Chapter 174 The Night King Appears
In the northern border, the legend about the Night King has never stopped spreading, although his story has passed thousands of years from the present.However, it is still passed on orally among generations of northerners, and time has not been able to erase the traces of its existence.

Thousands of years, compared to human beings with a lifespan of only 100 years, is really too long, long enough to bury everything in this world in the dust of history.

The ancestors living in the northern border have never found the records of the White Walkers and the Night King mentioned in the legends handed down from the mouths of those ancestors in the ancient documents handed down.

I don't know if it was because people didn't have time to record it in the documents during the dark age when the other ghosts were rampant, or because of the passage of time, those documents that recorded the other ghosts and the night king have been lost in the long years bingo.

However, as long as the northerners are not conquered and the Stark family's blood inheritance is not completely cut off, those legends about the Night King and the White Walkers will continue to be passed down forever, and it has been like this for thousands of years.

The people of the North will never forget, the ancestors of the North will never forget, the White Walkers and the Night King who brought them infinite fear in the long night.

Winter is coming, the King of the North who has ruled the North for thousands of years, the Stark family is always preparing for the coming winter.

No one knows what the Night King's real name was before he became a different ghost, and his origin and deeds before he became a different ghost have not been handed down in legends.

This may be related to the fact that the night watchmen thousands of years ago discovered that their commander-in-chief had offered sacrifices to the White Walkers. After Manchester United defeated him, all relevant records were destroyed.

In the original book, when the old nanny of the Stark family told Bran the story of the Night King, she once told Bran that the Night King was a member of the Stark family and was also called Brandon.

He is the No.13 Commander-in-Chief of the Night Watch Legion and a fearless warrior.

It is a pity that the Night King, who was still the Commander-in-Chief of the Night Watch at the time, fell in love with a woman whose skin was as pale as the moon, eyes as blue as stars, and skin as cold as ice.

Through the legendary description of the woman the Night King loved, we can know that the Night King fell in love with a different ghost.

A Lord Commander of the Night's Watch falls in love with one of the enemies they swore to fight - the White Walkers.

What a dramatic and ridiculous thing this is.

The Night King brought her back to the first Night's Watch castle on the Wall, after the Night Fort, where the Night Kings began their 13-year reign and made her their queen.

Until the night king's offering of sacrifices to the ghosts was discovered by other night watchmen brothers, the liberator "Brandon" joined forces with Joeman, the king beyond the wall, to defeat the night king who was still human at that time.

After his death, the body of the Night King was transformed into a White Walker, and only then did the legendary enemy of the Night Watchman-the Night King come into being.

Who is the night king offering sacrifices to, and who resurrected the dead night king to become a strange ghost? This is not mentioned in the legend, but according to Gao Yuan's guess, there is a high probability that it is the strange ghost of the night king. Queen of ghosts.

Many northerners who were born and raised in Changxia no longer believe in the stories passed down from their ancestors.

They think that the legends about the Night King and the White Walkers are just horror stories that adults use to scare children; it's just a way for veterans of the Night Watch to laugh at recruits.

Only Gao Yuan, who is familiar with the plot of the original novel, knows that the legends and stories that have been circulated among the population in the northern border are actually true.

After the army of strange ghosts surrounded Gao Yuan and the others, the temperature in this ghost forest had dropped to an unbelievably low level. When looking at the faces of the two rangers, it was as if a layer of skin was scraped off their faces with a knife.

While Gao Yuan was still guessing the identities of the attackers, the temperature of the ghost forest where they were located began to drop sharply again.

The cold moonlight cast by the new moon that had just emerged could not bring them the slightest warmth. Even though a circle of fire was still burning around them at this time, they still felt that the blood in their bodies was suffocating. To be frozen.

The water vapor exhaled from the mouths and noses of Will and Sir Royce, after leaving their bodies, instantly condensed into small icicles and fell to the ground.

Even though Sir Royce was still wearing a thick cotton coat and a mink fur cloak with excellent thermal performance, he still seemed to be naked in this icy world.

When Will rolled up his sleeves to reveal his arms hidden under the cotton-padded jacket, there was already a thin layer of frost on them. He wanted to roll up the sleeves again, but found that even the cotton-padded jacket had been covered. was frozen.

The bone-piercing cold seemed not to come from the outside, but from the depths of their souls.

