The Heavens: The Magical World Begins with The Lord of the Rings

Chapter 10 World Mission Unlocking [Please collect, please recommend tickets]

Chapter 10 World Mission Unlocking [Please collect, please recommend tickets]

After Saruman left, everyone fell into silence for a while.

Gandalf was sitting on the steps smoking a pipe, his mouth fluttering with the pipe in his hand, and a lot of smoke came out of his mouth and ears.

"We shouldn't give up our vigilance." Galadriel stood up first and said, "There is a dark force that is expanding in the dark. They know how to hide, they have avoided our eyes and ears, and they never show up easily."

"But as their power grows, they will eventually show us their fangs."

Gandalf stood up when he heard the words, and looked at Elrond who was standing aside with his eyes closed and meditating.

"I'll let the brown-robed wizard Redagast help me keep an eye on Dol Guldur, but I'm still worried about the dragon on the Lonely Mountain to the east. If Smaug walks with the enemy, the consequences will be disastrous. "

Galadriel glanced at Gandalf, then at Gao Yuan.

"It is right for you to help the dwarves and let them prepare to take back the Lonely Mountain. Don't care about Saruman's opposition. Do what you think is right, Gandalf."

"Mithranda, I think you may need some help on the way to help the dwarves take back the Lonely Mountain." However, Galadriel was still a little worried about Gandalf's actions.

"Mr. Gao Yuan!" Galadriel's shout made Gao Yuan, who was resting with his eyes closed, open his eyes.

He did not fall asleep, and he listened to every word of the conversation between Galadriel and Gandalf.

"Lord Galadriel, if there is anything that needs me to do, please just tell me." Gao Yuan said.

Galadriel had a faint smile on his face.

She walked up to Gao Yuan, "I never realized that Gao Yuan is a wizard."

"I'm not a wizard, Lord Galadriel." Gao Yuan frowned, and didn't admit that he was a wizard, because he really didn't know magic, it was just mind power.

What magic can do, he may not be able to do; what he can do, magic may not be able to do, at least the magic in this world cannot.

"I'm still a ranger, that's just my special ability." Gao Yuan's words were very sincere.

Galadriel stared at Gao Yuan's sincere eyes. She couldn't read Gao Yuan's heart directly, but she could see many things from a person's eyes.

At least, Gao Gao would never be an evil person in her opinion.

Galadriel "Then, Gao Yuan, are you willing to join the team of dwarves with Gandalf to complete the mission of Lonely Mountain?
Gao Yuan curled his lips, and then looked at Gandalf beside him.

The gray-robed wizard was looking at Gao Yuan with great interest.

"Your order is my mission, Lord Galadriel." Gao Yuan thought for a moment and agreed.

[Contact the main storyline, world missions are unlocked. 】

Gao Yuan was stunned when he heard the system's prompt. He didn't expect to unlock the world mission so soon. He thought he had to go to Hobbiton to find Bilbo Baggins to unlock the world mission.

"Very well, with the participation of Mr. Gao Yuan, the ranger, I am more confident in this trip to the lonely mountain." Gandalf was very happy to hear that Gao Yuan was willing to join his team, and took a deep breath on the pipe in his hand.

After discussing this point, the Holy White Conference was not too much of a failure. Although it did not get the support of Saruman and could not take action against the dark forces in Dol Guldur, at least the remaining two members of the White Dao Society and him, in the There is a consensus to be careful with the dark forces lurking in the shadows.

And Galadriel also found a helper in Gandalf's plan to lead the dwarves back to the Lonely Mountain.

Gandalf said that this result is already very satisfying.

Gandalf got a powerful helper, Gao Yuan successfully joined the dwarf's Lonely Mountain mission, and got in touch with the main storyline. No matter how you look at it, it was a happy ending.

After the meeting, Gao Yuan approached Gandalf and asked him when he was going to the Lonely Mountain, and where he would gather with the dwarves.

The two agreed to meet at Hobbiton in the Shire on May 2941, 5 in the third era. Gandalf also told Gao Yuan that he would wait for him at a place where he wrote the initials of his name in Elvish.

