Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 527 Actually I'm an Actor

Chapter 527 Actually I'm an Actor

The next day.

Today's Xu Mingyue woke up very early.

After all, she promised to be Su Wei's tour guide, so she didn't intend to break her promise.

After all, the price of breaking a promise is a bit heavy, and the price may be as high as hundreds of thousands.

She already knew yesterday that the group of them lived in the Sofitel Legend Hotel.

As long as this hotel is a person from Xi'an, they are familiar with this hotel and cannot be more familiar with it.

After all, since it opened in 14, it has always been the No. 1 hotel in the northwest region.

Xu Mingyue took a taxi to the entrance of Sofitel Legend Hotel, and then called Su Wei.

She just made several phone calls, but the other party never answered her calls.

Why did the other party choose to give up when they could claim compensation, which made the couple completely puzzled.

It's just that she kept staring at herself, but she was shy to show Su Wei.

It was because Xu's mother knew that she went back with peace of mind.

I think this incident is incredible. After all, the car that crashed was worth several million.

"Yes, I'm an actor, and I need your support when the time comes." Su Wei's film Painting Rivers and Lakes will be released on the first day of the Lunar New Year.

After all, they can't make Xu Mingyue like someone, but they can make Xu Mingyue hate someone.

Who knew that when he saw Xu Mingyue had finished chatting with the front desk at this time, he was about to take the elevator, so he hurriedly stepped forward to stop her.

"Uncle, Mingyue is going upstairs now, I'm afraid she's in danger, we have to stop her quickly." Xu Mingyue is about to go upstairs now, Zhang Kai will definitely stop her.

After all, this time it was related to whether she would pay for the car, so she was very serious.

After all, they were all night owls, and Wu Xiaoxuan beside him didn't wake up in such a noisy environment just now, so she knew how sleepy they were now.

It's just that of course she can't admit to him that she really has a washboard figure, so she wouldn't be ashamed to die.

"I don't know what your body is, by the way, bring me some food and hang up."

"Then come to my room, I'll call the front desk and tell you." Su Wei heard that she refused to leave, so he could only let her come up.

Not only sorted out the attractions, but also planned the route.

Zhang Kai deliberately set the alarm clock to 7 o'clock in the morning today.

Because Xu Mingyue was wearing too much clothes yesterday, he felt that the other party must have a flat body.

Just as she was about to take the elevator, she was stopped by Xu's mother again.

After answering the phone, she actually told him that she was already downstairs in the hotel.

He called her to the room, really intending to discuss where to go today.

After all, the elevator uses a credit card, and they don't have a card, and they don't know which room the other party lives in.

After all, he also wanted to see how mighty and majestic the soldiers and horses under the Emperor Qiangu 2000 years ago were.

It turned out that the people who came this time were Xu Mingyue's parents. "We are just like you, we are also worried about Yueyue's safety."

Moreover, she is actually not familiar with them. Who knows what they want to do.

On the first day of the new year, she must go to the cinema to support the other party.

Originally, he thought, just wait for those people to come down in the hall.

Seeing that Zhang Kai was going forward, they were afraid that they would be exposed, so they hurriedly held Zhang Kai down.

"Why are you looking at me all the time? Is there any spot on my face that hasn't been washed? No." Last night's Xu Mingyue, Su Wei just thought it looked a little nice.

"Our brother Su is a small star, so it's normal for you to be familiar with him. Look, his movie will be released on the first day of the new year." Su Wei's current popularity is actually a bit high.

Xu's father and Xu's mother heard what their daughter said last night.

So no matter what the reason, she didn't intend to go up.

Her first reaction was to refuse.

So she never knew what Su Wei looked like.

When he was about to get up, he felt someone pressing him on his shoulder, and he turned his head to look, "Uncle, aunt, why are you here?"

. . . . . .

This can also explain why the other party is so rich. It turns out that the other party is a star.

After all, her face was still a little red and swollen.

In a familiar place, there are not too many familiar people.

So she would rather wait here than come back after playing for a few hours.

"Uncle and aunt, don't worry, I will call you when I have news." Zhang Kai was very polite to Xu Mingyue's parents.

Seeing that there was no result in the discussion, they could only come to the scene to have a look. Unexpectedly, they found that Zhang Kai was also here.

"It's broad daylight now. If the other party really has an idea, he won't take advantage of this time. We can just wait here with peace of mind." If it was in a small hotel, Dad Xu might be very worried.

