Chapter 530
Su Wei's vibrato went viral as soon as it was posted.

Because first of all, his Douyin was authenticated by his real name very early, but he didn't post anything.

There were originally tens of 10 people who silently followed his Douyin.

The second one exploded because Li Ziwei, as a small Internet celebrity, also helped @ him, and all his fans knew about it.

And the third reason why it will explode is because Su Wei bought Douyin for tens of thousands of dollars and let the Douyin platform help him push the stream.

These tens of thousands of shaking + can bring tens of millions of views, and people in the province must have the most views.

The last point, and the most important point, is that Su Wei is in the video, but he made it very clear that as long as anyone can find the cat, he will reward 100 million.

That's 100 million, how many people can withstand this temptation.

As the capital city of Xi'an, the average price of his current house is just over [-].

With this 100 million, it is completely possible to buy a small three-bedroom or a large two-bedroom.

And as Su Wei is a super rich man, everyone is not afraid that he has no money to give.

The only thing they worry about now is whether this matter is true or not.

After all, this is the first time Su Wei's Douyin is used. Who knows if it's him himself, and he hasn't used Douyin before.

However, everyone's worries were quickly dispelled, because Su Wei also posted this news on Weibo.

At this time, everyone fully believed that if they really found Su Wei's cat, they could get 100 million.

Hearing that there is really 100 million prizes, everyone in the city went crazy.

In addition, today is the weekend again, these people all ran out, wanting to find the cat, so as to get the 100 million.

So the final result was that all the stray cats in the city were driven out.

No matter how tricky their hiding place is, as long as they are in the city of Xi'an, they will be found out.

Because the temptation of 100 million yuan is too great, and there are too many people dispatched, it really makes people feel like digging three feet into the ground.

. . . . . .

Chen Tianqiao is a third-year student in high school. He just finished painting a picture and is planning to take a nap at noon.

Because he is an art student, he doesn't have to stay up late every day to read books like ordinary high school seniors.

But every time he finished a painting, he would squint for a while, because his attention was too concentrated when painting, and his eyes would be very tired if he didn't take a break for a while.

It's just that he didn't expect that the little friend in this yard would come to knock on the window of his house today.

The place where his family lives is in an urban village in Xi'an. Before that, their family was not from the city, but farmers on the edge.

It's just that they were included in the process of urban expansion, but because of the large number of people in their area, no developers have dared to win and build houses.

This has led to the fact that the people in their area, although their household registration has become urban residents, their yards are still the same as before, and they did not live in buildings. On the contrary, the fields have disappeared.

People who live here now hope that their homes can be expropriated by developers to build buildings, so that they can get rich.

But the slogan has been shouted for many years, but no boss has come to invest money to build a house.

"Tianqiao, why are you still sleeping?" Chen Tianqiao and his family had only one floor in their yard.

Chen Wenbin is familiar with this place, after all, they are from the same village.

Of course he knew which room Chen Tianqiao lived in.

"It's so cold outside, why don't I go to bed? Drawing every day makes my brain feel a little dizzy. You don't study today?" Chen Tianqiao is an art student, and the proportion of culture classes is not so important.

The most important achievement is their artistic level.

But Chen Wenbin is an ordinary high school student, and he is going to take the college entrance examination. He should be busier than himself, so how come he still has time to find him.

"Nothing will happen if you don't study for a day. Aren't you always worrying about the tuition fee for the Academy of Fine Arts? Then why are you still sleeping here, not going out to find cats?" Chen Wenbin's grades have always been the top in the class. several.

Moreover, his family's conditions were much better than Chen Tianqiao's.

He still lives in a village in the city, just because his father doesn't like living in high-rise buildings.

He is a good friend of Chen Tianqiao, of course he knows that he has been worrying about college tuition.

After all, the tuition fees for art students cost 3 to [-] yuan a year, and they are art students, so the extra expenses would be too much.

"Looking for a cat, what kind of cat are you looking for?" Chen Tianqiao heard Chen Wenbin say, why didn't he look for a cat.

He was so dumbfounded that he didn't understand what he was going to say.

"You don't know yet, just that super rich Su Wei, he came to our Xi'an, and then his cat lost, and now he is offering a reward." Chen Wenbin remembered at this time, Chen Tianqiao didn't watch this kind of short video.