Will, who was in a panic, shrank his arms exposed to the air into the cotton coat. He didn't want his arms to freeze off like Gary's two ears that were frozen off.

Gao Yuan obviously also noticed the heart-piercing cold. The dragon-scale armor on his chest was also covered with a thin layer of ice at this time, and this was still under the condition that his body was constantly emitting heat. , In the gaps in the armor, countless hot air and water vapor are escaping from it.

Just when the two rangers were still wondering what happened and snuggled together tremblingly to keep warm, the flames that were still burning around them were instantly extinguished by an unknown force.

It was like pouring a bucket of cold water on a burning brazier, without even a single movement, the hot flame was extinguished in an instant, and in the embers left after the ghoul burned, a wisp of green Before the smoke could rise, it was covered with a thick layer of ice.

In the darkness of the forest, three tall shadows slowly walked towards Gao Yuan and the others one after the other.

Will raised the long sword that was already full of frost in his hand, and aimed it at the enemy, but only heard a crackling sound, and the long sword in his hand shattered into several steel fragments.

A golden light flashed in Gao Yuan's eyes with a dignified face, and he recognized the identity of the leader of the three figures with just one glance.

Just as he guessed, the person who launched a surprise attack on them just now was the legendary Night King.

Because of the night king's sneak attack just now, he was still angry at this time. From the moment he saw the night king, Gao Yuan was angry from his heart, and he attacked the night king without saying a word. Of course, he didn't think he Will there be anything to talk about with the Night King.

The lion fights the rabbit with all his strength.

What's more, the Night King and the other two aliens in front of Gao Yuan at this time are not lambs to be slaughtered.

Countless flames spewed out from the Evening Star Blade in Gao Yuan's hand, and the flames covering the sky and the sun quickly gathered in front of Gao Yuan, turning into a huge ball of fire, floating above Gao Yuan's head.

Gao Yuan stretched out his fingers, and the huge fireball was like a meteorite falling from the sky, with unparalleled power, it hit the three ghosts in front of Gao Yuan.

The terrifying flames instantly engulfed the Night King's figure in the forest.

A huge mushroom cloud rose from the ghost forest, and within 200 meters of the fireball explosion, all the trees standing in the ghost forest were destroyed by the huge shock wave formed by the explosion.

The two rangers, who were shivering from the cold, survived the heat wave caused by the explosion of the fireball a little bit. They were not affected by the shock wave of the explosion, because they were hiding in the high-far mental shield at this time. They were all blocked by Gao Yuan.

Seeing the mushroom cloud appearing in front of them, the two stunned rangers didn't know what words to use to describe the scene in front of them.

Tonight, the strength displayed by Gao Yuan broke their cognition time and time again. In the eyes of Will and Sir Royce, this adult who has been fighting against the aliens is already like a god.

Just when Will and Sir Royce thought that all this ended simply like this.

Gao Yuan, who was holding the Evening Star Blade, had already soared into the sky, and Gao Yuan, who was suspended in mid-air, once again condensed a huge fireball in front of him, hitting the place where the Night King and others were standing just now.

This is the end?It's not that simple.

The two rangers had underestimated Gao Yuan's anger too much. How could it end so simply?Let alone whether such a fireball can kill the Night King who also has divine power.

Even if he is dead, Gao Yuan will drag him out and whip the corpse until the other party is completely reduced to ashes.

A huge mushroom cloud rises again at the location where the fireball exploded.

Before the smoke and dust dissipated, a scorching and sacred flame breath like a scorching sun was once again pulled out from the sword of Evening Star Blade by Gao Yuan. illuminate.

Such a bright fire appeared over the ghost forest

, even the night watchman standing guard standing on the Great Wall of Impossibility at this time, can see it clearly.

When these terrifying flames were condensed by Gao Yuan's thoughts, a new sun seemed to appear in the sky. If the new moon in the sky could speak, she would definitely wonder if she appeared at the wrong time In the wrong place.

Gao Yuan pointed at the center of the undissipated mushroom cloud. The golden sun, representing destruction and blazing heat, slowly landed on the horizon. It's as simple as an explosion.

It was a force capable of annihilating all matter in the world. Within the area touched by its power, all the matter they saw before their eyes, whether it was soil, fallen leaves, snow or forests, were given to this force in the blink of an eye. The power is wiped out.

