Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 524 Your 2 Insurance Is Not Enough

Chapter 524 Your 200 Insurance Is Not Enough
When Su Wei and the others returned to the hotel, Li Ziwei and the others were already up.

And judging by their appearance, even their luggage has been packed.

"You are finally back. If you don't come back, we will call you." Jin Gaode and the others came down after 11 o'clock, knocked on the door of Su Wei and Li Renfeng's room, and found that they had already gone out.

So the four of them ate lunch in advance.

When I was chatting outside the hotel after eating, I saw Su Wei's Mercedes-Benz G65 came back.

"Just now there was a rally nearby, we went there to go to the fair." Shen Yali was so excited when she came out this time.

Because when Li Renfeng transferred the money to her, she was actually debating whether to come or not.

Later, I saw that Li Renfeng was quite handsome, so I still came.

Unexpectedly, when she came here, she found that Su Wei was also there. She knew right away that the people in front of her must be rich.

So in the past two days, she has been very active.

Even if you are in college now, you are still in the same school.

Do you really think that with 200 million insurance, you can run rampant on the road?

"Why didn't you call us to go to the market? We're still here foolishly waiting for you to come back." Li Ziwei really didn't expect that they went to the market.

After all, he took the initiative to reach out his hand, and it turned out to be so cold.

The car was hit on the left side and has been dented.

If the waiter doesn't make it clear, how do they know who it is.

As for the better Ritz Carlton, at this point in time, it hasn't opened yet.

"I think it's worth buying a cat you like for more than 1000 yuan. You said that we were wronged because you didn't give me oranges." For Su Wei, buying a raccoon cat for more than 1000 yuan is not expensive at all.

In the morning, Mingming went to wake him up.

At this time in the south, there is no shadow of snow yet, while there have been several snowfalls in the north.

Anyway, their goal today is to drive to Xi'an, and here is only more than 100 kilometers away from Xi'an.

After all, in his eyes, cihuamao is not worth more than 200 yuan, and they actually spent more than 1000 yuan.

. . . . . .

After all, everyone knows that raccoon cats are worthless.

Because they came to attend the wedding of their childhood friends this time.

If he doesn't like it, no matter how expensive the cat is, he won't spend a penny to buy it.

Now he saw that the other party didn't give Xu Mingyue a good face, which made him very angry.

He was just on the way back, and he had already complained all the way.

"We will live in Xi'an tonight. You should book the room first. When the things arrive, you can ask the front desk to sign for it. By the way, remember to buy a cat space capsule." Today's goal is to arrive at night Xi'an.

Since they were born, they grew up in a community.

Then drive more than 100 kilometers, and wait until Xi'an before going to have a big meal.

Because after she bought it, she only bought a little cat food for cubs.

After all, this car accident seemed to be quite serious.

"Boss, I want to ask, who owns the Mercedes-Benz SUV outside?" Everyone was watching the video enthusiastically, when the waiter in the store knocked on the door.

Now her whole person is full of the charm of Yujie.

The county that Su Wei and the others visited this time is a county near SL City.

The weather on XJ is divided into southern Xinjiang and northern Xinjiang.

It's not that he loves the car, but that he is driving himself now.

Due to the influence of Siberia's warm and humid air flow, northern Xinjiang has a relatively humid climate.

The two of them turned out to be like children, complaining there because the cat wouldn't be hugged.

"That's because you didn't make it clear. If I knew it was going to the market, then I would definitely get up. Is there a lot of delicious food in the market?" Li Ziwei looked at his girlfriend guilty when he heard Li Renfeng's words. .

"There are too many things to eat in the market. We are full of food there. Look, we bought a kitten at the market. Isn't it cute?" Wu Xiaoxuan and the others were at the market. I'm full.

"I'm sorry, because the ground was too slippery, I accidentally hit your car." Seeing the owner of the car coming out, Xu Mingyue was about to cry.

"It's so naive, it started snowing today." Li Ziwei was eating mutton hot pot in the restaurant, watching the snow falling outside.

"No wonder it's so awesome. So I bought 200 million insurance, Weiwei, how much did my car cost to land at that time? I have too many cars, so I kinda forgot it." Su Wei just had a bad tone, but the other party His temper is also too big.

And Sofitel Legend is not an ordinary Sofitel, its positioning is quite high-end.

"I took a look in Xi'an, and only W Hotel and Sofitel Legend are better. Which one do you think we should choose?" Now in Xi'an, the better hotels are W Hotel and Sofitel Legend.

