Chapter 11 Elohir Hill
As for the two side missions, Gao Yuan has no clue yet.

He still doesn't know how Arwen feels about him.

Even if he wins Arwen's heart, he still needs to get the approval of his father-in-law Elrond to complete the test that Elrond set for himself.

In the original book, Aragorn was only 20 years old when he met Arwen for the first time, and he was already in his 90s when they got married.

at first.
Well, including now, he had to admit that he pursued Arwen because he coveted the beauty of this elf princess.

A man is a creature who looks at his face and figure. Gao Yuan must admit that it is Arwen's appearance and figure that deeply attracts him.

However, after more than a month of contact, Gao Yuan gradually became obsessed with Arwen's elegant temperament and character.

No matter how beautiful the face is, it is only amazing at the beginning, and this amazing feeling will continue to weaken as the time we get along grows.

What really made Gao Yuan decide to attack Arwen was because he fell in love with Arwen's temperament, character and ordinary words and deeds.

Looking at the Lord of the Rings series of movies, there are actually very few scenes about Arwen. Although it is outstanding enough, it is far from perfect and excellent as described in the original book.

Arwen in the movie is a tender, understanding and affectionate woman.

During the advancement of the plot of the Lord of the Rings, she fully supported her lover to complete her career, and provided Aragorn with a lot of help and encouragement.

After the end of the War of the Ring, she chose to give up her identity as an elf, and resolutely stayed with her lover in Middle-earth until she died.

It can be said that she is the silently giving woman behind the successful man.

Without the support of Arwen, there would definitely not be the later Human Emperor Aragorn.

In the real relationship, after Gao Yuan came into contact with her, he felt and realized the unknown side of Arwen.

She looks weak on the outside, but she is as strong as steel on the inside, and there is a lovely persistence in it.

Arwen is by no means a vase-like existence, and there is a spirit of perseverance and perseverance hidden deep in her heart.

Moreover, Arwen is also the daughter of Elrond and the granddaughter of Galadriel. She is also proficient in swordsmanship, archery, elf magic, and knowledge of ancient and modern times.

If Gao Yuan had to use a woman he knew to describe Arwen, it would be Wang Yuyan with profound internal skills.

She is deeply in love.

For the sake of love, one can give up the elves' eternal life. How much courage does it take?

Even though her father prevented her from combining with Aragorn in every possible way, she still did not give up and compromise.

This is a woman whom any man would want to care for for the rest of his life, and she deserves the care of his lover.

Aragorn is just a pig with cabbage ahead of time.

Now, Gao Yuan decided to pick this peach.

As for Elrond's test, Gao Yuan has no way of knowing.

He didn't know what kind of problem the future father-in-law would pose to him if he was with Arwen.

The condition he gave Aragorn was that he must become the emperor before he could marry Arwen.

This is like Lucien's father in the story of Beren and Lucien.

Elu Singol gave the human Beren an almost impossible task, asking him to take a Silmaril from the helmet of the Great Demon Lord Morgoth as a dowry gift, in order to make him quit in spite of the difficulties .

Gao Yuan knew that if Elrond set himself a test, it would definitely be very difficult.

However, as long as you don't let yourself take the Silmaril as a dowry, it will be fine.

Did someone take that thing?
One flew into the sky and became a star, one sank into the bottom of the sea without a trace, and one merged into the center of the earth is difficult to obtain.

So Gao Yuan basically ignored the third task released by the system.

It is rumored that Manwe (the Lord God) once predicted that the Silmarillion will not appear until the final battle of the last era.

Mr. Tolkien hasn't written that part of the story, nor can he write it.

While Gao Yuan was meditating, a figure appeared in front of Gao Yuan's room door.

In Rivendell, the climate is very pleasant, even in winter the temperature will not be very low, and the elves are very physically fit.

Therefore, most of the rooms here do not have doors, and some houses do not even have windows, just a large balcony with ventilation on all sides.

Gao Yuan obviously didn't notice anyone coming, he was still at the table, writing Chinese characters with a quill pen awkwardly.

"Very regular and beautiful writing, Mr. Gao Yuan, what kind of writing is this?" A man's voice sounded behind Gao Yuan.

Gao Yuan was frightened by the sound, and he turned around suddenly.

A fair and handsome male elf was standing behind him at this time, carefully studying the Chinese characters written by Gao Yuan on the parchment.

Like Elrond, he had long black hair, gray eyes, a well-fitting silver-gray cloak, and an eyebrow studded with star diamonds between his eyebrows.

"Who are you?" Gao Yuan was only startled by the other party's voice at first, but after finding out that the person who came was an elf, he let go of his guard. After all, this is Rivendell, the safest place on the continent. one of the places.

The elf man came back to his senses at this moment, bowed down and saluted Gao Yuan: "I'm sorry, I was obsessed with the words you wrote just now, and I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Elohir Starlight , my father is lord here, Elrond."

Gao Yuan returned the gift to the other party in the same way.

"Nice to meet you, Lord Elrothir."

"I have heard your sister, Princess Arwen mentioned your name, as well as your twin brother Lord El Ladan."

"When I first came to Rivendell, I was still wondering why I didn't see Lord Elohir and your brother, but I didn't expect to see them so soon." Gao Yuan had indeed heard Arwen mention her twin brother.

These two brothers are also ruthless people. The two of them once fought into the orc army and rescued their captured mother.

There were very few descriptions of them in the movie, so Gao Yuan knew very little about them, and he didn't even know their names before that.

"We went on a trip with Estelle, and we just came back today." Elohir showed a kind smile. (These two people often travel around with Aragorn, who is only a few years old)

No wonder he didn't see the future Emperor in Rivendell. It seems that Elrond protected him very well.

The Estel mentioned by Elohir refers to the future Emperor Aragorn, but now the Emperor is only nine years old.

When Aragorn was two years old, Elrond took Aragorn and his mother to live in Rivendell, and gave Aragorn an elf name, Estel, which means Hope means.

Before Aragorn's mother died, she once said a word to Aragorn, which explained the true meaning of the name: "I gave hope to the people of Dúnedain, and I left no hope for myself."

Of course, Aragon's mother has not died yet, but this sentence represents her lifelong belief.

"Arwen didn't mention Estelle to me." That's right, Aragorn was only nine years old, and Arwen hadn't been back to Rivendell for hundreds of years.

"Of course my sister won't know him. The kid is only nine years old. We're just going on a trip to teach him a lot." Elrohill laughed.

The two were chatting, but Elohir almost forgot the real reason why he came to find Gao Yuan today.

"Oh, I almost forgot the serious business. My father wants you to go there. He wants to talk to you about something." Elohir slapped his head and said his purpose of coming to find Gao Yuan.

 After dealing with the relevant plots about Arwen, let's enter the expedition mission plot.

(End of this chapter)

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