Chapter 147 Destined
After checking the physical condition of the two dwarf brothers, Bahrain and Dwalin, and confirming that their injuries are not serious, Gao Yuan led the people to continue searching deep into the ruins of the watchtower, searching for traces of Sorin and Qili .

They found Kili in a ruin on the edge of a cliff.

When Gao Yuan and others found him, he was slumped on the ground in a daze, holding in his arms the female elf who had met Gao Yuan a few times.

Maybe Gandalf and Bard didn't know this female elf, but Gao Yuan knew her.

She is the captain of the Elven Guard of the Woodland Kingdom and Kili's lover.

This female elf named Tauriel had only met Gao Yuan a few times, but she left a deep impression on him.

Not because of the close relationship between her and Kili, nor in the movie.

Instead, she and Legolas joined forces to play a civet cat for the prince under Thranduil's nose, allowing Legolas to escape from his father's control successfully.

And also brought a team of elf guards to help Gaoyuan's trip to the lonely mountain.

But now, she was lying in Qili's arms, losing the breath of life.

According to the plot in the movie, it should be Qili lying on the ground at this time, and there must be many things that they don't know about.

It stands to reason that the half-orc who killed Kili in the original book, Azog's son Borg, had been beheaded by Gao Yuan himself on the beach of the Jungle River.

The ending of this pair of fateful mandarin ducks should not have ended like this, but it still happened.

Only this time, the person killed by the orcs was replaced by Tariel.

This made Gao Yuan have to sigh, this is probably the fate of the two of them.

People in Middle-earth often say that the combination between humans and elves often does not have good results.

Now it seems that the combination of dwarves and elves may not necessarily have any good results.

Gao Yuan prevented Gandalf and Bud from the urge to come forward. He didn't want too many people to disturb Qili at this time, but came to Qili alone.

"She hopes to bury herself in the green forest, where she can see the kingdom of the woodland." Qi Li raised his head, his eyes were red, Gao Yuan saw in his eyes all despair, no hope.

Gao Yuan sighed and comforted: "The death of the elf is not a real death. Her soul will go to the palace of Mandos, where she will live happily."

"But we can never see each other again, can we?" Kili shook his head in pain, "The king expelled her from the kingdom, and now she wants to be buried where she grew up, Please help me, Mr. Gao Yuan!"

"This is not an excessive request. I believe His Majesty Thranduil will agree, and I assure you that she will do so." Gao Yuan assured Qili.

"Although I don't intend to go back to my father, I can assure you that Tariel will be buried on the land of the Woodland Kingdom."

Not long after Gao Yuan made a promise to Qili, Legolas' voice suddenly came from a corner. Gao Yuan looked in the direction of the voice, and saw the resolute Legolas slowly walking Emerge from the shadows.

Obviously, the elf prince had been there for a long time, but he just didn't show up.

Gao Yuan took out a green leaf badge from his pocket and threw it at Legolas.

"Hold this, I heard from Elohir, you want to go to Rivendell to stay for a while. With this badge, Rivendell will welcome you at any time." Gao Yuan shouted.

Legolas caught the badge thrown by Gao Yuan, and shook his head with a wry smile: "It doesn't matter anymore, after the things here are over, maybe I will wander alone on the mainland for a while, and then go to Rivendell .”

"Anyway, I won't go back to my father."

Gao Yuan glanced at Tariel in Kili's arms, and also gave a wry smile. He understood what Legolas meant.

This kind of love triangle is really too bloody.

Lick the dog until there is nothing left.

"Have you seen where Thorin Oakenshield is?" Gao Yuan didn't forget his purpose.

Kili raised his head and looked around, then shook his head blankly: "Thorin, he went after Azog, I was dragged by those damn orcs, and I didn't keep up with him."

"When we first came to this ruin, I saw Thorin Oakenshield fighting with a group of half-orcs."

Legolas noticed Thorin's position. As an elf archer, his eyesight was very good.

"where is it?"

"On that frozen river up the mountain!" Legolas pointed to the west of the ruined watchtower.

Gao Yuan looked in the direction of Legolas' finger, and he saw the frozen waterfall that also appeared in the movie.

It no longer belongs to the scope of the dwarven watchtower, no wonder Gao Yuan and others did not find the location of Thorin Oakenshield in the ruins of the watchtower.

Gao Yuan looked at Gandalf and Bard behind him, and motioned them to go with him.

Before leaving, Gao Yuan didn't forget to pat Qili on the shoulder.

"We're going to find Thorin Oakenshield, and don't forget to take your brother down with you."

What Gao Yuan was referring to was not only the two living dwarves, Bahrain and Dwalin, but also his brother, Philip, who was killed by the ring spirits!
Fei Li's body was still lying on the platform where Gao Yuan was fighting the Ring Spirits.

After finishing speaking, Gao Yuan took Gandalf and Bard along the stairs on the edge of the cliff and rushed towards the direction Legolas pointed.

This frozen river on Raven Ridge is actually the source of the rushing river that flows through River Valley City at the foot of the mountain and finally flows into Long Lake. The snow that melts on the top of the lonely mountain usually follows this river Flowing into the rushing river.

Of course, the river water in the rushing river cannot all come from the melting snow on the top of the lonely mountain, and a considerable part of the river water actually comes from the groundwater of the lonely mountain.

When they stepped on the frozen surface of this river, what appeared before them was the frozen river surface that was already bloody and messy at this time.

The corpses of those guys were lying here and there on the ice, some of them belonged to those ugly goblins, and more were left by those dirty orcs.

The dirty black blood of the orcs and goblins flowed wantonly on the ice surface, almost dyeing the entire river surface black brown.

There had been a bloody battle here, but apparently quite some time had passed since the orcs' corpses and their disgusting blood were frozen by the cold.

And on the corpses of those evil creatures, there was a thick layer of frost.

Gao Yuan, Gandalf, Bard and the others searched along this icy purgatory-like river. From time to time, they would open the corpses of orcs and goblins to look for traces of Thorin Oakenshield.

I was afraid that Thorin Oakenshield would be pressed under the bodies of these half-orcs and thus be ignored by them.

Until they came to the end of this frozen river, there was originally a waterfall falling vertically from the branch of the lonely mountain. The direction facing this waterfall was the direction of River Valley City.

At this time, it was completely frozen due to the extremely low temperature in the lonely mountain.

Gao Yuan's eyesight is excellent, and through the cold wind that blows across the river from time to time, he can see the lonely figure standing by the waterfall at a glance.

(End of this chapter)

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