"Hello, pets are not allowed in our hotel." Xiao Li is the doorman of the Sofitel Legend Hotel, and saw a group of people coming over at this time.

He hurriedly opened the glass door with his colleagues to allow the guests to enter better.

Only at this time, the tall and elegant guest caught his attention.

Of course, it wasn't that she was too good-looking to make him intoxicated.

After all, the hotel he was staying in had always been the most luxurious hotel in the southwest region, and he had met even the most beautiful beauties.

And this beauty caught his attention because of a kitten in her hand.

"We've already booked the room. If it can't be brought in, where will it live?" Wu Xiaoxuan knew that in higher-end hotels, guests would not be allowed to bring it with them.

Before she came in, she thought about whether to put the oranges in her bag.

But considering it is so small, the hotel should not say anything.

Moreover, the hotels they booked this time were all supreme suites and Chang'an suites, and the worst were exclusive suites.

When talking to Su Wei, the whole waist is bent.

So this matter, he has to get it done.

His first reaction was that the other party raised some excessive conditions.

"That's it, then go to sleep, you have to be a tour guide tomorrow."

It's just that he didn't know that Su Wei was in the hotel industry, so could it be related?

Seeing the two doormen still standing there dumbfounded, he hurriedly asked them to carry their luggage.

Li Renfeng has gone out, but he still can't handle the opponent.

"Of course there is something to do, but it's a good thing. The treasure of the store has been sold, but the customer is now in Xi'an, so I want you, Lao Ma, and my brother to drive this car overnight. Send it to Xi'an." Boss Wang knew it would not sell well when he brought the car in.

But he really didn't expect that this car would be so difficult to sell.

Those who believe in the hotel should not embarrass them.

Generally speaking, the treasure of the town store means buying a car that cannot be sold for a long time.

She thought something happened, and hurriedly asked what happened.

"No need, Auntie. Now that I'm sending Yueyue home, it's time for me to go back too." Zhang Kai sent Xu Mingyue home, seeing that the atmosphere was not right, he said goodbye and went home.

After all, Zhang Kai has a driver's license and has a car at home. Instead of driving his own car, he actually took his daughter's car back home.

Xu Mingyue opened the door and found that the lights were still on, and her parents were sitting in the living room.

And the car he polished is now the treasure of the shop.

Their family's car has already bought insurance, so why do they have to pay for it themselves.

After all, the other party knew from the looks of it that he should be a very disciplined person.

It's okay to bring a beast to a hotel, as long as you have enough status.

After all, after being with Su Wei, it has always been Su Wei who settles things, how can this work.

After all, the car was too expensive, it was a car accident assassin, how could ordinary people afford to pay for it.

He had a colleague who was sent to the hospital because he looked down on people with a dog's eyes. He didn't want to fall to his situation.

"Aren't they responsible for driving such an expensive car on the road? Ordinary people will go bankrupt if they hit their car." Xu's mother couldn't figure out one thing, that is, why the other party's car was so expensive.

After all, if he can't do this little thing well, he won't even think about being promoted in her hands.

When I came over to take a look, I found that his boss was cleaning the interior of the car himself.

"Are you okay? What happened tonight? What car did you hit? Our 200 million insurance is not enough to cover him?" Xu's mother loves her daughter, and Xu's father also loves her.

He disagreed at first. After all, Xu Mingyue was still a student, and driving a BMW X5 was too high-profile.

Unexpectedly, her parents would sell that house for her sake.

So Zhang Kai decided that he would follow Xu Mingyue tomorrow to protect her safety.

Received a call from Jin Gaode today, if he wasn't around, he would have to give him a few kisses.

It is not an easy task to get them to give in.

When I got to the door, I saw a group of people standing there.

So he can only stop these people and prevent them from bringing their pets in.

"Sir, there is a rule in our hotel that guests are not allowed to bring pets into the hotel. After all, we also want to protect the interests of other guests. They may not like being disturbed by pets." Zhulina heard the other party's description, Only then did I realize that it was such a small matter.

After all, their lobby manager, Julina, is notoriously difficult to speak.

After all, he knew his daughter, she was very beautiful.

After all, he is number one because he is really too rich.

Such a nice person, how could they think of him as that kind of person.

Comparing her to the other party, she looks like a fluffy girl who hasn't opened her eyes yet.

But he couldn't hold her mother and his wife to persuade him together, and he finally agreed.

"Of course, Mr. Su, I'll take you to visit the room you have reserved. Xiao Li, why are you still standing there? Hurry up and help Mr. Su with their luggage." After Zhulina knew that Su Wei was in it, she put on a very low posture .

The only complication is that the other party's car is very expensive.

Hello, is this Mr. Su Wei?I really didn't expect that it was you who came here. I'm really sorry just now, I was negligent on my side." If it was an ordinary person, Zhulina would have left early.

The cash in hand is really not much, less than 10 yuan.