But in fact, she really thought too much, because when she came, she realized that the other party's girlfriend was also in the room, and a bunch of people came one after another in the back room.

So he specially rode out his Chunfeng, with it, he would definitely not lose his target.

He sat down on the sofa, and then asked Xu Mingyue if she had arranged her route.

"Come to your room? This is not good, why don't I wait below?" Xu Mingyue heard Su Wei say, and asked her to go to his room.

Even if their family has some money in this suite, it is impossible for them to be willing to live in this room.

Now that Zhang Kai is here, she plans to go back.

The film was not lifted from restrictions until he returned home.

As for the other scenic spots, the attraction to him is average, and he has no objection to which one to go.

No wonder the other party only wants her to take them to play for a day, and forget about the car crash. It turns out that the other party is too rich.

On Zhang Kai's side, nothing happened, not even the clothes were dirty.

But the place where it is now is the most luxurious hotel in Northwest China.

He would do this mainly because he knew that Xu Mingyue would be a tour guide today, so he would definitely not let him follow.

After all, her family's car was hit like that, and her daughter's face was red from being hit.

These are a few scenic spots I picked, you can take a look, because the day is a bit rushed, so we will go to three places." Xu Mingyue suddenly realized why she felt that the other party looked familiar.

Unexpectedly, he could see through the down jacket he wore yesterday.

"But I don't know where to go now, or I'll wait for you downstairs, I don't care." Xu Mingyue has been in Xi'an for more than ten years, and she also studied here at university.

So he didn't understand why Xu Mingyue's parents stopped him.

He didn't believe that the other party could be such a pervert.

"Definitely, when the time comes, I will definitely arrange a show with my parents to support Brother Su's movie.

After all, they don't even know who the other party is.

In order to avoid being harassed, he always wore sunglasses when he got out of the car.

Because it is daytime now, he is not in such a hurry.

Just going to their room like this, of course he was afraid that something would happen to Xu Mingyue.

"It's only before 9 o'clock, why are you here so early? Why don't you go somewhere to play for a while, and come back at 12 o'clock." Su Wei was soundly asleep when he was woken up by the phone.

She may be very sure that she must know the person in front of her.

"Old Xu, if this is the case, why don't we go back, I think it's enough for Xiao Kai to be here?" Xu's mother was very dissatisfied with Zhang Kai yesterday.

. . . . . .

Especially among young people, his deeds are now widely circulated.

It turned out that he probably played a role in other movies, but she didn't pay attention to it, so she didn't recognize it.

But he was really worried, but a fool could see the attitude of those people towards him yesterday. They didn't welcome him, so he could only choose to follow behind secretly.

Of course Li Ziwei knew this, so he took out the poster of Jianghu, thinking about making Su Wei a third-tier star.

After all, she's a girl, so what's the matter with going to the boy's room.

And Wu Xiaoxuan was by his side, what could he do to her.

"You think I'm joking when I say go home? With so many of us following behind, wouldn't it be easier to be exposed? It's enough for Zhang Kai to be here alone. He will tell us if there is any news." Zhang Kai likes Xu Of course the Xu family knew about Mingyue.

"Whenever Mingyue accompanied them, I followed them. I came here on a motorcycle today." Zhang Kai's plan for today, of course, was to follow Xu Mingyue home.

He looked over to Zhang Kai and found that he could no longer see them.

Her biggest regret is that she is beautiful, but her figure is not very sexy.

He picked up his phone and saw that it was the girl who hit his car yesterday.

Anyway, he has been woken up, and others should be treated the same as him.

Su Wei was really speechless to her, because it was not yet nine o'clock.

So he asked her to go to another place and wait until 12 o'clock like this.

This made her think for a while that the other party might be planning to go back on his word.

Quickly called her wife to stop and reminded her that Zhang Kai could no longer see them.

But now she is pretending to be something in her heart, and she doesn't have the intention to let her play like this.

So he would rather guess wrong than regret it because he made a wrong choice.

"But I'm still worried, I want to follow the past." Zhang Kai knew that what Xu's father said had some truth.

"Have you seen enough of the room? How are we going to play today? Have you thought about it?" Su Wei came out after blowing his hair, and saw Xu Mingyue visiting the room.

"Oh no, it's just that Brother Su looks familiar to me. I don't know if we met somewhere." Su Wei last night was wearing sunglasses before getting into the car.