Watching Gandalf leave Rivendell, Galadriel said that he was going to find Arwen, and Elrond followed, leaving Gao Yuan alone in the end.

When Gao Yuan returned to his room, it was almost noon, and an elf girl brought him lunch.

At this time, Gao Yuan was free to study the world mission released by the system.

Character: [Gao Yuan]

XP: 0
[Spiritual power enhancement] lv1 (790/1000): Strengthen the character's spiritual power, and have a certain resistance to the negative effects of the spiritual system.

Traveled across the world: "Super Power Out of Control"

This world quest:
[Main quest] (After completion, you can freely choose whether to travel to the next world.):

[Unexpected Journey]: Participate in and complete the expedition to the Lonely Mountain organized by the gray robe wizard Gandalf.

Task completion conditions:

1. Kill the evil dragon Smaug who occupies the Lonely Mountain.

2. Protect important plot characters from death: Gandalf, Bilbo Baggins.

3. Defeat the orc army and win the Battle of the Five Armies.

Task rewards: 2000 character experience points, [skill upgrade card], [dragon transformation] skill.

[Evening Star]: The choice to change fate.

Task completion conditions:

1. Win the heart of Arwen Eveningstar.

2. Complete the test of Elrond.

3. Change the fate written by Arwen Evening Star in "Ainu's Great Movement".

Task rewards: 3000 experience points, [plot character contract].

[Elf Silmarillion]: Obtain the Elf Silmarillion.

Mission completion conditions: Find the whereabouts of the Silmarillion, and restore the true face of the Silmarillion, so that the Silmarillion can reappear in the world.

Task reward: 1000 experience points, [Anchor of the World] x1.

This time, Gao Yuan's three-no system unexpectedly issued three tasks to Gao Yuan at once.

Although the other two missions were side missions, if they were not completed, it would not affect Gao Yuan's journey to the next world.

Unlike in "Super Energy Out of Control", the system gave Gao Yuan a task of "obtaining super power mind power", and the rewards were pitifully small, only a mere [-] experience points, so the rewards for this task seemed particularly generous.

The completion conditions of the main task seem to be very simple, as long as you follow the plot of the movie, you can complete the task.

But in fact, I'm afraid it's not that simple. Whether the task rewards are rich or not is often closely related to the difficulty of completing the task.

How can the dragon Smaug be so easy to kill? The real Smaug is much stronger than the one in the movie.

In the movie, the dwarves, together with Bilbo, rely on the terrain advantage to constantly deal with Smaug in the dungeon, and finally submerge Smaug with melted gold, and easily drive him out of the Lonely Mountain dungeon.

Later, during the massacre in Long Lake Town, Smaug was easily shot by the angry archer and dragon slayer Bard with a black arrow.

But in reality, is it really that easy to deal with Smaug?

It dared to break into the lair of the Turin dwarves alone, and challenged the existence of the entire Turin dwarf kingdom.

It even burned down the entire Dale City, and burned to death those combined human and dwarf forces who dared to resist it.

After being driven out of the Lonely Mountain by the dwarves headed by Thorin, it burned down the entire Long Lake Town, causing countless human deaths and injuries in Long Lake Town.

It is like a strategic weapon. Once it is put on the battlefield, the battlefield will fall into a one-sided situation.

If the big killer Smaug is placed on the final battlefield of the Lord of the Rings War.

I'm afraid that even if Aragorn brings countless undead army, it can't reverse the doomed fate of the battle in Baicheng.

This also explains why Gandalf is so afraid of Smaug.

Even under Saruman's strong opposition, he would find and persuade Thorin Oakenshield to start the mission to the Lonely Mountain, and he would not hesitate to risk his life.

In Middle-earth during this period, Smaug appeared on the battlefield as an invincible existence.

The only good news is that Gao Yuan's main task does not set any restrictions on Gao Yuan's completion of the task, and he can use all available means.

As long as he kills Smaug.

(End of this chapter)

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