So Su Wei asked Wu Xiaoxuan to go shopping in Meituan after the room was booked.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, we bought insurance for the car, and we'll just let the insurance company deal with it." Zhang Kai didn't know what to say when he saw the car accident in front of him.

"What a cute kitty, how much did you pay for it, and what's its name?" Huang Shiyu is Jin Gaode's girlfriend, and the two of them have been together for a while.

Looking at the time, it was already past 12 o'clock, and it was time to set off.

"Okay, then we will stop at this service area and go directly to the county town [-] kilometers away to get off the expressway." Li Renfeng originally meant to eat something casually in the service area.

Now that the car has been hit like this, it must be impossible for it to take Su Wei to the ski resort.

After all, if you want to see a heavy snow in the south, it is really rare.

When they got off the high speed, snowflakes had already started to fall in the sky.

Hearing that Wu Xiaoxuan was interested, she quickly found out the travel bloggers she followed on Douyin.

Needless to say, the W Hotel is a light luxury in a five-star hotel.

Of course Wu Xiaoxuan didn't want to say that she bought this cat for more than 1000 yuan.

It's just that it doesn't seem very satisfied with this nest, and still prefers to crawl on Wu Xiaoxuan's body.

But he will not let the price of the cat be transferred over like this.

Her face hurt from being hit by the airbag, but she still endured the pain and came down to see how serious the accident was.

Relying on her cuteness, she dared to ignore him.

If she had known this was the case, she should have taken the bus with Zhang Kai instead of driving her dad's BMW X5 to show off.

"We apologized to you, what else do you want, anyway, we bought 200 million insurance, and the insurance company will repair the car for you." Zhang Kai and Xu Mingyue have always been childhood sweethearts.

After he came in, he didn't serve food or ask them to pay the bill, but asked who owned the Mercedes-Benz SUV outside.

Unexpectedly, on the way back, there would be such a big accident. They rushed directly from the main road into the parking lot.

This makes him firm, and the two will definitely become lovers.

Xu Mingyue looked at the Mercedes-Benz in front of her, and she was dumbfounded.

In his eyes, only like it or not, it doesn't matter how much money you like.

. . . . . .

"I don't know which one of you owns that car, but a Mercedes-Benz SUV was hit, so hurry up and take a look."

And the right side bumped into the wall, no need to look at it, it must have been sunken.

I didn't expect that he would take her with him when he drove by himself this time.

But the good thing is that the other party is a foreigner, so there must be scruples.

"It's okay, they are all foreigners, and they dare not beat us." Zhang Kai is only a student, and he has no idea about this matter.

But everyone is unwilling, so it can only go to the county town for a meal.

He thought that Su Wei and the others were just going to the county town for a stroll.

Then, in the wind and snow, I found a mutton hot pot restaurant. After all, the weather was too cold and I needed to get rid of the cold.

Anyway, the group of them will stay in Xi'an for an extra day this time.

"If you haven't stayed at the Sofitel Legend, then stay here and book a room for two days."

"But I'm still afraid. Generally, people who drive this kind of car have a bad temper. What will they do when the other party hits someone?" Xu Mingyue and Zhang Kai drove her father's car out this time.

So the other party's little girl apologized to him, and he didn't have a good face.

"I'm stupid, this is still my car, why was it hit like this?" When Su Wei came out, he saw that his car had been hit by a wall.

Then I took the shoe box by myself, put a piece of clothing bought for tens of dollars in it, and then made a nest for it.

"At that time, the landing price of my car was 280 million. I remember that your car was 180 million more expensive than mine. If I remember correctly, your car should be 460 million." The other boy's tone was so aggressive , Li Ziwei knew he was going to suffer.

If this is said, people will not regard the two of them as being taken advantage of.

So he often jumps back and forth between the south and the north.

"These two injustices don't want to tell you, they bought this raccoon cat for more than 1000 yuan." Li Renfeng knew Wu Xiaoxuan's intentions without saying anything.

When it just snowed, she watched the snow outside for a long time before the food was served.

Because the number of people on the other side is a bit too much, especially the owner of the car, who wears sunglasses at night, so it is not easy to mess with.

And after driving for so long, they just happened to be able to take a stroll.

"I don't know how many times it has snowed in the north. As long as it doesn't snow heavily, there is nothing to worry about." Jin Gaode is from Jiangsu, and the north of Jiangsu happens to be close to Shandong.

Because at noon, they ate noodles. For them, they would still feel hungry if they didn’t eat.

"I don't care about hugging it. Xiaoya has raised a cat. Next time I will bring it for you to see. What kind of cat is called cute?" Li Renfeng complained about Tangerine, because it did not give him face.

