Chapter 101 Breaking the Ground
Members of the expedition team did not see Gao Yuan or Smaug in the hall, and the treasures that had covered the entire hall were also gone at this time, and they were all buried under the ruins.

Bilbo and the dwarves were scattered in every corner of the ruins. They called Gao Yuan's name loudly in the empty hall, but they never got a response.

When the dwarves opened the ruins under their feet to find the high place, they occasionally found some gold coins and jewels left behind, which showed that Bilbo had not lied to them, and the place was indeed full of gold, silver and jewels before.

It's a pity that those golden and shining treasures are all buried under the ruins at this time.

Everyone was busy looking for Gao Yuan's traces, and no one noticed that Sorin, who entered the hall with them, fell into his own magic barrier again at this time.

He didn't look for high and distant traces on the ruins like other dwarves, but searched for treasures and the whereabouts of Aken gems everywhere in the hall.

"Gold, gold beyond count, is all down here"

"If only we would dig them up, the dwarves would have no pain, no shelter, no sorrow."

"Look, the great king under the mountain, the huge treasure left by Thor is buried under our feet at this moment." Thorin kept raving.

Thorin held all the treasures he could find in his arms until he couldn't hold them with his hands anymore, then found a corner to pile them together, and continued to search among the ruins.

The ills that had struck his grandfather and father in the past reappeared in Thorin.This disease rooted in their family blood always makes them lose their minds and fall into madness when faced with huge wealth.

Bilbo wandered lost among the ruins, and his best friend in the expedition, and his mentor in life, was buried under these ruins, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Even among the ruins, some jewels he picked up from time to time couldn't make him feel a little bit of joy, and there was only confusion in his heart.

"Come here quickly, I found something."

In this hall full of death and brimstone, Bofur's voice was so resonant, like a big bell ringing in the hearts of all.

Everyone ran in the direction of Bofur, the fastest among them was our hobbit.

Among all the people standing on the ruins at this time, no one is more concerned about Gao Yuan's safety than him.

"Bofur, what did you find?" Bilbo could hardly contain his excitement.

I saw Bofur took out a black elf sword from his arms and handed it to everyone. It was Gao Yuan's Evening Star Blade. This sword and Gao Yuan were always inseparable, even when they were in Rivendell.

Now they found the sword in the ruins, but there was no trace of Gao Yuan, which made everyone feel ominous.Everyone has prepared for the worst in their hearts.

Gao Yuan may have been buried in the ruins at their feet together with the evil dragon.

"Bilbo, you don't have to worry too much about Mr. Gao Yuan's safety. Maybe he just lost it accidentally when he was fighting the dragon. Now we help him find the sword. It's a good thing." Bofur hugged said Bilbo comfortingly.

"You will keep the Evening Star Blade for Mr. Gao Yuan first, and you will give it to him when we find him." Bofur stuffed the Evening Star Blade into Bilbo's arms.

After discovering the Blade of Evening Star, the expedition team continued to search in the hall for more than an hour, and everyone who was already physically and mentally exhausted had to stop and take a break.

Get ready to eat before continuing your search.

Bilbo sat blankly in the ruins of the great hall, dazed with the Evening Star Blade in front of him. Balin sat beside Bilbo and handed him a dry ration brought from the Woodland Kingdom.

Looking at the dry food that Balin handed him, Bilbo shook his head. Although he hadn't eaten for a whole night at this time, thinking about his friend's whereabouts are still unknown, and he may even be buried at his feet right now In the ruins of the ruins, how could he have the mood to eat?

Bilbo looked up and saw Thorin who was still walking among the ruins. He knew what Thorin was looking for inside, but he was destined not to find it, because what he wanted was hiding in his bosom.

"What's the matter with Thorin?" asked Bilbo.

I saw Bahrain sighed helplessly and said, "It's the dragon's disease. I've seen that expression before, that kind of greed that is about to come out."

"Worse than the dragon's lust, Bilbo, the lust for riches that drove his grandfather mad."

Bilbo asked Balin in a low voice, "Balin, if Thorin gets the Arkon Stone... I mean if he does, will he be all right?"

Balin looked at the hobbit thoughtfully when he heard this, and Bilbo felt a little guilty with his eyes.

"That gem is one of the most precious gems in the world. I am afraid that only the legendary Silmarillion can rival it. It is the most precious treasure among the treasures of the Lonely Mountain. It will give its owner strength. "

"Would that curb his madness?"

"No, my hobbit brother, I'm afraid it will only make matters worse. His grandfather once owned the Arkon Stone, but the situation has become more serious. Perhaps it is best for him to never find it." .”

"Have you found the Arken gem, Bilbo?" Balin's eyes became complicated, and he deliberately asked Bilbo if he had the Arken gem.

Bilbo hesitated for a moment, and was about to answer Balin's question, but he stopped him.

"Even if you find it, it's best not to take it out. Hide it well, and hide it in a place where Thorin will never find it or get it." Balin solemnly instructed him.

At this moment, the ruins under Bilbo's feet suddenly began to shake violently. They all stood in place, looking at the ruins under their feet in a daze, not knowing what happened.

"what happened?"

"Could it be another earthquake?"

"We have to get out of here, this place may collapse again."

Who knows who yelled so loudly in the dark, Bilbo was dragged out of the hall by Balin before Bilbo realized what was going on, and all the dwarves followed them and ran out of the hall in a swarm, except Thorin.

The dwarves fled in a hurry, and none of them noticed that Thorin was still in the hall at this time.

Sorin, who has lost his mind and has fallen into madness, is living in his own world at this time, and he is still wandering in the ruins.

An earth-shattering loud noise shocked everyone. They stood on the high platform and looked into the main hall, only to see a big pit appeared in the center of the main hall, and countless broken stones fell from midair to the ground.

A monster shaped like a "snake" crawled out of the big pit, with two terrifying sharp claws protruding from its abdomen, dragged its huge body out of the big pit with difficulty, and stepped on it with two powerful hind feet. He straightened his body on the ruins.

He opened his arms and spread out a pair of huge bat wings, showing his body completely in front of everyone. Among them, the most shocking thing was Sorin, because he was standing in front of this huge monster right now.

Bilbo recognized the monster immediately after it came out. The huge monster standing in front of Thorin at this moment was the dragon buried under the ruins during the battle with Gao Yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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