Chapter 175 Burning the Forest
The world where the continent of Westeros is located is completely different from the world of Arda created by Iluvita. Except for those magic elements that are also the cornerstones of matter, in the vision of seeing through the world from a high perspective , I didn’t see those here, the strings of the world that connect the fate and context of all things in the world.

This may be because the birth of the continent of Westeros is different from the way Iluvata created the world of Arda.

Long before Iluvita began to create the world of Arda, Iluvita and the Ainu he created predicted the future of the world to be born and revealed its fate.

These futures predicted by Iluvita and Ainu, and the fate revealed by them compose a theme song called Ainu's grand movement. Announced before the beginning, the twists and turns in it were conceived and created by the Ainu.

When the grand movement began to play, a world named Arda was born. The strings of the world and the predetermined notes of destiny that connect and control the veins of all things in the world have become the basic components of playing this theme song.

This is the origin of the strings of the world that exist in the world of Arda.

Since in this world of A Song of Ice and Fire, there is no world string like that in Middle-earth, Gao Yuan used to use the means of manipulating the world string in Middle-earth, so naturally he could not use it in Wester. The Luo Continent was deployed.

Compared with the mysterious and colorful Middle-earth world with hidden mysteries, the world of Westeros continent in front of you is much more monotonous in the vision of Gao Yuan who can see through the illusion of the world, except for the magical elements and the sky above Outside of the flowing azure blue mysterious substance, the original appearance of the world he saw was the same as what he could see with the naked eye.

It's not that he hasn't thought about touching the azure blue mysterious substances on the dome, but they are too far away, and the range that the high power can reach is a bit out of reach compared to the height of the endless dome .

Since there are no more means to borrow, the only means Gao Yuan can rely on is his own strength.

The two rangers hiding behind a certain sentinel tree in the distance watched Gao Yuan, who was suspended in mid-air, transform into a golden dragon with a faint golden light all over his body.

The golden dragon was flapping, and its wings with a wingspan of tens of meters slowly landed on the snow in the Ghost Forest. Will and Sir Royce felt as if a huge meteorite had fallen on the ground. It flapped its wings The hurricane that formed even uprooted the sentinel tree where the two were hiding.

The golden dragon's pair of golden vertical pupils, which were the size of a round shield, had been locking on to the figure of the Night King hiding in the shadow of the forest. He was not in a hurry to attack the Night King, but controlled the Evening Star Blade to float in front of him. , A fiery dragon flame spewed out from the mouth of the golden dragon, instantly engulfing the Evening Star Blade.

The Evening Star Blade in the Dragon Flame trembled excitedly, constantly absorbing the power of the fire element surging from the mouth of the golden dragon.After absorbing a sufficient amount of fire element, the Blade of the Evening Star, which rekindled flames on the sword, instantly turned into a rocket and galloped towards the position of the Night King in the forest.

Evening Star Blade went to hunt down the Night King in the forest, and Gao Yuan hadn't been idle. The golden dragon he incarnated began to breathe dragon breath into the surrounding forest. The ghost forest with a radius of nearly a thousand square meters, In just a few minutes, everything turned into a sea of ​​flames.

The fire that soared into the sky was blazing in the forest, and countless black smoke floated into the sky from the ground, and on the Great Wall of Impossibility thousands of miles away, the sentinels of the night watchmen who were standing guard had already called their troops. Chief Ranger and Lord Commander of the Night's Watch came to the walls.

In fact, as early as when a small sun rose in the northern night sky, these sentinels discovered something was wrong in the ghost forest. When they called Bunyan and others, they happened to meet the scene in front of them.

Jeor Mormont and Benjen Stark stood together on the Great Wall in front of Castle Black, looking solemnly at the place where the Haunted Forest and the skyline intersected, where a fire was burning right now. A raging fire.

Even though they were thousands of miles away on the Great Wall, they could still feel the horror of the fire. The fire that soared into the sky almost dyed half of the sky in the ghost forest to the north red, just like the afterglow before sunset The fire cloud formed above the cloud layer is general.

"Old Gods, that's the direction that Sir Waymar Royce and the others followed the wildlings. I hope they are safe now." Bunyan tightened the cloak on his body, and he secretly thought for the three rangers The brothers prayed secretly.

Jeor Mormont shook his head and said: "Sir Royce and the three alone can't make such a big noise. It may be that those wild people encountered some kind of irresistible enemy."

Bunyan was taken aback when he heard the words, and then asked: "What kind of enemy would need to ignite such a large-scale fire to resist? In this world of ice and snow, it is impossible to ignite such a large-scale forest fire in the Ghost Shadow Forest." What can be done by dozens or hundreds of savages requires at least thousands of savages."

Obviously, Bunyan didn't believe the commander-in-chief's statement. How could the fire in the ghost forest be made by wild men? As for who caused the fire, he didn't know. Raised by wild people.

"Then we need to send our ranger brothers to investigate there. Whether it is wildlings or other existences, we need to be prepared for this fire," said Lord Commander Mormont.

"Is there anything in the Haunted Forest that is afraid of fire?" Bunyan asked.

Lord Commander Mormont thought for a moment and said: "There are many things on the north side of the Impassable Wall that are afraid of fire, direwolves, giant bears, and some guys who have disappeared for thousands of years."

"White Walkers!" said Benjen Stark in surprise.

Lord Commander Mormont did not clearly say who those guys were, but as the chief ranger, Benyan Stark, the moment he said this, he knew that the guy the Lord Commander was referring to was who.

He just patted Bunyan on the shoulder, then turned and walked towards the elevator.

After Commander Mormont left, Bunyan immediately summoned all the rangers in Castle Black and ordered them to prepare horses, dry food and other supplies. This time he will personally lead the rangers to investigate in the Haunted Forest .

As for the three Sir Waymar Royce who had gone to the Haunted Forest earlier, they were dead by default in Bunyan's heart.

Looking at the Ghost Shadow Forest again, the soaring flames are still spreading to the periphery, and a large vacuum has been burned out by the fire around the golden dragon.

Sir Will and Royce, who were originally hiding in the forest far away, had to tremblingly come to Gao Yuan because of the fire spreading everywhere.Fortunately for them, the golden dragon in front of them didn't attack them. It just glanced at them and ignored them.

Evening Star Blade is still in the forest, chasing and killing the strange ghost. The Night King moves very fast in the forest, even without the blessing of the snow.

When the Evening Star Blade manipulated by Gao Yuan is about to catch up with the Night King, he suddenly loses track of the other party, and then the Night King will reappear in another place.

The Evening Star Blade controlled by Gao Yuan has fought against the Night King many times in the forest. The opponent's fighting skills and swordsmanship are very superb, at least much better than those of ordinary White Walkers. When the flame attached to it stabbed towards the Night King, the Night King could always wave the ice sword with a strange blue light in his hand to block the Evening Star Blade.

Like the ice crystal spears he threw, the ice sword in the hands of the Night King is also attached to the power of divinity. is extinguished by its divinity.

However, Gao Yuan's thought power also has a trace of divine power. Whenever the night king's icy divinity clings to the blade of the Evening Star Blade, Gao Yuan can always get rid of it immediately. The blade was covered with solid ice.

Just when the battle between Evening Star Blade and Night King was in a state of anxiety, Gao Yuan, who turned into a golden dragon, finally achieved his goal. Looking at the surrounding forest, he had become unstoppable in the howling north wind The golden dragon grinned slightly, showing a strange smile.

(End of this chapter)

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