Chapter 111 Reunion

Two mighty elf armies were rushing through the dense forest at this moment, and Thranduil was at the forefront riding on the back of his huge elk.

Walking side by side with him is Arwen, who came here from Rivendell and was planning to go to the Lonely Mountain with Thranduy to help Gao Yuan, and her twin brother.

They had just been in the forest and met a messenger sent by Bard, who came from Long Lake to seek help from the Woodland Kingdom.

From the messengers and the birds who were friendly with the elves, they received the news that Smaug was dead, and also learned what happened in Long Lake Town last night.

"I think this is the last time we'll hear about Thorin Oakenshield." Thranduil couldn't help sighing, "If they will listen to me and stay in the Woodland Kingdom as my guests, maybe You can save your life."

When Thranduil said this, he couldn't help thinking of Thorin Oakenshield's accusation against himself when he refused to help those dwarves that day.

Thinking of that arrogant dwarf, a disdainful smile naturally appeared on his handsome face.

"I once warned that arrogant dwarf that they had better not provoke the evil dragon that sleeps in the Lonely Mountain."

"But they ignored my warning. I already expected that their plan would end in failure. As a result, the dwarves paid a heavy price for their reckless behavior."

After Thranduil heard the news that Smaug flew out of the Lonely Mountain and attacked the town of Long Lake, he was convinced that all the dwarves who entered the Lonely Mountain were killed by Smaug.

Thinking that those dwarves had died in the Lonely Mountain, the smile on Thranduil's face disappeared, then was replaced by arrogance, and finally became gloomy again.

Tariel, the captain of the elf guard who deceived him, had been driven out of the woodland kingdom by him, and the two dwarves who were with her had also been driven out together.

He didn't care about the life and death of those dwarves, he cared more about the situation of Legolas.

Thinking of his son entering the lonely mountain with the expedition team for such a ridiculous reason, he hated those dwarves even more in his heart.

It also includes the ranger Gao Yuan in the expedition team, but now that Arwen and others are by his side, he is not easy to show it.

"However, your ranger friend surprised me. He didn't die at the hands of the evil dragon in the Lonely Mountain, but managed to kill it in Long Lake Town." Thranduy didn't lie, he did He was surprised by Gao Yuan's feat of slaying the dragon, but his tone was contemptuous.

Arwen was riding on the back of Asifaros, seeing the haughty expression on Thranduy's face when he talked about Gaoyuan, he couldn't help frowning.But at this time, her whole body was covered under the blue robe, and the elf king didn't notice her expression.

Like Arwen, her two elder brothers were a little displeased with Thranduy's tone when he talked about Gao Yuan, and the expression on his face, but they didn't argue with Thranduy.

They, like Thranduil, did not go to the Lonely Mountain to help the dwarves of the expedition.

She led Rivendell's army all the way to the Lonely Mountain just to help Gao Yuan, there was no need to conflict with Thranduy for those dwarves, and the other party didn't really speak ill of Gao Yuan.

Originally, these two teams were planning to go directly to the lonely mountain.

But now Thranduil received a request for help from Bard, and because he felt very sympathetic to the experiences of the residents of Changhu Town, he chose to change the direction of the army and planned to march towards Changhu along the dense forest river.

As for Legolas who was in the Lonely Mountain at this time, Thranduil had sent his cronies to bring him his orders.The evil dragon in the lonely mountain was killed by Gao Yuan last night over the long lake. He believed that Legolas would no longer face the threat of the evil dragon.

As for Arwen and others, they led Rivendell's army here, and they originally came for Gao Yuan, but now they heard the news that Gao Yuan was by the long lake.Naturally, he would not go to the Lonely Mountain again, but, like Serenduy and the others, turned around and went to Long Lake to find Gaoyuan.

When Gao Yuan was walking in the camp, observing the birds flying to the lonely mountain from the west, there was a burst of cheering from the other side of the camp, that is, near the forest.

When Gao Yuan came to the edge of the camp following the cheers of the crowd with doubts, there were already many people who came here with curiosity like Gao Yuan.

The bustling crowd was like a great wall made of flesh and blood, blocking Gao Yuan out. He couldn't see what happened on the other side, so he had no choice but to fly over the crowd from the air.

"Look! It's the dragon slayer!"

"His name is Gao Yuan. I heard his name from Bard. It was Gao Yuan who killed the evil dragon."

"I saw it with my own eyes, he slew the dragon with lightning from the sky"

More and more people noticed Gao Yuan's appearance, and people turned or raised their heads to look at Gao Yuan suspended in the air.They loudly praised Gao Yuan's greatness below; they praised Gao Yuan's feats
Looking at the people cheering towards him below, Gao Yuan couldn't help but secretly rejoiced. If he hadn't chosen to fly over, he might have been surrounded by these fanatical people at this time.

Thranduil rode his mount, surrounded by the elves' personal guards, and came to the temporary camp of the residents of Changhu Town. The forest behind him was crowded with an army of well-equipped elves.

Those in rags had evidently noticed the arrival of these armored elves, and the king of the woodlands strolling towards them.

