Chapter 107 Dragon Blood
With a loud bang, Smaug's body hit the lake not far from Changhu Town, and the dragon's body slowly sank into the lake. The icy lake quickly submerged Smaug's huge body, and a large number of The steam burst out from the surface of the lake, and the steam flowed with the north wind, so that the entire Changhu Town was shrouded in white smoke.

A hissing sound reached everyone's ears, and the lake water twitched for a while, and soon everything fell into silence.

This was the end of Smaug and Laketown, but not the end of Highland.

The dragon's body hadn't completely sunk into the lake, at least its belly did, perhaps because the lake next to Changhu Town was too shallow.At this time, Gao Yuan was lying on the dragon's corpse, unconscious.

The Evening Star Blade was still stuck in Smaug's chest, its blade had already penetrated into the dragon's heart, and Gao Yuan's hands were still firmly grasping the hilt of the Evening Star Blade.

No one noticed that a ball of golden dragon blood was slowly flowing out from the broken heart of the evil dragon. It went against the trend along the blade of the Evening Star Blade and the wound it caused. In this place, the originally pitch-black body of the Evening Star Blade was dyed silvery white.

The Blade of Evening Star, which was gradually eroded by the dragon's blood, trembled violently. The dragon's blood continued to climb up the hilt of the Blade of Evening Star, touching Gao Yuan's hands holding the handle. As soon as the dragon's blood touched Gao Yuan's hands, an instant It was absorbed by Gao Yuan's skin.

The speed at which the golden dragon's blood overflowed suddenly accelerated, and they went up the blade of the Evening Star Blade, and all flowed into Gao Yuan's hands.Even the dragon's blood that was still in Smaug's heart was drawn out, and the Evening Star Blade was like a straw inserted into the dragon's heart.

The golden blood in the dragon's heart gradually dried up, and the huge heart became shriveled.Due to the siphon effect, the normal blood that had been cooled in the blood vessels of the evil dragon flowed back into the heart of the evil dragon, and then slowly overflowed from the wound caused by the evening star blade.

Although the blood has cooled, it is only relative to its original temperature. The hot blood gushes out of Smaug's body, and begins to burn violently as soon as it touches the air. Even the clothes on Gao Yuan's body No exception.

Soon, a raging fire ignited on his body.

But the strange thing is that although Gao Yuan came into contact with the hot dragon blood and ignited a fire on his body, his body was still safe and sound, as if he was not afraid of those flames at all.

Bud, who survived the fire in Changhu Town, was always paying attention to the evil dragon in the sky. Thanks to the heavy rain created by Gao Yuan, he was not burned to death in the ruins of Changhu Town among.

When the dragon's body fell on the long lake, he immediately saw Gao Yuan who was lying on the dragon's body and passed out.

Bud hurriedly found a small boat that was still intact in the river, picked up two wooden boards, and used them as oars to slide towards Smaug's body.

When Bud was halfway through the row, he saw the raging fire on Gao Yuan's body. He once wanted to give up. No one survived that kind of fire.

But Bud finally decided to take a look. Even if the man had been burned to death by the fire, he had to find his relics and give them to his friends or relatives.

In the lake water around Smaug's corpse, steam rose from time to time, and even the icy lake nearby became warm because of the dragon's corpse.

Bud jumped off the wooden boat and stepped on the corpse of the dragon that destroyed River Valley Town for the first time. He cautiously came to Gao Yuan's side.

I saw that the clothes on his body had been burned clean, but there was no trace of burns on his body, and even his hair was unharmed.

Bud probed Gao Yuan's breath and found that he had just passed out, so he quickly took off his coat and covered Gao Yuan's body.

Just when Bud was putting on Gao Yuan's coat, he found a shining white gem lying beside Gao Yuan.

Bud picked up the gem from Gao Yuan's side, looked it over carefully, and recognized the gem's origin.Although he had never seen this gem before, he still recognized it at a glance—the Arken gem!
He didn't know why the mysterious man in front of him had the gem of Akon; he also didn't know how he got the gem, but combined with what happened last night, he already had some guesses in his mind.

Bud shook his head, hid the gem in his arms, and carried the fainted Gao Yuan back to the wooden boat.After putting Gao Yuan on the boat, he returned to the dragon's body again.

He reached for the sword that Gao Yuan had used to kill Smaug, but the hand he reached for the hilt burned, and the sword was scalded with dragon's blood and fire.

Bard poured the lake water onto the hilt of the Evening Star Blade, and the moment the hilt touched the lake water, a lot of steam came out. It wasn't until he poured water four or five times in a row that he could barely hold the hilt with his hands.

With Gao Yuan in a coma and his Evening Star Blade, Bud rowed the wooden boat away from the dragon's body. Not long after the two left, Smaug's body sank into the icy lake.

With the end of the battle between the evil dragon and Gao Yuan, the heavy rain caused by Gao Yuan gradually stopped, and the dark clouds covering the entire Changhu Basin gradually began to dissipate.

The moon gradually disappeared, and the sun peeked out from the eastern horizon.Although the sun had already come out, the howling cold wind continued to hit from the north to the south, and it mercilessly took away the temperature on the ground.

There were many boats floating on the lake near the green forest, and accompanied by the sound of the cold wind, were the howling sounds from the residents of Changhu Town.

They were saddened by the destruction of Changhu Town and the loss of family property, but if they calmed down and thought about it, they would know that this was already a commendable result.Three-quarters of the residents of Changhu Town escaped alive, and the evil dragon that caused harm to the world has also been killed.

Although the residents of Changhu Town did not know who the dragon slaying hero was, this did not prevent them from praising the hero's great feat and strength.

"If only he hadn't been slain." Apparently, some of those present had seen the dragon-slayer fall with Smaug into the Long Lake. "We will make him our king, the great dragon-slayer, The hero of Long Lake Town."

Just as the surviving residents were talking about the dragon slaying battle that took place over Changhu Town, a tall figure stepped out from the crowd.That person was Bud who escaped from death, and at this moment, on his shoulders, he was carrying a man wrapped in a coat.

"Is that man on Bard's back the dragon-slaying hero who killed Smaug?"

"It's him. I saw him when he was fighting the dragon. He was the one who made the heavy rain."

"How is this possible, that is the power that Vera only possesses!"

"... "

The survivors are very curious about the identity of the mysterious man on Bard's back. Some people have recognized him as the hero who killed the dragon over Long Lake Town.

What they were even more curious about was how the dragon slaying hero killed the evil dragon.

Some say he kicked the dragon away; some say he created the rain that extinguished the dragon's flame; others say he can control thunder and lightning...

Everyone was talking about it, everyone was telling what they saw, and even two people almost got into a fight over whether Gao Yuan controlled the lightning or the flame.

In fact, what they said is not wrong, Gao Yuan has done those things.But all this is not important, the important thing is that he killed the dragon.

(End of this chapter)

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