"No, we just have to wait and see. I believe we will be able to go in soon." Su Wei would say this because he was not idle just now.

"We can't control this, pets are not allowed into the hotel anyway." Xiao Li didn't know what to say to this kind of guests.

"Oh, Yueyue, are you okay? What's wrong with your face? Why is it swollen?" Today, her daughter had a car accident, and Xu's mother was very worried.

"Husband, they won't let us in. What should we do? Do we want to change the hotel?" Wu Xiaoxuan didn't expect that the hotel would be so tough.

If her mother saw the face before, she didn't know what it would be like to be worried.

"It's so late, then we won't keep you, Xiao Kai, you should go back quickly, your family must be very worried about you too." Zhang Kai's family also knew about Xu Mingyue's car accident.

"Hello, I'm the lobby manager of Sofitel Legend Hotel. My name is Zhulina. Can I help you?" Zhulina is the lobby manager of Sofitel Legend Hotel. She was called by the doorman who hurried over. come over.

"Don't you like to be amused? At that time, I was going back to my hometown to attend a classmate's wedding, so I insisted on driving the family car. Now it's alright, it's fine if my car is smashed into pieces, and I have to pay other people's money." Xu Mingyue wanted to go back to her hometown this time. Attend a childhood friend's wedding and borrow a car from him.

You have to find someone who can call the shots, such as the level of the lobby manager, otherwise it is useless to talk about it.

"Then wait a minute, I'll go find the manager." Seeing the appearance of these people and the cars parked outside, Xiao Li also knew that they were definitely not ordinary people.

Unexpectedly, at this time, her phone rang.

Her relative's original idea was that they should stay at his house for one night, or stay in a hotel for one night.

When Su Wei and the others checked in, they were in a neighborhood not far from the hotel, and there were discussions about them.

Because her relative still had something to do, after sending them to her, she went back directly.

It was when the car skidded and hit the car in the parking lot on the side of the road.

. . . . . .

"You don't need to pay? Why? He didn't see that you are beautiful, so he made some rude request, Yueyue, you must not agree to it." Xu's father heard Xu Mingyue say that she doesn't need to pay. .

"Su Wei has heard, he bought this car, do you think he is such a big boss, he will feel sorry for us for driving more than 1000 kilometers?" Su Wei's current reputation is really super big.

"Can't go in? You call your manager. I'll see if we can bring it in today." Just now, Wu Xiaoxuan wanted to hide the pet, but Li Renfeng said there was no need to hide it.

So just now, he made a phone call, believing that the other party will definitely handle this matter.

"We brought a cat, and your doorman won't let us in. You are the manager of the lobby, right? You can judge whether we can go in or not." This matter was caused by Li Renfeng. Things settled down.

If he really asked too much, he would rather sell the house and car than let his daughter agree to such a condition.

Xiao Li knew that among this group of people, there must be some kind of super powerful big shot.

"Dad, Mom, we're back." After Xu Mingyue and Su Wei left, they also boarded their relatives' car.

If they really got to know him, even a little grain of rice from him would make them waste their entire lives.

"Wait and see? But the other party doesn't give face." Wu Xiaoxuan didn't understand Su Wei's words at all.

At the same time, I didn't expect that the other party would make such a fuss.

Isn't it common sense that pets are not allowed in five-star hotels?

Anyway, he is a doorman, if the other party wants to find a manager, he will do it.

Unexpectedly, after she answered the phone, her attitude changed drastically.

After all, with so many people on the other side, if you have a bad temper, you will be easily beaten.

"Oh, sir, I'm here to carry your luggage, please watch your step." Xiao Li originally thought that this group of people would not be able to stay in the hotel.

Because only the other party can contact the other party's senior management so quickly.

After all, he is a platinum card of the hotel, so he didn't expect the other party to still not agree.

It's just the person he's talking to, definitely not the doorman.

He was in the car just now and persuaded her for a long time, but Xu Mingyue still decided to be a tour guide.

I didn't expect this to happen now, if I knew it earlier, I shouldn't have let her drive back.

How did he enter the hotel? She really needs to investigate carefully.

"Don't make it so serious, our family hasn't reached that point yet, at worst, we will sell our family's house in Beilin District." After so many years of hard work, Xu's father also has a small amount of savings.

When he called from home before, his tone was not very good.

"I'm fine, but I was hit by the airbag when the car crashed." The redness and swelling on Xu Mingyue's face has disappeared a lot.

It made Xu's mother now have a lot of opinions on Zhang Kai.

After hanging up the phone, Zhu Lina knew that it was Su Wei who had come.

She lived in that house for nearly ten years.

It's just that he was in front of outsiders just now, so it's hard for him to lose face.

"Dad, Mom, the other car owner told me that he plans to sell the car to the insurance company, and he doesn't need me to pay for the extra repair money." Xu Mingyue bought the house in Beilin District after knowing that their family came to Xi'an first house.