People stopped what they were doing and surrounded them. As the current leader of Changhu Town, Bud squeezed through the crowd and came to Thranduy to chat with him.

When they learned that the elves of the woodland kingdom had come to help them, the residents of Long Lake town around the edge of the forest let out deafening cheers. They warmly welcomed the arrival of the king and expressed their gratitude for their willingness to help. .

Just when Bud and Thranduy were about to continue in-depth communication, Gao Yuan flew from behind the crowd, causing the crowd to burst into cheers again.

Gao Yuan, who was enthusiastically cheered by the residents of Changhu Town, leaped over the crowd, which naturally attracted the attention of Thranduy and Bud who were talking.

Speaking of which, this was the first time that Thranduy had seen Gao Yuan's ability with his own eyes.It's not his fault, it's just that Gao Yuan hid too deeply.

The only time Gao Yuan showed his strength in front of Thranduil was when the two of them had their first meeting, when he controlled his elf guards.

Bud thought that Thranduy didn't know Gao Yuan yet, so he smiled and took the initiative to introduce Gao Yuan to Thranduy.As everyone knows, the two have known each other for a long time, and the relationship between the two is a little delicate now.

"My lord, Thranduil, this is what I told you about, the Dragonslayer who slew Smaug."

Before Bard could finish his introduction, he was interrupted by Thranduy waving his hand.

Thranduil rode on the elk and looked down at Gao Yuan with a haughty look on his face: "I naturally know him, from Gao Yuan, the ranger who fell into sweat, and he was once a guest of my woodland kingdom."

"When they were in the Woodland Kingdom, I once advised them not to disturb the evil dragon sleeping in the lonely mountain. But he and his dwarf friends did not listen to my advice, and the dwarves who walked with him , all died under the flames of the evil dragon, but he turned into a dragon slayer as soon as he turned around."

"I also deceived my son from the kingdom, and went to the lonely mountain with them to die. He is still alive and dead." Speaking of this, Thranduil was so angry that his teeth itch.

Thranduy's words and tone made Gao Yuan frowned. It was the first time he had seen such a thing as being rumored face to face.

Good guy, Thranduil, you didn't mention anything about me helping you resist the army of orcs.

Also, what do you mean we tricked your son away?
It's obviously your own son, but you can't understand your perfidious behavior, so you chose to go to the lonely mountain with them, okay?
"I don't understand why someone chooses to break his promise, but still wants to prevent his son from fulfilling his father's promise." The mud bodhisattva was still angry, and Gao Yuan chose to go back directly.

"When I helped the elves in the woodland kingdom against the invading army of orcs, I had no complaints or regrets. But when we asked for your help and wanted the woodland kingdom to assist us in dealing with the evil dragon, You chose to refuse."

When Gao Yuan thought of Smaug's escape from the Lonely Mountain, he still had anger in his heart, and it happened that he could vent this anger on Thranduil.

"If you hadn't rejected your ally request, that evil dragon wouldn't have escaped from the Lonely Mountain, and wouldn't have come to attack Changhu Town. I could have killed that evil dragon in the Lonely Mountain!"

"Now you still have the face to stand in front of us, and instead accuse me."

Gao Yuan's words made Thranduy so angry that he didn't know how to answer, and his face turned red.I don't know if he still knows how to be ashamed; or if he was exposed by Gao Yuan and feels ashamed in front of so many people.

"Also, I don't know where you heard the gossip that the dwarves of the expedition and your son died under the flames of Smaug. I can confirm that when I hunted down Smaug and left the Lonely Mountain , Legolas and Thorin are still alive and well."

Gao Yuan continued to make up the knife, and finally sent Thranduy back to the spring.

Just when Gao Yuan made Thranduil speechless, Arwen in a blue robe rode Asifaros out of the forest. Gao Yuan's eyes lit up. Step towards the direction of Arwen.

Arwen also jumped off Asifaros' back, and ran towards Gao Yuan in three steps at a time. At this time, Gao Yuan was the only figure in her gray eyes.

As the distance between the two became shorter and shorter, the pace under their feet obviously began to speed up.

Arwen, who was wearing a blue robe, trotted all the way into Gao Yuan's arms, and Gao Yuan also hugged his lover, happily circling on the spot.

The two hugged each other tightly, rubbed each other's ears, and expressed their thoughts to each other with actions, until Arwen fell on his shoulders weakly, and Gao Yuan began to gently kiss Arwen's face with his lips.

Gao Yuan's stroking and kissing made Arwen's face turn red. She shyly buried her head in Gao Yuan's arms, and patted Gao Yuan's chest with her small hands in protest.

The two stayed together for a long time before they separated slightly, but Gao Yuan still held Arwen's waist tightly and refused to let go.

"Awen, why are you here?" Gao Yuan looked into Arwen's gray eyes affectionately.

 Two chapters and [-] words, as compensation for yesterday's leave. . .

  It's still a bit of a calvin, but I can finally see it.

  A dozen versions were changed in two days. . .

(End of this chapter)

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