After all, he is painting every day, thinking that he can become famous by painting.

So Chen Wenbin simply told him about the content on Su Wei's Douyin.

"A reward cat? What kind of cat is the reward? Isn't this a raccoon cat? Tear, 100 million? I read it right, it's just a raccoon cat." At first, Chen Tianqiao was still wondering if this cat was a rare breed.

After all, Su Wei said that he planned to reward the person who found the cat with 100 million.

But he didn't expect that when he saw the cat, he thought he had misread it, and after carefully looking at it several times, it was indeed a raccoon cat.

This cat, her grandma and the old cat, don't know how many were born. At that time, their family would give away a few cats every year.

"He is worth this much, and he still cares about the breed of the cat. Are you going to find the cat? If you don't, I will go to Wang Mazi." Chen Wenbin saw Chen Tianqiao's murmuring, and thought he was don't want to go.

If he didn't go, then he planned to go to Wang Mazi.

Wang Mazi also lived here, but his family rented a house here.

He was given this nickname because the other party's surname is Wang, and he has a lot of pimples on his face.

"Of course I will, but before we go again, we need to go to my grandma's and get a cat cage." Chen Tianqiao's grandfather has passed away. His father is the eldest son, and his grandma has always lived in their home.

His grandma raised many cats before, and now he is going to catch Su Wei's cat, and he plans to bring a cage.

It's too cold now, and his grandma has one of those cat cages that keep out the wind.

It's just that when he took the cage, he found that his grandma's best cat cage was missing.

"You are still thoughtful, then let's go quickly"

. . . . . .

Chen Tianqiao and the others went looking for a cat today.

Whether it's on a hill in a sparsely populated suburb, or in a cave under a highway bridge.

As long as it was a place where they thought the cat could hide, they turned it aside.

"It's so hard to find, where is this cat?" Chen Tianqiao walked for several hours, really tired.

If counting the number of WeChat steps, he has walked at least tens of thousands of steps in the past few hours today.

But now he didn't even see the shadow of the orange.

"Orange, orange, if the 100 million is so easy to earn, then how can Su Wei get so much money out?" Chen Wenbin called out the name of Orange, wondering if he could call it out, while chatting with Chen Tianqiao.

Chen Wenbin was not sure whether he could find the oranges.

He just felt that the opportunity was right in front of him, and he must work hard.

If they could find oranges, the two of them could get 100 million.

"Tangerine, where are you, Tangerine? I'm right. I didn't think this raccoon cat is so cute. I want to catch one and bring it back to feed me." Compared with Chen Wenbin's life experience, Chen Tianqiao really wanted to catch this cat.

After all, if his family has 100 million, it can really change a lot of things.

His father runs a taxi, but he doesn't have a car. He drives it for the company, the kind that goes to work, because he has no money to buy a car.

And he was going to college soon, and the tuition fees of art schools were not cheap, and her sister was also going to high school soon.

"Look at that cat. Most of its body is white. I think it is very beautiful. If it weren't for the family not allowing it to be kept, I would definitely take it back." Chen Wenbin heard Chen Tianqiao say that his grandma wanted Get a cat.

Pointing to the white raccoon cat in front of him, he asked Chen Tianqiao if he wanted it.

He thinks that cat is very beautiful, but unfortunately he already has one at home, and his family will definitely not agree to it if he takes it home.

"Okay, this raccoon cat is really nice, but I don't know if it will come home with me." Chen Tianqiao followed the direction of Chen Wenbin's finger and indeed saw a little stray cat.

From the appearance of the cat, one could tell it wasn't an orange.

Although it wasn't an orange, the cat was really good-looking, which moved him a little.

Today, because the whole city came out to look for cats, many stray cats were driven out of their homes.

There may be many cats who will die because of this incident, but there are also many cats that have been successfully adopted by humans.

"Let's try it. Didn't we bring food with us? If we really bring it home, it will at least have a place to live in the future, and it will have to find food by itself in the future." For Chen Wenbin, he felt that stray cats The best destination is to be adopted by humans.

Because there are too many stray cats in a city, humans will definitely take action.

Only kittens adopted by humans can escape this catastrophe.

