Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 531 Mercedes-Benz G63 AMG 6X6

Chen Tianqiao and Chen Wenbin got off the Didi car in the village and went home.

Because the homes of the two of them don't live together, on the contrary there is a little distance.

They are so familiar and play together, mainly because they were classmates in elementary school and junior high school.

When Chen Tianqiao returned home, he found that his father had already returned, and the family was planning to have dinner.

His father drove a taxi for the company, divided into night shift and day shift. Recently, it happened to be the day shift. After getting off work at six o'clock, he was basically fine.

"Tianqiao, why did you go today? Why is your whole body dirty? You don't need to wash your clothes, right?" Mother Chen was about to call Chen Tianqiao and ask him why he went and why he didn't come back after dinner. He heard the sound of the courtyard door closing.

She looked through the glass, and sure enough, it was Chen Tianqiao who had returned.

When he walked to the dining room, she saw that his whole body was dirty.

Because she was the one who washed the clothes, she was very angry when she saw such dirty clothes.

"I know, I know, my brother is going to play with Chen Wenbin, and the two of us will go out in the afternoon." Seeing that her mother was angry, Chen Tianjiao hurried out to make a small report.

If he had known earlier, he wouldn't have picked up cats, and he shouldn't have gone out with Wen Bin today, causing him to waste the whole afternoon and even get beaten up.

In the background of the other party, it is on a big bed, and it looks like a cat princess.

"Grandma, is this the cat you picked up today?" When Grandma Chen went to see Chen Tianqiao's cat, he also went to see the cat his grandma brought back.

"Grandma has already brought back a cat? What about the cat in my hand, or I will lose it?" Chen Tianqiao didn't expect that his grandma had already picked up a cat.

Because it was a raccoon cat, she quite thought it was a stray cat.

"It's not that I don't want to part with it. After all, this cat belongs to someone else's family. It's just that I didn't expect that my relationship with this cat is so shallow." How could Grandma Chen be reluctant to part with this cat? After all, it can return 100 million.

On the way back, she saw a kitten shivering from the cold.

Even if the front parking lot is full at that time, you can go to the parking lot.

After the oranges were lost, Su Wei and the others were in no mood to play.

"Eh? Brother, why does the photo on your phone look like Xiao Huang? No, it's exactly the same. Isn't this cat a stray cat?" Chen Tianjiao heard her brother's voice and ran over to take a look. .

Her husband kept talking about buying his own taxi, or buying a car to run Didi.

He found that his brother was holding a mobile phone, comparing it with the kitten picked up by his grandma.

"It is indeed RMB. Its owner is the super rich man Su Wei. He came to Xi'an today, and he is the one who offered the reward." The name Su Wei may be very common, but with the words super rich man, many people will be confused. Responded.

At that time, Dad Chen's first reaction was that he thought he was being robbed, but seeing that the passengers were two girls, he didn't immediately call the police.

When Su Wei and the others came out, there were still many people outside.

But now he has no choice but to see if the orange can be caught by the needle in a haystack.

Compared with this cat, he cared more about the car he ordered yesterday.

Because he is an anchor, there are water friends in every city, and Xi'an is no exception.

She has always wanted to buy another cat, but she just never found the right one.

But we can’t exchange him for money now, the target is too conspicuous by walking or taking a taxi, so I’ll drive you there after I get the car tomorrow morning.”

He could already imagine how domineering this car would be on the road.

The only downside may be that you have to climb up to go up.

It's just that if you don't see it, you don't know it, and you are shocked when you see it.

Later, when he received people who were going to remote places, he simply took them all to one place.

It wasn't until I talked with them that I realized that they were looking for a cat.

Unexpectedly, her grandson also brought back a cat, so she could only accept it together.

Let's see if her brother dares to go out with her in the future.

He didn't expect that someone would offer a reward of 100 million for Lihuamao.

So he asked the other party to park the car in a nearby parking lot first. After all, the parking lot in front of the hotel has been occupied by the cat army.

"Grandma, the cat I brought back is a bit similar to the previous one. You will definitely like it after seeing it." Chen Tianqiao will bring this cat home for a very important reason, because it is similar to his previous cat. That old cat was a lot like that.

There are also tuition fees for Tianqiao and Tianjiao, which can be settled immediately.

Half a year ago, he passed away due to old age.

Who wanted this afternoon, she wanted to play with her, but they refused.

It turned out that many people thought that cats were accepted here, 100 million cats, which made him dumbfounded.

