Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 529 The first tiktok in life

Chapter 529 The first vibrato in life

"When we came to eat just now, I didn't see the orange. Could it be that it is still in the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang?" No wonder Xu Mingyue felt that something was missing when he came to eat just now.

Because on the way they came from the urban area, the oranges kept crawling on several of them.

She had its hair on her hair at that time, which was left over from that time.

But when they came to eat just now, Orange didn't climb them.

"Still in the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang? Yes, yes, it must still be in the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang. I put it on the viewing platform when I took it to see the chariot just now. My husband, what should I do?" Wu Xiaoxuan also thought at this time When I got up, I put the oranges on the viewing platform because of taking pictures.

At that time, because she was hungry, she was in a hurry to have dinner with Su Wei and the others.

It should be at that time, I forgot the oranges there.

"What else can we do, let's go back and look for it, I hope it hasn't been picked up by someone." What Su Wei can do is go back and look for the cat.

After all, he has money, but he doesn't have superpowers.

After all, it was obvious from the appearance that the other party must be greedy for this LV bag.

"Get out of the way, the monitoring is very clear, it is the bag you are carrying, let us go in, okay, didn't you say that you did not carry the bag? Then what is it?" Li Ziwei is positive about this kind of thing Incredible.

Walking out of the hotel entrance, Wu Xiaoxuan was still very angry.

"We are from the police station. Since we came here, there must be evidence. The Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang is full of surveillance cameras, and your license plates are clearly photographed. Don't make excuses." The people at the police station saw that Hu Xinyi was about to close the door , how could the other party get what they wanted.

If she knew it earlier, she would let her father leave Xi'an today.

Because he felt that Su Wei said there was a cat in the bag, but there was no cat in the bag, so it was a flaw.

They knew that they couldn't find the cat by themselves, so they quickly contacted the staff at Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum.

Then I decided to close the door and throw the bag through the window.

So in another room, they went to two colleagues, and in this room four colleagues came.

Fortunately, on the way, his daughter and wife insisted on throwing away the run.

This made her very upset. After all, she couldn't afford to carry an LV bag. She didn't expect that other people's cats would start to use LV as a luxury.

There is no chance to show it in time, how could Hu Xinyi close the door.

In such a situation, the easiest way is of course to call the police.

After all, the bag is placed on the viewing platform, who knows if they don't want it.

"Brother Su, let's call the police, anyway, we know the license plate." Li Ziwei and the others have no acquaintances in the northwest.

"Where are there cats? You say there are cats, but there are no cats in this bag, which proves that this bag is not yours." Hu Xinyi's father, who had been silent all this time, was very excited when he heard Su Wei's words.

"Take Douyin to let everyone come to find cats together? Will they be willing?" Wu Xiaoxuan couldn't understand what it means to let everyone come to find cats together.

Su Wei and the others saw from the surveillance that a family of three found the cat bag on the table.

Among the people who called, there was a super big man.

Surveillance showed that after they got the cat bag, the family went out and got in the car and left.

So as long as the cat can be found, then they don't plan to pursue this strange family.

"What are you doing? You can't go into my daughter's room. You are breaking into a private house." Hu Xinyi's parents already knew the situation.

They didn't go anywhere when they came the day before yesterday, they just strolled around the hotel, but yesterday they spent all day in the city to see places of interest.

But these people are more difficult to contact, because she looks ordinary, so she has always kept her at a respectful distance.

So he definitely wants them to be punished. If he doesn't go to prison for a few years, his anger will not disappear.

It was found that the suitcase was taken into this room.

And I have already talked with the police station in Xi'an, I will let them help find cats in the whole city, and I will make a vibrato, so that everyone can participate together." Su Wei heard the other party say to throw the cat in the middle on the road.

Fortunately, the surveillance captured their car license plates, otherwise it would be really hard to find them in this vast crowd.

After Su Wei said goodbye to the people at the police station, she hurried forward, "Husband, it's impossible to find the oranges. I don't want to let this family go?"

"Don't worry, I don't intend to let them go, I have already asked a lawyer to sue them in their place of residence, at least they have to stay for a few years.

It's just that Su Wei didn't express any opinions at the time, and she didn't act like a shrew to scold the other party.