Because there are really too many delicious things in the market.

"Stop making trouble, let's go back and pack up our things, and then set off immediately"

It's just that this car belongs to Xu Mingyue's father. He knew how angry his car was when it was hit like this.

Now since she bought the orange, she really can't put it down.

"Do you have any photos? I haven't been to XJ yet." Duoduo, a southerner, was excited when he heard the snow was heavy.

There happened to be a service area in front of him, so he thought whether he should go to the service area to eat something or not.

After all, Xi'an is a place, since we are here, we must visit it.

Compared to going to the service area to eat, he still wants to get off the highway to eat.

Not all cars are below 200 million.

Then on the high speed, his only fun is gone, so he is very annoyed by the snow falling.

Fortunately, the car had full insurance, and they didn't drink alcohol.

"Let's not go, I read the navigation, isn't there a county seat after 30 kilometers, let's go there for dinner." Li Ziwei looked at the navigation and found that there is a county seat after [-] kilometers.

Unexpectedly, these people went to the market secretly.

Because this time, the few of them drove three Mercedes-Benz Grand Gs.

He thought that if he was on the highway later, he would definitely not be able to drive fast.

"We drove four cars this time, and three of them are Mercedes-Benz off-road vehicles. Whose are you asking?" Li Ziwei was very puzzled when he heard the question about the Mercedes-Benz off-road vehicles.

Moreover, Li Renfeng complained about Juzi because he wanted to hug it in the car, but Juzi was so cold that he didn't like him at all.

. . . . . .

"It's okay if it really snows. Anyway, the snow in northern Xinjiang is not so thick. Let's take it as an early adaptation to the ice and snow climate." Among these people, only Li Renfeng has been to XJ.

Li Renfeng and the others set off at noon and have been driving for five hours.

It's just that Jin Gaode didn't say it all the time, she also said that she must not be exposed.

When she was driving just now, because of the snow on the ground, the car skidded and hit the co-pilot of the car in front, "Zhang Kai, I crashed, what should I do?"

No matter what kind of cat it is, as long as the color is orange, it is collectively called orange cat.

When he saw Duoduo yesterday, he found that the baby fat on her face was gone.

"We're called you, don't you still have to sleep yourself? Who wants you to work hard at night?" Li Renfeng was speechless when he heard Li Ziwei's words.

If he knew this was the case, he shouldn't have let Xu Mingyue drive.

If the service area is only expensive and the food is delicious, he has nothing to say.

Moreover, what Su Wei wanted to eat was basically impossible to find in the service area.

Who knew that she was a novice on the road and hit the car like this.

"Agreed, I don't want to eat the food in the service area, it's better to go to the county town to eat." Su Wei is not interested in the food in the service area at all.

Due to the isolation of the Tianshan Mountains in southern Xinjiang, the warm and humid air cannot cross the Tianshan Mountains and enter southern Xinjiang, resulting in a very dry climate, and the deserts are all in southern Xinjiang.

I was relieved when I found that she didn't find anything.

Then he will let him know today that when he has no strength, it is best to talk through his head.

It was he himself who couldn't get up because he was too tired at night, and now he is still here to beat him up.

Of course she knew who was the central figure in this circle.

Then find out the part about northern Xinjiang and show it to everyone.

Although most of them are women, there are also four men.

Seeing someone you know is like introducing him to them.

"I follow a travel blogger, and he happened to introduce the snow scene in northern Xinjiang. I'll show you." Huang Shiyu knew that she was going to drive in XJ this time, but she did her homework.

But your food is unpalatable and you sell it at a high price. Isn't that treating people like fools?

"Not to mention the money, my husband named it Orange because it is an orange cat." The orange cat is not a breed of cat, but a variety of colors.

"Okay, okay, you're still kids, right? It's time for us to set off. It's already past 12 o'clock." Jin Gaode was really speechless for Li Renfeng and Su Wei.

Because a Mercedes-Benz off-road vehicle in front of the store was just hit by a car.

"Honey, where are we going to stay tonight? I want to buy a bed for Juzi, so it's impossible to hold it like this all the time, right?" Wu Xiaoxuan now hugs Juzi the whole time.

"My expensive car was hit by you, just say I'm sorry?" Su Wei's current mood is really a hundred thousand grass mud horses.

Sure enough, the next second Su Wei asked him how much he paid for his car.

Although the other party hit the car and rushed like this, although he was also very uncomfortable.

But when quoting the price of the car, the real price was quoted.

"Young man, did you hear me? I bought this car for 460 million yuan. Your 200 million yuan insurance may not be enough to pay for it."

(End of this chapter)

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