It's not burned, broken, or vaporized, but completely annihilated, complete destruction that doesn't even leave dust and gas behind.

This is Gao Yuan's initial use of his newly acquired power-divine power.

Often the simplest is also the most useful.

The application of divine power is sometimes very complicated, and sometimes it is very simple. To deal with an enemy with divine nature, one must use divine power to destroy the opponent.

Although this fireball with divine power was amazingly powerful and almost irresistible to mortals, it did not form a huge shock wave and heat wave, but its influence range was strictly controlled within a fixed range.

Otherwise, the two unlucky rangers who were still in the woods at this time would be miserable. No matter how fast their steps were, they would not be able to escape the lofty divine fire element magic ball.

Gao Yuan looked at the small half of the ghost forest that had been wiped out by his divine fire elemental ball, and now there was only a huge pit left there.

On the inner wall of the deep pit, a layer of crystal clear glass was formed, which was calcined by the remaining power of the divine fire element magic ball.

Within the annihilation range of the divine sphere, all the original matter has been annihilated at this time.

Gao Yuan, who was suspended in mid-air, had a golden light in his eyes, but he didn't find the Night King and others in it.

However, he did not relax his vigilance, but increased his vigilance to the surrounding area.

Suddenly, Gao Yuan's mental alert set around him was suddenly triggered, and an ice spear that was exactly the same as the night king's sneak attack on Gao Yuan before, broke through the alert alert Gao Yuan had set, and suddenly appeared in front of Gao Yuan.

He quickly propped up three layers of shields in front of him.

"Click, click, ding-dong"

Two crisp sounds came from the ears, and in an instant, this ice spear with divine power pierced Gao Yuan's outermost shield of earth and wind elements.

But it's a pity that it still failed to break through Gaoyuan's third and last layer of shield - the mind shield.

This is the strongest defensive power among the shields that Gao Yuan has mastered. After being weakened layer by layer by the earth element and Fengyun element shields, its power is not enough to break through Gao Yuan's mind shield.

Especially when Gao Yuan was alert and vigilant, the ice spear thrown by the Night King could not pose any threat to Gao Yuan at all.

Through the direction from which the ice spear was thrown, Gao Yuan instantly locked onto the location of the Night King who launched a surprise attack on him.

Just when he was about to draw flames from the sword of Evening Star Blade again, Gao Yuan suddenly felt that his thoughts were empty.

Confused, Gao Yuan looked at the Evening Star Blade in his hand, only to see that the flame attached to it had been completely extinguished at this time.

"What's the matter with you!" Gao Yuan asked anxiously.

I saw the Evening Star Blade trembling in Gao Yuan's hand, and then a dull and resentful voice came from the blade: "What else could be going on, I was drained by you!"

"You really think that the fire element in my body is endless. According to your extraction speed, if you continue to draw it, I will be drained by you sooner or later, and I will no longer be able to gather the power of the fire element." Evening Star Blade Complained for a while.

Gao Yuan shook his head helplessly: "I'm sorry, who told you that you don't usually talk, how do I know that the fire element in your body is limited."

Since the fire element can no longer be condensed, Gao Yuan can only choose to use other elemental powers to deal with the Night King in front of him.

Why didn't Gao Yuan extract those fire elements floating between heaven and earth from the surrounding environment?
You know, this place is in the icy and snowy land north of the Great Wall. In this snowy world, how many fire elements exist?

Even if Gao Yuan gathered all the fire elements around him at this moment, it might not be enough to light a cigarette.

Entering the state of seeing through the illusion of the world, Gao Yuan's spiritual power wanders in the ocean of elements, looking for the most abundant elements in the environment around him now, except for water elements and dark elements.

After searching for a long time, Gao Yuan had to admit that those strange ghosts who are good at using ice and dark power do have a strong home court advantage on the ice field outside the Great Wall north of the Great Wall.

Gao Yuan was able to find the most abundant magic elements around him, and now there are only two elements, wind element and earth element.

However, the magic ball condensed by the wind element and the earth element is too weak. Even if Gao Yuan adds divine power to it, it is only mediocre compared to the fire element magic ball.

The content of light element and thunder element is almost negligible.

  I went to the countryside today to give my grandma something, but I was dragged into a blind date.
  Sure enough, women are the biggest obstacle to my coding speed.

(End of this chapter)

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