Chapter 523

The next day.


"What time is it? Didn't you fall asleep?" Su Wei felt his nose itchy, and then woke himself up with a sneeze.

When she opened her eyes, she saw that Wu Xiaoxuan had gotten up, and her clothes were already put on.

I can't see it at all, the way she begged for mercy last night.

"It's already ten o'clock, look, the sun is already drying my ass." Wu Xiaoxuan knew what Su Wei meant when she heard Su Wei's words.

Last night, because she hadn't eaten meat for half a year, she was very arrogant at the beginning.

In the end, Su Wei didn't show mercy at all. She yelled for more than an hour.

Embarrassed, she opened the curtains of the room directly to let the sun shine in.

But at this time, she can only pretend to be stupid, and it is impossible to confess.

She has grown so big, she has never been to the market.

As soon as Duoduo heard what Su Wei said, he knew that his voice was too loud yesterday and Su Wei knew it.

"Grandpa, I'm really sorry. I'm not from the local area, so I don't know the rules. It's just that I like this cat very much. Can you give it to me?" Wu Xiaoxuan was scolded, but she was not angry.

. . . . . .

However, the whole country is so big, there may be fairs in urban areas, that's not possible.

But it is the best looking one in the whole market.

His first reaction was "Grandpa, I want this car, I don't want a cat anymore"

Boom boom boom.

And the people who go to the market are basically not very young.

That was early today when she was woken up.

With more than 1000 yuan, there are not too many cats to choose from.

They are not very interested in this kind of thing.

"Master, this car is the most expensive remote-controlled car in this store. It cost me 360 ​​yuan, and there is no second one. If you sell this cat to me, I will give you another 1000 yuan and return This car is for your grandson, what do you think?" What Su Wei said was indeed not deceiving.

When Su Wei's Mercedes-Benz G65 came to the rally, all the people who went to the fair looked disgusted.

I don't want to get up at all, and I don't even bother to move, I just want to continue to sleep and return to the cage.

Because she has seen, at this rally, there are a lot of snacks.

Shen Yali is a new anchor, who has seen this before, and then packed her luggage and followed.

It's just that it's not easy for him to see the cat, and he doesn't intend to let it out.

"Duoduo, Weiwei is still sleeping, why did you wake up?" When they came out just now, they went to call Li Ziwei and the others.

"Little friend, do you like toy cars? I have a huge remote control toy car here. If you are willing to let your grandpa sell this cat to me, then I will give you this car." Before coming, Su Wei said, It didn't come empty-handed.

Sister, this is 120 yuan, I want this cat." The uncle picked this cat for a long time.

Su Wei saw the old and the young sitting on the bench of the noodle stall, and knew that they were planning to eat noodles for lunch.

"Grandson, you like cars, so let's go to the store to buy this car. If the cat wants it, the car wants it." Of course, the promise can be seen, Su Wei's trick.

There is food in the hotel, but he is not interested in those things.

"Young man, I saw you wearing sunglasses. I didn't want to sell them to you. I thought you were disrespectful, but I didn't expect you to be a wife-loving person. I don't want your 1000 yuan anymore, so you put the toy away. Just exchange it with my cat." When Su Wei went shopping, he always wore sunglasses.

"I didn't understand. This cat is an ordinary raccoon cat. Why do you insist on buying it?" The uncle actually felt very incomprehensible about what happened today.

She is still in school this year and works as an anchor in her spare time.

And it kept looking at her, giving Wu Xiaoxuan a desire to protect it.

It seems that she is really persistent towards this cat.

After all, he himself agreed that the toy is a gift, and the cat is worth 1000 yuan.

"Brother Su, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand?" Duoduo asked Li Ziwei to go to his room last night.

At least one-third of the people here don't know the brand of Mercedes-Benz, let alone Mercedes-Benz Big G.

Seeing her unhappy expression after seeing the cat being taken away.

Anyway, as a boy, Li Ziwei won't suffer no matter what.

After all, the fruits and dried fruits in the big supermarket are much better than here.

After all, its sound is really too loud.

"You little girl, do you understand the rules? Don't you know that I can't ask the price when I'm negotiating the price?" The uncle who bought the cat was negotiating the price with the boss.

Coupled with his grandson's expression of wanting this toy because he likes it, he can only exchange it with Su Wei.

