Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 518 My Woman's Standard Equipment

The next day.

Su Wei's incident yesterday was quickly published on the Internet.

Especially when he pointed out the other party's Porsche 911, which was an old cheap one.

At this time, many people know that the appearance of the Porsche 911 is actually the same.

After that, it led to many girls, and their impression of the 911 was not so good.

Because they are afraid of chasing after their son-in-law, who is just pretending to be a dick who buys old cheap goods.

Tang Qiuyue lay prone on the seat, looking at Li Jiawei who was listening to the class seriously.

She has been in this position for two classes.

Originally, she was supposed to sit with Li Jiawei and Lin Miaomiao, but she insisted on sitting in the back alone.

Because she felt that Li Jiawei went on a date with Zhou Zhennan last night.

Cheng Xinxin pushed Tang Qiuyue at this time, and then handed her her mobile phone, "Qiuyue, you like Senior Zhou, I heard that he dropped out of school."

"No way, is this news true or not?" Tang Qiuyue saw the phone that Cheng Xinxin handed over, and she was dumbfounded after seeing it.

Because what Cheng Xinxin showed her was a chat message in a group.

People in this group said that Zhou Zhennan had dropped out of school.

"Of course it's true. You forgot my identity at school. This is the chat group of the student union. You are gone, and you plan to continue to make trouble with Li Jiawei. She knows Su Wei." Cheng Xinxin's identity , is the student union of the school.

In their dormitory, they only often go to the student union.

In addition, she looks good, so it is easy to join the student union.

She was in the dormitory and had the best relationship with Tang Qiuyue.

So after getting the news from Zhou Zhennan, I immediately told Tang Qiuyue.

Tang Qiuyue also knew that there was something wrong with her black face for no reason.

But who asked her to see the news on the Internet, and she also saw Zhou Zhennan in it.

Although Li Jiawei told her that Zhou Zhennan came to help her out because of her car accident.

But when she had a car accident, Zhou Zhennan arrived right away. How could this prevent her from thinking, "When did I have a bad face with Li Jiawei? I just don't feel well today, so I don't want to sit in front, lest the teacher see it."

If Zhou Zhennan was still in school, she definitely wouldn't just let it go.

But now that Zhou Zhennan has left the school, her relationship with Li Jiawei has naturally recovered.

The relationship between girls is so strange.

. . . . . .

After Su Wei woke up, he touched his side.

After touching the other side, it was icy cold, and it was only then that I remembered that he slept alone yesterday.

He didn't eat Li Jiawei last night, it wasn't because Su Wei wanted to play something hesitant to talk.

It was because of Li Jiawei's aunt who happened to be here during this period of time.

I took my phone to check the time and found that it was only after 11:[-] noon.

Putting on her pajamas and going outside, she found that Zhang Ruoyu had already come.

I saw her holding a computer on the terrace, typing away.

She didn't even notice that he came out of the room.

Su Wei walked in front of her and covered her eyes, "Guess who I am, there will be a reward for guessing right".

Zhang Ruoyu woke up very early today.

It's not what she wants, because she usually sleeps until around 10 before getting up.

After all, following Su Wei, the boss, he only gets up in the afternoon and is still full of energy in the early morning.

But her mother forced her to scream, and she couldn't help it.

When she came to Gubei No. [-] at nine o'clock in the morning, she saw that Su Wei was still sleeping, so she could only stay in the living room and chat with the aunts.

At this time, I received a call from the cooperating law firm, saying that the transaction with SOHO Huaxia had been completed, and the land in Xuhui belonged to them.

She took out her portable computer and found that the owner of the land household had indeed changed now.

From SOHO Huaxia, it has become Baihe International Media.

I was just happy to complete this transaction by myself, when I found that my eyes were blindfolded.

Then behind him, Su Wei deliberately lowered his voice and said, "I guess it can't be my boss, but this voice doesn't sound like it, so I have to smell it to find out."

Then she breathed hard, as if she really wanted to find out who the owner of the smell was.

Su Wei looked at her approaching mouth, and couldn't help giving her a kiss, "Congratulations, you guessed it right, this is your reward."