"Who is right about this matter, after all, the cat bag is quite expensive"

After all, everyone knows that it is difficult to find the police.

But in Su Wei's eyes, this kind of bag belongs to the kind that he would not pay attention to if it falls on the ground.

Hu Xinyi's parents had recently retired, and in a good mood, they took her out for a drive.

Her parents knew that the bag was so expensive, and they agreed with her, that is, leave as soon as possible, and then drive out of Xi'an tomorrow morning.

Hu Xinyi is very envious of the rich second generation, and she always wanted to be close to these people when she was in school.

After all, its quality determines that it is worthless.

There is no way to teleport people and things that are not by its side to its side.

If it weren't for the sensitivity of this matter, he really wanted to broadcast it live.

If they call the police themselves, the other party will definitely not take it seriously.

And if the identity of the other party is not revealed now, you should be content.

"That's right, it's because you didn't take good care of it. We didn't throw it away. You should be grateful to us." Seeing her mother say this, Hu Xinyi followed her mother's meaning.

She had already searched under the bed, in the trash can, and in the bathroom, but she still couldn't find it.

She hurried over, only to find that the bag was from LV, and it seemed to be a bag specially used to hold cats, because there was a kitten inside.

If they were just greedy for bags and raised oranges well, then she might not be like this.

Today I came to the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang, intending to see the terracotta warriors and horses, and then go to the museum.

"Xiao Xu, stop calling, let Ah Wei make this call." Like Su Wei, Wu Xiaoxuan stopped Xu Mingyue who wanted to make a call.

When they came to the scene, they had already recognized who that person was.

The daughter of their family saw that no one had taken the cat bag away for a long time. After studying the cat bag in front of the cat bag, she took the cat bag and left.

After all, she didn't actually steal this bag, they put it on the viewing platform by themselves.

This bag is from LV. It is a suitcase specially for cats. The price is as high as 2 to 3 yuan.

"Okay then, if you need help, as a local, I can definitely help you."

Now that she is found by them, she will return the bag at worst.

Of course, the opponent would not stop him, but he would not pity the fragrance and cherish the jade, and directly pushed the opponent a few meters away, almost falling to the ground.

It's just that even in this situation, she still wanted to negotiate terms.

If it is received in full view, then they will not be able to argue with each other.

At this time, when she heard someone knocking on the door, she thought it was a hotel service staff. After all, her parents would not be so gentle.

Because although her family conditions are average, she pays close attention to those luxury brands.

After all, they will continue to go on the road tomorrow, but there is no time to drag on here.

Because if he contacts the police, the other party may not take it seriously.

But his call was not intended to call the police.

But if Su Wei contacts, the effect will definitely be different.

If you really use means recklessly, then it will be too late for you to say anything.

How can this work, after all, the bag is in the room.

After Li Ziwei went in, he found that the cat bag was on the coffee table in the room.

Otherwise, this flaw is not so easy to reveal.

But who knew that the other party barged in just like that, relying on the fact that there were many men, and completely ignoring their women's face.

Now that the cat can't be found, she sure doesn't want to make the family feel bad.

So Hu Xinyi just looked at them from a distance, because she knew that everyone was not the same, even if she yearned for it very much.

But in this room, except for the cat bag, there is no shadow of orange.

Who knew that when the group of them left, they left a bag on the viewing platform.

So at this time, she plans to take the initiative to do something to make up for it.

"Don't worry, Orange is just a raccoon cat, who would want it?" Orange is cuter, but Li Renfeng doesn't think anyone will take it away.

. . . . . .

She waited by the side for a few minutes, and when she saw that no one was coming, she quickly took her bag, and then called her parents back to the hotel together.

. . . . . .

"Let me make this call. I didn't expect that I would lose the oranges when I came out this time." Xu Mingyue was scrambling to make this call at this time.

When she first entered the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang, she saw a group of handsome men and women in front of her. Looking at their clothes, she felt that they should be either rich or noble.

Originally, she was here to be a tour guide, but who knew that Wu Xiaoxuan lost her cat.

"You put your bag on the viewing platform, we thought it was because no one wanted it, so my daughter took it back." Originally, Hu Xinyi's mother didn't intend to admit that she had taken the bag.