"Meow, meow, come here quickly, little cat, I can't tell, this little guy is still a foodie." Chen Tianqiao took out the ham sausage he had prepared, and wanted to see if the little guy would come over.

Unexpectedly, this little guy was not at all wary when he saw something to eat, and was easily caught.

"Let's go, there's nothing to gain here, let's look under the bridge opposite." Chen Wenbin saw the cat was caught, so he thought about going to the bridge across the river to look again.

After all, they have almost found this place, and there is only one cat here.

Now this cat has also been taken into their pocket.

"You two boys, did you find the orange?" When Chen Tianqiao and the others were about to leave, they were surrounded by several people.

Heizi and the others also came out to look for the cat today, but after several hours of searching, they found nothing.

When he came under the bridge, he happened to see Chen Tianqiao and the others catch a cat.

"Orange? You don't think you are talking about it, it is not, it is just an ordinary stray cat, I plan to take it back to my grandma." Chen Tianqiao was really speechless, how could there be oranges in his cage.

If this is the case, the two of them can still walk so leisurely.

"Don't fucking talk nonsense, open the curtain of this cat cage and show me." Because this cat cage is airtight, Heizi can't see what's going on inside.

He definitely wouldn't let the two of them go just based on the other party's words.

And when he saw the other two, he still had a childish expression, knowing that they were just students.

People like the other party only need to be scared, and they will definitely be scared. He is too experienced.

"Why open it for you to see, you are not its owner, you call it, you see it agrees." Chen Wenbin knew that the two of them met a bastard.

He also grew up in a village in the city, and he was not afraid of the other party at all.

And because people of their generation ate well, they were all terribly tall.

Neither Chen Wenbin nor Chen Tianqiao was shorter than 1.8 meters, while the other was 1.7 meters on average.

"Cao Nima is shameless, isn't it? If you want to take 100 million, have you asked our brothers?" Heizi's subordinates immediately kicked the other party when they heard the other party speak so rudely.

After all, they were just two student cubs, so they shouldn't fight too much.

What he didn't expect was that the other two dared to resist.

"We really think we are afraid of you. If you beat us, I'll show you." Chen Tianqiao didn't look like he was a painter, and he didn't miss that fight.

Seeing that the other party didn't have a knife, he was afraid of a fart.

Soon a group of people began to fight. Although Chen Tianqiao and the others had a height advantage, the opponent had a large number of people, and they often struggled in society, so it was painful to know how to beat someone.

Heizi and the others quickly took advantage of the battle situation and pushed Chen Tianqiao and the others to the ground.

After no one stopped him, Heizi's men pulled up the curtain of the cat's cage to keep out the cold.

Heizi took out his mobile phone, took out the orange and compared it with the cat in the cage, and found that this cat was indeed a stray cat.

"We told you that it's just an ordinary stray cat. You didn't believe it yourself, but now you're blaming us instead." Although Chen Wenbin was beaten, he was still unconvinced.

Because there are two of them, and there are four on the other side.

If there is one more person on their side, the opponent may not necessarily be able to win.

So when he spoke, his tone was still very unconvinced.

"Brother Hei, what should I do now, this cat is not an orange?" The two people who were pressing down on Chen Wenbin and Chen Tianqiao stood up when they heard that the cat was not an orange.

After all, if the cat wasn't for Orange, then there would be no conflict of interest between them and these two boys.

Although the opponent hit them, they also hit each other.

"What can I do, keep looking, it's a waste of time, let's go" Heizi saw that the cat was not, patted the ashes on his body, and planned to leave.

He believed these two boys and would definitely not call the police.

Because he just wanted to confirm whether it was the cat, and they didn't do anything cruel.

As for the real cat, whether they will be cruel, because they can't guarantee it until it's time to make a choice.

After all, it was 100 million. Little bastards like them had never seen so much money.

"Wen Bin, I'm planning to go back, because I've figured it out, even if the cat is found, it may not be able to protect it well, there are too many people spying on it." Chen Tianqiao saw Heizi and the others walking away, he I don't plan to continue looking for cats.

Because he just found a stray cat, and this kind of thing happened to him.

If you really find oranges, you don't know what danger you will encounter.

After all, the 100 million is too attractive.

"I found out too, then let's take a taxi home, I'll take Didi"

(End of this chapter)

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