Zhang Ruoyu never expected that she would be secretly kissed.

The relationship between her and Su Wei is that both of them understand each other's intentions, but they just don't make it clear.

So when Zhang Ruoyu was kissed, she was taken aback.

Because in this house, not only she and Su Wei are there, but also many aunts.

If they talk too much, it will be difficult for Wang Xiaoyuan to do it.

Guilty looked outside, and found that no aunt came over, "Mr. Su, the law firm called me just now, saying that the transfer of the land in Xuhui has been completed."

Su Wei looked at the webpage opened by Zhang Ruoyu, it did say Baihe International Media, and indeed a new piece of land was added today.

Baihe International Media is not Baihe Media in China, but the parent company of Baihe Media, Baihe International Media in Hollywood.

This time, Su Wei bought the land in the name of Baihe International Media.

Because Hollywood companies can avoid a lot of troubles in China.

Thinking of his new home in the future, he was really looking forward to it, "Then let's go there after lunch and have a look. I haven't been to the scene yet."

Zhang Ruoyu thought that the aunt in the house didn't see her and Su Wei's little actions.

In fact, the nannies are well aware of the relationship between the two of them.

It's just that Su Wei is their boss, so they just pretend that they can't see it.

. . . . . .

This time Su Wei came back to Shanghai for two days, and he really didn't go to the scene.

But Zhang Ruoyu is not like this. She took a break yesterday to visit the land.

So when today passed, the two of them were driving a Rolls-Royce Phantom.

When Zhang Ruoyu saw that the land ahead was the one she bought, she was still a little apprehensive.

After all, Su Wei will buy this land this time, and she occupies a large proportion of it.

Because when she recommended it, she recommended this land to Geely.

If Su Wei arrived at the scene and found that she didn't like it, she would be dumbfounded.

It's just that when she has an extra pair of hands on her leg, she knows that her worry is unnecessary. "President Su, the camera is high-definition now, so you are not afraid that our current behavior will be posted on the Internet?"

"If you really want to post it on the Internet, will you be happier?" Su Wei actually wanted to eat Zhang Ruoyu all the time.

After all, such a big beauty still walks by her side every day.

It's just that he was in the United States at that time, and Zhang Ruoyu lived in his house in Bel Air.

If he really ate her, then Wang Xiaoyuan would definitely know about it.

So he forcibly held back at that time, who knew that this forbearance, he has endured until now.

"I don't have such an idea. The front is our destination this time. Mr. Su, are you satisfied with this place?" Zhang Ruoyu's affair with her and Su Wei was exposed, so she really wished for it.

After all, because she often followed Su Wei, many media wrote her as Su Wei's girlfriend.

When she saw this kind of report, she felt as if she had eaten honey.

For those who clarified that she was only an assistant, she felt that those media were meddling.

She just didn't want to be touched by Su Wei on the leg, after all, she wanted face.

Zhang Ruoyu parked the car at the entrance of the construction site, and Su Wei waited until the car had just stopped, and then got out of the car immediately.

The location of the land in front of me can only be said to be good or bad in Xuhui as a whole.

Of course, if it was really that kind of top location, it would be impossible for SOHO Huaxia to sell it at a lower price.

There are simply not too many people who want to rush to get the land.

"Boss Su, what do you think of this land? Do you think it's not enough privacy?" Zhang Ruoyu looked at Su Wei and the land in front of her without saying a word. She was really flustered.

Because she looked at the land herself, the location was quite ordinary.

In Xuhui as a whole, it can only be said that it is neither good nor bad.

The most important thing is that there are high-rise buildings next to it.

They look down from the upper floors and inevitably see what's going on inside the house.

"I think this land is not bad. When the time comes, plant all the trees around it. If it's inside, build a big villa at that time. Just build it according to the standards of my house in Montana." Su Wei said to the land, that is Very satisfied.

Because compared with Gubei No. [-], the location of this land is much better.

As for the lack of privacy, it is almost the same unless you live in Sheshan.

But on Sheshan, Su Wei would definitely not buy a house there, life is too inconvenient.