Su Wei and the others went back to Pit No. [-] and searched everywhere, but they couldn't find Orange.

Now that the police came to her door, she must have denied it categorically.

Now that the things were found, she turned around and said that the bag was picked up.

And fortunately, it was picked up by her, otherwise, who knows what it would be like if it was picked up by others.

All he cared about was where the oranges went.

Instead, he planned to find Chen Lihua and ask them to call the police for him.

"Okay, you just need to put the cat where it is, and then take it out quickly, we don't have time to spend with you here." Of course Li Renfeng knew that Su Wei and the others didn't care about the bag.

Because the other party was obviously greedy for her bag, and even had the face to say that it was because the cat scratched her, that's why she let the cat let it go.

As for the cat, he was definitely looking for it, even if the price was a bit expensive.

"I was in the car at the time, because I wanted to see if there was anything in the bag, and I could find a contact person. Who knew that raccoon cat grabbed my hand, and when I got angry, I left it on the way, you guys Look, it's scratching me to bleed"

They came to Xi'an the day before yesterday, and today is the third day here.

After returning to the hotel, she was lying on the bed beautifully, and she was already thinking about whether she would take her parents to Thailand for the Chinese New Year after she sold the bag next.

If she has a criminal record, then her life is finished.

"I can tell you where the cat is, but you have to make sure that you don't bother us anymore." Hu Xinyi thought for a while and decided to say.

. . . . . .

"What travel bag? I don't know what you're talking about. If it's okay, I'm going to close the door." Hu Xinyi didn't expect the police to come to the door so soon.

When her mother came out of the hotel room, she saw a group of people gathered around the door of her daughter's room.

Because what she lost this time was a raccoon cat.

Even if Wu Xiaoxuan liked this cat very much, he himself felt so-so about it, so he was still very angry.

These people are wearing either Chanel, or Dior, or LV.

"No need, I'll call this matter." Su Wei stopped Xu Mingyue who wanted to make a call, and decided that he should make the call.

"We didn't go to the wrong room. Miss, did you find an LV travel bag at the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang at noon today?" The police will come directly to Hu Xinyi's room because they have adjusted the hotel's surveillance.

After all, it was rare for Wu Xiaoxuan to like an animal, and he also wanted her to have a spiritual sustenance instead of pestering him to have a child all the time.

Seeing everyone stalemate at the door, he rushed into the room with Jin Gaode.

"Three, this bag is an LV bag, worth tens of thousands. If they sue you, you will probably go to jail, so I think you'd better be honest and lenient, and tell me where the cat went." This time Captain Fang who came was also very speechless to this family.

It is because the parents are reluctant to part with today's room fee, otherwise how could such a thing happen.

When they went out today, the director had already explained to them.

She would think so, because Xi'an is such a big city, it is not easy to find a cat.

After hearing what they said, the other party took them directly to the monitoring room.

After all, Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum is such an important place, it must be full of cameras.

There are too many cihuamao in China, and 120 yuan is already a high price for it.

Surveillance has already captured you taking bags, why are you still quibbling here.

The main reason is that she just checked it out, and they might go to jail for this kind of behavior.

If there is this ability, there will be no such thing as missing persons in the world.

Why she ran back to the hotel in such a hurry was because she had already checked it online.

She was very embarrassed about what happened to Su Wei and her today.

Just opening the door, she saw a policeman outside, and she panicked, "Who are you? Did you go to the wrong room?"

So she definitely didn't dare to be searched by people, and she didn't dare to let people in.

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you, so I just want to ask you, where is the cat? Where did the cat in this bag go?" Su Wei didn't want to listen to this family's nonsense, he just wanted to know where the oranges in the cat bag went.

"Husband, the orange is not here, only this cat bag is here." Wu Xiaoxuan followed behind Li Ziwei and also entered the room.

Although people nowadays like to use Douyin, if they are asked to find someone, there may be results.

But let them find a cat, forget it, basically no one will help.

And now that the weather is so cold, who wants to come out and suffer from the cold.

"Hello everyone, I'm Su Wei. I lost my cat in Xi'an. It is the raccoon cat in the picture below. If anyone finds it, please contact me. I will give him 100 million as a thank you fee."

(End of this chapter)

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