"Yes, I just asked the front desk. There is a fair not far from our hotel. I want to go and see it." Wu Xiaoxuan was very interested in going to the fair.

He could clearly hear movement in the room yesterday.

Old people like them don't know as much about cars as young people.

"I don't want to tell you. I saw that there are mutton noodles in front of me. If you don't want to stop here, let's walk over." Duo Duo didn't want to answer this question at all.

After all, the matter between Duoduo and Li Ziwei is still being cut and messed up.

"Okay, don't tease Duoduo, she slept alone yesterday, Duoduo you say yes" Wu Xiaoxuan also heard Duoduo's voice last night.

What they are interested in are all the handmade sugar figurines and the cats and dogs sold in the market.

But this cat is different because it is really cute.

After adding it to WeChat, I directly asked her if she wanted to go skiing, and then transferred 2 yuan to her without asking whether she agreed, saying it was a deposit.

He used to go back to his hometown during the summer vacation, and he didn't see too many of them.

Auntie, this cat is so cute, how much does it cost? "Of course Wu Xiaoxuan also knows that raccoon cats are the most common native cats.

He drove the Land Rover Defender this time, and it was a shame to drive at high speed.

After all, it was indeed her fault.

It's just that most of the markets now sell vegetables, fruits and dried fruits.

These people are basically city children, and they are very interested in this kind of market.

So the uncle actually has quite a big opinion on Su Wei.

"Honey, look at that cat, it's so cute." Wu Xiaoxuan held candied haws in her left hand, and Su Wei's arm in her right hand.

"But this one is different, look at the way it looks at me, it's so pitiful.

And there are cats, dogs, chickens and ducks bought and sold inside, which makes her feel very interesting.

Point out 120 yuan, and then take the cat away with the cage.

He felt that he was so cheap, he had already been dumped, and he posted it shamelessly.

"I'm so hungry, let's fill my stomach first." Su Wei didn't eat when he came out.

He still prefers it in the morning, something with chili on it.

"There are so many people here, husband, I think it's very interesting here." Wu Xiaoxuan and Su Wei sat in the back seat, and she excitedly held Su Wei's hand.

"That's all right, wait for me, I'll take a shower first." Seeing Wu Xiaoxuan's expectant look, Su Wei knew that she must really want to go.

Anyway, they came out this time to play.

This made him very unhappy, so opening his mouth was an accusation.

After all, his eldest grandson just wanted this cat all the time.

It's just that he doesn't have money, at worst, he can buy a toy car for his grandson.

"Xiaoxuan, this is the cat you wanted. Let's see if I bought it back for you." Although the uncle said that he didn't want money, Su Wei still gave it to him.

"Tell me, Weiwei and Duoduo, what's the situation now?" Li Renfeng couldn't understand Duoduo and Li Ziwei now.

So he wanted to know if there was something about this cat that he didn't know about.

Since Wu Xiaoxuan wants to go so much, let's go and have fun together.

"That's an ordinary raccoon cat, there are many in the countryside." Su Wei looked at the cat in the cage and found that it was an ordinary raccoon cat.

After all, his remote control car is really huge.

He bought a remote control toy car in the largest toy store on the roadside.

"Because my wife likes it, so I happen to have the ability, so of course I have to try my best to satisfy her." Wu Xiaoxuan just wanted to have a cat, and Su Wei certainly wouldn't allow it.

It's just that when she saw Su Wei and the others eavesdropping, she thought Li Ziwei would not come.

So he sat directly next to the child, and then teased the little orange cat, "Master, do you want to sell this cat?"

It's just that she really likes this cat, if she doesn't open her mouth, then this orange cat will definitely be bought.

The civet cat is the same as the pastoral dog, which is a unique domestic cat and dog.

After all, there is a rule when buying things here, that is, when someone is asking and negotiating the price, the people next to him are not allowed to ask the price.

. . . . . .

Unexpectedly, a person came out from the side, asking to buy a cat.

"Farewell, my grandson likes it, and I don't want to win people's love." Of course Wu Xiaoxuan likes this orange cat, because it is really cute.

When the children started, they were attracted by the remote control car behind Su Wei.

The main reason is that the price of this car is too expensive, it costs more than 300 yuan.

Knowing that her good sister was shy, she thought of helping her out.

