It's just that who knew that the other party would dare to blackmail her in the presence of so many people.

At this time, she turned around and wanted to find Zhou Zhennan and the others, after all, they had just rescued her.

It's just that at this time, they can't be found no matter what.

"They may have something to do. They saw me coming, so let's go first."

. . . . . .

After Su Wei took Li Jiawei away for a while, the insurance company and the traffic police came over.

They came together with the police from the police station.

Lao Liu immediately told them what he knew.

Soon He Zhaofeng, Lao Liu, and the two cars were dragged to the police station.

"Brother-in-law, are we dating now?" Li Jiawei's car was all handed over to Lao Liu.

So at this time, she followed Su Wei to a Japanese restaurant.

Looking out through the glass of this store, you can clearly see the scene of the Bund.

Li Jiawei had fantasized about today's scene many times in her dreams.

But this is the first time that two people actually eat alone.

"Of course, I know what you're worried about. Don't worry, I'll take care of everything." After eating a few chopsticks, Su Wei didn't move much.

Because he is not interested in Japanese food.

This time I came back to eat, mainly because he and Li Jiawei were on a first date.

A place like a Japanese food store will look a little more romantic.

"But there are so many people taking pictures today, I'm still afraid that my sister will know." There really shouldn't be too many people taking pictures today.

He Zhaofeng probably thought that those passers-by were taking pictures of traffic accidents.

But Li Jiawei knew that those people were taking pictures of her and Su Wei.

Especially for Su Wei, she is just incidental.

If these photos are spread on the Internet, if her sister finds out by then, she will not know how to face her elder sister.

"Then you lie to her, or tell her the truth, you like me." In fact, he believed that Li Jiawen should have noticed about Su Wei and Li Jiawei.

After all, Li Jiawei is a little girl, and she doesn't know how to hide her thoughts.

It's perfectly normal for Li Jiawen to see through.

Su Wei also wanted Li Jiawei to test Li Jiawen and see her attitude towards this matter.

"You can't tell Eldest Sister that, or she will definitely hate me. Let's not talk about it, brother-in-law, what are we waiting for?" It is absolutely impossible to talk about this with Li Jiawen.

After all, she was shameless as a third party.

And the person who intervened turned out to be his brother-in-law.

If this incident is exposed, she may be kicked out of the house by her parents.

Thinking of this result, Li Jiawei shook her head quickly, trying to get all bad thoughts out of her mind.

"Can you play video games? How about we go to the video game city? I haven't been there for a long time." If Su Wei used to be, he might have taken Li Jiawei to the movies.

But as Su Wei, who has had so many girlfriends, he definitely won't go to the movies.

After all, in the movie theater, there is far no other project that can enhance feelings.

Such as secret room, video game city, archery hall, and go kart driving.

Among so many projects, he chose the video game city mainly because the video game city is downstairs.

"Playing video games? But I'm not very good at it, I've never been there before." Li Jiawei originally thought that Su Wei would take her to the movies.

After all, dating between couples is all about going to the movies.

Although she has never been in love, she always plays like this in movies.

Hearing that Su Wei said that he was going to the video game city, she realized that she wanted to go here even more.

Because of this place, she has never been to it, and it is full of novelty for her.

"I haven't been there before, that's just right, let's go, there is a video game store downstairs"

. . . . . .

Huangpu Police Station.

"Mouse, are you hungry? Let's go eat." He Zhaofeng was arrested at that time, and the police station immediately began to investigate his car accident.

As a result, the car crashed because he was driving too fast.

But the Mercedes-Benz didn't always look at the rearview mirror, so they each paid [-] bucks and reported their own insurance to repair their own cars.

In fact, he almost couldn't get out.

Because of his actions, he could have committed extortion.

I just don't know why, but at the last moment, the other party didn't plan to pursue it.

"Brother, where are we going to eat now? It's really unlucky today, I almost got 15." At this time, the mouse was still regretting that he didn't get the 15.

If the man in the back hadn't come, they would have been able to get the 15 without a hitch.

With this money, he can eat and drink hot food with his elder brother.

Now I haven't got the money, and I have been in the police station for several hours.

"You almost got 15. You should be lucky that you didn't get this money." The person who said this turned out to be Zhou Zhennan.

He heard that it was a pity that the mouse didn't get the 15, and he was really speechless towards him.

After all, if they took the money, it would be hard for them to get away.

"Why are you here? You're not here to wait for us, you plan to teach us a lesson, let me tell you, this is the gate of the police station, brother, right?" The mouse didn't expect it, and just said something on the side of the road.