Even if it is to watch, he intends to gather those people at one time.

After all, if she wanted a cat that looked like Rolling Roll, she would have already found one she was satisfied with.

He didn't dare to ask anything, so when he came back, the carriage was eerily quiet.

"It looks really similar to Gun Gun, ouch, it's so good to touch, I'll boil some water later, just let it take a bath with Xiao Huang." Grandma Chen told Chen Tianqiao that the cat he brought back was a cat. In fact, I can only say that it's okay.

So his first reaction was that this matter was fake.

After all, in his impression, cihuamao villages are everywhere.

In fact, before he came back, he had already wiped his clothes with paper, but it was still useless, and some stains could not be washed off with clean water.

So this trip, the whole process is under his command.

As for the remaining money, you can keep some of it, and some of it can be used to buy something for the family.

When she was going out today, she happened to see a cat shivering by the side of the road. She thought it was fate, so she picked it up.

As for raising the price of the reward, that is unnecessary.

The most outrageous thing is that someone brought the dog in. Of course, this kind of person didn't even enter the door. After all, the security guard is not a fool.

"Mom, Tianqiao just happened to bring you a cat, it's God's will.

If it wasn't for the different background, she would have thought it was just taken by her son.

After all, she is already so old, and after raising the cat brought back by her grandson, she basically has no chance to raise it again.

"I'm not thinking about it, I'm just thinking, if I'm in Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum today, if I don't forget the oranges, I won't waste everyone here helping me watch cats all afternoon." From Su Wei's video, I found that I couldn't go In half an hour, someone came to the door with a cat.

So there are so many cats outside, she can totally understand.

In the next few hours, a group of them saw at least hundreds of cats.

"Grandma, are you reluctant?" At this moment, Chen Tianjiao saw his grandma, and it seemed that the curtain had dropped in his eyes.

Lao Ma and the others thought very much about dealing with Su Wei, so they could only let Xiao Wang do it.

Because after Su Wei tweeted, in order to avoid his privacy being exposed, he directly assigned all the rooms for the day.

"Yes, I came back from a walk today and saw it squatting on the side of the road pitifully, and it didn't bite anyone, so I took it home with the cat cage." Every once in a while, Grandma Chen would go to the flowers and birds Go to the market to see who sells cats.

There are some that are very similar but not, and some that don't want to be used at all to fill up the number.

After all, this car is a new car. Before the car is sold, the car dealers dare not install pedals.

She just felt that if she wanted to find such an eye-catching person, she might never have a chance in this life.

I looked there for a while today, and she found that the prices she could look at were not cheap, and the prices were between 300-500.

"Don't watch it. If another cat is brought over, let's come over and watch it together at an appointment time. Lao Jin, has my car arrived yet?" Looking at the cat.

Thinking of this, he didn't know what to do, after all, his family's conditions were not good.

And except for those who stayed in before, and those who had reserved rooms before, he directly filled up the rooms that came out later, and the rooms could not be reserved at all.

This startled him, and he quickly took out his mobile phone, intending to check the reward.

This made her more determined to greet the group of people around her, after all, they were too rich.

. . . . . .

It's just that the orange was lost at the time, and Su Wei has been busy with that.

And because Su Wei's video was sent out, it has already caused an uproar.

"I didn't go out to play. Didn't grandma's previous cat pass away? I know she always wanted to raise one. Today, Wen Bin came to tell me that someone was looking for cats outside, so now there are stray cats everywhere on the road. I saw that this cat was very pretty, so I thought about catching it for grandma, and it ended up like this." He went to find oranges today, and he really didn't get his clothes dirty.

"It can be exchanged for 100 million, so hurry up and replace it. With this 100 million, you can buy a taxi of your own, Lao Chen, and the tuition fees for Tianqiao and Tianjiao are also settled." Chen's mother heard this. The cat belongs to Su Wei, she is really overjoyed.

At that time, there were not 100 or 80 kittens sent out by their family.

"You can't throw it away. Anyway, one cat is for raising, and two cats are also for raising. I'd better come and see my grandson first, and pick up a cat for me." Grandma Chen raised a cat before. .

After all, she was willing to accompany Li Renfeng to drive thousands of kilometers to XJ for tens of thousands of dollars.

It was indeed because of this cat that he was beaten by those gangsters.

He opened the cover on the cat's cage so that his family could see the little guy more clearly.

