Chapter 173 Strange Divine Power

Just when the two unsuspecting rangers were still immersed in the joy of the rest of their lives after the catastrophe.

Unbeknownst to them, three ice spears were rapidly attacking them from the shadow of the forest.

They hadn't even heard the screeching sound of those ice spears piercing the air, and when Gao Yuan was still wondering why he suddenly became alert, the ice spears had already come in front of them.

Only Gao Yuan was the first to discover these ice spears that were attacking them at a high speed, and responded quickly at the first time.

When the two rangers came back to their senses again and saw the ice spear hovering in front of them, the sharp spikes on the spear were less than a finger's width away from their heads.

Gao Yuan looked at the ice spear that was also suspended in front of him with a very gloomy expression.

After about a breath, the sound of those ice spears piercing the air came to their ears belatedly.

Will and Sir Royce sat down in the snow all of a sudden, these ice spears that almost pierced their heads frightened the two of them, even in this extremely cold environment that could freeze their breath, the two The Ranger was still in a cold sweat from being frightened.

Not to mention the two rangers, even Gao Yuan was almost frightened into a cold sweat at this time.

Even though his mental power had already covered them, with a radius of nearly a thousand meters, he still failed to discover these ice spears piercing their heads in the first place.

The sneak attackers who threw these ice spears almost succeeded in their sneak attack.

Even now, Gao Yuan's spiritual power still hasn't discovered where the attackers who threw these ice spears are.

If the three ice spears hadn't happened to pierce Gao Yuan's power to manipulate the fire snake when they were galloping towards them, they would have hated the northwest by now.

Moreover, what blocked these ice spears in front of Gao Yuan and the others in the end was not actually blocked by Gao Yuan's active thought power, but by the thought power shield that had been covering Gao Yuan's whole body.

After Gao Yuan had been delayed for a little time by the mental shield, the mental power he activated completely stopped the ice spears.

When Gao Yuan completely stopped these ice spears, they had already pierced through Gao Yuan's mental shield.

Will and Sir Royce were also considered lucky. The position they were standing before happened to be surrounded by a lofty mind shield.

Otherwise, at such a critical moment of life and death, Gao Yuan would not have time to mobilize his thoughts to save their lives.The first thing he did was to give priority to saving his own life.

An extremely crazy spiritual force with divine power spewed out from Gao Yuan's body. Even Will and Royce, who were standing beside Gao Yuan, felt it personally. The power to carry.

They may not be able to really feel the spiritual and divine power gushing from Gao Yuan's body, but they can feel the violent force, the impact around Gao Yuan's body.

The two rangers who had been sitting paralyzed in the snow for a while were not aware of it, but were knocked to the ground by the violent force pouring out of Gao Yuan's body.

After the two fell into the icy snow and fell a piece of shit, they rolled four or five times before barely stopping.

"What happened, the force just now was"

Sir Royce, who was in pain all over his body, struggled to support his body in the snow, looked at Will who was also lying on the snow with him in a daze, and asked doubtfully.

And Will looked at Gao Yuan, who was like the God of War, and murmured, "He's angry!"

Sir Royce raised his head in shock and looked at Gao Yuan, only to see a faint golden fluorescent glow around him at this time, and the snow on the ground under his feet had completely disappeared, revealing the black rotten needles under the snow.

There was no wind blowing in the forest, but the brown elf cloak that Gao Yuan wore behind him was automatic in the absence of wind, as if blown by some mysterious force in the wind, hunting.

Countless golden lights gushed out from the golden eyes, and even the burning flames on the Evening Star Blade dared not compete with it, reflecting the area they were in like daytime.

That's right, Gao Yuan is angry, he is very angry now!
Since that time in the woods under the Misty Mountains, he was almost overwhelmed by the Lord of the Rings, he didn't know how long he hadn't capsized in the ditch.

Now that he has just arrived in the Westeros continent, he was almost bullied again.

The angry Gao Yuan immediately mobilized all his spiritual power and transformed divine power.

He frantically swept back and forth in this ghost forest, trying to find those guys who dared to launch a sneak attack on him in the forest.

It's a pity that even though Gao Yuan exhausted all his spiritual and divine powers and searched the entire ghost forest where they were, he still didn't find any trace of the attackers.

Even under the thick snow in the ghost forest, Gao Yuan didn't let go, so he almost turned over all the land in the area where they were located to find it.

In order to prevent the other party from hiding in the air, Gao Yuan even searched the sky, but those sneak attackers didn't seem to exist at all.

If Gao Yuan didn't find the army of aliens hiding in the forest when he just traveled to Westeros, it was because he didn't understand the situation yet.

So now, Gao Yuan has almost said that he has exhausted all his means, but he still hasn't found the whereabouts of those sneak attackers, which is a bit weird.

Could it be that he really wanted to turn himself into a golden dragon and burn the entire ghost forest down?

He couldn't find the location of the sneak attackers, so Gao Yuan angrily withdrew his spiritual power, which was as majestic as the sea.

When the violent spiritual force faded, the ghost forest returned to calm again; the dangling tree branches stopped playing; the golden light in Gao Yuan's eyes gradually dimmed; the cloak was attached to the dragon scale again Forged armor.

Gao Yuan picked up the ice spear that the attackers used to attack them from the ground under his feet, held it in his hand and looked at it carefully.

As soon as Gao Yuan's hand touched the ice spear, countless frost quickly spread from the ice spear to Gao Yuan's palm.

He hastily used his thoughts to control it. The ice spear in his hand wanted to take it away from his palm, but there was no reaction at all.

In the blink of an eye, a piercing icy force like a steel needle climbed onto Gao Yuan's palm, and Gao Yuan immediately threw it on the ground under his feet, but it was too late.

A cold feeling hit Gao Yuan's whole body.

Even though Gao Yuan covered the burning Evening Star Blade with his palm, the biting cold feeling showed no signs of weakening.

It wasn't until Gao Yuan used his mental power that he gradually expelled the ice power from his palm.

When the mysterious ice force was expelled from Gao Yuan's hand, Gao Yuan saw wisps of white smoke rising slowly from his palm, and then disappeared without a trace.

"Divine power!" Gao Yuan exclaimed.

Gao Yuan never expected that this ice spear, which looked exactly like the ice swords in the hands of the strange ghosts, had a powerful divine power attached to it.

That's why Gao Yuan's divine control couldn't move the ice spear away from his palm.Because of his divine manipulation, he cannot manipulate items protected by divine power.

With an ice spear with divine power, it's no wonder that the sneak attacker could use it to pierce the fire snake he manipulated with his mind, and it would not be melted by the blazing flames.

It seems that the background of this mysterious person who launched the sneak attack is not simple.

However, Gao Yuan already had his own guess about the identity of the attacker in his mind.

According to his understanding of the plot of the original work, he suspected that the one who launched a surprise attack on himself and others was the legendary leader of the White Walkers—the Night King!
Just when Gao Yuan was struggling to find the trace of the attacker, and began to guess the identity of the attacker, the attacker he was looking for appeared on his own initiative.

 It has been edited and refined

(End of this chapter)

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