"Washboard figure? You said I have a washboard figure, I'm clearly protruding forward and backward." Xu Mingyue didn't expect that Su Wei would mock her figure to the fullest.

Not to mention playing for a few hours, playing for a day is no problem at all.

Who can live here, who would do this kind of thing during the day.

After getting up, he kept guard in the community, and when Xu Mingyue went out, he immediately followed.

And the daughter told him that the other party has a girlfriend.

After all, the two of them are so old, and they came to follow their daughter's itinerary.

After finishing the call, she went to the front desk, and he took advantage of this time to come to the hotel lobby and use the sofa to cover himself.

"It's useless for you to follow the past now, you don't even know which floor they live in, Xiao Kai, are you going to follow them all day today?" Xu's mother held Zhang Kai, thinking that it was useless for him to go there.

Unexpectedly, after Xu Mingyue recovered today, Su Wei's heart would be moved.

But for the sake of love, he can stand no matter how cold the weather is.

Before she came, she was quite nervous. After all, if the other party wanted to do something to her in the room, she would have nowhere to run.

So when he usually sees them, his mouth is very sweet.

But I can't let my woman get hurt a little bit.

But wasn't he restricted from returning to China at that time, and the film was also restricted from being released at that time.

And they are here to travel, not to sleep, if they want to sleep, they can just stay at home, why come here.

Finally, when she called for the 11th time, the other party finally answered the phone, "Hello, Brother Su, I'm already downstairs at the Sofitel Legend Hotel."

It's just that the weather today is really a bit cold. When he just rode to the hotel, he couldn't take it anymore.

After all, a room of more than 2 yuan per night, who would be willing to live without a family with hundreds of millions.

Why was he woken up, and the others were still dreaming, so he should be woken up too.

As a person who has stayed in Xi'an for more than ten years, this is the first time for Xu Mingyue to enter the Chang'an suite of the Sofitel Legend Hotel.

Following Xu Mingyue to the entrance of the hotel, she saw that she had been on the phone.

"I picked some of the most famous scenic spots in Xi'an. Your itinerary today will definitely satisfy you." Xu Mingyue had already started thinking about the itinerary for this time when he was on the car back yesterday.

And she believed that after this time, there should be a good result between the two of them.

"Oh, yes, then we will go back, Xiaokai, if there is any movement, you must inform us as soon as possible." Hearing his wife say this, Xu's father thought he was going to pretend to go back.

"Honey, don't leave, Zhang Kai won't be able to see us." After Father Xu came out, he saw his wife walking to the parking lot.

After all, if he didn't want her to pay for his car, she must entertain them well.

So his wife's face is a little uncomfortable now.

"What's going on in your head? I called you here to discuss where to go today, and I don't like the washboard figure." Hearing Xu Mingyue's stress reaction, Su Wei was speechless. up.

If it weren't for the inappropriate venue, he would definitely invite his future father-in-law to have breakfast.

Although he doesn't hate it, but saying this, I believe it will definitely make the other party let go of their guard.

"We are definitely going to the Qinhuangling Tomb. You can arrange the remaining places for us." When Su Wei comes to Xi'an, he must go, of course it is the Qinhuangling Tomb.

But today, after he came out of the toilet, she felt that he looked familiar.

Logically speaking, in fact, the post-production has already been done, and it should be available in October.

Xu Mingyue didn't know that when she came to Sofitel Legend Hotel, she was followed by her tail.

"That's right, I got up too early today, I have to go back and catch up on sleep"

As for her not feeling sorry for Zhang Kai, who wanted her daughter to suffer so much yesterday.

After all, he has always regarded Xu Mingyue as his girlfriend.

When she sees a big-breasted girl on the street, she sometimes stops to watch.

"Then let's go to the Emperor Qin's Mausoleum first, then to the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, and finally to the Tang Furong Garden. After dinner, it will be almost evening. Then we can visit the Nightless City of the Tang Dynasty. Do you think this route will work?" If Su Wei They are not in such a hurry, then Xu Mingyue must take them to a few more places.

After all, as the capital of the thirteen dynasties, Xi'an has too many places to visit.

For example, the Ming City Wall, Bell Tower and Drum Tower, Daming Palace National Heritage Park, Huaqing Palace to watch the Song of Everlasting Regret, and the Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor-Xuanyuan Temple-Hukou Waterfall of the Yellow River and so on.

"You are the tour guide, we will just listen to your arrangement"

(End of this chapter)

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