Chapter 110 The Raven
From the main mission, the haze of the Battle of the Nine Armies has always shrouded Gao Yuan's heart. He began to worry about how much his intervention would bring to the original plot.

Now the consequences of his changing the plot have been manifested, and the sudden appearance of the other four armies was beyond his expectation.

He doesn't know which of the four extra armies are their enemies and which are their friends.

He didn't know how many enemies were still hiding in this seemingly calm isolated mountain.

Gao Yuan's bad mood also affected the Evening Star Blade in his arms, and the Evening Star Blade lying on Gao Yuan's knee suddenly began to tremble.

The abnormality of the evening star blade made Gao Yuan recover from his original state of excessive worry, and after breaking away from the thinking restrictions he had set for himself, Gao Yuan suddenly figured it out.

He found that he was always panicked when faced with sudden changes in the plot caused by his intervention.

And when he is looking for how to solve the problems that arise due to sudden changes in the plot, he will always subconsciously exclude himself, the biggest variable, from the solution.

He already has such a powerful strength now, his own existence is the best solution to this series of problems.

It's not that he's being arrogant. In this Middle-earth continent, apart from those powerful wizards, high elves, and Sauron, I'm afraid there is no one who is his opponent.

That being the case, why should I be afraid that the plot will be changed?
Whether it is the Battle of the Five Armies in the original plot or the Battle of the Nine Armies after the plot changes, Gao Yuan is actually the biggest boss in this war.

As long as he joins the battlefield, he will be the weight that overwhelms the balance of victory. No matter how heavy the other side of the balance is, he has the confidence to become the one that determines the trend of the battlefield.

After thinking through all this, Gao Yuan felt much better.

He looked at the Evening Star Blade in his arms. Like Gao Yuan, it has undergone many changes in this unexpected adventure, and its appearance has changed drastically now.

Evening Star's Blade is no longer the dark Cursed Blade; and Gao Yuan is no longer the dazed young man chasing by more than 100 orcs in the dark forest.

In fact, Gao Yuan prefers its dark appearance before, but he doesn't know whether the Evening Star Blade, which has been recast with dragon's blood, still has the ability to communicate with people.

He also rarely communicates with Evening Star's Blade, perhaps because Gao Yuan often uses it to chop stones, so it has a lot of complaints about Gao Yuan.

Even if Gao Yuan occasionally wanted to talk to Evening Star Blade, it ignored him.

But Gao Yuan, as the holder of the Evening Star Blade, naturally has a way to make it speak.

Gao Yuan tried to communicate with it again. He stretched out a finger and flicked heavily on the sword of Evening Star Blade. Because of Gao Yuan's huge strength, the sword made an ethereal sword cry.

"Hey! Are you dead? If you are not dead, come out and say something."

Gao Yuan's unique way of greeting was met with a violent shaking of the Evening Star Blade.

It seemed to say something, but it didn't seem to say anything, maybe it was a silent protest from the Evening Star Blade.

Seeing that it didn't respond, Gao Yuan made a gesture to flick the sword again, ready to flick the sword and sing again.

"I always thought we got along pretty well." Seeing that Gao Yuan was about to do it again, Evening Star's Blade became anxious immediately, and it hurriedly said.

Hearing the familiar voice of Evening Star Blade, Gao Yuan grinned, with a smile on his face.

"You're right, we get along pretty well."

"But why do you treat me like this every time?" Evening Star Blade's voice was full of resentment. It seemed that this was not the first time Gao Yuan had used similar methods to force it to talk to him.

"That. I just want to care about you. I want to see if you are dead. After all, your appearance has changed a lot now. It looks like it has been recast." Gao Yuan hesitated for a second before answering.

"Now you know! I'm alive and well."

"Don't worry, even if you die, I can't die either. Don't disturb my sleep if there is nothing else." Evening Star Blade replied angrily, and ignored Gao Yuan after speaking.

Gao Yuan pouted, he wanted to tell Evening Star Blade that if he died, then it would be dead.Because there was an oath between him and Gao Yuan, the oath "I will die and you will be broken, and I will live and you will survive" is not a joke. In this world where there are supreme gods and various Vera, the oath is not to want to You can send it out.

"Hey, after you were baptized with dragon's blood, didn't you have any new functions?" Seeing that it ignored him, Gao Yuan became anxious, and he hurriedly asked the question that he really wanted to know.

Evening Star Blade feels that it has had enough of its current holder, but it has nothing to do with Gao Yuan.Who told it to be fooled into boarding a pirate ship, and even made an oath.

It knew that it was on a thief ship, but it never thought that this thief ship would be so stolen.

Before Gao Yuan could continue to ask, there was a sudden buzzing sound from the Evening Star Blade in Gao Yuan's arms, and then a hot flame ignited on the Evening Star Blade.

Gao Yuan, who put the Evening Star Blade in his arms, was caught off guard by the sudden flame.