Su Wei and his group ate a bowl of authentic northern pasta at the mutton noodle stall.

Being lifted by the skin around her neck, she felt so pitiful.

Then she was spotted by Li Renfeng and gave her a rocket.

After all, she had a whim yesterday, and after Li Ziwei left, she regretted it in her heart.

At this time, she saw a stall selling cats on the side of the road, and found that there was a cute orange cat in the cage.

After all, he doesn't believe it anymore, and there are children who don't like toys.

Then I started to wander around in the market.

After all, this uncle's bargaining has come to an end.

But they still wanted to sleep, and none of them wanted to get up.

Because they are so rich, why do they like raccoon cats.

But Su Wei's words still moved him.

So regardless of other people's trading, I want to buy it in advance.

So today they went to the market, and he specially drove Su Wei's Mercedes-Benz G65 to have fun.

Unexpectedly, he actually came in the middle of the night, but after exercising, he returned to the room.

But the cat has already been bought by someone, and it seems that the other party doesn't want to sell it.

"It just so happens that we settle the lunch here, and Weiwei and the others will settle it themselves, and we don't care about it." This time when we came to catch the market, Li Renfeng and the girl he brought also came.

Because this toy car is really the biggest remote control car in that store.

Plus his grandson likes it very much, so he has no reason to give up the cat.

Su Wei was by her side, of course she wanted him to take her to see it.

After all, his guard is used to deal with extreme environments, and its performance at high speeds can only be said to be average.

Although it is nearly 80 centimeters high, many people's understanding of remote control cars is that they are only worth about 100 yuan.

She went down to look, and found that many people were rushing to the right side of the hotel.

And Duoduo's room is next to Su Wei's room.

If that's the case, it's hard for him to refuse.

"My eldest grandson likes this cat very much, so I won't sell it. I've already told you." The uncle heard someone talking, and looked up to find that it was the boyfriend of the little girl at that time.

"Sister Duoduo, slow down, we'll go there too." Shen Yali was the girl who accompanied Li Renfeng this time.

So even if Wu Xiaoxuan made a rescue, she didn't want to answer.

But this is the county seat, how could there be a market.

Its head is white, its belly is white, and its entire back is yellow.

Of course, he didn't care about it, he was just a little curious.

After all, when you go to the market, you can tell that there must be a lot of people.

After all, after lunch, they will start their journey again.

But he didn't want the 1000 yuan. After all, he bought such a cat for only [-] yuan. If he exchanged it for a toy car, he would have already earned it.

The boss had been in this car for more than half a year, but he didn't sell it.

"Didn't you agree to leave at twelve o'clock? You will call me in an hour." Su Wei heard that it was only ten o'clock, and his body seemed to have grown roots.

"Why, I really like it, so let me buy it for you." Su Wei originally thought that Wu Xiaoxuan just thought the kitten was cute.

"No, husband, you're up, I want you to go to the market with me." Wu Xiaoxuan actually had a reason for waking Su Wei up.

Su Wei's Mercedes Benz left him far behind.

"Whatever her situation is, anyway, we are outsiders who can't control this matter, I just know that I'm hungry now, and I'm going to eat."

And he could see that the uncle was a little insincere when he said this.

"Going to the market? There are also people going to the market here?" In Su Wei's impression, the market usually occurs in rural areas or towns.

He wanted to overtake, but he was really powerless.

"No, my grandson likes this cat very much, you can find another one.

When he heard the brother in front of him say that he wanted to exchange this remote control car for their newly bought kitten.

Knowing that she might really like this cat, then he must fulfill her little wish.

Most importantly, she was too embarrassed to compete with a child.

Since I can't handle this old man, I believe it's okay to handle this kid.

Moreover, for him, the money for buying this cat can be said to be that he would not pick it up if it fell on the ground.

As for the kitten, he still had no intention of selling it.

"Then hurry up, Duoduo and I will wait for you below"

"Husband, you are awesome. You really bought this cat back. It is so cute. What name shall we give it?" Wu Xiaoxuan was overwhelmed with maternal love the moment she saw the kitten.

Take the kitten out of the cage, hold it in your hands and start stroking its back.

Duoduo and the two girls, after seeing this kitten, they also like it.

"It's yellow, let's call it orange."

(End of this chapter)

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