Here in China, unlike the United States, there is no need to deliberately learn from the United States that the rich live in the suburbs.

The rich people over there live in the suburbs, but in fact, many of them have no choice but to do so.

After all, those homeless people in the United States have already occupied the urban area, resulting in the poor law and order in the urban area.

It's just because they don't have the money to buy a car, so it's safer to live in the suburbs.

After Su Wei finished speaking, he began to measure his future home in Shanghai with his feet.

Zhang Ruoyu heard Su Wei say that he planned to build this place into a house like his in Montana, USA.

She recalled that house in Montana, it was really the best looking and feeling house she had ever seen.

In front of that house, the White House in the United States is almost like a house in a slum area. "Then we can invite that designer to design the house, and we may also let him design the yard together."

"Then I'll leave this matter to you, after walking around like this, I'm a little sweaty.

Didn't I tell you that today you go to work and I want to give you a surprise?"

"Surprise? What kind of surprise?" Zhang Ruoyu firmly remembered what Zhang Ruoyu said to Su Wei.

It's just that she stayed with Su Wei for a few hours today, and Su Wei didn't say anything. She thought he forgot.

If you really forgot, you can only tell her when he remembers it.

Su Wei has always wanted to give Zhang Ruoyu a gift, after all, she is willing to accompany him to live abroad.

At that time, many people thought that Su Wei must be doomed.

But Zhang Ruoyu was able to never leave, which really moved him very much.

So his gift was actually decided after a long time of choosing, "When you get to the place, you will know, come with me".

Su Wei's gift will definitely not be known until she arrives at the place.

Now that I know, what surprises can there be?

He took her hand and returned to the Rolls Royce.

When I came here before, Zhang Ruoyu drove the car, but now Su Wei is driving.

. . . . . .

"Boss Su, is the place we're going now, Huangpu Bay, Greentown?" Zhang Ruoyu is a native of Shanghai, and his family still works at work.

She knows all the mansions in the devil's capital.

The house in Huangpu Bay, Greentown, was built to challenge Tomson Yipin from the beginning of construction.

Although Zhang Ruoyu's family couldn't afford it, some relatives bought a house here.

After those people bought the house, she clearly remembered the proud look.

"Yes, it's Huangpu Bay, Greentown. I was still in the United States when I handed over the house, so this is my first time here. I'll give you the key. You can open the door." Su Wei parked the car in his parking space, and took Zhang Ruoyu came to the elevator entrance of Building 7.

After taking the elevator to the 27th floor, he handed over the door key to Zhang Ruoyu and asked her to open the door.

Because he brought Zhang Ruoyu here this time to give her the house.

Since it will be Zhang Ruoyu's house in the future, it is of course the most appropriate to let her open the door.

"Boss Su? The gift you are going to give me is not this house, is it?" Actually, when Zhang Ruoyu was brought to Huangpu Bay, Green City by Su Wei, she vaguely knew what gift Su Wei was going to give her.

After all, as Su Wei's assistant, she already knew about this house.

Just the value of this gift, although it may be very high.

But in her heart, she was not that happy.

"Do you like it or not, I think the location of this house is better than that of Cuihu Tiandi, especially its apartment type, which is even more impressive than that of Cuihu Tiandi." After the door opened, Su Wei walked into this house.

After he visited the house, he felt that the house was really nice.

Looking out from the kitchen and living room, you can directly see the three-piece Lujiazui.

Compared with the strange house type of Cuihu Tiandi, he thinks it's not too good here.

Sure enough, it is worthy of being the top-level house in Greentown, and it is really tasteful after repairing it.

"If the surprise is this house, then I can't take it, because its value is too expensive, what will people think of me if they find out?" Zhang Ruoyu actually wants surprises more than this house.

Before she came, she thought that Su Wei would confess his love to her.

There were even some other ideas, and the moment she saw the house, her hopes were shattered.

Although the price of this house is very expensive, it may be around 15 per square meter.

But she really didn't think of the house as the reason why she was always by Su Wei's side.

"This is not the surprise I said. I will give you this house because my woman, everyone must have a house of their own, and you live with your mother now, so it is not convenient for me to go and find you."

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