The clothes he had just put on were instantly ignited.

Gao Yuan jumped up from the ground in fright, and he quickly extinguished the flames on his body.

Gao Yuan, who has the passive skill [Dragon Heart], is not afraid of these flames.

It's just a pity that Bard prepared this clean clothes for himself.

Several big holes were burned in the clothes, and his muscular figure hidden under the clothes was also exposed.

The blade of Evening Star that fell to the ground, the flames on its blade were still burning continuously.

While burning, it was still shaking violently, as if mocking Gao Yuan.

Annoyed and furious, Gao Yuan picked up the Blade of Evening Star, and plunged the entire blade of the sword into the wet and cold soil underground.

This time, it finally calmed down, the flame on the sword was extinguished, and it stopped laughing at Gao Yuan anymore.

Gao Yuan looked at the mess in the tent due to the chaos just now, and shook his head helplessly.

He had to get out of the tent, trying to borrow another clean suit from Bud or someone else.

When he opened the curtain of the tent, what caught his eyes was a refugee camp built on the shore of the lake, and when he raised his head, he saw the long lake full of floating ice.Looking into the distance from Gao Yuan's current position, he can also see Changhu Town, which is still emitting white smoke.

The survivors of Changhu Town built simple tents one after another with simple tarpaulins and wooden sticks on the snow on the shore of the lake.

Many people were busy in the camp, and they were transporting the supplies rescued by Bud and his men from Changhu Town to the camp.

Originally in the icy water of Changhu Lake, there were also a lot of supplies brought by the fleeing people.

But now it's winter, look at the ice floes floating on the lake, the lake water is really too cold, no one wants to go into the water at this time to fish for the few supplies.

Gao Yuan took a set of clean clothes from the hands of a blushing girl, and then he did not forget to look at the muscles on Gao Yuan's abdomen with bold eyes.

These were the clothes of her father, one of the archers who had fought the dragon with Bard last night.

He witnessed how Gao Yuan repelled the dragon, so when Gao Yuan asked for a set of clean clothes, he readily agreed to Gao Yuan's request.

And asked his daughter to find a set of her own clothes from the tent and give them to Gao Yuan.

I have to say that European and American girls are too precocious.

Don't look at the girl's figure, she is already very well developed.

However, according to Gao Yuan's experience, the girl's real age may not exceed 15 years old.

Facing the girl's adoring eyes, Gao Yuan held the clothes that the girl gave him in his hand, and seemed a little uncomfortable.

Although it was not the first time for him to be stared at by a girl in this world with this kind of gaze, it was still difficult for him to adapt to this fiery gaze.

He prefers girls who are more reserved, like Arwen.

Walking in the survivor's camp in Changhu Town, Gao Yuan noticed the birds in the area near Changhu Lake and began to become agitated.

In other words, in the wasteland created by the dragon, almost all winged creatures began to stir.At this time, the sky above the camp was full of circling birds. They turned into messengers and started circling around the lonely mountain, chirping excitedly.

He even saw a flock of black ravens flying further west from the Lonely Mountain in the north.

The evil dragon Smaug is dead. They are not fleeing from the Lonely Mountain, but to tell the birds who used to live in the Lonely Mountain to let them return to the Lonely Mountain.

These black ravens were still chanting while they were on their way.

It was a language that only those who had the blood of the lord of River Valley City and the blood of the former king of the mountain could understand.

However, Gao Yuan has the built-in translation function of the system, so he can understand what those ravens are saying.

"Smaug is dead! Smaug is dead! Everyone can go home."

Ravens are magical birds that inhabit the Lonely Mountains, and their lairs are often built on Raven Ridge.

Ravens have a long lifespan and extraordinary intelligence, and they can speak the common language, make friends with the dwarves of the kingdom below the mountain, and often provide intelligence to the dwarves.

In the original book, Sorin contacted his brother Ironfoot Dyne through these ravens, and asked him to lead the dwarf army from the Iron Hills to Lonely Mountain for support.

Gao Yuan believes that it may not be long before the news of Smaug's death will be spread to the Mirk Forest by these ravens, and even to the Misty Mountains farther west of the jungle.

These birds are part of that prophecy, which also means that a dispute around the Lonely Mountain has officially begun.

"When the old birds fly to the Lonely Mountain again, the reign of the dragon will come to an end."

 Ravenhill, a hill at the end of the southern spur of the Lonely Mountain, overlooks the Riverrun and Dale.There is an ancient dwarven watchtower on Raven Ridge. In the movie, Sorin and others saw Smaug killed on the dwarf watchtower.

  After Smaug left the Lonely Mountain (not yet dead), Sorin and others went to live in the dwarf watchtower for a period of time at the suggestion of the raven. and news of Thranduil's march to the Lonely Mountain.Thorin and his companions immediately decided to return to the Lonely Mountain after learning of this, and swore to protect the treasure to the death.

(End of this chapter)

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