Chapter 106 Death of the Dragon
The final decisive battle was fought over the cloud-shrouded Long Lake. The black smoke wafting from the town of Long Lake and the rising steam from Smaug's body were all the sources of this thick fog, which almost filled the entire city. Most of the long lake.

The heavy rain and clouds not only blocked Smaug's sight, but also severely blocked his high-distance sight. The battle between the two went from the icy lake to the ruins of Long Lake Town, and finally hit the middle of the clouds.

The previous battles of spraying flames and throwing fireballs at each other are gone, Gao Yuan's vision is blocked, and Smaug's strength gradually weakens. A man and a dragon start a hand-to-hand fight.

The heavy rain had seriously weakened Smaug, but it was far from fatal.Smaug could no longer breathe dragon flames, and it had to use most of its strength to maintain its own body strength. In order to prevent the heart of the molten core from extinguishing, it had to choose to do so.

Gao Yuan's Evening Star Blade almost pierced into Smaug's body several times, but was dodged or shot away by it at the last moment.Smaug also almost grabbed Gao Yuan's body many times, but was blocked by his mind shield in time.

In this way, the two entangled for a long time, but there was no winner. After the last confrontation, the two stopped temporarily in tacit understanding. The two separated and confronted each other through a thin layer of mist. .

Panting heavily, Gao Yuan tried his best to maintain his figure in the air. He glanced at the mental energy on the system panel, and it was almost bottoming out at this time.

Because of the heavy rain, Smaug's body was still emitting steam, and his physical strength was quite serious.The temperature of the molten core is still dropping. In addition to being unable to use the dragon flame, the strength of the body is also constantly passing away. I believe it will become a lamb waiting to be slaughtered in a short time.

Gao Yuan didn't know how long Smaug could last under the heavy rain with his physical strength; and Smaug didn't know where the limit of Gao Yuan's mind power was.Neither of them had the confidence to kill each other in this battle.

This means that both sides must resolve the battle as soon as possible to determine the final outcome.A battle of trapped beasts is inevitable, and they all decided to use their last skills and strength to have a showdown.

Gao Yuan silently took back the Evening Star Blade, and personally held the Evening Star Blade in his hand. Tonight, he manipulated the attacks launched by the Evening Star Blade, and suffered repeated defeats, which made him deeply realize the importance of using the power of thought to control weapons to attack. insufficient.

Perhaps when facing weaker or clumsy opponents, remote control of the Evening Star Blade can easily achieve the goal of defeating the enemy.But when facing an opponent of Smaug's level, it is obviously not enough. The opponent's scale armor has amazing defense and flexible movements.

So this time, Gao Yuan decided to hold the former dragon-slaying blade with his own hands, and come to end the evil dragon opposite.

"Roar" the dragon let out a roar.

Smaug was the first to lose his temper, and the feeling of rapid loss of power was about to drive him crazy. Smaug had never experienced such aggrievedness, so he took the lead in attacking Gaoyuan.

Naturally, Gao Yuan was not to be outdone, and snorted coldly, holding the Evening Star Blade in his hand, turned into a high-speed cannonball, and rushed straight towards the dragon.

The evil dragon opened its mouth and spewed out a stream of dragon flames towards Gao Yuan who was flying towards him. Since it was about to be a showdown, Smaug no longer saved his strength, and used all available moves.

Gao Yuan was unmoved, the Psychic Shield supported in front of him, blocked all the dragon flames, and still rushed towards Smaug's chest at full speed.

Seeing this, Smaug raised his sharp claws and slapped Gao Yuan. Gao Yuan leaned slightly to the left and dodged Smaug's sharp claws with lightning speed. His goal was the missing scale on Smaug's chest.

How could Smaug not understand Gao Yuan's intentions? When it fought Gao Yuan before, he always came towards his chest.The dragon's neck bent, and it opened its mouth to bite Gao Yuan who was hidden in the mind shield, and then the hot dragon's breath spewed out of its mouth.

Gao Yuan blocked Smaug's dragon's breath with his mind, and because of the powerful impact of the dragon's breath, he flew backwards and spun seven or eight times in the air before stabilizing his body. The Evening Starblade charged at Smaug.

This time, his flying speed was faster, rushing towards its belly from a direction perpendicular to the dragon, midway, whether it was the breath of the dragon or the sharp claws of the giant dragon, he flashed one by one.

Smaug flapped his wings in terror, creating such a strong wind pressure that he flew backwards.But how could it fly backwards at a speed comparable to Gao Yuan's flight speed.


Gao Yuan's speed has reached the extreme, and a cone-shaped sonic boom cloud visible to the naked eye has even formed outside the psychic shield. If it weren't for the existence of the psychic shield, his clothes would have been burning at this time, and even his The body couldn't bear it and collapsed.His nimble figure moves around Smaug, no matter how the dragon dodges, Gao Yuan always follows closely.

As a result, the original strong duel between the two sides has gradually evolved into a chasing battle where you chase me and flee.The pursuit battle was not over until Smaug's physical strength gradually weakened, the frequency of flapping his wings began to decrease, and he was no longer able to dodge the high and far attacks.

Gao Yuan was like an air-to-air missile that had locked onto a local fighter plane, and arrived under Smaug's abdomen in the blink of an eye.Dodging Smaug's sharp claws, Gao Yuan held the Evening Star Blade with both hands, and slammed into Smaug's chest hard.

The blade of the Evening Star Blade, including the guard, was sent into Smaug's chest by Gao Yuan. During the process of the Evening Star Blade entering Smaug's chest, Gao Yuan felt that the Evening Star Blade in his hand seemed to have pierced through a thick layer. meat film.

The battle was over, the dragon and Gao Yuan stopped in the air, Smaug looked at Gao Yuan in disbelief, lying on his chest, and the half of the hilt in his hand.

Smaug let out the most earth-shattering roar in his life. With only the last bit of strength, he flapped his wings vigorously to climb upwards, finally broke through the clouds, and saw the moon in the sky for the last time.

The fiery heart inside Smaug stopped beating, and the fiery blood flowing through his body gradually began to cool down, even the golden light in his mouth and eyes disappeared.

The huge body of the evil dragon began to fall slowly, and soon fell into the clouds, and the speed became faster and faster.

Gao Yuan lay powerlessly on Smaug's chest, and he firmly grasped the hilt of the sword in his hand.The flight close to supersonic speed just now put too much burden on his body. Now he only feels a strong dizziness. He wants to use his thoughts, but he can't do it anyway.

Unbeknownst to him, his mental energy had already been exhausted long before he sent the Evening Star Blade into Smaug's chest.So now, he could only fall into the icy lake with Smaug's body.

The last howl of the evil dragon before it died attracted everyone's attention. The residents of Changhu Town who had not yet reached the shore stopped their movements. They raised their heads and looked at the sky where the evil dragon was before. .

Smaug was no longer there, but people were still silently staring at the sky above them.

Soon, a scene that they will never forget appeared, the huge body of the evil dragon fell from the clouds, and then smashed heavily into the icy lake.

(End of this chapter)

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