Parked next to a Land Rover, a tall one got off.

He took a closer look and found that it was the young man who started to help that woman out today.

It was obvious at a glance that he waited here for a while, and the mouse thought that Zhou Zhennan was here to trouble them.

"Young Master Zhou, you shouldn't have talked about today's incident. The plot is different from what we agreed upon." It turned out that today's incident was completely a drama.

Some car hit someone, Zhou Zhennan stepped forward.

It turned out that it was the two of them who had already designed it before.

It's just that He Zhaofeng didn't expect that the plot was completely different from what they imagined.

He was almost going to jail.

"I didn't expect that the girl I like would be Su Wei's brother-in-law. I'm really sorry today, don't worry, I will fix the car." At the beginning, Zhou Zhennan thought that Li Jiawei's family had some money.

He followed her by car and found that she lived in the Maoming mansion in Kaide.

Knowing that money alone won't impress Li Jiawei.

So I teamed up with He Zhaofeng to perform such a play.

When he saw that Su Wei was Li Jiawei's brother-in-law, he was dumbfounded. When he came back to his senses, he ran away with his roommate.

When He Zhaofeng was arrested, he quickly changed his car and ran to the police station to find out what was true.

I was afraid that He Zhaofeng would tell about their conspiracy, but luckily he didn't say anything.

"Brother, do you know each other?" Mouse didn't expect that his elder brother knew this student cub.

No wonder when they asked him, they thought their question was very strange.

He was only scared for a while at this time, fortunately he didn't know about this, otherwise he would definitely have done everything just now.

"Of course I know each other, otherwise how could it be such a coincidence that my technology could be bumped into by someone?" Originally, today's script was that they collided with Li Jiawei.

Then Li Jiawei was asked to lose money, but Li Jiawei had no money to pay, and then Zhou Zhennan came to be the one who was taken advantage of.

It's just that who knew that the other party was so rich that he didn't need Zhou Zhennan's money at all, and her brother-in-law was even more awesome.

After he found out who the other party was at the police station, his feet went limp.

"Get in the car, I'll treat you today, how about going to Kaiser, let you two go to the fire in your heart" Although He Zhaofeng didn't manage this matter well today.

But this matter cannot be blamed on him.

And even though Zhou Zhennan repaired his car, he must be upset.

So Zhou Zhennan planned to ask a few more girls to accompany He Zhaofeng tonight.

"That's about the same, Young Master Zhou. If you really catch up with that girl, then you will be developed. Her brother-in-law is Su Wei. Don't forget brother." When He Zhaofeng started, he really thought it was Zhou Zhennan. pitted.

Although he said now, he himself didn't know.

But the one who suffers, after all, is he, not Zhou Zhennan.

Now that he was going to take the two of himself to Caesar, He Zhaofeng didn't continue to show his face.

"Hahaha, don't worry, when I really develop, I will definitely not forget you." Today's incident, although not so perfect.

Between him and Li Jiawei, they couldn't have dinner together today.

But he thought what happened today would definitely leave an impression on Li Jiawei.

If he could catch up with Su Wei through Li Jiawei, his life would simply take off in a straight line.


"Damn it, whoever hit my car is looking for death!" Zhou Zhennan drove into an alley and was hit from behind.

Relying on his height and strength, he got out of the car to see the situation.

Seeing that it was just an Audi Q7, he was full of disdain.

"Hehe, isn't this Miss Li's alumni? It turned out to be a heroic rescue show directed by you." Li Qiang came out of the police station early.

Originally, what he meant was to make He Zhaofeng suffer from extortion.

Even if he didn't succeed in extortion, but because the amount was too large, he would still have to go to jail for a year.

It's just that Su Wei didn't expect Su Wei to call and told him not to lock him in, just give him a good beating.

He waited at the door for a long time before he realized that they got into someone else's car.

In this small alley, he drove the car and hit the car hard.

Unexpectedly, he was in that car and saw that boy who was a pro for Li Jiawei.

At this time, he didn't know what was going on.

"Brother, I really didn't know that Li Jiawei was Young Master Su's younger sister. In this case, I will pay for her car, and I will pay her for a new car." After Zhou Zhennan got out of the car and saw the person clearly, he was completely dumbfounded.

Because this person turned out to be Su Wei's bodyguard.

At this time, he really wanted to kneel down to Li Qiang.

How could it be such a coincidence that Su Wei's bodyguard found him with He Zhaofeng.

It's all right now, the relationship between him and Li Jiawei will never be played again.

"You don't have to pay for the money, Mr. Su has explained, let us beat you hard"

(End of this chapter)

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