"Don't sigh, we have done our best. If the oranges are destined for us, we will definitely meet again." Seeing Wu Xiaoxuan sighing, Su Wei thought she was worried about not finding the oranges.

Now that she saw that her brother was likely to be beaten, she wished her mother would focus on it.

"It looks very big in the photo, but I didn't expect it to be bigger in reality, no wonder I can't get down to the parking lot." Su Wei took the key and walked around the big pickup truck.

But when she stretched out her hand, she found that Xiaobai showed her belly.

. . . . . .

Especially its wheels are as high as six.

"Hi Mr. Su, we are from Yaohan Xinghui Automobile Co., Ltd., and this is the Mercedes-Benz G63 AMG 6x6 you ordered." Xiao Wang's brother is the owner of the auto dealership.

It was found that the similarity between this cat and the cat in the picture is as high as 90.00%.

There are even more powerful ones, to book a room directly at the Sofitel Legend Hotel, but none of their methods succeeded.

After all, he had made a lot of noise before.

If it was to be thrown away, of course it was his cat. The one her grandma picked up must be a cat her grandma was very satisfied with.

I happened to have a cat cage in my hand, so I took it home.

"Sister Wu, why is this car a pickup? Is it expensive?" Xu Mingyue looked at the car in front of her and found that it was very similar to the car she hit.

The last guests before his return happened to be the two little sisters he sent over.

And in his brother's phone, there happened to be a photo of a cat, which was exactly the same as this kitten, but with a different background.

And there are some live broadcasters, probably driven by security guards, who are still filming here on the side of the road.

Today, because of this incident, Chen Tianqiao specifically looked for Su Wei's information.

It's just that compared to the high spirits before they went, the two of them were in a pitifully low mood when they came back.

After all, Wu Xiaoxuan likes this cat, but he doesn't really feel it.

"Yeah, I picked up a few customers today, and they were all people from the side who came to the city to find cats. It's strange. By the way, the cat in the cat cage in your hand is for your grandma. I have a cat, right? But when your grandma went out today, she brought back a cat, what should I do?" Dad Chen drove today, and most of the people he picked up were from outsiders.

He went out only to find that there were thousands of people outside, all of them with cats.

"The car has arrived. It's parked in the parking lot behind the hotel. If you want to see it, I'll call and ask them to bring the car over." The delivery man arrived at around one o'clock today.

Not long after Su Wei and the others came out, they saw a Big Mac driving directly to the entrance of the hotel.

"Let's see, it's really the same. The owner of the cat offered it a reward of 100 million? It's a lie, isn't it a raccoon cat?" Father Chen took the phone in his son's hand, and then saw the reward.

Moreover, these people wanted him to take them to some remote places.

I thought her grandma was reluctant to part with this kitten and was unwilling to exchange it for money.

"This cat is worth 100 million yuan? Is it real or not? Is it really RMB?" Mother Chen was attracted by the 100 million yuan, and hurried over to see it.

At that time, a high-level fan sent him a message, saying that he was outside the hotel and wanted to meet him.

Because this cat and Tangerine look exactly the same.

Sofitel Legend Hotel.

After many people got the news, they all went to the cat, but there were still many people who didn't go to the cat, but came directly to the Sofitel Legend Hotel just to meet Su Wei.

"It's okay, no one expected that there would be so many cats today, but it's a pity that none of them are real." Li Ziwei felt that today, he saw the cats that he could see in his life.

Su Wei couldn't take it anymore, and didn't plan to continue watching.

"The cats that look a bit like oranges in the whole city should be brought here. After all, the attraction of 100 million yuan is really too great." Shen Yali came from an ordinary family, and she knows how attractive 100 million yuan is. .

"No way, that car is too tall, you will know when you see the real car later"

If they can exchange 100 million back, then their family will undergo earth-shaking changes immediately.

Li Ziwei's G63 is next to it, just like a toy car.

"They are also funny, there is a parking lot that doesn't stop, why park nearby, tell them to drive over here." Su Wei also thought why they were so funny when he heard that they were nearby.

Boom boom boom.

But this car is two laps bigger than that, and more importantly, this car has a funnel in the back and is a pickup truck.

But in her impression, pickup trucks are not very cheap cars, right?

How does it feel that people who see it are amazed, is the price very high.

Is it more expensive than the price of the Mercedes-Benz G65 he crashed?Isn't that car already the price ceiling of Mercedes-Benz?

"It's very expensive. It may cost 1500 million to buy this car with a good license plate."

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