Chapter 148 We Win
The life-and-death duel between the two kings is over. The two races who have regarded each other as mortal enemies for thousands of years, their respective kings, decided the final battle on this lonely and cold ice. victory or defeat.

The battle between them has not been witnessed by anyone, but the result of this duel is already obvious.

Gao Yuan walked slowly to the corpse of the half-orc leader, Azog, who was lying on the ground.

The battle armor on his chest had been shattered by the hammer, his body was covered with large and small scars, and even his only healthy right hand was cut off with a single blow.

From these large and small scars, we can see how fierce the duel between the two is.

However, these are not the real reasons for his death.

The real cause of Azog's death was that Thorin Oakenshield used the sharp beast-biting sword to kill him with a single blow.

Azog's head fell not far from his corpse, Gao Yuan gently touched it with the Evening Star Blade, and Azog's head lost his body.

On his ugly head, his eyes were as big as two copper bells, and his face was full of shock and disbelief.

I'm afraid it didn't expect that today he would die at the hands of the dwarf he despises the most.

This shocking battle initiated by Azog can be declared to be over because of his death.

Although, the outbreak and affected areas of this war are only limited to the area covered by the Lonely Mountain, and at most the areas such as the Long Lake and the Woodland Kingdom are added.

In the vast territory of Middle-earth, this is just a small area in the east, but its tragic degree and subsequent influence range may not be smaller than the subsequent War of the Ring.

Even, the scale of races and the number of people participating in this war far exceeded that famous battle that took place before the White City of Gondor, the Battle of Pelennor Plains.

What kind of impact it will have in the future; or how many changes it will bring to the future plot, this is not Gao Yuan's predictable.

However, in the foreseeable future, those half-orcs who suffered heavy losses in this battle will definitely stop for a long time.

There are also those evil dragons hiding in the dry wilderness. After this tragic lesson, even if Sauron personally begs them to come out of the mountain, the evil dragons will not be willing to take a step out of the gray mountain.

Sauron's men lacked a capable general, and the Nine Ringwraiths did not have the Witch King of Angmar. They would no longer be a threat to the free people.

Gao Yuan walked slowly to Thorin Oakenshield, and "shoulder to shoulder" with him looked at the situation that was rapidly reversing below, neither of them said a word.

In the western sky, the afterglow of the setting sun is relentlessly spreading towards the land of Gushan, as if to make up for the lack of sunlight for a long time before.

Thorin Oakenshield's cousin, Ironfoot Dai was fighting side by side with Thranduil, the king of the woodland, and the two cooperated very well. Together, they led their own people and humans, and killed the army of orcs to pieces. Do not stay.

The half-orcs' originally neat and strict army phalanx quickly became chaotic, and a large number of heavily armed half-orc warriors panicked and began to flee in all directions.

If there are still commanders giving orders to them, these evil half-orcs may be able to reorganize and fight the coalition forces.

It's a pity that they haven't received orders from their commanders for a long time

The army that lost its military command is nothing more than a mess, not to mention that they are still exposed to the sun at this time, and the half-orcs' physical strength, strength and fighting will have been severely weakened.

The dragons that threatened the coalition soldiers the most were either killed by the Eagle King and his people who came to support them from the Misty Mountains;

The trolls, under the sunlight, were all turned into stone sculptures standing in the center of the battlefield.

The Rivendell army rushing out of the valley city, in cooperation with Beorn who turned into a giant bear, blocked the retreat of the orc army on the bank of the rushing river, and a massacre was in progress.

The corpses of countless half-orcs floated on the surface of the rushing river. The dark brown blood turned the river black. up a hill.

All the signs are showing that this time the dawn of victory for the coalition forces has finally arrived.

The sunset as bright as blood shone on Gao Yuan and Thorin Oakenshield, their backs looked so majestic to Gandalf and Bard
"We have won this war." Gao Yuan said slowly.

Thorin Oakenshield turned his head to look at Gao Yuan standing beside him, a bright smile appeared on his face, this smile was so warm under the reflection of the setting sun.

"You're right, we won the war, finally."

Before Thorin Oakenshield could finish his words, he couldn't support his body anymore. The beast-biting sword in his hand fell to the ground with a crisp sound, and his body collapsed.

Fortunately, Gao Yuan caught Thorin Oakenshield's fallen body in time. At this time, his whole body had lost strength, and he was lying in Gao Yuan's arms like a puddle of mud.


Gandalf and Bard, who were originally standing behind the two, surrounded them with a cry. Gao Yuan untied Thorin Oakenshield's clothes and began to check Thorin's injuries.

When Gao Yuan took off Thorin Oak Shield, after the severely deformed battle armor on his chest, a shocking bruise was exposed in front of everyone.

Thorin Oakenshield lay in the crook of Gao Yuan's arms, spit out a mouthful of dark red blood from his mouth, this is a phenomenon that only occurs when internal organs are damaged.

After checking Thorin Oakenshield's physical condition, Gao Yuan looked at Gandalf beside him and shook his head helplessly.

Sorin Oakenshield's body suffered severe internal injuries. At this time, a large amount of blood had accumulated in his abdominal cavity. He didn't know which organ Sorin was damaged, and he was still losing a lot of blood.

At this moment, Sorin Oakenshield exhausted his last bit of strength, grabbed Gao Yuan's hand and said:

"Bilbo helped me find Mr. Bilbo Baggins. I hope I can apologize to Bilbo before I die."

"I want to take it back from him. What I said and did to him on the city wall. Ahem." Thorin Oakenshield was only halfway through speaking, and another mouthful of blood spit out from his mouth.

Blood stained his clothes and the ice beneath him, and he knew he couldn't hold on for too long.

"Ahem. If I fail to make it to his arrival, Mr. Gao Yuan hopes that you can convey it to him on my behalf. Just tell him that he has done what a friend should really do. I hope to get his forgiveness."

Gao Yuan hurriedly stopped Thorin Oak Shield from speaking before he died: "You have to save yourself to tell him in person, and I will take you down to find him right away."

"He's in the river valley city at our feet now, I'll take you to find him."

Gao Yuan hugged Sorin Oakenshield's body, and said to Gandalf and the others: "Gandalf, you also help Sorin find Bilbo. If you see Bilbo, tell him I Wait for him in Dale City with Thorin, and tell him to come quickly."

"I'm taking Thorin to the city of Dale now. My Rivendell friends may have a way to cure him. If they can't save him, at least they can help him wait until Bilbo arrives."

As soon as the words fell, Gao Yuan jumped off the icefall with Thorin Oak Shield, and then flew towards the direction of River Valley City.

(End of this chapter)

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