Although the price of this car is indeed a bit expensive, but this car is not cheap abroad.

Said that these people in front of her are very respected guests of the hotel, especially that Mr. Su Wei, so she must treat them well.

"Driving to Xi'an overnight? Which big boss in Xi'an bought this? He doesn't feel sorry for us running more than 1000 kilometers?" Lao Qian didn't expect the boss to call him to deliver the car.

"It's okay, can we check in with the cat now?" The person Su Wei is looking for this time is Morgan Bank in the United States.

But she swaggered in with her pet, if they didn't stop her, it would be a dereliction of duty.

While this moved her, she was also full of gratitude to Su Wei, because he didn't want her to pay too much for car repairs.

After all, this is the only one in the family. He doesn't love her or anyone else.

However, in general, when delivering cars in stores, you will find a trailer to deliver them.

Tianjin harbor.

She took a look at the doorman who brought her here just now, and felt that his abilities must be lacking.

"I went directly to the French Accor Group. I thought it might take a while, but I didn't expect the speed of these French people to be so fast this time."

"Old Xu, please don't say a few words, the child has just come back, and she must have been terrified by such a big accident.

Said that something happened at the door, she must come over.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, he immediately went to the entrance.

After Xu Mingyue explained the matter clearly, she fell asleep all the time, and now she only felt herself, really sleepy.

It was around one o'clock in the morning when they got home.

At this moment, he was already thinking about who could contact Sofitel Legend Hotel.

Now he didn't expect to be stopped, which made him very uncomfortable.

When she picked it up, she realized that it was a call from Modu.

Especially for this kind of car seller, it is an honor to get to know him.

"Hello, who are you? Yes, I'm Zhu Lina, the lobby manager of the legendary Sofitel Xi'an, okay, um, don't worry, I will make arrangements here, um, ok, goodbye.

Fortunately, I didn't show off just now, otherwise she would be out of luck.

Looking around Xu Mingyue, she found that there was a red and swollen patch on her face.

Just because Li Renfeng is a platinum member, even though he is not a diamond card, it is already quite remarkable.

For big people, it's no problem to bring a pet.

Second, he plays with cars, and he has a vague voice of No. 1 in China.

But most of these savings are mainly assets.

Yueyue, you must be hungry, I'll get you something to eat, Xiaokai, sit down." For Xu's mother, as long as her daughter comes back safely, that's all.

If a rich person buys such an expensive car and gets hit, he shouldn't ask others to pay for it.

After all, this matter is really not complicated at all.

Thinking of Wu Xiaoxuan's appearance, she was very envious, thinking that the other party was too beautiful and temperamental.

But Xu Mingyue thought about something to do tomorrow, and wanted her relatives to bring her to Xi'an.

And now there are outsiders around, she reminded her husband to stop talking.

If you think of the lobby manager as another, it would be much easier to talk.

On the way here, she kept rubbing eggs on her face.

"Dad, what are you talking about? The other party has a girlfriend and is very beautiful. He just asked me to be their tour guide for a day tomorrow, because their car was damaged by me. They plan to stay in Xi'an for a day and wait for someone to deliver the car. Come here, mom, I won't eat anymore, I want to sleep." Xu Mingyue didn't expect her father to have the same idea as Zhang Kai.

It's very rare for a new car like this to drive directly there, but he's seen a second-hand car before.

"Mr. Wang, what's wrong with asking us to come here so late?" Lao Ma was about to go to the bar today when his boss called him over.

Because if the general guests bring small pets, they don't find out, and they basically don't say anything.

"Ding Ding Ding"

After all, the other party is only acting according to the rules and regulations, and it doesn't make sense with them, because they have no rights.

If Zhang Kai had been driving, how could this incident happen tonight.

"Awei, who are you looking for? It's too useful." Li Renfeng really wanted to call his father just now, because the other party really didn't give face.

"At that time, I was in a hurry to go home, so the speed of the car was a bit fast. After the car skidded, I plunged into the parking lot on the side of the road. I searched the other party's car. It was indeed quite expensive, and the insurance company Bian has already confirmed it." Xu Mingyue briefly explained what happened.

Before Su Wei arrived, it was just a phone call, and the matter was perfectly resolved.

. . . . . .

But they didn't expect that they were stopped by the doorman before they checked in, saying that they brought pets and wouldn't let them in.

"This car was actually bought by Su Wei? Then we can see him tomorrow, should I change clothes?" Ma really didn't expect that this car was actually bought by Su Wei.

In his impression, a character like Su Wei should not have any intersection with him.

Unexpectedly, because of the car in the store, he could get in close contact with him, which made Lao Ma very excited.

Boom boom boom.

"Don't change it. He likes girls. No matter how handsome you are, he won't remember you. Let's hurry up and try to arrive before noon. In the evening, we can go to Xi'an to experience the nightlife."

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