The Heavens: The Magical World Begins with The Lord of the Rings

Chapter 100 Putting Death to Survival 【Subscription】

Chapter 100 Putting Death to Survival 【Subscription】

In the dwarf's palace, Gao Yuan was still fighting the dragon at this time.

At this time, both parties understand that there is no room for mediation between each other. Only by fighting to the death and deciding the final winner can this battle end.

Smaug's appearance at this time is really miserable, Gao Yuan cut off dozens of scales on its body, and few of the other dragon scales are intact, leaving dense scratches on them, all of which are blades of the Evening Star credit.

He even cut off one of the dragon's sharp claws.

And Gao Yuan looked much better. Apart from being a little disgraced by the dragon's breath, he didn't have any trauma on his body.

During the battle between the two, he was accidentally caught by Smaug's sharp claws, but Smaug cut off one of his claws by Gao Yuan instead.

Gao Yuan's only loss was his mental energy, which had already consumed two-thirds of it after the high-intensity battle.

Although after the upgrade, the recovery speed of his mental energy value has been greatly improved, but under such high-intensity squandering, it still pales in comparison.

The physical exertion of the two sides has reached a certain limit. After the last wave of fighting, the two sides tacitly separated a certain distance, preparing to take a short rest before continuing to fight.

But this crumbling dwarf hall is about to be unable to withstand their battle.

Just when they finished their rest and the two sides were about to attack again, another aftershock struck.

This time the shaking in the hall was even more severe, even when Gao Yuan just touched the string of the world, it couldn't compare with the current shaking.

Gao Yuan looked at the crumbling top of the hall, and it was already torn apart.

Above their heads, the bluestone ceiling originally made by the dwarves was gone, and what was exposed in front of them was a huge mountain rock.

This rock is closely covered with large and small cracks, and it is still expanding and increasing with the vibration of the mountain. From time to time, small gravel and dust fall from it.

However, Gao Yuan couldn't care so much at this time, because Smaug had already rushed towards him, and the battle between the two sides was on the verge of breaking out again. Gao Yuan gathered two fireballs in his hands and threw them on Smaug one after the other.

One of the fireballs flew straight into the mouth of the dragon that was breathing out dragon flames, and the huge explosion made the dragon's breathing of dragon flames stagnate.

Immediately afterwards, Smaug let out a shrill neigh because of the pain.

The exploding fireball and Smaug's neighing became the last straw that crushed the dwarven hall and the dragon's treasury.

The huge mountain rock above their heads collapsed in an instant.

Whether it was Smaug who was rushing towards Gaoyuan, or Gaoyuan who was suspended in mid-air, they were buried by countless rocks falling from the sky in an instant.

The two guys who had been rambunctious all night in the lonely mountain finally calmed down after this moment.

After escaping from the collapsed passage, Bilbo and the dwarves came to the secret gate of the Lonely Mountain. Everyone gathered in front of the collapsed secret gate of the Lonely Mountain, talking to each other silently.

"Where shall we go now?" asked Bilbo.

Thorin glanced at Bilbo, who was following him, and it occurred to him where he could escape.

"The guardhouse on the west side, there may be a way to escape there." Thorin said.

"It's too far away. We don't know if the road leading there has collapsed. The earthquake just now must have affected that side as well," Bahrain reminded.

"That's the only chance we can escape, other than that, I don't know where else to go."

"We can only give it a go." Sorin has already made a decision. Although the previous incidents have reduced his majesty among the dwarves, no one can offer a better opinion at this moment.

The dwarves rushed towards the west of the dungeon along the passageway under their feet.

In the middle, they encountered many collapsed bridges and passages blocked by stones, all of which were masterpieces of Gao Yuan.

This caused the dwarves to walk a lot of wrong roads, and when they reached the end of the road and came to the door of the west guard room that Thorin said, a long time had passed.

After entering the west warning room, what appeared before their eyes was a miserable scene.

Countless of their dwarf compatriots cuddled up to each other and died in this warning room, just because the door of the warning room leading to the outside world was buried by the collapsed mountain.

Of course, this was not caused by the earthquake launched by Gao Yuan. It seems that these corpses and ruins have been here for quite a long time.

"We've got nowhere to go," Dwalin sighed.

Sorin didn't care about the door leading to the outside world, but looked at the corpses of the dwarves under his feet, and he couldn't help but choked up.

"These are the bodies of our countrymen."

At this time, the lonely mountain that had been shaking all night suddenly stopped shaking, and the "noisy" dwarf dungeon regained its former tranquility.

Bilbo was the first to notice that the Lonely Mountain had stopped shaking.

"The shaking stopped. What's the matter?" asked Bilbo curiously.

Balin answered Bilbo's question: "Because the battle is over, and perhaps between our ranger and the dragon, it has been decided."

"Maybe we all died together." Groin said in a muffled voice.

Bilbo's eyes widened, and he looked at Groin in disbelief: "Hey! How is that possible?"

He didn't believe that the powerful Gao Yuan would not be able to defeat that evil dragon.

Even if it is. He means that even if it is, Gao Yuan can't beat the dragon, and he believes that Gao Yuan can't die.

"Sorry!" Groin apologized to Bilbo.

Suddenly Bilbo came up in front of the crowd.

"I think we should go back and have a look now. Maybe Mr. Gao Yuan has already killed the evil dragon." Everyone looked at Bilbo with strange eyes, which made Bilbo embarrassed.

"Anyway, we can't go out now, can we?"

"Bilbo is right. Even if the dragon is not dead, we will have to face it sooner or later." Thorin took Bilbo's side very rarely.

"If the evil dragon is really not dead, we will lead it to the furnace."

"If everything is destined to burn, then we will go to the sea of ​​fire together." Thorin seemed to be stimulated by those dwarves lying on the ground clinging to each other in the warning room.

He finally made up his mind not to run away anymore.

"We will live to die!" exclaimed Bilbo excitedly.

Everyone turned their attention to him again.

The embarrassed Bilbo had to explain: "This is the word Mr. Gao Yuan told me."

Thorin smiled and patted Bilbo on the back.

"That's called death and rebirth, and it was also taught to me by Mr. Gao Yuan."

So, the expedition team started to return along the original road again.

They chose to bypass the previous passage leading to the hall, because that passage had collapsed at this time, they went around to the passage on the other side, and entered the hall of the dwarves from there.

They broke into the hall full of expectations, but what appeared in front of them was the ruins left after the battle between Gao Yuan and the evil dragon.

In front of this devastated ruins, everyone fell into silence.

Through the collapsed stone pillars and the rubble all over the ground, they could clearly see the traces left by the battle between Gao Yuan and Shi Mao. They couldn't imagine what a terrible scene it was when they were fighting.

(End of this chapter)

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